Books > Medicine > Pre-clinical medicine: basic sciences > Human reproduction, growth & development > Reproductive medicine
Clinical case studies have long been recognized as a useful adjunct
to problem-based learning and continuing professional development.
They emphasize the need for clinical reasoning, integrative
thinking, problem-solving, communication, teamwork and
self-directed learning - all desirable generic skills for health
care professionals. This volume contains a selection of cases on
assisted reproduction that will inform and challenge reproductive
medicine practitioners at all stages in their careers. Both common
and uncommon cases are included. The aim is to reinforce diagnostic
skill through careful analysis of individual presenting patterns,
and to guide treatment decisions. Each case consists of a clinical
history, examination findings and special investigations, before a
diagnosis is made. Clinical issues raised by each case are
discussed and major teaching points emphasized. Selective
references are provided. The book provides a useful complementary
adjunct to existing textbooks of reproductive medicine, and an
excellent resource for teaching and continuing professional
Die medizinische Behandlung der ungewollten Kinderlosigkeit wird
hierzulande nach wie vor mit einer Mischung aus Interesse am
medizinisch-technischen Fortschritt und Sorge uber die mogli-
cherweise nicht mehr kalkulierbaren Risiken dieses Fortschrittes
betrachtet. Die Reaktionen reichen dabei von der implizi ten
Gleichsetzung konkreter Formen der Reproduktionsmedizin mit den
fiktiven Verhaltnissen in der 'Schonen Neuen welt'1, bis hin zu
Einschatzungen, wonach sich die Reproduktionsmedizin in naher
Zukunft als ein unverzichtbares Instrument bei der Bekampfung eines
langandauernden Bevolkerungsruckganges in der BRD erweisen 2 werde.
Auch wenn sich in den letzten 5-10 Jahren das Interesse der
Offentlichkeit verstarkt den verschiedenen Formen der medizini- 3
schen Behandlung ungewollter Kinderlosigkeit zugewandt hat, so
scheint mit diesem verstarkten Interesse kein Anstieg der Anzahl
Der Vergleich des heutigen Potentials der Reproduk- tionsmedizin
mit den Schilderungen der industriellen Erzeugung von Menschen in
A. Huxleys Roman "Schone Neue Welt" gehort zu den Standardbildern
in weiten Teilen der Literatur uber die medizinische Behandlung der
ungewollten Kinderlosigkeit. So z.B. auch bei: Hirsch, G. und
Eberbach W. (1987): Auf dem Weg zum kunstlichen Leben -
Retortenkinder, Leihmutter, pro- grammierte Gene Basel, Boston,
Stuttgart. S.31ff. 2 So ein Reproduktionsmediziner in der
Fernsehsendung 'Explosiv' (RTL 22.5.'91). 3 Man denke z. B. nur an
die Kontroversen im Zuge der Erarbeitung des
Embryonenschutzgesetzes, an die Richt- linien zur Durchfuhrung der
In-vitro-Fertilisation der Bundesarztekammer, an die Initiativen
auf dem 56.
In order to maximize the chance of IVF success, couples need to
ensure that their preconceptual health is optimal to increase the
quality of gametes and reproductive fitness. This text reviews the
medical and lifestyle factors that can affect the body at
preconception stage, such as micronutrients, stress, hormonal and
gynecologic assessment, as well as environmental factors such as
optimal weight and age for childbirth. This book will enable all
medical practitioners and healthcare professionals to give
evidence-based advice to influence the success rate of subsequent
IVF cycles, and ensure that every child is born in the best
possible condition. Part of a four-book series on optimizing
different aspects of the IVF cycle, this book focusses on preparing
the body for assisted conception. Other books in the series focus
on the egg and embryo, the endometrium, and the sperm.
Human Assisted Reproductive Technology: Future Trends in Laboratory
and Clinical Practice offers a collection of concise, practical
review articles on cutting-edge topics within reproductive
medicine. Each article presents a balanced view of clinically
relevant information and looks ahead to how practice will change
over the next five years. The clinical section discusses advances
in reproductive surgery and current use of robotic surgery for
tubal reversal and removal of fibroids. It looks into the
refinement of surgical procedures for fertility preservation
purposes. Chapters also discuss non-invasive diagnosis of
endometriosis with proteomics technology, new concepts in ovarian
stimulation and in the management of polycystic ovary syndrome, and
evidence-based ART. The embryology section discusses issues ranging
from three-dimensional in-vitro ovarian follicle culture, and
morphometric and proteomics analysis of embryos, to oocyte and
embryo cyropreservation. This forward-looking volume of review
articles is key reading for reproductive medicine physicians,
gynecologists, reproductive endocrinologists, urologists and