Books > Science & Mathematics > Science: general issues > Scientific equipment & techniques, laboratory equipment
This is an extensively illustrated laboratory manual of
transmission electron microscopy techniques for the technician,
graduate student, or researcher. Chapters begin with a general
discussion, move on to the chemicals and equipment required for the
method being described and conclude with a step-by-step
presentation of the method and instructions for the preparation of
solutions. Notes at the end of each chapter warn of possible
pitfalls and outline 'tricks of the trade'. The methods and
techniques outlined have been tested for over ten years in clinical
and research laboratory situations, and are entirely reliable.
Practical Electron Microscopy covers fixation, dehydration and
embedding, semi-thin and thin sectioning, the electron microscope,
and photography. For this new edition, the chapters on photography
and the electron microscope have been completely rewritten and two
new chapters have been added, one on immuno electron microscopy
using colloidal gold, and one dealing with such special techniques
as retrieving specimens from paraffin and handling nasal brushings
and blood samples. This manual will be an invaluable guide to
anyone using electron microscopy on human and animal tissue and
wishing to develop a routine that guarantees good and reproducible
The compound optical microscope, in its various modern forms, is
probably the most familiar of all laboratory instruments and the
electron microscope, once an exotic rarity, has now become a
standard tool in biological and materials research. Both
instruments are often used effectively with little knowledge of the
relevant theory, or even of how a particular type of microscope
functions. Eventually however, proper use, interpretation of images
and choices of specific applications demand an understanding of
fundamental principles. This book describes the principles of
operation of each type of microscope currently available and of use
to biomedical and materials scientists. It explains the mechanisms
of image formation, contrast and its enhancement, accounts for
ultimate limits on the size of observable details (resolving power
and resolution) and finally provides an account of Fourier optical
theory. Principles behind the photographic methods used in
microscopy are also described and there is some discussion of image
processing methods. The book will appeal to graduate students and
researchers in the biomedical sciences, and it will be helpful to
students taking a course involving the principles of microscopy.
Die Proceedings der 35. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fur
Medizinische Dokumentation, Informatik und Statistik geben einen
UEberblick uber die derzeit wichtigen Forschungsschwerpunkte der
Epidemiologie. Dabei konnten zum ersten Mal auch Beitrage aus der
ehemaligen DDR in groesserer Zahl eingebracht werden. Schwerpunkte
des Proceedingsbandes bilden die Epidemiologie kardiovaskularer
Erkrankungen, die Umweltepidemiologie, die Epidemiologie von
Berufskrankheiten und das epidemiologische Monitoring von
Krebserkrankungen und Infektionskrankheiten. Die Qualitat
verfugbarer Datenquellen wird kritisch diskutiert und die Bedeutung
der Epidemiologie fur eine Verbesserung der
Gesundheitsberichterstattung in den alten und in den neuen
Bundeslandern klargelegt. Daruber hinaus werden methodische
Probleme und unterstutzende Techniken der Medizinischen Informatik
Der Proceedingsband enth{lt ausgew{hlte ausgew{hlte refe- rierte
Aufs{tze sowohl zu innovativen Entwicklungen in den Disziplinen
Biometrie und Medizinische Informatik als auch }ber den Einsatz
bekannter, bew{hrter Konzepte aus diesen Fachbereichen in der
Medizin. Behandelt werden spezielle Fragestellungen zu den Themen
Epidemiologie, methodische Therapieforschung, Nachweis
therapeutischer Oquivalenz, Dia- gnostik und Monitoring von
Krankheitsprozessen, Modellierung biologischer Mechanismen,
biometrische Methoden, medizini- sche Dokumentation, L-sungsans{tze
f}r Informationssysteme, spezielle Hard- und Softwarel-sungen,
Expertensysteme, Bild- kommunikation und Archivierung,
Bilderzeugung, wissensba- sierte Bildinterpretation und 3-d
This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the
theory and practice of validated numerics, an emerging new field
that combines the strengths of scientific computing and pure
mathematics. In numerous fields ranging from pharmaceutics and
engineering to weather prediction and robotics, fast and precise
computations are essential. Based on the theory of set-valued
analysis, a new suite of numerical methods is developed, producing
efficient and reliable solvers for numerous problems in nonlinear
analysis. Validated numerics yields rigorous computations that can
find all possible solutions to a problem while taking into account
all possible sources of error--fast, and with guaranteed
"Validated Numerics" offers a self-contained primer on the
subject, guiding readers from the basics to more advanced concepts
and techniques. This book is an essential resource for those
entering this fast-developing field, and it is also the ideal
textbook for graduate students and advanced undergraduates needing
an accessible introduction to the subject. "Validated Numerics"
features many examples, exercises, and computer labs using
MATLAB/C++, as well as detailed appendixes and an extensive
bibliography for further reading.Provides a comprehensive,
self-contained introduction to validated numerics Requires no
advanced mathematics or programming skills Features many examples,
exercises, and computer labs Includes code snippets that illustrate
implementation Suitable as a textbook for graduate students and
advanced undergraduates
This book traces the historical development of microscopy
instruments from their invention to the current state of the art.
New concepts and engineering solutions are presented for modern
light microscopes, with a focus on the practical construction of
optical systems. Real design parameters of dioptric objectives and
other systems are provided to supply readers with basic information
for independent designs. Full-color photomicrographs of real
objects illustrate the quality of aberration correction that is
required from optics.
Microscope Image Processing, Second Edition, introduces the basic
fundamentals of image formation in microscopy including the
importance of image digitization and display, which are key to
quality visualization. Image processing and analysis are discussed
in detail to provide readers with the tools necessary to improve
the visual quality of images, and to extract quantitative
information. Basic techniques such as image enhancement, filtering,
segmentation, object measurement, and pattern recognition cover
concepts integral to image processing. In addition, chapters on
specific modern microscopy techniques such as fluorescence imaging,
multispectral imaging, three-dimensional imaging and time-lapse
imaging, introduce these key areas with emphasis on the differences
among the various techniques. The new edition discusses recent
developments in microscopy such as light sheet microscopy, digital
microscopy, whole slide imaging, and the use of deep learning
techniques for image segmentation and analysis with big data image
informatics and management. Microscope Image Processing, Second
Edition, is suitable for engineers, scientists, clinicians,
post-graduate fellows and graduate students working in
bioengineering, biomedical engineering, biology, medicine,
chemistry, pharmacology and related fields, who use microscopes in
their work and would like to understand the methodologies and
capabilities of the latest digital image processing techniques or
desire to develop their own image processing algorithms and
software for specific applications.
Gottingen ist mit den Aufgaben und Zielen der Deutschen
Gesellschaft fUr Medizinische Dokumentation, Informatik und
Statistik (GMDS) nicht nur durch die yom 3. - 5. Oktober 1977
stattgefundene 22. Jahrestagung verbunden. Schon durch den
Mathematiker Felix B ern s t e i n, dem anlaBlich seines 100.
Geburtstages eine Diplomarbeit aus dem Mathe- matisch-Statistischen
Institut der Universitat Gotting n gewidmet worden ist, wurden
bereits vor dem ersten Weltkrieg und in den darauf- folgenden
Jahren grundlegende mathematisch-statistische Arbeiten auf dem
Gebiet des Versicherungswesens und der Humangenetik durchgefUhrt.
Nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg hat H 0 s e man n in Gottingen die Ver-
fahren der maschinellen Lochkartendokumentation zur Datensammlung
als Grundlage statistischer Verfahren fUr die
Universitats-Frauenklinik eingesetzt. Ein Teil seiner
Entwicklungen, besonders auf dem Gebiet der Erfassung und
Standardisierung der gynakologischen Karzinome werden heute noch
verwendet. Ende 1952 und 1954 war Gottingen Tagungsort der
Untergruppe Medizin der Deutschen Gesellschaft fUr Dokumentation
(DGD) und nach GrUndung des "ArbeitsausschuB Medizin" in der DGD,
dem direkten Vorlaufer unserer Gesellschaft, wurde die e r s t e
Jahrestagung in Gottingen mit dem Thema: "Lochkarten und
Randlochkarten im klinischen Gebrauch" durchgefUhrt.