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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Thermodynamics & statistical physics > Statistical physics
This book formulates a unified approach to the description of many-particle systems combining the methods of statistical physics and quantum field theory. The benefits of such an approach are in the description of phase transitions during the formation of new spatially inhomogeneous phases, as well in describing quasi-equilibrium systems with spatially inhomogeneous particle distributions (for example, self-gravitating systems) and metastable states. The validity of the methods used in the statistical description of many-particle systems and models (theory of phase transitions included) is discussed and compared. The idea of using the quantum field theory approach and related topics (path integration, saddle-point and stationary-phase methods, Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation, mean-field theory, and functional integrals) is described in detail to facilitate further understanding and explore more applications. To some extent, the book could be treated as a brief encyclopedia of methods applicable to the statistical description of spatially inhomogeneous equilibrium and metastable particle distributions. Additionally, the general approach is not only formulated, but also applied to solve various practically important problems (gravitating gas, Coulomb-like systems, dusty plasmas, thermodynamics of cellular structures, non-uniform dynamics of gravitating systems, etc.).
This book provides an ideal introduction to the use of Feynman path integrals in the fields of quantum mechanics and statistical physics. It is written for graduate students and researchers in physics, mathematical physics, applied mathematics as well as chemistry. The material is presented in an accessible manner for readers with little knowledge of quantum mechanics and no prior exposure to path integrals. It begins with elementary concepts and a review of quantum mechanics that gradually builds the framework for the Feynman path integrals and how they are applied to problems in quantum mechanics and statistical physics. Problem sets throughout the book allow readers to test their understanding and reinforce the explanations of the theory in real situations. Features: Comprehensive and rigorous yet, presents an easy-to-understand approach. Applicable to a wide range of disciplines. Accessible to those with little, or basic, mathematical understanding.
The simulation of turbulent reacting flows, connected with environmental protection and the design of chemical and mechanical processes, is increasingly important. Statistical Mechanics of Turbulent Flows presents a modern overview of basic ways to calculate such flows. It discusses the fundamental problems related to the use of basic equations and their modifications. Special emphasis is placed on the discussion of very promising statistical methods which provide solutions to these problems by models for the underlying stochastic physics of turbulent reacting flows. Their foundations and important new developments up through current challenges are systematically explained. Students and researchers in atmospheric sciences and oceanography, mechanical and chemical engineering and applied mathematics and physics may use Statistical Mechanics of Turbulent Flows as a guide to solve many problems related, e.g. to the assessment of complex atmospheric chemistry, chemical reactor processes, turbulent combustion, and multi-phase flows.
This textbook provides a comprehensive, yet accessible, introduction to statistical mechanics. Crafted and class-tested over many years of teaching, it carefully guides advanced undergraduate and graduate students who are encountering statistical mechanics for the first time through this - sometimes - intimidating subject. The book provides a strong foundation in thermodynamics and the ensemble formalism of statistical mechanics. An introductory chapter on probability theory is included. Applications include degenerate Fermi systems, Bose-Einstein condensation, cavity radiation, phase transitions, and critical phenomena. The book concludes with a treatment of scaling theories and the renormalization group. In addition, it provides clear descriptions of how to understand the foundational mathematics and physics involved and includes exciting case studies of modern applications of the subject in physics and wider interdisciplinary areas. Key Features: Presents the subject in a clear and entertaining style which enables the author to take a sophisticated approach whilst remaining accessible Contains contents that have been carefully reviewed with a substantial panel to ensure that coverage is appropriate for a wide range of courses, worldwide Accompanied by volumes on thermodynamics and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, which can be used in conjunction with this book, on courses which cover both thermodynamics and statistical mechanics
Professionals recognize entropy-enthalpy compensation as an important factor in molecular recognition, lead design, water networks, and protein engineering. It can be experimentally studied by proper combinations of diverse spectroscopic approaches with isothermal titration calorimetry and is clearly related to molecular dynamics. So, how should we treat entropy-enthalpy compensation? Is it a stubborn hindrance that solely complicates the predictability of phenomena otherwise laid on the line by Mother Nature? How should we then deal with it? This book dwells on these posers. It combines two chapters written by globally recognized specialists. Chapter 1 deals with general issues and suggests a definite approach to how we may answer the posers. Chapter 2 shows how the approach outlined might be successfully applied in a rational design of enzymes. This might provide other interesting strategic perspectives in the general theoretical physical chemistry field.
Adding one and one makes two, usually. But sometimes things add up to more than the sum of their parts. This observation, now frequently expressed in the maxim "more is different", is one of the characteristic features of complex systems and, in particular, complex networks. Along with their ubiquity in real world systems, the ability of networks to exhibit emergent dynamics, once they reach a certain size, has rendered them highly attractive targets for research. The resulting network hype has made the word "network" one of the most in uential buzzwords seen in almost every corner of science, from physics and biology to economy and social sciences. The theme of "more is different" appears in a different way in the present v- ume, from the viewpoint of what we call "adaptive networks." Adaptive networks uniquely combine dynamics on a network with dynamical adaptive changes of the underlying network topology, and thus they link classes of mechanisms that were previously studied in isolation. Here adding one and one certainly does not make two, but gives rise to a number of new phenomena, including highly robust se- organization of topology and dynamics and other remarkably rich dynamical beh- iors.
This book is the sixth volume of reviews on advanced problems of phase transitions and critical phenomena, with the first five volumes appearing in 2004, 2007, 2012, 2015, and 2018. It aims to provide an overview of those aspects of criticality and related topics that have attracted much attention due to the recent contributions. The six chapters discuss criticality of complex systems, where the new, emergent properties appear via collective behaviour of simple elements. Since all complex systems involve cooperative behaviour between many interconnected components, the field of phase transitions and critical phenomena provides a very natural conceptual and methodological framework for their study.As for the previous volumes, this book is based on the review lectures that were given in Lviv (Ukraine) at the 'Ising lectures' - a traditional annual workshop on phase transitions and critical phenomena which aims to bring together scientists working in the field of phase transitions with university students and those who are interested in the topic.The level of presentation makes the book readable both for professionals and the students in the field. On a larger scale, the book may contribute to promoting and deepening studies of phase transitions and critical phenomena.
These lecture notes cover Statistical Mechanics at the level of advanced undergraduates or postgraduates. After a review of thermodynamics, statistical ensembles are introduced, then applied to ideal gases, including degenerate gases of bosons and fermions, followed by a treatment of systems with interaction, of real gases, and of stochastic processes.The book offers a comprehensive and detailed, as well as self-contained, account of material that can and has been covered in a one-semester course for students with a basic understanding of thermodynamics and a solid background in classical mechanics.
These lecture notes cover Statistical Mechanics at the level of advanced undergraduates or postgraduates. After a review of thermodynamics, statistical ensembles are introduced, then applied to ideal gases, including degenerate gases of bosons and fermions, followed by a treatment of systems with interaction, of real gases, and of stochastic processes.The book offers a comprehensive and detailed, as well as self-contained, account of material that can and has been covered in a one-semester course for students with a basic understanding of thermodynamics and a solid background in classical mechanics.
Small systems are a very active area of research and development due to improved instrumentation that allows for spatial resolution in the range of sizes from one to 100 nm. In this size range, many physical and chemical properties change, which opens up new approaches to the study of substances and their practical application. This affects both traditional fields of knowledge and many other new fields including physics, chemistry, biology, etc. This book highlights new developments in statistical thermodynamics that answer the most important questions about the specifics of small systems - when one cannot apply equations or traditional thermodynamic models.
Providing a systematic introduction to the techniques which are fundamental to quantum field theory, this book pays special attention to the use of these techniques in a wide variety of areas, including ordinary quantum mechanics, quantum mechanics in the second-quantized formulation, relativistic quantum field theory, Euclidean field theory, quantum statistics at finite temperature, and the classical statistics of nonideal gas and spin systems. The extended chapter on variational methods and functional Legendre transformations contains completely original material.
This proceedings volume presents a diverse collection of high-quality, state-of-the-art research and survey articles written by top experts in low-dimensional topology and its applications. The focal topics include the wide range of historical and contemporary invariants of knots and links and related topics such as three- and four-dimensional manifolds, braids, virtual knot theory, quantum invariants, braids, skein modules and knot algebras, link homology, quandles and their homology; hyperbolic knots and geometric structures of three-dimensional manifolds; the mechanism of topological surgery in physical processes, knots in Nature in the sense of physical knots with applications to polymers, DNA enzyme mechanisms, and protein structure and function. The contents is based on contributions presented at the International Conference on Knots, Low-Dimensional Topology and Applications - Knots in Hellas 2016, which was held at the International Olympic Academy in Greece in July 2016. The goal of the international conference was to promote the exchange of methods and ideas across disciplines and generations, from graduate students to senior researchers, and to explore fundamental research problems in the broad fields of knot theory and low-dimensional topology. This book will benefit all researchers who wish to take their research in new directions, to learn about new tools and methods, and to discover relevant and recent literature for future study.
The complete work consists of a two-volume set, describing two main classes of non-equilibrium phase-transitions, and surveys two main aspects of non-equilibrium phase-transitions: (a) transitions in the steady-state and (b) transitions in the relaxation behavior.Volume 1, Absorbing Phase Transitions, published in 2008, covered the statics and dynamics of transitions into an absorbing state. This volume 2 covers dynamical scaling in far-from-equilibrium relaxation behaviour and ageing. Motivated initially by experimental results, dynamical scaling has now been recognised as a cornerstone in the modern understanding of far from equilibrium relaxation. Dynamical scaling is systematically introduced, starting from coarsening phenomena, and existing analytical results and numerical estimates of universal non-equilibrium exponents and scaling functions are reviewed in detail. Ageing phenomena in glasses, as well as in simple magnets, are paradigmatic examples of non-equilibrium dynamical scaling, but may also be found in irreversible systems of chemical reactions. Recent theoretical work sought to understand if dynamical scaling may be just a part of a larger symmetry, called local scale-invariance. Initially, this was motivated by certain analogies with the conformal invariance of equilibrium phase transitions; this work has recently reached a degree of completion and the research is presented, systematically and in detail, in book form for the first time. Numerous worked-out exercises are included. Quite similar ideas apply to the phase transitions of equilibrium systems with competing interactions and interesting physical realisations, for example in Lifshitz points. Aimed at researchers and graduate students in physics, the book is also suitable supplementary reading for advanced undergraduate students.
The combined efforts of the Physicists and the Economists in recent years in a- lyzing and modeling various dynamic phenomena in monetary and social systems have led to encouragingdevelopments,generally classi?ed under the title of Eco- physics. These developmentsshare a commonambitionwith the alreadyestablished ?eld of Quantitative Economics. This volume intends to offer the reader a glimpse of these two parallel initiatives by collecting review papers written by well-known experts in the respective research frontiers in one cover. This massive book presents a unique combination of research papers contributed almost equally by Physicists and Economists. Additional contributions from C- puter Scientists and Mathematicians are also included in this volume. It consists of two parts: The ?rst part concentrates on econophysics of games and social choices and is the proceedings of the Econophys-Kolkata IV workshop held at the Indian Statistical Institute and the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, both in Kolkata, d- ing March 9-13, 2009. The second part consists of contributionsto quantitative e- nomics by experts in connection with the Platinum Jubilee celebration of the Indian Statistical Institute. In this connectiona Forewordfor the volume, written by Sankar K. Pal, Director of the Indian Statistical Institute, is put forth. Both parts specialize mostly on frontier problems in games and social choices. The?rst partofthebookdealswith severalrecentdevelopmentsineconophysics. Game theory is integral to the formulation of modern economic analysis. Often games display a situation where the social optimal could not be reached as a - sult of non co-operation between different agents.
While statistical mechanics describe the equilibrium state of systems with many degrees of freedom, and dynamical systems explain the irregular evolution of systems with few degrees of freedom, new tools are needed to study the evolution of systems with many degrees of freedom. This book presents the basic aspects of chaotic systems, with emphasis on systems composed by huge numbers of particles. Firstly, the basic concepts of chaotic dynamics are introduced, moving on to explore the role of ergodicity and chaos for the validity of statistical laws, and ending with problems characterized by the presence of more than one significant scale. Also discussed is the relevance of many degrees of freedom, coarse graining procedure, and instability mechanisms in justifying a statistical description of macroscopic bodies. Introducing the tools to characterize the non asymptotic behaviors of chaotic systems, this text will interest researchers and graduate students in statistical mechanics and chaos.
The FIRST MEXICAN MEETING ON MATHEMATICAL AND EXPERI MENTAL PHYSICS was held at EL COLEGIO N ACIONAL in Mexico Cit y, Mexico, from September 10 to 14, 2001. This event consisted of the LEOPOLDO GARciA-COLiN SCHERER Medal Lecture, delivered by Prof. Nicholas G. van Kampen, a series of plenary talks by Leopoldo Garcia-Colin, Giinter Nimtz, Luis F. Rodriguez, Ruoon Barrera, and Donald Saari, and of three parallel symposia, namely, Cosmology and Gravitation, Statistical Physics and Beyond, and Hydrodynamics and Dynamical Systems. The response from the Physics community was enthusiastic, with over 200 participants and around 80 speakers, from allover the world: USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, Holland, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Spain, and Hungary. The main aim of the conference is to provide a scenario to Mexican researchers on the topics of Mathematical and Experimental Physics in order to keep them in contact with work going on in other parts of the world and at the same time to motivate and support the young and mid career researchers from our country. To achieve this goal, we decided to the most distinguished experts in the subjects of the invite as lecturers conference and to give the opportunity to young scientist to communi cate the results of their work. The plan is to celebrate this international endeavor every three years."
Statistical mechanics: the bane of many a physics student, and traditionally viewed as a long parade of ensembles, partition functions, and partial derivatives. But the subject needn't be arcane. When pared back to its underlying concepts and built from the ground up, statistical mechanics takes on a charm of its own, and sheds light on all manner of physical phenomena. This book presents a straightforward introduction to the key concepts in statistical mechanics, following the popular style of the author's highly successful textbook "Explorations in Mathematical Physics". Offering a clear, conceptual approach to the subject matter, the book presents a treatment that is mathematically complete, while remaining very accessible to undergraduates. It commences by asking: why does an ink drop spread out in a bathtub of water? This showcases the importance of counting configurations, which leads naturally to ideas of microstates, energy, entropy, thermodynamics, and physical chemistry. With this foundation, the Boltzmann distribution writes itself in its fullest form, and this opens the door to the Maxwell distribution and related areas of thermal conductivity and viscosity. Quantum ideas then appear: bosons via Einstein's and Debye's theories of heat capacity, and fermions via electrical conduction and low-temperature heat capacity of metals. The text ends with a detailed derivation of blackbody radiation, and uses this to discuss the greenhouse effect, lasers, and cosmology. Suitable for use with core undergraduate courses in statistical mechanics and thermodynamics, this book concentrates on using solid mathematics, while avoiding cumbersome notation. All the necessary mathematical steps are included in the body of the text and in the worked examples. Reviews of Explorations in Mathematical Physics by Don Koks, 2006 "With enjoyable and sometimes surprising excursions along the way, the journey provides a fresh look at many familiar topics, as it takes us from basic linear mathematics to general relativity... look forward to having your geometric intuition nourished and expanded by the author's intelligent commentaries." (Eugen Merzbacher, University of North Carolina) "... an interesting supplement to standard texts for teaching mathematical methods in physics, as it will add alternative views that could serve as additional material." (S. Marcelja, Australian Journal of Physics) "... a tour through the main ideas forming the language of modern mathematical physics ...it is a difficult task for the author to decide what is a good balance between the topics and their presentation, but in this case it has been achieved. ...for those physicists who would like to be exposed to clear motivation and careful explanation of the basics of the present-day apparatus of mathematical physics." (Ivailo Mladenov, Mathematical Reviews).
Functional integration successfully entered physics as path integrals in the 1942 Ph.D. dissertation of Richard P. Feynman, but it made no sense at all as a mathematical definition. Cartier and DeWitt-Morette have created, in this book, a new approach to functional integration. The book is self-contained: mathematical ideas are introduced, developed generalised and applied. In the authors' hands, functional integration is shown to be a robust, user-friendly and multi-purpose tool that can be applied to a great variety of situations, for example: systems of indistinguishable particles; Aharanov-Bohm systems; supersymmetry; non-gaussian integrals. Problems in quantum field theory are also considered. In the final part the authors outline topics that can be profitably pursued using material already presented.
Statistical thermodynamics and the related domains of statistical physics and quantum mechanics are very important in many fields of research, including plasmas, rarefied gas dynamics, nuclear systems, lasers, semiconductors, superconductivity, ortho- and para-hydrogen, liquid helium, and so on. Statistical Thermodynamics: Understanding the Properties of Macroscopic Systems provides a detailed overview of how to apply statistical principles to obtain the physical and thermodynamic properties of macroscopic systems. Intended for physics, chemistry, and other science students at the graduate level, the book starts with fundamental principles of statistical physics, before diving into thermodynamics. Going further than many advanced textbooks, it includes Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac statistics, and Lattice dynamics as well as applications in polaron theory, electronic gas in a magnetic field, thermodynamics of dielectrics, and magnetic materials in a magnetic field. The book concludes with an examination of statistical thermodynamics using functional integration and Feynman path integrals, and includes a wide range of problems with solutions that explain the theory.
Models for the mechanical behavior of porous media introduced more than 50 years ago are still relied upon today, but more recent work shows that, in some cases, they may violate the laws of thermodynamics. In The Thermophysics of Porous Media, the author shows that physical consistency requires a unique description of dynamic processes that involve porous media, and that new dynamic variables-porosity, saturation, and megascale concentration-naturally enter into the large-scale description of porous media. The new degrees of freedom revealed in this study predict new dynamic processes that are not associated with compressional motions. The book details the construction of a Lorentz invariant thermodynamic lattice gas model and shows how the associated nonrelativistic, Galilean invariant model can be used to describe flow in porous media. The author develops the equations of seismic wave propagation in porous media, the associated boundary conditions, and surface waves. He also constructs the equations for both immiscible and miscible flows in porous media and their related instability problems. The implications of the physical theory presented in this book are significant, particularly in applications in geophysics and the petroleum industry. The Thermophysics of Porous Media offers a unique opportunity to examine the dynamic role that porosity plays in porous materials.
The book covers all aspects from the expansion of the Boltzmann transport equation with harmonic functions to application to devices, where transport in the bulk and in inversion layers is considered. The important aspects of stabilization and band structure mapping are discussed in detail. This is done not only for the full band structure of the 3D k-space, but also for the warped band structure of the quasi 2D hole gas. Efficient methods for building the Schrodinger equation for arbitrary surface or strain directions, gridding of the 2D k-space and solving it together with the other two equations are presented."
STATISTICAL PHYSICS AND ECONOMICS covers systematically and in simple language the physical foundations of evolution equations, stochastic processes, and generalized Master equations applied to complex economic systems. Strong emphasis is placed on concepts, methods, and techniques for modeling, assessment, and solving or estimation of economic problems in an attempt to understand the large variability of financial markets, trading and communication networks, barriers and acceleration of the economic growth as well as the kinetics of product and money flows. The main focus of the book is a clear physical understanding of the self-organizing principles in social and economic systems. This modern introduction will be a useful tool for researchers, engineers, as well as graduate and post-graduate students in econophysics and related topics.
This book, provides a general introduction to the ideas and methods of statistical mechanics with the principal aim of meeting the needs of Master's students in chemical, mechanical, and materials science engineering. Extensive introductory information is presented on many general physics topics in which students in engineering are inadequately trained, ranging from the Hamiltonian formulation of classical mechanics to basic quantum mechanics, electromagnetic fields in matter, intermolecular forces, and transport phenomena. Since engineers should be able to apply physical concepts, the book also focuses on the practical applications of statistical physics to material science and to cutting-edge technologies, with brief but informative sections on, for example, interfacial properties, disperse systems, nucleation, magnetic materials, superfluidity, and ultralow temperature technologies. The book adopts a graded approach to learning, the opening four basic-level chapters being followed by advanced "starred" sections in which special topics are discussed. Its relatively informal style, including the use of musical metaphors to guide the reader through the text, will aid self-learning. |
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