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Books > Medicine > Other branches of medicine > Medical imaging > Radiology
Radiation Hormesis presents the only critical review of the effects of whole-body exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation in animals. This is a "must read" book for radiobiologists, health-conscious individuals, and serious environmentalists. Topics discussed include our radiation environment, radiation hormesis in cancer mortality, growth and development, reproduction and mutation, immunity, and cancer. Data is presented that indicates that low doses of ionizing radiation may actually be beneficial to human health. This information could invalidate the "zero thesis" and linear models used by most regulatory agencies. The implications regarding eliminating linear models and accepting radiation hormesis are also discussed.
The application of radiation to medical problems plays an ever-increasing role in diagnosis and treatment of disease. It is essential that medical physicists have the knowledge, understanding and practical skills to implement radiation protection as new techniques are developed. Practical Radiation Protection in Healthcare provides a practical guide for medical physicists and others involved with radiation protection in the healthcare environment. The guidance is based on principles set out in current recommendations of the International Commission for Radiological Protection and methods developed by a variety of professional bodies. Written by practitioners experienced in the field this practical reference manual covers both established techniques and new areas of application. This new edition has be fully revised and updated to cover new requirements linked to the increased knowledge of radiation effects, and the development of new technology. Each specialist area is covered in a separate chapter to allow easy reference with individual chapters being assigned to different types of non-ionising radiations. Tabulated data is included to allow the reader to carry out calculations for situations encountered frequently without reference to further texts.
This book is the product of a unique collaboration by experts from leading international, regional and national agencies and professional organizations discussing on the current 'hot' issue on the judicious use and safety of radiation in radiology. There have been several cases involving radiation overexposure that have received international attention. Strategies and solutions to guide readers how to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks when using radiation in medicine are covered.
Explore important research approaches and concepts within diagnostic radiography Provide contemporary evidence-based practice regarding mixed method approaches Provide a clear and 'how to guide' for understanding key research principles in a wide range of radiographic settings Evaluate the impact of research on patients and the radiographer-patient relationship
Each year, almost twenty million people worldwide receive the grim diagnosis of cancer, yet few are prepared for the difficult emotional journey ahead. Shortly after Dr. Charles Hayter graduated as a cancer specialist, his father was diagnosed with terminal cancer. As with many doctors, he found that his medical training did not prepare him for the anguish and turmoil he witnessed in himself, his patients, and their loved ones - anguish often worsened by the stigma and shame surrounding cancer and radiation. In Cancer Confidential, Dr. Hayter shares behind-the-scenes stories of people dealing with cancer and death - often through avoidance, denial, and conflict, but also as shining examples of quiet courage, resilience, and humour. The backdrop for the stories is the specialty of radiation oncology. One in three cancer patients will receive radiation therapy, yet it remains a mysterious and often maligned area of medicine. Told in a vivid, dramatic style, Cancer Confidential sheds light on this poorly understood field and reveals intimate stories of individuals and their families in difficult circumstances. It will lend insight, compassion, and support to anyone facing the diagnosis of cancer.
This book serves as a practical guide and a manual on the application of isotopic tracers in understanding the cellular processes (e.g. molecular interactions, protein synthesis) in growth, development, and disease conditions. The techniques described in the book have been carefully chosen to underscore the role and relevance of isotopic tracers in the identification of molecular targets and mechanisms, and preclinical validation of potential therapeutics. This book is intended to be a valuable resource to non-experts that may include students, researchers, educators/teachers, and others who have an interest to understand the application of isotopic tracers in research. Each chapter includes a background, an outline of the method and underlying principles, and a detailed step-wise protocol. To augment the clarity and intellectual grasp, the chapters also include relevant illustrations and study questions. More importantly, the book covers techniques involving radioactive as well as non-radioactive tracers to expand the scope of isotopes in preclinical research including basic and applied science.
Up-to-Date Details on Using Ultrasound Imaging to Help Diagnose Various Diseases Due to improvements in image quality and the reduced cost of advanced features, ultrasound imaging is playing a greater role in the diagnosis and image-guided intervention of a wide range of diseases. Ultrasound Imaging and Therapy highlights the latest advances in using ultrasound imaging in image-guided interventions and ultrasound-based therapy. The book presents current and emerging techniques, identifies trends in the use of ultrasound imaging, and addresses technical and computational problems that need to be solved. The book is organized into three sections. The first section covers advances in technology, including transducers (2-D, 3-D, and 4-D), beamformers, 3-D imaging systems, and blood velocity estimation systems. The second section focuses on diagnostic applications, such as elastography, quantitative techniques for therapy monitoring and diagnostic imaging, and ultrasound tomography. The final section explains the use of ultrasound in image-guided interventions for image-guided biopsy and brain imaging.
The applications of image-based measurement are many and various: image-guided surgery, mobile-robot navigation, component alignment, part inspection and photogrammetry, among others. In all these applications, landmarks are detected and located in images, and measurements made from those locations.Precision Landmark Location for Machine Vision and Photogrammetry addresses the ubiquitous problem of measurement error associated with determining the location of landmarks in images. With a detailed model of the image formation process and landmark location estimation, the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) theory of statistics is applied to determine the least possible measurement uncertainty in a given situation.This monograph provides the reader with: the most complete treatment to date of precision landmark location and the engineering aspects of image capture and processing; detailed theoretical treatment of the CRLB; a software tool for analyzing the potential performance-specific camera/lens/algorithm configurations; two novel algorithms which achieve precision very close to the CRLB; an experimental method for determining the accuracy of landmark location; and, downloadable MATLAB registered] package to assist the reader with applying theoretically-derived results to practical engineering configurations. All of this adds up to a treatment that is at once theoretically sound and eminently practical.Precision Landmark Location for Machine Vision and Photogrammetry will be of great interest to computer scientists and engineers working with and/or studying image processing and measurement. It includes cutting-edge theoretical developments and practical tools so it will appeal to research investigators and system designers.
Covering the entire spectrum of this fast-changing field, Diagnostic Imaging: Breast, third edition, is an invaluable resource not only for radiologists, but for all health care professionals involved in the management of breast disease. From screening and diagnostic mammography and tomosynthesis, ultrasound, and MR to contrast-enhanced mammography and molecular imaging, Drs. Wendie Berg and Jessica Leung, along with their expert author team, provide carefully updated information in a concise, bulleted format. Thousands of high-quality illustrations highlight not only image acquisition and interpretation, but also screening guidelines, breast anatomy, genetic testing, image-guided procedures, determining the extent of disease and much more. This book provides essential, clinically-focused details for everyday breast imaging. Features more than 4,000 annotated, updated images throughout, including imaging findings complemented by histopathologic and clinical correlates of the spectrum of breast disease Provides timely coverage of less common but important topics such as gender reassignment, disease-causing mutations and risk assessment, malignancy in pregnancy, nodal disease in breast cancer care, and male breast disease Discusses new technologies, including abbreviated MR, contrast-enhanced mammography, and automated breast ultrasound Includes updated information on evolving medical, oncologic, surgical, and radiation, and oncoplastic treatment of the breast cancer patient, along with discussion of ongoing trials and future directions Offers expanded and updated information on dense breast reporting, screening recommendations, patients at elevated risk, and imaging paradigms in patients with dense breasts, as well as analysis of various updated breast cancer screening guidelines Uses bulleted, succinct text for fast and easy comprehension of essential information Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices
Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery was conceived in 1972byitsfoundingfathersJeanBrihaye,BernardPertuiset,FritzLoew andHugoKrayenbuuhlatacombinedmeetingoftheItalianandGerman NeurosurgicalSocietiesinTaormina. Itwasdesignedtocomplementthe Europeanpost-graduatetrainingsystemforyoungneurosurgeonsandwas ?rst published in 1974 initially through sponsorship by the European AssociationofNeurosurgicalSocieties. Allcontributionshavebeenp- lishedinEnglishtofacilitateinternationalunderstanding. Theambitionofallsuccessiveeditorialboardshasbeentoprovidean opportunityformaturescholarshipandre?ection,notconstrainedbyar- ?ciallimitsonspace. Theseriesprovidesaremarkableaccountofprogress overthepast35years,bothwithregardtoadvances,detaileddescriptions of standard operative procedures and in- depth reviews of established knowledge. Thepresentvolumeisnoexceptionandshouldappealtoboth experiencedneurosurgeonsandyoungneurosurgeonsintrainingalike. TheEditors Contents Listofcontributors...XIII Advances Present and potential future adjuvant issues in high-grade astrocytic glioma 1,2 1 1 2 1 treatment. F. LEFRANC ,M. RYNKOWSKI,O. DEWITTE,andR. KISS, Department ofNeurosurgery,ErasmeUniversityHospital,FreeUniversityofBrussels(U. L. B. ), 2 Brussels,Belgium, LaboratoryofToxicology,InstituteofPharmacy,FreeUniversity ofBrussels(U. L. B. ),Brussels,Belgium Abstract...4 Introduction...5 Naturalresistanceofmigratingmalignantgliomacellstoapoptosis (radiotherapyandchemotherapy)...6 Patternsofcelldeath...8 Autophagy:apotentialTrojanhorseformalignantgliomas...11 Therapeuticbene?tsoftemozolomide...13 Localtherapiesforglioblastomas...15 Ongoingclinicaltrialsforglioblastomas...16 Growthfactorreceptorinhibitors ...17 PI3K=Akt,mTORandNF- Binhibitors...17 Matrixmetalloproteinase(MMP)inhibitors(MMPI)...18 Angiogenesistargeting ...19 Cellularandvaccinationtherapies...20 Genetherapy...20 Reducingmalignantgliomacellmotilityinordertorestore pro-apoptoticdrugsensitivity...20 Thesodiumpumpconstitutesapotentialtargettocombat malignantgliomas...21 Thesodiumpump...22 Cardiotonicsteroids:ligandsofthesodiumpump...24 VIII Contents Thesodiumpumpisinvolvedincancercellproliferation, migrationanddeath...24 Braintumorstemcellsapotentialtargettocombatmalignantgliomas...26 Conclusions...27 References...2 8 Deepbrainstimulationforpsychiatricdisorders-stateoftheart. T. E. SCHLA APFER and B. H. BEWERNICK, Brain Stimulation Group, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,UniversityHospitalBonn,GermanyandDepartmentsofPsychiatry andMentalHealth,TheJohnsHopkinsUniversity,MD,USA Abstract...37 Introduction...38 Historyofdeepbrainstimulation...39 PrinciplesofDBS...40 NeurobiologyofdepressionandOCD...41 Neurobiologyofdepression...41 NeurobiologyofOCD...42 StudiesofDBSandpsychiatricdisorders...43 Problemsintargetselection...43 Targetsindepression...43 TargetsinOCD ...46 SafetyandadvantagesofDBS...47 EthicalaspectsandstandardsinDBS...51 Ethicalconsiderations...51 ThepathtowardsmandatorystandardsforDBSinpsychiatricdisorders...52 Conclusions...53 ThefutureofDBS...54 References...54 Standards High?owextracranialtointracranialvascularbypassprocedureforgiantan- rysms:indications,surgicaltechnique,complicationsandoutcome. H. C. PATEL and P. J. KIRKPATRICK, Department of Academic Neurosurgery, Addenbrooke's Hospital,UniversityofCambridge,Cambridge,UK Abstract...61 Introduction...62 Surgicaltechnique...67 Cranialexposure...69 Cervicalexposure...70 Saphenousveinexposure...71 Preauriculartunnel...7 2 Contents IX Anastamoses...73 Distalanastamosis...73 Externalcarotidanastamosis...74 Closureandpostoperativecare...77 Discussion...77 Comparisonofoutcomes...77 Choosingthetypeofgraft...78 Longtermpatencyofgrafts...79 Ischaemiccomplications...79 Anticoagulationrelatedmorbidity...81 Conclusion...
This full-colour, richly-illustrated book is an excellent source of rapidly retrievable information on aspects of relevance in daily clinical practice in the outpatient breast clinic. Expert guidance is provided on a full range of topics, including pitfalls of clinical examination, imaging and related tissue diagnosis, approaches to management decision-making in different disorders, the role of surgery and adjuvant therapy, follow-up and rehabilitation. In outpatient breast clinics, effective communication with patients must be established in order to address symptoms that in most cases are not serious but can be very worrying and sometimes lead to misdiagnosis and also to litigation. Outpatient consultations also offer an opportunity to encourage a healthy lifestyle and to provide information on matters such as risk assessment, screening and the most reliable websites. A well-functioning outpatient clinic is essential to a breast unit's overall proficiency. Readers will find this book an invaluable aid to good practice. The authors place particular emphasis on quality indicators and key priorities for implementation of the main guidelines, at the same time specifying the level of evidence for them and degree of recommendation. Practical measures for achieving the best results are highlighted, and helpful advice is provided on optimizing patient communication and reducing the psychological burden.
Essentials of Body MRI extensively covers the field, offering clear and detailed guidance on MRI as an invaluable tool for the primary diagnosis and problem solving of diseases of the body, including the abdomen, liver, pancreas, pelvis, heart, urinary tract, and great vessels. The beginning chapters focus on the physics, pulse sequences and other practical considerations related to body MR imaging to help the reader fully understand the imaging appearance of clinical disease. The remaining chapters discuss the clinical applications, with the topics spanning from the normal anatomic structures and diagnosis of abdominal, pelvic, cardiac and vascular diseases to the modality's role as a tool for solving diagnostic problems. The key points of each chapter are boxed as "Essentials to Remember" for rapid review and learning. Written in clear, accessible text, and featuring 887 figures and numerous tables, Essentials of Body MRI is a resource that the radiology resident and physician will turn to again and again.
Every page crafted by a collaborative team of pediatricians and pediatric radiologists, this unique title by Drs. A. Carlson Merrow, Jr. and Selena Hariharan is a practical, superbly illustrated reference designed specifically for today's pediatrician. An ideal roadmap to the fast-changing landscape of diagnostic imaging tests, Imaging in Pediatrics not only guides you through the radiologic work-up of common pediatric disorders, but also translates the appearance and language of the work-up results for more effective communication between the pediatrician and the radiologist, resulting in enhanced understanding and better patient care. Uses easy-to-read, bulleted text to highlight the most important facts about each disorder and its associated etiology, imaging work-up, clinical manifestations, and therapy. Covers 248 diagnoses likely seen in practice, logically organized by anatomic region. Helps you determine which studies to order and demonstrates and explains typical findings in accessible language. Provides expanded coverage of key topics, including the imaging work-up of appendicitis that relies on ultrasound and MR over CT; new guidelines on vesicoureteral reflux and urinary tract infections; up-to-date recommendations on imaging in nonaccidental trauma, foreign body removal, and obesity-related diseases; revised nomenclature on pediatric lung diseases, vascular malformations, and neoplasms; and guidance on limiting the use of ionizing radiation in evaluating pediatric diseases. Includes an imaging glossary, introductory prose chapters with general guidelines on imaging specific organ systems, and numerous illustrations depicting complex anatomic and pathologic relationships of individual entities. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, Q&As, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
"This excellent treatise on Vasovist(r) created by a team of exceptional faculty who are pioneers in MR Angiography covers the basic techniques, safety, efficacy, image processing and pharmaco-economic details to successfully implement a new level of MRA image quality with this new contrast agent." Martin Prince, Cornell University, New York "The editors and authors have made groundbreaking contributions towards establishing MR angiography in various investigative settings, rendering it more precise and applying it for diverse indications. The work presented here is founded upon the extensive experience of the editors, as well as the broad range of experience from other scientific working groups." Maximilian Reiser, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich Vasovist(r) (Gadofosveset), worldwide the first blood pool agent, has only recently become available for clinical use, but has already gained wide acceptance as a tool to improve magnetic resonance angiography. This book presents the first in-depth introduction to the basic physicochemical aspects of the agent, the application of Vasovist(r) in clinical MRA, as well as potential clinical applications beyond MRA and patient management-related aspects. The first part of the book explains basic and technical properties of the agent and the differences of Vasovist(r) compared to currently available extracellular agents. The second part contains detailed chapters on safety and efficacy. In the third part the focus is on MR angiographic applications, and in the fourth part of the book potential clinical fields beyond MRA are explored. All clinical chapters feature ready-to-use clinical protocols and a series of take home messages that concisely summarize the current role of blood pool imaging for each specific indication.&l
Images from CT, MRI, PET, and other medical instrumentation have become central to the radiotherapy process in the past two decades, thus requiring medical physicists, clinicians, dosimetrists, radiation therapists, and trainees to integrate and segment these images efficiently and accurately in a clinical environment. Image Processing in Radiation Therapy presents an up-to-date, detailed treatment of techniques and algorithms for the registration, segmentation, reconstruction, and evaluation of imaging data. It describes how these tools are used in radiation planning, treatment delivery, and outcomes assessment. The book spans deformable registration, segmentation, and image reconstruction and shows how to incorporate these practices in radiation therapy. The first section explores image processing in adaptive radiotherapy, online monitoring and tracking, dose accumulation, and accuracy assessment. The second section describes the mathematical approach to deformable registration. The book presents similarity metrics used for registration techniques, discussing their effectiveness and applicability in radiation therapy. It also evaluates parametric and nonparametric image registration techniques and their applications in radiation therapy processes. The third section assesses the efficiency, robustness, and breadth of application of image segmentation approaches, including atlas-based, level set, and registration-based techniques. The fourth section focuses on advanced imaging techniques for radiotherapy, such as 3D image reconstruction and image registration using a graphics processor unit. With contributions from an international group of renowned authors, this book provides a comprehensive description of image segmentation and registration, in-room imaging, and advanced reconstruction techniques. Through many practical examples, it illustrates the clinical rationale and implementation of the techniques.
Implement TMR with Your Patients and Improve Their Quality of Life Developed by Dr. Todd A. Kuiken and Dr. Gregory A. Dumanian, targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) is a new approach to accessing motor control signals from peripheral nerves after amputation and providing sensory feedback to prosthesis users. This practical approach has many advantages over other neural-machine interfaces for the improved control of artificial limbs. Targeted Muscle Reinnervation: A Neural Interface for Artificial Limbs provides a template for the clinical implementation of TMR and a resource for further research in this new area of science. After describing the basic scientific concepts and key principles underlying TMR, the book presents surgical approaches to transhumeral and shoulder disarticulation amputations. It explores the possible role of TMR in the prevention and treatment of end-neuromas and details the principles of rehabilitation, prosthetic fitting, and occupational therapy for TMR patients. The book also describes transfer sensation and discusses the surgical and functional outcomes of the first several TMR patients. It concludes with emerging research on using TMR to further improve the function and quality of life for people with limb loss. With contributions from renowned leaders in the field, including Drs. Kuiken and Dumanian, this book is a useful guide to implementing TMR in patients with high-level upper limb amputations. It also supplies the foundation to enable improvements in TMR techniques and advances in prosthetic technology.
Due to the increasing number of digital mammograms and the advent of new kinds of three-dimensional x-ray and other forms of medical imaging, mammography is undergoing a dramatic change. To meet their responsibilities, medical physicists must constantly renew their knowledge of advances in medical imaging or radiation therapy, and must be prepared to function at the intersection of these two fields. Physics of Mammographic Imaging gives an overview on the current role and future potential of new alternatives to mammography in the context of clinical need, complementary approaches, and ongoing research. This book provides comprehensive coverage on the fundamentals of image formation, image interpretation, analysis, and modeling. It discusses the use of mammographic imaging in the detection, diagnosis, treatment planning, and monitoring of breast cancer. Expert authors give a balanced summary of core topics such as digital mammography, contrast-enhanced mammography, stereomammography, breast tomosynthesis, and breast CT. The book highlights the use of mammographic imaging with complementary breast imaging modalities such as ultrasound, MRI, and nuclear medicine techniques. It discusses critical issues such as computer-aided diagnosis, perception, and quality assurance. This is an exciting time in the development of medical imaging, with many new technologies poised to make a substantial impact on breast cancer care. This book will help researchers and students get up to speed on crucial developments and contribute to future advances in the field.
Reinforce your understanding of diagnostic imaging and sharpen your radiographic skills! Corresponding to the chapters in Bushong's Radiologic Science for Technologists, 12th Edition, this workbook helps you review key concepts and gain the technical knowledge needed to become an informed and confident radiographer. More than 100 worksheets include engaging exercises allowing you to assess your comprehension and apply your knowledge to imaging practice. More than 100 worksheets make it easy to review specific topics from the text, and are numbered according to textbook chapter. In-depth coverage of the textbook's topics lets you review medical imaging concepts and apply them to practice. Penguin icons highlight important information from the textbook, making it easier to understand concepts and complete the worksheet exercises. NEW! Closer correlation of worksheets to the textbook simplifies your review of radiologic physics, which can be a difficult subject to understand. NEW! New worksheets on digital radiographic technique and the digital image display correspond to the new content covered in the textbook.
This book contains extended versions of selected papers from the 3rd edition of the International Symposium CompIMAGE. These contributions include cover methods of signal and image processing and analysis to tackle problems found in medicine, material science, surveillance, biometric, robotics, defence, satellite data, traffic analysis and architecture, image segmentation, 2D and 3D reconstruction, data acquisition, interpolation and registration, data visualization, motion and deformation analysis and 3D vision.
Neurointerventional Management: Diagnosis and Treatment, Second edition has been re-titled from the original Interventional Neuroradiology reflecting the revolutionary changes occurring in this rapidly advancing field. Since the publication of the first edition, interest in neurointerventional therapy has developed at an increasing pace. New device development has expanded the range of disorders amenable to neurointerventional treatment and additional emphasis is present within medical and surgical specialities on subspecialisation in neurointerventional therapy. Physicians from all specialities involved in the care of disorders of the head, neck, and central nervous system, including neurosurgery, neuroradiology and neurology, are currently specializing in neurointerventional therapy. Neurointerventional Management: Diagnosis and Treatment, Second edition is written by a panel of today's leading experts in the field of neurointerventional therapy and edited by two neuroendovascular practitioners whose training and experience represents all three major specialties involved in neurointerventional therapy. The book is intended to provide the clinical practitioner with background information and specific descriptions of the anatomy, techniques, disorders, procedures, and decisions more commonly encountered in this field. Each chapter is illustrated with scientifically concise images, depicting pertinent neuroanatomy, imaging, neuroendovascular techniques, and related procedures. The new edition includes more diagnostic aspects of cerebrovascular disease of neurointerventional interest and discusses the treatment of disorders not covered in the first edition. Nine new chapters address increased interest in the field and provide in-depth focus on a range of new topics including normal cerebrovascular variants, non-shunting cerebrovascular malformations, the endovascular aspects of cerebrovascular disease in pregnancy, neurocritical care
This book conjoins the latest advances on the use of endoscopy to diagnose, monitor, and treat patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Chapters include the historical use of rigid sigmoidoscopy, non-interventional imaging procedures, and the correlation of pathology and endoscopic visualization. This is the first book to include individual chapters in gastroenterology, colorectal surgery, and IBD texts, the preeminent role of endoscopic imaging in the management of chronic ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease. It also includes chapters on capsule endoscopy and balloon and overtube-assisted enteroscopy to define the presence and activity of Crohn's enteritis and additional chapters defining the use of random biopsies versus chromoendoscopy, and computer enhanced imaging to define possible dysplasia development. The book also includes access to online videos, making it the ultimate verbal and visual tool for all medical professionals interested in the advances in the field over the last several decades. Endoscopy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a concise text that is of great value to practicing endoscopists, gastroenterologists, general or colorectal surgeons, physicians in training, and all medical professionals caring for patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Image-Guided Radiation Therapy presents key image-guided radiation treatment (IGRT) technologies for external beam radiotherapy. The book explores the decades-long technological developments that have occurred in the realm of image-guided conformal, customized radiation treatment. Expert authors, all of whom have actively participated in the development or implementation of IGRT, imaging, and enabling technologies, share their first-hand experiences on the science, clinical uses, and impact of these technologies. They describe kilovoltage and megavoltage imaging as well as radiological, ultrasound, and optical technologies for determining and validating target and patient positioning. The book examines how anatomical and biological imaging using CT and PET has contributed to the understanding of target volume boundaries and biological behavior. It also explores such innovations as 4D PET/CT and digital tomosynthesis. Advancing patient care, this book focuses on a wealth of hybrid IGRT technologies and devices for coupled imaging and treatment inside the radiation treatment room. It thoroughly covers the modalities, software tools, and imaging treatment geometries that constitute IGRT.
Practitioners of forensic medicine have various tools at their disposal to determine cause of death, and today's computed tomography (CT) can provide valuable clues if images are interpreted properly. Forensic Pathology of Fractures and Mechanisms of Injury: Postmortem CT Scanning is a guide for the forensic pathologist who wants to use CT imaging to assist in determining the mechanism of injury that might have contributed to death. Advice from a forensic pathologist using CT images in daily practice Drawn from the author's work at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, the book presents an overview of his experience with CT in routine casework, provides an appraisal of the literature with respect to fractures, and offers suggestions for the evaluation of CT images by pathologists. He then suggests what reasonable conclusions can be drawn from the images, the circumstances surrounding the death, and an external examination of the deceased. Includes images and case studies Enhanced with hundreds of CT images that clarify the text and case studies to put the material in context, the book begins by discussing classification of injuries and different types of fractures. It then explores the basics of CT. Next, the book gives a head-to-toe catalogue of various injuries and how they are represented on a CT scan. Finally, the book explores the use of CT in difficult forensic cases such as decomposed and burnt remains, falls, child abuse, and transportation incidents. While not intended to make a forensic pathologist an expert at CT image interpretation, the book enables these professionals to become familiar with the technology so they can competently use it in their practice, heightening the accuracy of their cause of death determinations.
Written by internationally renowned authors, this title is an invaluable reference for all those required to report on MR examinations, with accurate cancer staging aided by the extensive use of high quality MR images of pelvic cancer. Each chapter gives a short account of every disease and a set of images demonstrating the tumour, node and metastasis stages, based on the 2010 UICC/AJCC staging system. A highly useful resource, this guide also: Introduces pelvic cancer staging, MRI technique, and pelvic anatomy Presents a comprehensive set of state-of-the-art images of the various pelvic cancers Contains illustrations of recurrent disease and appearances following chemo-radiotherapy Discusses imaging before exenterative surgery and the imaging of metastatic disease within the pelvis What's new to this edition: New techniques in a number of pelvic cancers, including cervical, endometrial, ovarian and vaginal cancer, such as MR diffusion, MR spectroscopy and Dynamic Contrast Imaging Image findings post chemoradiation for cervical, rectal and bladder cancer New section on image findings in brachytherapy for prostate cancer Brand new chapter on penile cancer
This book is designed as an easily readable manual that will be of great practical value for radiology and otolaryngology residents during their clinical rotations. Key facts on head and neck imaging are presented in short chapters written in an easily readable style. Line drawings are used to illustrate key concepts, and tables, checklists, and algorithms will enable the readers to arrive at a quick diagnosis. In addition, emphasis is placed on clinical pearls that will assist them in preparing suitable reports. The Manual of Head and Neck Imaging is sized to allow residents to read it completely within a matter of days, and it will also serve as an ideal quick reference guide as different clinical situations arise. |
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