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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Mechanical engineering > Engines & power transmission > General
Following distinguished service during the Napoleonic Wars, the Scottish naval officer and Arctic explorer Sir John Ross (1777 1856) embarked on an abortive expedition to discover the North-West Passage. The existence of the Croker mountains, which he claimed had blocked his path, was afterwards disputed and his reputation suffered. His 1819 account of that voyage has been reissued in the Cambridge Library Collection. Prior to setting out in a steam vessel on a second expedition, for which he would be knighted, Ross published the present work in 1828. Seeking to establish himself as an authority on steam power when the technology was still in its infancy, Ross explores the development of the steam engine, the commercial and military potential of steam navigation, and how this called for a radical change in naval tactics. Illustrated throughout, this is the work of a practical maritime mind, combining both historical and technical detail.
This book provides state-of-the-art advances in several areas of importance in energy, combustion, power, propulsion, environment using fossil fuels and alternative fuels, and biofuels production and utilization. Availability of clean and sustainable energy is of greater importance now than ever before in all sectors of energy, power, mobility and propulsion. Written by internationally renowned experts, the latest fundamental and applied research innovations on cleaner energy production as well as utilization for a wide range of devices extending from micro scale energy conversion to hypersonic propulsion using hydrocarbon fuels are provided. The tailored technical tracks and contributions from the world renowned technical experts are portrayed in the respective field to highlight different but complementary views on fuels, combustion, power and propulsion and air toxins with special focus on current and future R&D needs and activities. The energy and environment sustainability require a multi-pronged approach involving development and utilization of new and renewable fuels, design of fuel-flexible combustion systems that can be easily operated with the new fuels, and develop novel and environmentally friendly technologies for improved utilization of all kinds of gas, liquid and solid fuels. This volume is a useful book for practicing engineers, research engineers and managers in industry and research labs, academic institutions, graduate students, and final year undergraduate students in Mechanical, Chemical, Aerospace, Energy and Environmental Engineering.
From the component design to the subsystem design to the engine systems design, engine development, and flight-vehicle application, this how-to text bridges the gap between basic physical and design principles and actual rocket-engine design as its done in industry. More than 470 illustrations and tables help to make this book a must-read for advanced students and engineers active in all phases of engine systems design, development, and application in industry and in government agencies.
This volume comprises the papers from 2011 International Conference on Information Technology and Agricultural Engineering (ICITAE 2011). 2011 International Conference on Information Technology and Agricultural Engineering (ICITAE 2011) has been held in Sanya, China, December 1-2, 2011. All the papers have been peer reviewed by the selected experts. These papers represent the latest development in the field of materials manufacturing technology, spanning from the fundamentals to new technologies and applications. Specially, these papers cover the topics of Information Technology and Agricultural Engineering. This book provides a greatly valuable reference for researchers in the field of Information Technology and Agricultural Engineering who wish to further understand the underlying mechanisms and create innovative and practical techniques, systems and processes. It should also be particularly useful for engineers in information technology and agriculture who are responsible for the efficient and effective operations.
This book offers an overview of current and recent methods for the analysis of the nonstationary processes, focusing on cyclostationary systems that are ubiquitous in various application fields. Based on the 13th Workshop on Nonstationary Systems and Their Applications, held on February 3-5, 2020, in Grodek nad Dunajcem, Poland, the book merges theoretical contributions describing new statistical and intelligent methods for analyzing nonstationary processes, and applied works showing how the proposed methods can be implemented in practice and do perform in real-world case studies. A significant part of the book is dedicated to nonstationary systems applications, with a special emphasis on those in condition monitoring.
Modern rotating machinery, particularly turbomachinery, is frequently being designed to operate at higher speeds than in the past. Consequently, there is an increased need to balance high-speed rotors. The purpose of this book is to provide the engineering student or practicing engineer with a single, complete reference on high-speed rotor balancing. To this end, a detailed analytical background and practical application procedures are presented for each of the principal high-speed rotor balancing methods, i.e. modal balancing, influence coefficient balancing and the Unified Balancing Approach. This information is supplemented and supported through a presentation of the theoretical development of synchronous rotor vibration and a brief overview of rigid rotor balancing techniques and machines. This is the first time this material is available in a single, concise volume, together with detailed descriptions of application procedures.
Originating in the process compressor industry, this text primarily addresses: rotating equipment engineers, project engineers, engineering contractors, and compressor user companies in oil and gas field operations, natural gas processing, petroleum refining, petrochemical processing, industrial refrigeration, and chemical industries. It enables the reader to assess compressors and defines the constraints influencing the compressor design.
This 1992 book provides a coherent and comprehensive treatment of the thermodynamics and gas dynamics of the practical Stirling cycle. Invented in 1816, the Stirling engine is the subject of worldwide research and development on account of unique qualities - silence, indifference to heat source, low level of emissions when burning conventional fuels and an ability to function in reverse as heat pump or refrigerator. The student of engineering will discover an instructure and illuminating case study revealing the interactions of basic disciplines. The researcher will find the groundwork prepared for various types of computer simulation, Those involved in the use and teaching of solution methods for unsteady gas dynamics problems will find a comprehensive treatment on nonlinear and linear wave approaches, for the Stirling machine provides an elegant example of the application of each. The book will be of use to all those involved in researching, designing or manufacturing Stirling prime movers, coolers and related regenerative thermal machines.
Thermal systems are essential features in power, chemical processing, air conditioning, and other industries where heat and power are used. As the cost and complexity of designing thermal systems have increased, the need to understand and improve the design process has also grown. This book describes recent progress in the design of thermal systems. The book begins with a brief history and outline of developments in thermal system design. Chapters then discuss computer design tools for the power and chemical industries, predicting physical properties with computational tools, the use of 'pinch analysis' to improve thermal efficiency, applications of the exergy concept, the emerging concept of thermoeconomics, and the potential for artificial intelligence and expert systems in the design of thermal systems. With chapters written by internationally recognised authorities, the book offers a state-of-the-art review for both researchers and practitioners in mechanical, aerospace, chemical, and power engineering.
Werkzeugmaschinen mit hydrostatischen Fuhrungen behalten uber Jahre ihre Eigenschaften bei: Sie sind spielfrei, arbeiten ohne Verschleiss und weisen eine ausgezeichnete Dampfung auf. Das Buch unterstutzt Konstrukteure von Werkzeugmaschinen, Fuhrungen und Lager bei der Berechnung und Auslegung der passenden Hydraulikplane. Wahrend im ersten Teil prinzipielle Darstellungen und Beschreibungen prasentiert werden, enthalt der zweite Teil vollstandige Ausfuhrungen, Berechnungsformeln und -schritte sowie Hydraulikplane fur drei Olversorgungssysteme."
This book discusses electric power transmission and related policy issues. Transmission is a prominent federal issue because of a perceived need to improve reliability and reduce costs, transmission's role in meeting national energy goals (such as increased use of renewable electricity), and the potential efficiency advantages of "smart grid" modernisation. Proposals before the 111th Congress for changing federal transmission law and regulations to meet these and other objectives include the Clean Renewable Energy and Economic Development Act and the majority staff transmission siting draft of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Transmission development and regulation are complex and sometimes contentious policy areas and this book reviews transmission planning and permitting, financing and cost allocation, system modernisation and the smart grid and transmission system reliability.
Hydrodynamics of Pumps is a reference for pump experts and a textbook for advanced students exploring pumps and pump design. This book is about the fluid dynamics of liquid turbomachines, particularly pumps. It focuses on special problems and design issues associated with the flow of liquid through a rotating machine. There are two characteristics of a liquid that lead to problems and cause a significantly different set of concerns than those in gas turbines. These are the potential for cavitation and the high density of liquids, which enhances the possibility of damaging, unsteady flows and forces. The book begins with an introduction to the subject, including cavitation, unsteady flows, and turbomachinery as well as basic pump design and performance principles. Chapter topics include flow features, cavitation parameters and inception, bubble dynamics, cavitation effects on pump performance, and unsteady flows and vibration in pumps discussed in the three final chapters. The book is richly illustrated and includes many practical examples."
Engineering curricula are notoriously demanding. One way to make the material easier to grasp and more fun to learn is to emphasize the experimental or "hands-on" aspects of engineering problems. This unique book is about learning through active participation in laboratory experiments, and it specifically aims to dispel some of the mystery so many students associate with the study of thermodynamics and heat transfer. In it, the author presents a collection of experiments in heat transfer and thermodynamics contributed by leading engineering educators. The experiments have been tested, evaluated, and proved successful for classroom use. Each experiment follows the same step-by-step format, which includes the objective of the experiment, apparatus needed, procedure, suggested headings, and references. The experiments use apparatus that is easily built or attainable. Among the topics covered are heat conduction, convection, boiling, mixing, diffusion, radiation, heat pipes and exchangers, and thermodynamics. The book will be especially useful as a companion to standard heat transfer and thermodynamics texts.
Heat engines that use gases as the working fluid in a closed system model were discussed in this book. Otto cycle, Diesel, Miller, and Dual cycle are internal combustion engines. Stirling cycle is an external combustion engine. The Otto cycle is a spark-ignition reciprocating engine made of an isentropic compression process, a constant volume combustion process, an isentropic expansion process, and a constant volume cooling process. The thermal efficiency of the Otto cycle depends on its compression ratio. The compression ratio is defined as r=Vmax/Vmin. The Otto cycle efficiency is limited by the compression ratio because of the engine knock problem. The Diesel cycle is a compression-ignition reciprocating engine made of an isentropic compression process, a constant pressure combustion process, an isentropic expansion process, and a constant volume cooling process. The thermal efficiency of the Otto cycle depends on its compression ratio and cut-off ratio. The compression ratio is defined as r=Vmax/Vmin. The cut-off ratio is defined as rcutoff=Vcombustion off/Vmin. The Dual cycle involves two heat addition processes, one at constant volume and one at constant pressure. It behaves more like an actual cycle than either Otto or Diesel cycle. The Lenoir cycle was the first commercially successful internal combustion engine. The Stirling cycle and Wicks cycle are attempt to achieve the Carnot efficiency. The Miller cycle uses variable valve timing for compression ratio control to improve the performance of internal combustion engines.
Solar energy is derived ultimately from the sun. It can be divided into direct and indirect categories. Most energy sources on Earth are forms of indirect solar energy, although we usually don't think of them in that way. Coal, oil and natural gas derive from ancient biological material which took its energy from the sun (via plant photosynthesis) millions of years ago. All the energy in wood and foodstuffs also comes from the sun. Movement of the wind (which causes waves at sea), and the evaporation of water to form rainfall which accumulates in rivers and lakes, are also powered by the sun. Therefore, hydroelectric power and wind and wave power are forms of indirect solar energy. Direct solar energy is what we usually mean when we speak of solar power -- it is the use of sunlight for heating or generating electricity. Solar energy research and applications have been receiving increasing attention throughout the world as solar energy must play a much greater role in the energy mix in upcoming years. This book examines new research in this frontier field.
As the complexity of automotive vehicles increases this book presents operational and practical issues of automotive mechatronics. It is a comprehensive introduction to controlled automotive systems and provides detailed information of sensors for travel, angle, engine speed, vehicle speed, acceleration, pressure, temperature, flow, gas concentration etc. The measurement principles of the different sensor groups are explained and examples to show the measurement principles applied in different types.
The main aim of this book is to introduce and give an overview of a novel, easy, and highly effective heat transfer augmentation technique for single-phase micro/minichannel heat sink. The specific objectives of the volume are to: Introduce a novel planar oblique fin microchannel and cylindrical oblique fin minichannel heat sink design using passive heat transfer enhancement techniques Investigate the thermal transport in both planar and cylindrical oblique fin structures through numerical simulation and systematic experimental studies. Evaluate the feasibility of employing the proposed solution in cooling non-uniform heat fluxes and hotspot suppression Conduct the similarity analysis and parametric study to obtain empirical correlations to evaluate the total heat transfer rate of the oblique fin heat sink Investigate the flow mechanism and optimize the dimensions of cylindrical oblique fin heat sink Investigate the influence of edge effect on flow and temperature uniformity in these oblique fin channels.
Power Transmission and Motion Control 2002 covers a broad range of topics in the form of papers presented at the annual international Workshop held at the University of Bath. Including presentations from an international spectrum of twenty-seven authors, this volume covers the following topics: - Modelling - Simulation - Control and identification - Pumps - Transmissions - Fluids - Materials - Actuation systems - Components and systems - Noise and vibration The principal focus is on hydraulic and pneumatic devices and systems, although other forms of power transmission media are also addressed. Power Transmission and Motion Control 2002 will be of particular interest to researchers and practitioners working in the fields of mechatronics, power transmission, and motion control.
Andreas Schneider untersucht einen elektrifizierten Antriebsstrang, bestehend aus einem Verbrennungsmotor mit teilhomogener Verbrennung, einer elektrischen Maschine und einem elektrisch beheizten Katalysator. Die eigens entwickelte Antriebsstrangsimulation wird uber eine neuartige Betriebsstrategie, welche aus den parallel agierenden Modulen ECMS und Phlegmatisierung besteht, geregelt. Die Auswertung am Motorenprufstand zeigt, dass durch die Elektrifizierung des Antriebsstrangs eine Reduktion aller Schadstoffemissionen in Phasen geringer Geschwindigkeitsanforderungen erzielt werden kann. Gleichzeitig wird eine Verschiebung der Stickstoffoxidemissionen in Phasen hoher Geschwindigkeitsanforderungen erreicht, was sich als vorteilhaft fur einen SCR-Einsatz erweisen wurde. Zusatzlich kann eine Reduktion des Kraftstoffverbrauchs mit dem vorgestellten Fahrzeugkonzept realisiert werden.
Dieses Grundlagenlehrbuch vermittelt das notwendige Wissen in einfacher und verstandlicher Form. Text und Abbildungen orientieren sich dabei an einer geeigneten Darstellungsweise fur die Technikerausbildung. Es werden die vom Lehrplan fur Berufsbildung des Landes NRW geforderten Inhalte abgebildet, dabei finden die Lernfelder 1 und 6 besondere Berucksichtigung. Technische Fragestellungen und Loesungswege werden auf einfache Weise anhand vieler Abbildungen und Berechnungsbeispiele in kleinen Schritten dargestellt. Einige davon sind Videoanimationen, die auf der Verlagshomepage beim Buch uber einen Link abgerufen werden koennen. Ausserdem wird die Durchfuhrung von selbststandigen Projekt- und Abschlussarbeiten dadurch unterstutzt, dass anhand eines Praxisbeispiels (3D-Drucker) die entsprechende Anwendung der Konstruktionsmethodik und des Projektmanagements beschrieben werden. In der vorliegenden Auflage wurden Aktualisierungen im Text und an zahlreichen Bildern vorgenommen sowie die Formelsammlung uberarbeitet und vervollstandigt. Ausserdem wurde neben der gendergerechten Sprache auch die neueste Ausgabe der Richtlinie VDI 2221 berucksichtigt.
Volume X of the High Speed Aerodynamics and Jet Propulsion series. Contents include: Theory of Two-Dimensional Flow through Cascades; Three-Dimensional Flow in Turbomachines; Experimental Techniques; Flow in Cascades; The Axial Compressor Stage; The Supersonic Compressor; Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Turbines; The Radial Turbine; The Centrifugal Compressor; Intermittent Flow Effects. Originally published in 1964. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Zur Unterstutzung der zukunftigen Umsetzung von schlanken Fertigungssystemen wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine erganzende Methode fur die Fertigungsplanung entwickelt. Diese dient zur modellbasierten Bewertung und systematischen Verbesserung von Fertigungssystemen nach den Prinzipien der schlanken Produktion. Die Methode setzt sich aus den drei Methodenbausteinen Fertigungssystemmodell, Bewertungsmethode und Verbesserungsleitfaden zusammen. Bei der Ausgestaltung der einzelnen Methodenbausteine kommt der Betrachtung der Abhangigkeitsverhaltnisse zwischen den ausgewahlten Bewertungskriterien eine besondere Bedeutung zu.
Beim Maschinenausrichten an gekuppelten Maschinensatzen gibt es einen breiten Anwenderkreis, der mit Messmitteln oder Messgeraten diese geometrisch nur scheinbar einfache Aufgabe loest. Nicht ausreichend ist haufig der fachliche Hintergrund der Techniker, Meister und Ingenieure, vor allem zu den vielfaltigen Auswirkungen und zur Diagnose von Fehlausrichtungen im Betrieb. Um eine Ausrichtmessung zuverlassig ausfuhren, begleiten oder vermitteln zu koennen, wird der Hauptzielgruppe ein UEberblick uber die praktischen Methoden vermittelt. In der VDI 2627 wurden diese Inhalte an Getrieben ansatzweise beschrieben; der Autor trug zur Verbesserung einer Neuerscheinung dieser Richtlinie bei. Hier setzt auch die Buchreihe "Einfuhrung in die Maschinendiagnose" an. Vom physikalischen Hintergrund bis zur praktischen Anwendung werden Grundlagen und Erfahrungen leicht verstandlich dargestellt und mit praktischen Beispielen illustriert. Die vertiefte, umfassende Diagnose von Bauteilschaden von der "Initial- bis zur Wurzelursache" uber die Behandlung praktischer Fehlerquellen an Maschinen bis zu deren Abhilfe und echten Vorbeugung werden in dieser Buchreihe behandelt.
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