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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Thermodynamics & statistical physics > Statistical physics

Traffic and Random Processes - An Introduction (Hardcover, 2015 ed.): Raffaele Mauro Traffic and Random Processes - An Introduction (Hardcover, 2015 ed.)
Raffaele Mauro
R3,911 R3,334 Discovery Miles 33 340 Save R577 (15%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book deals in a basic and systematic manner with the fundamentals of random function theory and looks at some aspects related to arrival, vehicle headway and operational speed processes at the same time. The work serves as a useful practical and educational tool and aims at providing stimulus and motivation to investigate issues of such a strong applicative interest. It has a clearly discursive and concise structure, in which numerical examples are given to clarify the applications of the suggested theoretical model. Some statistical characterizations are fully developed in order to illustrate the peculiarities of specific modeling approaches; finally, there is a useful bibliography for in-depth thematic analysis.

Abductive Cognition - The Epistemological and Eco-Cognitive Dimensions of Hypothetical Reasoning (Hardcover, 2010 ed.): Lorenzo... Abductive Cognition - The Epistemological and Eco-Cognitive Dimensions of Hypothetical Reasoning (Hardcover, 2010 ed.)
Lorenzo Magnani
R5,427 R4,592 Discovery Miles 45 920 Save R835 (15%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Thisvolumeexploresabductivecognition, animportantbut, atleastuntilthe third quarter of the last century, neglected topic in cognition. It integrates and further develops ideas already introduced in a previous book, which I published in 2001 (Abduction, Reason, and Science. Processes of Discovery and Explanation, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York). Thestatusofabductionisverycontroversial. Whendealingwithabductive reasoning misinterpretations and equivocations are common. What are the di?erences between abduction and induction? What are the di?erences - tween abduction and the well-known hypothetico-deductive method? What did Peircemeanwhen heconsideredabductionboth a kindofinferenceanda kind of instinct or when he considered perception a kind of abduction? Does abduction involve only the generation of hypotheses or their evaluation too? Are the criteria for the best explanation in abductive reasoning epistemic, or pragmatic, or both? Does abduction preserve ignorance or extend truth or both? How many kinds of abduction are there? Is abduction merely a kind of "explanatory" inference or does it involve other non-explanatory ways of guessing hypotheses? The book aims at increasing knowledge about creative and expert inf- ences. The study of these high-level methods of abductive reasoning is s- uated at the crossroads of philosophy, logic, epistemology, arti?cial intel- gence, neuroscience, cognitive psychology, animal cognition and evolutionary theories; that is, at the heart of cognitive science. Philosophers of science in thetwentiethcenturyhavetraditionallydistinguishedbetweentheinferential processesactiveinthelogicofdiscoveryandtheonesactiveinthelogicofj- ti?cation. Most have concluded that no logic of creative processes exists and, moreover, that a rational model of discovery is impossible. In short, scienti?c creative inferences are irrational and there is no "reasoning" to hypotheses.

Physics, Nature and Society - A Guide to Order and Complexity in Our World (Hardcover, 2014 ed.): Joaquin Marro Physics, Nature and Society - A Guide to Order and Complexity in Our World (Hardcover, 2014 ed.)
Joaquin Marro
R1,532 R1,179 Discovery Miles 11 790 Save R353 (23%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This wide-ranging and accessible book serves as a fascinating guide to the strategies and concepts that help us understand the boundaries between physics, on the one hand, and sociology, economics, and biology on the other. From cooperation and criticality to flock dynamics and fractals, the author addresses many of the topics belonging to the broad theme of complexity. He chooses excellent examples (requiring no prior mathematical knowledge) to illuminate these ideas and their implications. The lively style and clear description of the relevant models will appeal both to novices and those with an existing knowledge of the field.

Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics - Model and Design of Complex Systems (Hardcover, 2009 ed.): Visarath In, Patrick Longhini,... Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics - Model and Design of Complex Systems (Hardcover, 2009 ed.)
Visarath In, Patrick Longhini, Antonio Palacios
R4,500 Discovery Miles 45 000 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The ?eld of applied nonlinear dynamics has attracted scientists and engineers across many different disciplines to develop innovative ideas and methods to study c- plex behavior exhibited by relatively simple systems. Examples include: population dynamics, ?uidization processes, applied optics, stochastic resonance, ?ocking and ?ightformations, lasers, andmechanicalandelectricaloscillators. Acommontheme among these and many other examples is the underlying universal laws of nonl- ear science that govern the behavior, in space and time, of a given system. These laws are universal in the sense that they transcend the model-speci?c features of a system and so they can be readily applied to explain and predict the behavior of a wide ranging phenomena, natural and arti?cial ones. Thus the emphasis in the past decades has been in explaining nonlinear phenomena with signi?cantly less att- tion paid to exploiting the rich behavior of nonlinear systems to design and fabricate new devices that can operate more ef?ciently. Recently, there has been a series of meetings on topics such as Experimental Chaos, Neural Coding, and Stochastic Resonance, which have brought together many researchers in the ?eld of nonlinear dynamics to discuss, mainly, theoretical ideas that may have the potential for further implementation. In contrast, the goal of the 2007 ICAND (International Conference on Applied Nonlinear Dynamics) was focused more sharply on the implementation of theoretical ideas into actual - vices and system

Measurements of the X c and X b Quarkonium States in pp Collisions with the ATLAS Experiment (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2015): Andrew... Measurements of the X c and X b Quarkonium States in pp Collisions with the ATLAS Experiment (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2015)
Andrew Chisholm
R3,411 Discovery Miles 34 110 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This thesis, which won one of the six 2015 ATLAS Thesis Awards, concerns the study of the charmonium and bottomonium bound heavy quark bound states. The first section of the thesis describes the observation of a candidate for the chi_b(3P) bottomonium states. This represented the first observation of a new particle at the LHC and its existence was subsequently confirmed by D0 and LHCb experiments. The second part of the thesis presents measurements of the prompt and non-prompt production of the chi_c1 and chi_c2 charmonium states in proton-proton collisions. These measurements are compared to several theoretical predictions and can be used to inform the development of theoretical models of quarkonium production.

Integrative Biophysics - Biophotonics (Hardcover, 2003 ed.): Fritz-Albert Popp, L.V. Beloussov Integrative Biophysics - Biophotonics (Hardcover, 2003 ed.)
Fritz-Albert Popp, L.V. Beloussov
R7,608 Discovery Miles 76 080 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Most of the specialists working in this interdisciplinary field of physics, biology, biophysics and medicine are associated with "The International Institute of Biophysics" (IIB), in Neuss, Germany, where basic research and possibilities for applications are coordinated. The growth in this field is indicated by the increase in financial support, interest from the scientific community and frequency of publications.

Audience: The scientists of IIB have presented the most essential background and applications of biophotonics in these lecture notes in biophysics, based on the summer school lectures by this group. This book is devoted to questions of elementary biophysics, as well as current developments and applications. It will be of interest to graduate and postgraduate students, life scientists, and the responsible officials of industries and governments looking for non-invasive methods of investigating biological tissues.

Algebraic Methods in Physics - A Symposium for the 60th Birthdays of Jiri Patera and Pavel Winternitz (Hardcover): Y.... Algebraic Methods in Physics - A Symposium for the 60th Birthdays of Jiri Patera and Pavel Winternitz (Hardcover)
Y. Saint-Aubin, Luc Vinet
R2,520 Discovery Miles 25 200 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book pays tribute to two pioneers in the field of Mathematical physics, Jiri Patera and Pavel Winternitz of the CRM. Each has contributed more than forty years to the subject of mathematical physics, particularly to the study of algebraic methods.

Hybrid Self-Organizing Modeling Systems (Hardcover, 2009 ed.): Godfrey C. Onwubolu Hybrid Self-Organizing Modeling Systems (Hardcover, 2009 ed.)
Godfrey C. Onwubolu
R5,173 R4,533 Discovery Miles 45 330 Save R640 (12%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Models form the basis of any decision. They are used in di?erent context and for di?erent purposes: for identi?cation, prediction, classi?cation, or control of complex systems. Modeling is done theory-driven by logical-mathematical methods or data-driven based on observational data of the system and some algorithm or software for analyzing this data. Today, this approach is s- marized as Data Mining. There are many Data Mining algorithms known like Arti?cial Neural N- works, Bayesian Networks, Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines. This book focuses on another method: the Group Method of Data Handling. - thoughthismethodologyhasnotyetbeenwellrecognizedintheinternational science community asa verypowerfulmathematicalmodeling andknowledge extraction technology, it has a long history. Developed in 1968bythe Ukrainianscientist A.G. Ivakhnenko it combines the black-box approach and the connectionism of Arti?cial Neural Networks with well-proven Statistical Learning methods and with more behavior- justi?ed elements of inductive self-organization.Over the past 40 years it has been improving and evolving, ?rst by works in the ?eld of what was known in the U.S.A. as Adaptive Learning Networks in the 1970s and 1980s and later by signi? cantcontributions from scientists from Japan,China, Ukraine, Germany. Many papers and books have been published on this modeling technology, the vast majority of them in Ukrainian and Russian language.

Spontaneous Formation of Space-Time Structures and Criticality (Hardcover, 1991 ed.): T. Riste, David Sherrington Spontaneous Formation of Space-Time Structures and Criticality (Hardcover, 1991 ed.)
T. Riste, David Sherrington
R8,563 Discovery Miles 85 630 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This volume contains the proceedings of a NATO Advanced study Institute held at Geilo, Norway between 2 - 12 april 1991. This institute was the eleventh in a series held biannually at Geilo on the subject of phase transitions. It was intended to capture the latest ideas on selforgan ized patterns and criticality. The Institute brought together many lecturers, students and active re searchers in the field from a wide range of NATO and non-NATO countries. The main financial support came from the NATO scientific Affairs Divi sion, but additional support was obtained from the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities (NAVF) and Institutt for energi teknikk. The organizers would like to thank all these contributors for their help in promoting an exciting and rewarding meeting, and in doing so are confident that they echo the appreciation of all the parti cipants. In cooperative, equilibrium systems, physical states are described by spatio-temporal correlation functions. The intimate connection between space and time correlations is especially apparent at the critical point, the second order phase transition, where the spatial range and the decay time of the correlation function both become infinite. The salient features of critical phenomena and the history of the devel opment of this field of science are treated in the first chapter of this book."

Kinetic Theory of Gases in Shear Flows - Nonlinear Transport (Hardcover): Vicente Garzo, A. Santos Kinetic Theory of Gases in Shear Flows - Nonlinear Transport (Hardcover)
Vicente Garzo, A. Santos
R4,489 Discovery Miles 44 890 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This monograph provides a comprehensive study about how a dilute gas described by the Boltzmann equation responds under extreme nonequilibrium conditions. This response is basically characterized by nonlinear transport equations relating fluxes and hydrodynamic gradients through generalized transport coefficients that depend on the strength of the gradients. In addition, many interesting phenomena (e.g. chemical reactions or other processes with a high activation energy) are strongly influenced by the population of particles with an energy much larger than the thermal velocity, what motivates the analysis of high-degree velocity moments and the high energy tail of the distribution function.

The authors have chosen to focus on shear flows with simple geometries, both for single gases and for gas mixtures. This allows them to cover the subject in great detail. Some of the topics analyzed include:

-Non-Newtonian or rheological transport properties, such as the nonlinear shear viscosity and the viscometric functions.
-Asymptotic character of the Chapman-Enskog expansion.
-Divergence of high-degree velocity moments.
-Algebraic high energy tail of the distribution function.
-Shear-rate dependence of the nonequilibrium entropy.
-Long-wavelength instability of shear flows.
-Shear thickening in disparate-mass mixtures.
-Nonequilibrium phase transition in the tracer limit of a sheared binary mixture.
-Diffusion in a strongly sheared mixture.

The text can be read as a whole or can be used as a resource for selected topics from specific chapters.

Stochastic Dynamics of Crystal Defects (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2015): Thomas D Swinburne Stochastic Dynamics of Crystal Defects (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2015)
Thomas D Swinburne
R2,927 Discovery Miles 29 270 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This thesis is concerned with establishing a rigorous, modern theory of the stochastic and dissipative forces on crystal defects, which remain poorly understood despite their importance in any temperature dependent micro-structural process such as the ductile to brittle transition or irradiation damage. The author first uses novel molecular dynamics simulations to parameterise an efficient, stochastic and discrete dislocation model that allows access to experimental time and length scales. Simulated trajectories are in excellent agreement with experiment. The author also applies modern methods of multiscale analysis to extract novel bounds on the transport properties of these many body systems. Despite their successes in coarse graining, existing theories are found unable to explain stochastic defect dynamics. To resolve this, the author defines crystal defects through projection operators, without any recourse to elasticity. By rigorous dimensional reduction, explicit analytical forms are derived for the stochastic forces acting on crystal defects, allowing new quantitative insight into the role of thermal fluctuations in crystal plasticity.

Geometry from Dynamics, Classical and Quantum (Hardcover, 2015 ed.): Jose F. Carinena, Alberto Ibort, Giuseppe Marmo, Giuseppe... Geometry from Dynamics, Classical and Quantum (Hardcover, 2015 ed.)
Jose F. Carinena, Alberto Ibort, Giuseppe Marmo, Giuseppe Morandi
R3,857 Discovery Miles 38 570 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book describes, by using elementary techniques, how some geometrical structures widely used today in many areas of physics, like symplectic, Poisson, Lagrangian, Hermitian, etc., emerge from dynamics. It is assumed that what can be accessed in actual experiences when studying a given system is just its dynamical behavior that is described by using a family of variables ("observables" of the system). The book departs from the principle that ''dynamics is first'' and then tries to answer in what sense the sole dynamics determines the geometrical structures that have proved so useful to describe the dynamics in so many important instances. In this vein it is shown that most of the geometrical structures that are used in the standard presentations of classical dynamics (Jacobi, Poisson, symplectic, Hamiltonian, Lagrangian) are determined, though in general not uniquely, by the dynamics alone. The same program is accomplished for the geometrical structures relevant to describe quantum dynamics. Finally, it is shown that further properties that allow the explicit description of the dynamics of certain dynamical systems, like integrability and super integrability, are deeply related to the previous development and will be covered in the last part of the book. The mathematical framework used to present the previous program is kept to an elementary level throughout the text, indicating where more advanced notions will be needed to proceed further. A family of relevant examples is discussed at length and the necessary ideas from geometry are elaborated along the text. However no effort is made to present an ''all-inclusive'' introduction to differential geometry as many other books already exist on the market doing exactly that. However, the development of the previous program, considered as the posing and solution of a generalized inverse problem for geometry, leads to new ways of thinking and relating some of the most conspicuous geometrical structures appearing in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics.

Complex Engineered Systems - Science Meets Technology (Hardcover, 2006 ed.): Dan Braha, Ali A. Minai, Yaneer Bar-Yam Complex Engineered Systems - Science Meets Technology (Hardcover, 2006 ed.)
Dan Braha, Ali A. Minai, Yaneer Bar-Yam
R3,160 Discovery Miles 31 600 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book sheds light on the large-scale engineering systems that shape and guide our everyday lives. It does this by bringing together the latest research and practice defining the emerging field of Complex Engineered Systems. Understanding, designing, building and controlling such complex systems is going to be a central challenge for engineers in the coming decades. This book is a step toward addressing that challenge.

Rates of Phase Transformations (Hardcover): Robert H. Doremus Rates of Phase Transformations (Hardcover)
Robert H. Doremus
R1,757 Discovery Miles 17 570 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Phase Transitions and Renormalization Group (Hardcover): Jean Zinn-Justin Phase Transitions and Renormalization Group (Hardcover)
Jean Zinn-Justin
R2,902 Discovery Miles 29 020 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This work tries to provide an elementary introduction to the notions of continuum limit and universality in statistical systems with a large number of degrees of freedom. The existence of a continuum limit requires the appearance of correlations at large distance, a situation that is encountered in second order phase transitions, near the critical temperature. In this context, we will emphasize the role of gaussian distributions and their relations with the mean field approximation and Landau's theory of critical phenomena. We will show that quasi-gaussian or mean-field approximations cannot describe correctly phase transitions in three space dimensions. We will assign this difficulty to the coupling of very different physical length scales, even though the systems we will consider have only local, that is, short range interactions. To analyze the unusual situation, a new concept is required: the renormalization group, whose fixed points allow understanding the universality of physical properties at large distance beyond mean-field theory. In the continuum limit, critical phenomena can be described by quantum field theories. In this framework, the renormalization group is directly related to the renormalization process, that is, the necessity to cancel the infinities that arise in straightforward formulations of the theory. We thus discuss the renormalization group in the context of various relevant field theories. This leads to proofs of universality and to efficient tools for calculating universal quantities in a perturbative framework. Finally, we construct a general functional renormalization group, which can be used when perturbative methods are inadequate.

Polygons, Polyominoes and Polycubes (Hardcover, 2009 ed.): A. J. Guttmann Polygons, Polyominoes and Polycubes (Hardcover, 2009 ed.)
A. J. Guttmann
R1,635 Discovery Miles 16 350 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This unique book gives a comprehensive account of new mathematical tools used to solve polygon problems.

In the 20th and 21st centuries, many problems in mathematics, theoretical physics and theoretical chemistry - and more recently in molecular biology and bio-informatics - can be expressed as counting problems, in which specified graphs, or shapes, are counted.

One very special class of shapes is that of polygons. These are closed, connected paths in space. We usually sketch them in two-dimensions, but they can exist in any dimension. The typical questions asked include "how many are there of a given perimeter?," "how big is the average polygon of given perimeter?," and corresponding questions about the area or volume enclosed. That is to say "how many enclosing a given area?" and "how large is an average polygon of given area?" Simple though these questions are to pose, they are extraordinarily difficult to answer. They are important questions because of the application of polygon, and the related problems of polyomino and polycube counting, to phenomena occurring in the natural world, and also because the study of these problems has been responsible for the development of powerful new techniques in mathematics and mathematical physics, as well as in computer science. These new techniques then find application more broadly.

The book brings together chapters from many of the major contributors in the field. An introductory chapter giving the history of the problem is followed by fourteen further chapters describing particular aspects of the problem, and applications to biology, to surface phenomena and to computer enumeration methods.

The Landscape of Free Fermionic Gauge Models (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2016): Douglas G. Moore The Landscape of Free Fermionic Gauge Models (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2016)
Douglas G. Moore
R2,927 Discovery Miles 29 270 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

In this thesis, the author describes the development of a software framework to systematically construct a particular class of weakly coupled free fermionic heterotic string models, dubbed gauge models. In their purest form, these models are maximally supersymmetric (N = 4), and thus only contain superpartners in their matter sector. This feature makes their systematic construction particularly efficient, and they are thus useful in their simplicity. The thesis first provides a brisk introduction to heterotic strings and the spin-structure construction of free fermionic models. Three systematic surveys are then presented, and it is conjectured that these surveys are exhaustive modulo redundancies. Finally, the author presents a collection of metaheuristic algorithms for searching the landscape for models with a user-specified spectrum of phenomenological properties, e.g. gauge group and number of spacetime supersymmetries. Such algorithms provide the groundwork for extended generic free fermionic surveys.

Patterns and Interfaces in Dissipative Dynamics (Hardcover, 2006 ed.): Y. Pomeau Patterns and Interfaces in Dissipative Dynamics (Hardcover, 2006 ed.)
Y. Pomeau; L. M. Pismen
R2,909 R1,665 Discovery Miles 16 650 Save R1,244 (43%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Spontaneous pattern formation in nonlinear dissipative systems far from equilibrium occurs in a variety of settings in nature and technology, and has applications ranging from nonlinear optics through solid and fluid mechanics, physical chemistry and chemical engineering to biology. This book explores the forefront of current research, describing in-depth the analytical methods that elucidate the complex evolution of nonlinear dissipative systems.

Viability and Resilience of Complex Systems - Concepts, Methods and Case Studies from Ecology and Society (Hardcover, 2011... Viability and Resilience of Complex Systems - Concepts, Methods and Case Studies from Ecology and Society (Hardcover, 2011 ed.)
Guillaume Deffuant, Nigel Gilbert
R2,941 Discovery Miles 29 410 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

One common characteristics of a complex system is its ability to withstand major disturbances and the capacity to rebuild itself. Understanding how such systems demonstrate resilience by absorbing or recovering from major external perturbations requires both quantitative foundations and a multidisciplinary view on the topic.
This book demonstrates how new methods can be used to identify the actions favouring the recovery from perturbations. Examples discussed include bacterial biofilms resisting detachment, grassland savannahs recovering from fire, the dynamics of language competition and Internet social networking sites overcoming vandalism.
The reader is taken through an introduction to the idea of resilience and viability and shown the mathematical basis of the techniques used to analyse systems. The idea of individual or agent-based modelling of complex systems is introduced and related to analytically tractable approximations of such models. A set of case studies illustrates the use of the techniques in real applications, and the final section describes how one can use new and elaborate software tools for carrying out the necessary calculations.
The book is intended for a general scientific audience of readers from the natural and social sciences, yet requires some mathematics to gain a full understanding of the more theoretical chapters.
It is an essential point of reference for those interested in the practical application of the concepts of resilience and viability

Two-Dimensional Quadratic Nonlinear Systems - Volume I: Univariate Vector Fields (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2022): Albert C.J. Luo Two-Dimensional Quadratic Nonlinear Systems - Volume I: Univariate Vector Fields (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2022)
Albert C.J. Luo
R4,497 Discovery Miles 44 970 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book focuses on the nonlinear dynamics based on the vector fields with univariate quadratic functions. This book is a unique monograph for two-dimensional quadratic nonlinear systems. It provides different points of view about nonlinear dynamics and bifurcations of the quadratic dynamical systems. Such a two-dimensional dynamical system is one of simplest dynamical systems in nonlinear dynamics, but the local and global structures of equilibriums and flows in such two-dimensional quadratic systems help us understand other nonlinear dynamical systems, which is also a crucial step toward solving the Hilbert's sixteenth problem. Possible singular dynamics of the two-dimensional quadratic systems are discussed in detail. The dynamics of equilibriums and one-dimensional flows in two-dimensional systems are presented. Saddle-sink and saddle-source bifurcations are discussed, and saddle-center bifurcations are presented. The infinite-equilibrium states are switching bifurcations for nonlinear systems. From the first integral manifolds, the saddle-center networks are developed, and the networks of saddles, source, and sink are also presented. This book serves as a reference book on dynamical systems and control for researchers, students, and engineering in mathematics, mechanical, and electrical engineering.

Foundations of Statistical Mechanics - Volume II: Nonequilibrium Phenomena (Hardcover, 1988 ed.): W. T. Grandy Jr Foundations of Statistical Mechanics - Volume II: Nonequilibrium Phenomena (Hardcover, 1988 ed.)
W. T. Grandy Jr
R4,537 Discovery Miles 45 370 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

In this volume we continue the logical development of the work begun in Volume I, and the equilibrium theory now becomes a very special case of the exposition presented here. Once a departure is made from equilibrium, however, the problems become deeper and more subtle-and unlike the equilibrium theory, many aspects of nonequilibrium phenomena remain poorly understood. For over a century a great deal of effort has been expended on the attempt to develop a comprehensive and sensible description of nonequilibrium phenomena and irreversible processes. What has emerged is a hodgepodge of ad hoc constructs that do little to provide either a firm foundation, or a systematic means for proceeding to higher levels of understanding with respect to ever more complicated examples of nonequilibria. Although one should rightfully consider this situation shameful, the amount of effort invested testifies to the degree of difficulty of the problems. In Volume I it was emphasized strongly that the traditional exposition of equilibrium theory lacked a certain cogency which tended to impede progress with extending those considerations to more complex nonequilibrium problems. The reasons for this were adduced to be an unfortunate reliance on ergodicity and the notions of kinetic theory, but in the long run little harm was done regarding the treatment of equilibrium problems. On the nonequilibrium level the potential for disaster increases enormously, as becomes evident already in Chapter 1.

Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Systems - Volume 1: Closed-Form and Exact Solutions (Hardcover, 2nd, rev. and enlarged ed.... Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Systems - Volume 1: Closed-Form and Exact Solutions (Hardcover, 2nd, rev. and enlarged ed. 1999)
David Lavis, George M. Bell
R1,702 R1,527 Discovery Miles 15 270 Save R175 (10%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This two-volume work provides a comprehensive study of the statistical mechanics of lattice models. It introduces readers to the main topics and the theory of phase transitions, building on a firm mathematical and physical basis. Volume 1 contains an account of mean-field and cluster variation methods successfully used in many applications in solid-state physics and theoretical chemistry, as well as an account of exact results for the Ising and six-vertex models and those derivable by transformation methods.

Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Systems - Volume 2: Exact, Series and Renormalization Group Methods (Hardcover, 2nd Rev and... Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Systems - Volume 2: Exact, Series and Renormalization Group Methods (Hardcover, 2nd Rev and Enl ed.)
David Lavis, George M. Bell
R1,709 Discovery Miles 17 090 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Most of the interesting and difficult problems in statistical mechanics arise when the constituent particles of the system interact with each other with pair or multipartiele energies. The types of behaviour which occur in systems because of these interactions are referred to as cooperative phenomena giving rise in many cases to phase transitions. This book and its companion volume (Lavis and Bell 1999, referred to in the text simply as Volume 1) are princi pally concerned with phase transitions in lattice systems. Due mainly to the insights gained from scaling theory and renormalization group methods, this subject has developed very rapidly over the last thirty years. ' In our choice of topics we have tried to present a good range of fundamental theory and of applications, some of which reflect our own interests. A broad division of material can be made between exact results and ap proximation methods. We have found it appropriate to inelude some of our discussion of exact results in this volume and some in Volume 1. Apart from this much of the discussion in Volume 1 is concerned with mean-field theory. Although this is known not to give reliable results elose to a critical region, it often provides a good qualitative picture for phase diagrams as a whole. For complicated systems some kind of mean-field method is often the only tractable method available. In this volume our main concern is with scaling theory, algebraic methods and the renormalization group."

Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering - Vol. 1 (Hardcover, 2011): Santo Banerjee, Mala Mitra, Lamberto... Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering - Vol. 1 (Hardcover, 2011)
Santo Banerjee, Mala Mitra, Lamberto Rondoni
R2,978 Discovery Miles 29 780 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Chaos and nonlinear dynamics initially developed as a new emergent field with its foundation in physics and applied mathematics. The highly generic, interdisciplinary quality of the insights gained in the last few decades has spawned myriad applications in almost all branches of science and technology-and even well beyond. Wherever quantitative modeling and analysis of complex, nonlinear phenomena is required, chaos theory and its methods can play a key role. This volume concentrates on reviewing the most relevant contemporary applications of chaotic nonlinear systems as they apply to the various cutting-edge branches of engineering. The book covers the theory as applied to robotics, electronic and communication engineering (for example chaos synchronization and cryptography) as well as to civil and mechanical engineering, where its use in damage monitoring and control is explored). Featuring contributions from active and leading research groups, this collection is ideal both as a reference and as a 'recipe book' full of tried and tested, successful engineering applications

Entropy and the Time Evolution of Macroscopic Systems (Hardcover): Walter T. Grandy, Jr Entropy and the Time Evolution of Macroscopic Systems (Hardcover)
Walter T. Grandy, Jr
R4,144 R3,882 Discovery Miles 38 820 Save R262 (6%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book is based on the premise that the entropy concept, a fundamental element of probability theory as logic, governs all of thermal physics, both equilibrium and nonequilibrium. The variational algorithm of J. Willard Gibbs, dating from the 19th Century and extended considerably over the following 100 years, is shown to be the governing feature over the entire range of thermal phenomena, such that only the nature of the macroscopic constraints changes. Beginning with a short history of the development of the entropy concept by Rudolph Clausius and his predecessors, along with the formalization of classical thermodynamics by Gibbs, the first part of the book describes the quest to uncover the meaning of thermodynamic entropy, which leads to its relationship with probability and information as first envisioned by Ludwig Boltzmann. Recognition of entropy first of all as a fundamental element of probability theory in mid-twentieth Century led to deep insights into both statistical mechanics and thermodynamics, the details of which are presented here in several chapters. The later chapters extend these ideas to nonequilibrium statistical mechanics in an unambiguous manner, thereby exhibiting the overall unifying role of the entropy.

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