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Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Financial, taxation, commercial, industrial law > Financial law > General
Unternehmen koennen sich nach geltendem Recht in Deutschland nicht strafbar machen. Aber wen trifft in Zeiten grosser Wirtschaftsskandale die Verantwortung fur Straftaten, die aus einem Unternehmen heraus begangen werden? Diese Publikation befasst sich, von der klassischen strafrechtswissenschaftlichen Dogmatik ausgehend, mit der strafrechtlichen Unterlassensverantwortung von Geschaftsleitung und Compliance-Beauftragtem im heutigen Unternehmen. Dabei wird ein besonderer Fokus auf die in den letzten Jahren und Jahrzehnten aufgekommene Thematik der Compliance gelegt und ihre zahlreichen Auswirkungen in Gesetzgebung, Rechtsprechung und Literatur aufgezeigt.
For decades, the public company has played a dominant role in the American economy. Since the middle of the 20th century, the nature of the public company has changed considerably. The transformation has been a fascinating one, marked by scandals, political controversy, wide swings in investor and public sentiment, mismanagement, entrepreneurial verve, noisy corporate "raiders" and various other larger-than-life personalities. Nevertheless, amidst a voluminous literature on corporations, a systematic historical analysis of the changes that have occurred is lacking. The Public Company Transformed correspondingly analyzes how the public company has been recast from the mid-20th century through to the present day, with particular emphasis on senior corporate executives and the constraints affecting the choices available to them. The chronological point of departure is the managerial capitalism era, which prevailed in large American corporations following World War II. The book explores managerial capitalism's rise, its 1950s and 1960s heyday, and its fall in the 1970s and 1980s. It describes the American public companies and executives that enjoyed prosperity during the 1990s, and the reversal of fortunes in the 2000s precipitated by corporate scandals and the financial crisis of 2008. The book also considers the regulation of public companies in detail, and discusses developments in shareholder activism, company boards, chief executives, and concerns about oligopoly. The volume concludes by offering conjectures on the future of the public corporation, and suggests that predictions of the demise of the public company have been exaggerated.
The bankruptcy of the investment bank Lehman Brothers was the pivotal event of the 2008 financial crisis and the Great Recession that followed. Ever since the bankruptcy, there has been heated debate about why the Federal Reserve did not rescue Lehman in the same way it rescued other financial institutions, such as Bear Stearns and AIG. The Fed's leaders from that time, especially former Chairman Ben Bernanke, have strongly asserted that they lacked the legal authority to save Lehman because it did not have adequate collateral for the loan it needed to survive. Based on a meticulous four-year study of the Lehman case, The Fed and Lehman Brothers debunks the official narrative of the crisis. It shows that in reality, the Fed could have rescued Lehman but officials chose not to because of political pressures and because they underestimated the damage that the bankruptcy would do to the economy. The compelling story of the Lehman collapse will interest anyone who cares about what caused the financial crisis, whether the leaders of the Federal Reserve have given accurate accounts of their actions, and how the Fed can prevent future financial disasters.
Die Bankrechtliche Vereinigung - Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft fA1/4r Bankrecht e.V. - hat ihren Bankrechtstag 2000 am 30. Juni 2000 in Wien angesichts der besonderen Bedeutung unter das Thema "Funktionsauslagerung (Outsourcing) bei Kreditinstituten" gestellt.
A compelling explanation of how the law shapes the distribution of wealth Capital is the defining feature of modern economies, yet most people have no idea where it actually comes from. What is it, exactly, that transforms mere wealth into an asset that automatically creates more wealth? The Code of Capital explains how capital is created behind closed doors in the offices of private attorneys, and why this little-known fact is one of the biggest reasons for the widening wealth gap between the holders of capital and everybody else. In this revealing book, Katharina Pistor argues that the law selectively "codes" certain assets, endowing them with the capacity to protect and produce private wealth. With the right legal coding, any object, claim, or idea can be turned into capital-and lawyers are the keepers of the code. Pistor describes how they pick and choose among different legal systems and legal devices for the ones that best serve their clients' needs, and how techniques that were first perfected centuries ago to code landholdings as capital are being used today to code stocks, bonds, ideas, and even expectations-assets that exist only in law. A powerful new way of thinking about one of the most pernicious problems of our time, The Code of Capital explores the different ways that debt, complex financial products, and other assets are coded to give financial advantage to their holders. This provocative book paints a troubling portrait of the pervasive global nature of the code, the people who shape it, and the governments that enforce it.
There has been insufficient literature focusing on the world-changing rise of Asian wealth. Private wealth in Asia is very substantial, with 33 per cent of the global population of high-net-worth individuals based in Asia. Yet, there is a dearth of legal analysis of Asian wealth, particularly by texts written in English. This collection aims to fill that gap, with chapters on legal issues in relation to Asian wealth transmission, investments in international real estate, familial disputes, family offices and private trust companies. A substantive section of this book also focuses on the changing legal context with chapters exploring trusts and cryptoassets, constructive trust, trustee's discretion and decision-making, changing regulatory environment and abuse of trust structures. This collection of essays on trusts and wealth management presents a focus on Asian wealth and the changing legal context, and follows the related publication, Trusts and Modern Wealth Management (Cambridge University Press, 2018).
Everyone deserves to be able to retire with dignity, but this core feature of the social contract is in jeopardy. Companies have swerved away from pensions, and most of the workforce has woefully inadequate retirement savings. If we don't act to fix this broken system, rates of impoverishment for senior citizens threaten to skyrocket, and tens of millions of Americans reaching retirement age in the coming decades will be forced to delay retirement and will experience a dramatic drop in their standard of living. In Rescuing Retirement, Teresa Ghilarducci and Tony James offer a comprehensive yet simple plan to help workers save for retirement, increase retirement savings by earning higher returns, and guarantee lifelong income for everyone. Built on people's own money in individual Guaranteed Retirement Accounts, the plan requires no new taxes, no more bureaucracy, and no increase in the deficit. Speaking to Americans' growing anxiety about their ability to retire, Rescuing Retirement provides answers to anyone wanting to understand the growing movement to protect a period of life once considered a deserved time of rest and creativity and offers a practical guide to the future of secure retirement.
Blockchain Technology and the Law: Opportunities and Risks is one of the first texts to offer a critical analysis of Blockchain and the legal and economic challenges faced by this new technology. This book will offer those who are unfamiliar with Blockchain an introduction as to how the technology works and will demonstrate how a legal framework that governs it can be used to ensure that it can be successfully deployed. Discussions included in this book: - an introduction to smart contracts, and their potential, from a commercial and consumer law perspective, to change the nature of transactions between parties; - the impact that Blockchain has already had on financial services, and the possible consumer risks and macro-economic issues that may arise in the future; - the challenges that are facing global securities regulators with the development of Initial Coin Offerings and the ongoing risks that they pose to the investing public; - the risk of significant privacy breaches due to the online public nature of Blockchain; and - the future of Blockchain technology. Of interest to academics, policy-makers, technology developers and legal practitioners, this book will provide a thorough examination of Blockchain technology in relation to the law from a comparative perspective with a focus on the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States.
Special purpose entities as vehicles for securitizing assets have taken on considerable importance. BilMoG revised the regulation of the requirement for firms to issue a consolidated balance sheet as specified in 290 HGB The model of uniform management was stricken in favor of an expansion of the concept of control. This work provides a more detailed examination of the control concept in 290 HGB."
The topic of investor protection has occupied investors, businesses, regulators, academics, and courts since the 1930s. The topic exploded in importance after the 2008 financial crisis and the Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme of the same year. Investor protection scholarship now seeks to respond to developments such as the institutionalization of the markets, the democratization of finance, and the enhanced role of market professionals and other gatekeepers. Additionally, although the philosophy of full disclosure remains the guiding principle behind the securities laws, recent research has questioned the merits of a disclosure-based regime. In light of these trends, regulators try to strike the right balance between imposing a strict investor protection regime, on the one hand, and giving businesses the freedom to innovate new projects, market new services, and reduce costs, on the other. The Cambridge Handbook of Investor Protection brings together leading scholars to inform this debate and fill a gap left by these developments.
This century's major disasters from Hurricane Katrina and the Fukushima nuclear meltdown to devastating Nepalese earthquakes and the recent crippling volcanic eruptions and tsunamis in Tonga have repeatedly taught that government institutions are ill-prepared for major disaster events, leaving the most vulnerable among us unprotected. These tragedies represent just the beginning of a new era of disaster - an era of floods, heatwaves, droughts, and pandemics fueled by climate change. Laws and government institutions have struggled to adapt to the scope of the challenge; old models of risk no longer apply. This Handbook provides timely guidance, taking stock of the field of disaster law and policy as it has developed since Hurricane Katrina. Experts from a wide range of academic and practical backgrounds address the root causes of disaster vulnerability and offer solutions to build more resilient communities to ensure that no one is left behind.
Poland has seen the process of tax law reform going on for many years. The economic and political transformation at the turn of the 20th century determined the fundamental trends of the transformation of this area of law. A novelty in the Polish tax legislation is the need of incorporating, or aligning with, the legal standards required through the membership in the European Union. However, this law harmonisation process fails to address the whole of Polish tax law. This book covers the fundamental areas of taxation and tax law in Poland. It explores the tax theory, general tax law, and specific taxes supplying the central and self-government budget revenues. The authors also seek to highlight selected issues of the operation and evolution of Polish tax law.
This book investigates the pre-crisis practice of bankers' remuneration in the UK to provide evidence of the problems in practice. It critically analyses the regulatory initiatives implemented after the crisis and investigates the post-crisis practice to reflect the effects and problems of the regulation. The book also discusses the traditional administration of remuneration and political incentives in Chinese banks and the regulatory initiatives for reforming bankers' remuneration. It investigates the recent practices in major Chinese banks to reveal the problems of the regulatory initiatives and the impact of political incentives. It will help academics, researchers, students and practitioners develop a comprehensive understanding of the ongoing reform of bankers' remuneration in the UK and the uniqueness of banks' remuneration systems and incentive mechanisms in China. Furthermore, it provides theoretical insights into the differences between the two jurisdictions in their regulations and practices and the deep-seated reasons for the differences.
A clear and up-to-date textbook for students of Scots commercial law and business law. It will also be of use to practitioners. Scots Commercial Law is a collaborative work bringing together expertise from academia and practice.
Trager unselbstandiger Stiftungen uben eine treuhanderische Tatigkeit aus. Sie handeln daher grundsatzlich interessenskonfliktgeneigt, ohne dass dies derzeit von der Finanzaufsicht adressiert wird. Die Arbeit nimmt zunachst die rechtliche Einordnung des Stiftungsgeschafts in den Blick, bewertete deren Einordnung insbesondere als Treuhandverhaltnis oder Auflagenschenkung und wendet diese Einordnung auf die Erscheinungsformen der unselbstandigen Stiftung in der Praxis an. Im zweiten Teil untersucht die Arbeit, unter welchen Voraussetzungen die Tager unselbstandiger Stiftungen nach Massgabe des Kapitalanlagegesetzbuchs oder des Kreditwesengesetzes unter die staatliche Finanzaufsicht fallen. Dabei setzt sich die Arbeit insbesondere mit der gegenwartigen Verwaltungspraxis kritisch auseinander.
The phenomenon of 'agencification' describes the EU legislator's increasing establishment of European agencies to fulfil tasks in a variety of EU policies. The creation of these decentralised administrative entities raises a number of questions; for example, on the limits to such delegation of powers, on the agencies' institutional development and possible classification, and on the role of comitology committees as an institutional alternative. This book examines the EU's 'agencification' with regard to these questions, on the basis of and with reference to which the focus is laid on the European agencies operating in the field of financial market risk governance. This analysis not only encompasses the three European Financial Market Supervisory Authorities (the ESAs), but also takes into account the institutional change brought about by the Banking Union, more specifically the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) and the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM). While the SRM sets in place a new European agency, the Single Resolution Board (SRB), the SSM establishes and empowers a new body within the organisation of the European Central Bank (ECB), the Supervisory Board. By exploring the organisation, the tasks and the powers of these actors in financial market regulation and supervision, the book points at the current peak of the institutional development of European agencies and assesses organisation and unprecedented powers with a view to their compliance with EU law, in particular the Treaties and the respective case law of the European courts. As an evaluation of various aspects of the progressing centralisation of regulatory power on the EU level, which is exercised by an increasingly decentralised administrative apparatus, this book will be of great interest and use to students and scholars of EU law, financial law and regulation, and European politics.
The intersection of intellectual property law and antitrust law is busy and complicated, and there's no reason to believe that this heavy traffic will abate anytime soon. Recently, the congress, regulators and courts have all made significant statements affecting the historical balance between the competing policies underlying intellectual property and antitrust law. Antitrust Issues in Intellectual Property Law focuses on significant recent developments in this busy legal intersection, helping the intellectual property attorney stay informed about the law and the many ways in which antitrust law limits, disciplines, and counterbalances intellectual property law - and vice versa. Outcomes for clients that be directly affected by the interplay between intellectual property and antitrust law. Written by experienced intellectual property lawyers and litigators whose work focuses in these areas, the book addresses the important antitrust issues in these areas of intellectual property law: -Acquisition, procurement, and ownership -Licensing -Litigation -Settlements under the Hatch-Waxman Act -Incorporation of IP into a standard set by a standard-setting organization (SSO)
Die Publikation stellt einen Rechtsvergleich zwischen spanischem und deutschem Recht im Spannungsfeld von Lauterkeitsrecht und Kennzeichenrecht an. Das Hervorrufen von Verwechslungen gehoert seit jeher zu den Kerntatbestanden des Marken- und sonstigen Kennzeichenrechts. Aber wie Art. 10bis der Pariser Verbandsubereinkunft zeigt auch zu den Archetypen unlauteren Wettbewerbs. Auch Art. 6 des Spanischen Gesetzes uber unlauteren Wettbewerb ordnet die Unlauterkeit von "Verwechslungshandlungen" (Actos de confusion) an. Das EU-Recht begegnet Verwechslungsgefahren, nicht nur in verschiedenen kennzeichenrechtlichen Rechtsakten, sondern auch im Lauterkeitsrecht. Die Richtlinie 2005/29/EG uber unlautere Geschaftspraktiken und insbesondere dessen Art. 6 Abs. 2 lit. a, der in Deutschland durch 5 Abs. 2 im Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb umgesetzt wurde, fuhrte in den nachfolgenden Jahren unter anderem zu einer Neujustierung des Verhaltnisses von Markenrecht und Lauterkeitsrecht. Die Studie vergleicht neben der strukturellen Umsetzung der relevanten Vorschriften der Richtlinie, den Stand von Literatur und Rechtsprechung zu vielen Fragen des Nebeneinander der beiden Regelungsmaterien (Marken-und Lauterkeitsrecht) unter europaischen Einfluss in beiden Landern.
The scholarship on fiduciary duties in business organizations is often pulled in two directions. While most observers would agree that business organizations are one of the key contexts for the application of the fiduciary obligation, corporate law theorists have often expressed disdain for the role of fiduciary duties, with the result that fiduciary law and theory have been out of step with the business world. This volume aims to rectify this situation by bringing together a range of scholars to analyze fiduciary relationships and the fiduciary obligation in the business context. Contributing authors examine fiduciary obligations in fields ranging from entity structure to bankruptcy to investment regulation. The volume demonstrates that fiduciary law can inform pressing corporate governance debates, including discussions over stakeholder models of the corporation that move beyond shareholder interests. |
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