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Methoden der Programm-Entwicklung kennt man seitdem es Computer gibt. Auf- grund der Veranderung der Leistungen, die auf dem Computer bewaltigt werden koennen, verschieben sich ebenfalls seit dieser Zeit die Ziele der Programmierung. Wahrend es in der Anfangsphase mehr darauf ankam, moeglichst viele Maschinen- befehle auf dem verfugbaren kleinen Speicherplatz darzustellen, ging es in den 50er und 60er Jahren primar darum, moeglichst schnelle und effektive Programme zu entwickeln, wobei der Schwerpunkt sowohl auf der Geschwindigkeit als auch auf der Speicherknappheit lag. Heute durften die wesentlichen Ziele darin beste- hen, Programme so zu entwickeln, dass sie moeglichst computerunabhangig und anderungsfreundlich sind. Diesem Wandel ist auch die Bezeichnung der Programm-Entwicklung gefolgt. Heu- te wird kaum noch von Programmierung oder Software-Entwicklung gesprochen, sondern es wird nur noch Software-Engineering betrieben, um zu verdeutlichen, dass zur Entwicklung von Programmen eine gewisse Methodik und Systematik vor- liegen muss, da Erfahrungen gezeigt haben, dass man bei Anwendung dieser Metho- dik auch bei individuellen Fragestellungen robuste und kostengunstige Programme erhalt.
Das vorliegende Buch ist aus Vorlesungen entstanden, die im Rahmen der Marketing-Ausbildung an der Universitat Karlsruhe gehalten wurden. Zusatz- lich zu dem in diesem Buch behandelten Stoff iiber Computergestiitztes Marketing umfaBt das Lehrprogramm fiir diesen Teilbereich des Marketing an der Universitat Karlsruhe z. B. Rechnerpraktika, in denen der Umgang mit auf unterschiedlichen Computern implementierten Entscheidungsunterstiit- zungswerkzeugen fiir das Marketing geiibt werden kann (hierzu entsteht momen- tan ein Buch mit Diskette, das eine Briickenfun: ktion zwischen den Einsatzmoglich- keiten von quantitativen Ansatzen und Modellen und ihrer Umsetzung auf dem Computer erfiillen solI), sowie Vorlesungen, Ubungen und Seminare, in denen an- dere Einzelbereiche des Marketing, wie z. B. Internationales Marketing oder Konsumentenverhalten oder Marketing-Planung oder Marktforschung vertieft werden konnen. Dabei wird immer auch Wert darauf gelegt, daB auch das fiir die Modellbildung und Methodenanwendung im Marketing benotigte Hin- tergrundwissen beherrscht wird. Angesichts der stoffiichen Fiille und VielGBPalt der heute moglichen Marketing- Ausbildung wendet sich das vorliegende Buch einerseits an Dozenten und Stu- denten, die sich im Rahmen des Lehrprogramms ihrer Hochschule mit Fra- gestellungen der computergestiitzten Entscheidungsunterstiitzung im Marketing beschaftigen wollen, sowie andererseits an den interessierten "Marketing-Ma- nager aus der Praxis", der sich einen aktuellen Uberblick iiber historische Entwicklungen, den augenblicklichen Stand und Zukunftsperspektiven des com- putergestiitzten Marketing verschaffen will. Die Gliederung des Buches ist so angelegt, daB sie einen raschen Einstieg in den dargebotenen Stoff auch bei unterschiedlichen Zielsetzungen von potentiellen Le- sem erleichtert.
Das vorliegende Buch stellt ein integriertes System zum operativen Controlling des Datenverarbeitungsbereiches in der Unternehmung vor. Controlling der ADV als Schaffung eines abgestimmten Planungs- und Kontrollsystems muA eine wirtschaftliche, flexible und sichere Datenverarbeitung, mit der auch die Benutzer zufrieden sind, gewAhrleisten. Diese Aufgabe kann mit Hilfe von Budgets, Verrechnungspreisen und Kennzahlen gelAst werden: Budgetierung strukturiert die Planung der in der kommenden Periode seitens der Benutzer benAtigten ADV-UnterstA1/4tzung und der dazu im ADV-Bereich vorzuhaltenden KapazitAten; Verrechnungspreise definieren die Schnittstelle zwischen der Benutzerplanung und der Planung des ADV-Bereiches. Kennzahlen schlieAlich kontrollieren und interpretieren die Wirtschaftlichkeit und steuern FlexibilitAt, Sicherheit und Benutzerzufriedenheit.
Die Entwicklung des EDV-gestutzten unternehmensubergreifenden Informationsaustausches gewinnt eine immer starkere Bedeutung. In fast allen Branchen sowie auf der Ebene von nationalen und internationalen Normungsgremien werden Losungen vorangetrieben. Die vorliegende Arbeit will eine geschlossene Darstellung der moglichen externen Informationsweitergabe mittels EDV geben. Damit sollen - am Beispiel von Handelsunternehmen - Funktionen aufgezeigt werden, die eine veranderte Ablaufgestaltung bei den beteiligten Unternehmen verlangen. Die Rationalisierungspotenti- ale fur die Unternehmen werden sowohl einzel- wie auch gesamt- wirtschaftlich aufgezeigt. Die Arbeit entstand wahrend meiner Tatigkeit am Institut fur Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Universitat des Saarlandes in Saarbrucken. Erfahrungen aus mehreren Projekten mit Handels- und Industrieunternehmen bildeten die Anregung und die Grundlage fur die Themenstellung. Mein besonderer Dank gilt meinem akademischen Lehrer, Herrn Prof. Dr. A.-W. Scheer, fur die wissenschaftliche Betreuung und die Unterstutzung. Herrn Prof. Dr. B. Tietz danke ich fur die Uber- nahme des Korreferates. Dank schulde ich vor allem meiner Part- nerin Hedwig Iro, deren Engagement und Verstandnis wesentlich zum Gelingen dieser Arbeit beigetragen hat.
Durch die Reihe der GI-Kongresse uber wissensbasierte Systeme wird eine groessere OEffentlichkeit uber den Stand der Entwicklung sowohl in den Entwurfsmethoden und Konstruktionstechniken als auch in der industriellen Anwendung unterrichtet. Ein wichtiges Ziel ist dabei, auf das grosse Potential an Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten hinzuweisen und intensivere Kooperation zwischen verschiedenen Gebieten anzuregen. Behandelt werden diesmal neben den Grundlagen, Entwicklungen und Anwendungen von Expertensystemen auch maschinelles Lernen, naturlichsprachliche Systeme und Konnektionismus. Einen grossen Raum nimmt die Prasentation von Gemeinschaftsprojekten ein; insbesondere werden deutsche KI-Zentren, alle BMFT-Verbundprojekte im Bereich wissensbasierter Systeme und zahlreiche europaische Gemeinschaftsprojekte (EUREKA- und ESPRIT-Projekte) dargestellt. Dieses Buch wendet sich an alle, die Interesse an der Informatik und ihren Anwendungen haben. Es soll sowohl Wissenschaftler als auch Praktiker und moegliche Anwender informieren und zu fruchtbarer Diskussion und Zusammenarbeit stimulieren.
Das Buch prAsentiert in vergleichender Darstellung die wesentlichen Funktionen von Betriebssystemen: ProzeAverwaltung, Speicherverwaltung, Ein- und Ausgabe, Dateiverwaltung, Datenschutz und Benutzerschnittstellen. Praktische Beispiele aus Betriebssystemen wie UNIX, MS-DOS, VAX/VMS und OS/2 zeigen, wie diese Funktionen sowohl auf Personal Computern als auch in Systemen mit Mehrbenutzerbetrieb zum Einsatz kommen. Sowohl fA1/4r Informatiker als auch fA1/4r berufliche Anwender bietet das Buch eine EinfA1/4hrung in Betriebssysteme und durch den Blick "hinter die Kulissen" wertvolle Hilfestellung beim Umgang mit diversen Betriebssystemen. Durch den besonderen Bezug zur Praxis, in Verbindung mit wesentlichen theoretischen Grundlagen, wird dem Leser das fA1/4r erfolgreiches, sicheres Arbeiten mit Betriebssystemen erforderliche VerstAndnis vermittelt.
Successfully execute a strategic roadmap of digital transformation and modernize your enterprise with a proven API-led agile implementation approach by unlocking the full range of features in IBM API Connect Version 10 Key Features Explore techniques to design and deliver valuable customer-centric APIs using API Connect Manage your APIs with improved security and optimal performance across many channels Uncover hidden capabilities that help improve business agility and management within your API ecosystem Book DescriptionIBM API Connect enables organizations to drive digital innovation using its scalable and robust API management capabilities across multi-cloud and hybrid environments. With API Connect's security, flexibility, and high performance, you'll be able to meet the needs of your enterprise and clients by extending your API footprint. This book provides a complete roadmap to create, manage, govern, and publish your APIs. You'll start by learning about API Connect components, such as API managers, developer portals, gateways, and analytics subsystems, as well as the management capabilities provided by CLI commands. You'll then develop APIs using OpenAPI and discover how you can enhance them with logic policies. The book shows you how to modernize SOAP and FHIR REST services as secure APIs with authentication, OAuth2/OpenID, and JWT, and demonstrates how API Connect provides safeguards for GraphQL APIs as well as published APIs that are easy to discover and well documented. As you advance, the book guides you in generating unit tests that supplement DevOps pipelines using Git and Jenkins for improved agility, and concludes with best practices for implementing API governance and customizing API Connect components. By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to transform your business by speeding up the time-to-market of your products and increase the ROI for your enterprise. What you will learn Use API Connect to create, manage, and publish customer-centric, API-led solutions Run CLI commands to manage API configuration and deployments Create REST, SOAP, and GraphQL APIs securely using OpenAPI Support OAuth and JWT security methods using policies Create custom policies to supplement security Apply built-in policies to transform payloads Use CLIs and unit testing hooks within DevOps pipelines Find out how to customize Analytics dashboards and Portal User Interface Who this book is forThis book is for developers and architects who want to achieve digital transformation using IBM API Connect and successfully execute the strategic roadmap of enterprise modernization while effectively managing their API ecosystem. A solid understanding of what RESTful services and APIs can do and where to implement API security is necessary to get started. Experience in application development and basic knowledge of microservices, container orchestration, and cloud environments will help you to get the most out of this book.
Get hands-on with NetSuite implementation, customization, and integration services for automating operations and accelerating business growth Key Features Understand how to consult a new client from the kick-off meeting to their go-live and beyond in the fastest possible time Explore the new features in NetSuite 2021 and learn best practices for ERP and CRM consultants Avoid the common pitfalls that consultants can run into when implementing NetSuite Book DescriptionNetSuite For Consultants takes a hands-on approach to help ERP and CRM consultants implement NetSuite quickly and efficiently, as well deepen their understanding of its implementation methodology. During the course of this book, you'll get a clear picture of what NetSuite is, how it works, and how accounts, support, and updates work within its ecosystem. Understanding what a business needs is a critical first step toward completing any software product implementation, so you'll learn how to write business requirements by learning about the various departments, roles, and processes in the client's organization. Once you've developed a solid understanding of NetSuite and your client, you'll be able to apply your knowledge to configure accounts and test everything with the users. You'll also learn how to manage both functional and technical issues that arise post-implementation and handle them like a professional. By the end of this book, you'll have gained the necessary skills and knowledge to implement NetSuite for businesses and get things up and running in the shortest possible time. What you will learn Understand the NetSuite ecosystem, including its main modules, the platform, and related features Explore the fundamentals of NetSuite and get ready to implement it in any organization Discover how to manage gaps, data migration, and integrations with NetSuite Find out how to minimize disruptions in finance as you migrate to NetSuite Understand the steps to configure your organization's account and how development and testing fit into the implementation schedule Refine your skills with NetSuite tips and tricks and make each implementation process a success Who this book is forThis book is aimed at consultants, NetSuite users, and partners who are tasked with guiding the organizations to get their business up and running with NetSuite. Basic NetSuite training and a general understanding of its features is required to get the most out of this book.
Ebenso wie seine Vorganger liefert auch das 8. GI-Fachgesprach ein getreues Spiegelbild der Probleme, die sich in den jeweiligen Zeitraumen in den Rechenzentren ergeben haben. Zum Zeitpunkt des 8. Fachgesprachs bestimmen Themenkreise wie dezentrale Datenverarbeitung, ihre Beherrschbarkeit und ihre Grenzen, aber auch der Ausblick auf neue Techniken und Entwicklungstendenzen, Sicherheitsaspekte und Hochgeschwindigkeitsnetze die Diskussion. Die zunehmende Betrachtung der Rechenzentren unter Kosten-Nutzen-Gesichtspunkten fuhrte zum Themenkreis "Kapazitatsplanung und -management." Traditionsgemass wird auch dieses Fachgesprach von einer Hochschule, der Heinrich-Heine-Universitat Dusseldorf, ausgerichtet. Der Trend der Hochschulen - und damit auch ihrer Rechenzentren - geht hin zum Wissenstransfer und Technologieaustausch mit Unternehmen der Wirtschaft und Industrie. Berucksichtigt wird dies im Themenkreis "Kooperation Wirtschaft/Hochschule," in dem uber die Erfahrungen in der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft bei der Entwicklung komplexer Softwaresysteme berichtet wird."
Transform your app ideas into fully functional prototypes with the help of expert tips and best practices from Mendix partners Key Features Meet the ever-increasing demand for software solution delivery without having to write any code Build high-availability, low-cost applications unlike those developed via a traditional software engineering approach Explore Mendix from product design through to delivery using real-world scenarios Book DescriptionLow-code is a visual approach to application development. It enables developers of varying experience levels to create web and mobile apps using drag-and-drop components and model-driven logic through a graphic user interface. Mendix is among the fastest-growing platforms that enable low-code enthusiasts to put their software ideas into practice without having to write much code, and Building Low-Code Applications with Mendix will help you get up and running with the process using examples and practice projects. The book starts with an introduction to Mendix, along with the reasons for using this platform and its tools for creating your first app. As you progress, you'll explore Mendix Studio Pro, the visual environment that will help you learn Mendix app creation. Once you have your working app ready, you'll understand how to enhance it with custom business logic and rules. Next, you'll find out how to defend your app against bad data, troubleshoot and debug it, and finally, connect it with real-world business platforms. You'll build practical skills as the book is filled with examples, real-world scenarios, and explanations of the tools needed to help you build low-code apps successfully. By the end of this book, you'll have understood the concept of low-code development, learned how to use Mendix effectively, and developed a working app. What you will learn Gain a clear understanding of what low-code development is and the factors driving its adoption Become familiar with the various features of Mendix for rapid application development Discover concrete use cases of Studio Pro Build a fully functioning web application that meets your business requirements Get to grips with Mendix fundamentals to prepare for the Mendix certification exam Understand the key concepts of app development such as data management, APIs, troubleshooting, and debugging Who this book is forThis book is for tech-savvy business analysts and citizen developers who want to get started with Mendix for rapid mobile and web application development. The book is also helpful for seasoned developers looking to learn a new tool/platform and for anyone passionate about designing technical solutions without wanting to indulge in the complexities of writing code. The book assumes beginner-level knowledge of object-oriented programming and the ability to translate technical solutions from business requirements.
Build, deploy, and manage containers with the next-generation engine and tools Key Features Discover key differences between Docker and Podman Build brand new container images with Buildah, the Podman companion Learn how to manage and integrate containers securely in your existing infrastructure Book DescriptionAs containers have become the new de facto standard for packaging applications and their dependencies, understanding how to implement, build, and manage them is now an essential skill for developers, system administrators, and SRE/operations teams. Podman and its companion tools Buildah and Skopeo make a great toolset to boost the development, execution, and management of containerized applications. Starting with the basic concepts of containerization and its underlying technology, this book will help you get your first container up and running with Podman. You'll explore the complete toolkit and go over the development of new containers, their lifecycle management, troubleshooting, and security aspects. Together with Podman, the book illustrates Buildah and Skopeo to complete the tools ecosystem and cover the complete workflow for building, releasing, and managing optimized container images. Podman for DevOps provides a comprehensive view of the full-stack container technology and its relationship with the operating system foundations, along with crucial topics such as networking, monitoring, and integration with systemd, docker-compose, and Kubernetes. By the end of this DevOps book, you'll have developed the skills needed to build and package your applications inside containers as well as to deploy, manage, and integrate them with system services. What you will learn Understand Podman's daemonless approach as a container engine Run, manage, and secure containers with Podman Discover the strategies, concepts, and command-line options for using Buildah to build containers from scratch Manage OCI images with Skopeo Troubleshoot runtime, build, and isolation issues Integrate Podman containers with existing networking and system services Who this book is forThe book is for cloud developers looking to learn how to build and package applications inside containers and system administrators who want to deploy, manage, and integrate them with system services and orchestration solutions. This book provides a detailed comparison between Docker and Podman to aid you in learning Podman quickly.
Learn how to create your own AI model and consume it in your Power BI reports to gain better insights from your data Key Features Learn how to gain better insights from your data by applying different AI techniques within Power BI Save time by creating machine learning models independently and integrating them within your BI reports Understand how to combine Cognitive Services and Azure Machine Learning together with Power BI Book DescriptionThe artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities in Power BI enable organizations to quickly and easily gain more intelligent insights from unstructured and structured data. This book will teach you how to make use of the many AI features available today in Power BI to quickly and easily enrich your data and gain better insights into patterns that can be found in your data. You'll begin by understanding the benefits of AI and how it can be used in Power BI. Next, you'll focus on exploring and preparing your data for building AI projects and then progress to using prominent AI features already available in Power BI, such as forecasting, anomaly detection, and Q&A. Later chapters will show you how to apply text analytics and computer vision within Power BI reports. This will help you create your own Q&A functionality in Power BI, which allows you to ask FAQs from another knowledge base and then integrate it with PowerApps. Toward the concluding chapters, you'll be able to create and deploy AutoML models trained in Azure ML and consume them in Power Query Editor. After your models have been trained, you'll work through principles such as privacy, fairness, and transparency to use AI responsibly. By the end of this book, you'll have learned when and how to enrich your data with AI using the out-of-the-box AI capabilities in Power BI. What you will learn Apply techniques to mitigate bias and handle outliers in your data Prepare time series data for forecasting in Power BI Prepare and shape your data for anomaly detection Use text analytics in Power Query Editor Integrate QnA Maker with PowerApps and create an app Train your own models and identify the best one with AutoML Integrate an Azure ML workspace with Power BI and use endpoints to generate predictions Who this book is forThis artificial intelligence BI book is for data analysts and BI developers who want to explore advanced analytics or artificial intelligence possibilities with their data. Prior knowledge of Power BI will help you get the most out of this book.
Make the most of Salesforce Marketing Cloud through automation and increase your productivity on the platform without adding any extra resources Key Features Increase your knowledge of automation theory and the applications of SFMC Explore automation with SFMC and its capabilities beyond general usage Understand the automation features and integrations of SFMC to use the platform from outside the user interface (UI) for maximum efficiency Book DescriptionSalesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) allows you to use multiple channels and tools to create a 1:1 marketing experience for your customers and subscribers. Through automation and helper tasks, you can greatly increase your productivity while also reducing the level of effort required in terms of volume and frequency. Automating Salesforce Marketing Cloud starts by discussing what automation is generally and then progresses to what automation is in SFMC. After that, you'll focus on how to perform automation inside of SFMC all the way to fully running processes and capabilities from an external service. Later chapters explore the benefits and capabilities of automation and having an automation mindset both within and outside of SFMC. Equipped with this knowledge and example code, you'll be prepared to maximize your SFMC efficiency. By the end of this Salesforce book, you'll have the skills you need to build automation both inside and outside of SFMC, along with the knowledge for using the platform optimally. What you will learn Understand automation to make the most of the SFMC platform Optimize ETL activities, data import integrations, data segmentations, email sends, and more Explore different ways to use scripting and API calls to increase Automation Studio efficiency Identify opportunities for automation with custom integrations and third-party solutions Optimize usage of SFMC by building on the core concepts of custom integrations and third-party tools Maximize utilization of employee skills and capabilities and reduce operational costs while increasing output Who this book is forThis book is for Salesforce Marketing Cloud users who want to know how to make their day to day lives more efficient and get the most out of the tool by working smarter, not harder. A solid understanding of SFMC and basic knowledge of what automation is will help you get the most out of this book.
An end-to-end practical guide to implementing Salesforce CPQ solutions, shortening your sales cycle, and generating a higher ROI Key Features Maximize sales by reducing turnaround time and providing a quick analysis of profits and losses Get up to speed with Salesforce CPQ concepts, best practices, and tips when choosing the right CPQ implementation strategy Implement CPQ configurations and automations for B2B and B2C business scenarios Book DescriptionSalesforce CPQ is innovative software that enables you create better quotes, improve quoting accuracy, and maximize sales and deals. It also provides a quick analysis of profits and losses, helping you improve the overall execution of sales processes, and allows a great deal of flexibility for your prospects, customers, and business partners. The book starts with the Quote-2-Cash business process in Salesforce and shows you how to assess when a business needs to implement CPQ. You'll then progress to configuring opportunities, quotes, and CPQ products. As you advance, you'll understand how to define and configure price books, price rules for CPQ quote automation, multidimensional quoting, and more. Next, you'll look at how to configure CPQ guided selling and create package configurations, contracts, and amendments. Later chapters will demonstrate how to perform data migration from a legacy system and the order in which the objects are to be migrated. You'll also explore CPQ billing and its advantages with the help of different use cases before learning about Industries CPQ and how it is different from standard Salesforce CPQ. Finally, you'll discover best practices for achieving optimal CPQ performance and avoiding performance bottlenecks. By the end of this Salesforce book, you'll be able to implement Salesforce CPQ for any business. What you will learn Understand Quote-2-Cash business processes and configure opportunities and quotes Create custom CPQ actions and use custom filters for automating business needs Discover how to configure products and product rules Understand the CPQ pricing structure and methods, rules, multidimensional quoting, and quote automation Explore the CPQ data model and use the Salesforce Schema Builder to view and configure object relationships Configure contracts, amendments, and renewals in Salesforce Focus on CPQ billing and its advantages Gain comprehensive insights into Industries CPQ Who this book is forThis book is for Salesforce administrators, business analysts, functional consultants, sales managers, Salesforce architects, and those looking to gain Salesforce CPQ certification. Working knowledge of the Salesforce ecosystem is recommended to get the most out of this book.
Practical recipes and real-world examples to help you create custom solutions, automate processes, and extend the platform's capabilities. Using Power Apps, Power Automate, Component Framework, and Dataverse, you can implement RPA technologies and more Key Features * Enhanced with a new chapter on Power Apps Portals, robotic process automation technologies, Map capabilities to canvas apps, solutions using mixed reality, and much more * Explore a variety of built-in templates to create custom apps for specific business scenarios * Strengthen your enterprise applications with advanced techniques and proven tips using a low-code approach Book Description Power Apps is a low-code platform owned by Microsoft. With this platform, you can create solutions to solve your business needs while integrating with other components of the Power Platform, such as Microsoft Power Automate, Microsoft Power BI, or others. This book is a handy solution guide to meet many organizational requirements. Microsoft Power Apps Cookbook, Second Edition takes a pragmatic approach where every business scenario is presented in a quick, practical, and action-oriented recipe. You will be able to use these instant solutions in your development environment and customize your business apps to meet the challenging business needs. This will help you handle real-world scenarios and experiences to give you a head start in your Power Apps projects. You will discover different aspects of Power Apps, from building canvas apps, designing model-driven solutions, extending with custom connectors, integrating with other platforms, moving to the pro-developer side using Power Apps Component Framework, and reaching beyond the organization with Power Apps Portals. By the end of this Microsoft Power Apps book, you'll have gained experience in developing applications using the Power Apps platform and all of its features. What you will learn * Extend your platform using maps and Mixed Reality * Design model-driven solutions using various features of Microsoft Dataverse * Reach beyond the organization with Microsoft Power Apps Portals * Automate business processes such as triggered events, status change notifications, and approval systems with Power Automate * Implement AI Builder's intelligent capabilities in your solutions * Learn to integrate and test canvas apps * Extend your business applications' capabilities using Power Apps Component Framework * Implement RPA technologies with Power Automate Who This Book Is For This book is targeted at information workers and citizen developers wanting to develop custom applications for their organizations or the projects they are undertaking. Traditional app developers will also find this book useful by discovering how to use a rapid application development environment with increased productivity and speed. Readers are expected to have prior exposure to the Microsoft Power Platform ecosystem.
Wahrend der Abwicklung komplexer DV-Projekte stellt sich den Verant- wortlichen haufig das Problem einer strukturierten Erfahrungsnutzung. Oft sind im Unternehmen bereits vergleichbare Aufgabenstellungen in fruheren Vorhaben gelost worden oder es waren ahnliche organisatorische Anforderungen zu bewaltigen. Gerade im Software-Bereich liegen auf- grund der naturgemaB starken Rechnereinbindung immer mehr Informa- tionen bereits digitalisiert vor. Der zunehmende Einsatz von Bl1rokommu- nikationssystemen leistet dazu einen weiteren Beitrag. Vor diesem Hinter- grund wird die automatisierte Auswertung und problemspezifische Aufbe- rei tung dieser Daten durch eine Erfahrungsdatenbank interessant. Das vorliegende Buch enthalt die Konzeption eines solchen Werkzeugs. Es wen- det sich vornehmlich an das Software-Management, Projektverantwortli- che und Stabsstellen, die die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse in einer organisati- onsspezifischen Realisierung umsetzen konnen. Die Erfahrungsnutzung in Software-Projekten ist sicher nicht durch eine ausschlieBlich theoretische Betrachtung zu behandeln. Daher bildet eine breite empirische Untersuchung des Informationsbedarfs von Software- Verantwortlichen und von ihnen verwendeter Methoden und Verfahren den Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit. Dies war erreichbar, da der Zentralbereich Forschung und Technik der Siemens AG, Ml1nchen, das Vorhaben im Rah- men seiner Doktorandenforderung groBzl1gig unterstutzte und mir durch die fast dreijahrige Integration in geeignete Abteilungen und Projektum- gebungen interessante Einblicke und umfangreiche Recherchen vor Ort er- moglichte. Weiter wurden auch fur Detailuntersuchungen in Form von einigen Diplomarbeiten Mittel bereitgestellt. Die Leistungen der Verfasser sind im Text entsprechend hervorgehoben. Ich bin allen Damen und Herren der Siemens AG zu groBem Dank ver- pflichtet, die durch ihre konstruktive Mithilfe zum Gelingen der Arbeit beigetragen haben. Insbesondere sind dies Herr Jochen Platz, Herr Dr. |
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