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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Applied mathematics > Stochastics
Stochastic differential equations (SDEs) are a powerful tool in science, mathematics, economics and finance. This book will help the reader to master the basic theory and learn some applications of SDEs. In particular, the reader will be provided with the backward SDE technique for use in research when considering financial problems in the market, and with the reflecting SDE technique to enable study of optimal stochastic population control problems. These two techniques are powerful and efficient, and can also be applied to research in many other problems in nature, science and elsewhere.
The theory of stochastic processes, for science and engineering, can be considered as an extension of probability theory allowing modeling of the evolution of systems over time. The modern theory of Markov processes has its origins in the studies of A.A. Markov (1856-1922) on sequences of experiments "connected in a chain" and in the attempts to describe mathematically the physical phenomenon Brownian motion. The theory of stochastic processes entered in a period of intensive development when the idea of Markov property was brought in. This book is a modern overall view of semi-Markov processes and its applications in reliability. It is accessible to readers with a first course in Probability theory (including the basic notions of Markov chain). The text contains many examples which aid in the understanding of the theoretical notions and shows how to apply them to concrete physical situations including algorithmic simulations. Many examples of the concrete applications in reliability are given. Features: * Processes associated to semi-Markov kernel for general and discrete state spaces * Asymptotic theory of processes and of additive functionals * Statistical estimation of semi-Markov kernel and of reliability function * Monte Carlo simulation * Applications in reliability and maintenance The book is a valuable resource for understanding the latest developments in Semi-Markov Processes and reliability. Practitioners, researchers and professionals in applied mathematics, control and engineering who work in areas of reliability, lifetime data analysis, statistics, probability, and engineering will find this book an up-to-date overview of the field.
The discipline of Stochastic Processes is usually treated as a branch of mathematics, and there are plenty of books for mathematicians on the subject. Equally, there are very many books, both for statisticians and environmental scientists, on "Time Series Analysis," analysing the structure of data sequences where measurements are made at equal time-intervals and are free from "intermittent" behaviour. But this book deals with the analysis of events which occur intermittently in time and space; through a very wide range of examples drawn from many areas of environmental science in which the role of water is central, the book shows how the same analytical procedures can be applied to very many different problems. The books many examples include: analysis of time intervals between el NiAo events, frequency of dry spells, the relation between heavy rainfall and flooding, occurrences of gravel disturbance in upland trout streams which damages trout spawn deposits and the cellular structure of rainfall. The book does not aim to be an exhaustive treatment of all possible applications of stochastic process models in the environmental sciences, but should be regarded as a source book. Its aim is to encourage students and research workers to see how environmental problems can be put into a probabilistic framework, and to draw their attention to analogous problems and solutions in other fields of environmental science in which water, and the transport of material by water, is an essential characteristic.
Stochastic Methods for Flow in Porous Media: Coping with
Uncertainties explores fluid flow in complex geologic environments.
The parameterization of uncertainty into flow models is important
for managing water resources, preserving subsurface water quality,
storing energy and wastes, and improving the safety and economics
of extracting subsurface mineral and energy resources. * As never seen before:
From the Reviews: "Gihman and Skorohod have done an excellent job of presenting
the theory in its present state of rich imperfection." "To call this work encyclopedic would not give an accurate
picture of its content and style. Some parts read like a textbook,
but others are more technical and contain relatively new results.
... The exposition is robust and explicit, as one has come to
expect of the Russian tradition of mathematical writing. The set
when completed will be an invaluable source of information and
reference in this ever-expanding field" "The dominant impression is of the authors' mastery of their
material, and of their confident insight into its underlying
structure. ..."
Featuring the clearly presented and expertly-refereed contributions of leading researchers in the field of approximation theory, this volume is a collection of the best contributions at the Third International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Approximation Theory, an international conference held at TOBB University of Economics and Technology in Ankara, Turkey, on May 28-31, 2015. The goal of the conference, and this volume, is to bring together key work from researchers in all areas of approximation theory, covering topics such as ODEs, PDEs, difference equations, applied analysis, computational analysis, signal theory, positive operators, statistical approximation, fuzzy approximation, fractional analysis, semigroups, inequalities, special functions and summability. These topics are presented both within their traditional context of approximation theory, while also focusing on their connections to applied mathematics. As a result, this collection will be an invaluable resource for researchers in applied mathematics, engineering and statistics.
This book contains the lectures given at the Conference on Dynamics and Randomness held at the Centro de Modelamiento Matematico of the Universidad de Chile from December 11th to 15th, 2000. This meeting brought together mathematicians, theoretical physicists and theoretical computer scientists, and graduate students interested in fields re lated to probability theory, ergodic theory, symbolic and topological dynam ics. We would like to express our gratitude to all the participants of the con ference and to the people who contributed to its organization. In particular, to Pierre Collet, Bernard Host and Mike Keane for their scientific advise. VVe want to thank especially the authors of each chapter for their well prepared manuscripts and the stimulating conferences they gave at Santiago. We are also indebted to our sponsors and supporting institutions, whose interest and help was essential to organize this meeting: ECOS-CONICYT, FONDAP Program in Applied Mathematics, French Cooperation, Fundacion Andes, Presidential Fellowship and Universidad de Chile. We are grateful to Ms. Gladys Cavallone for their excellent work during the preparation of the meeting as well as for the considerable task of unifying the typography of the different chapters of this book."
Stochastic discrete-event systems (SDES) capture the randomness in choices due to activity delays and the probabilities of decisions. This book delivers a comprehensive overview on modeling with a quantitative evaluation of SDES. It presents an abstract model class for SDES as a pivotal unifying result and details important model classes. The book also includes nontrivial examples to explain real-world applications of SDES.
This accessible introduction to the theory of stochastic processes emphasizes Levy processes and Markov processes. It gives a thorough treatment of the decomposition of paths of processes with independent increments (the Levy-Ito decomposition). It also contains a detailed treatment of time-homogeneous Markov processes from the viewpoint of probability measures on path space. In addition, 70 exercises and their complete solutions are included."
Interactive Particle Systems is a branch of Probability Theory with close connections to Mathematical Physics and Mathematical Biology. In 1985, the author wrote a book (T. Liggett, Interacting Particle System, ISBN 3-540-96069) that treated the subject as it was at that time. The present book takes three of the most important models in the area, and traces advances in our understanding of them since 1985. In so doing, many of the most useful techniques in the field are explained and developed, so that they can be applied to other models and in other contexts. Extensive Notes and References sections discuss other work on these and related models. Readers are expected to be familiar with analysis and probability at the graduate level, but it is not assumed that they have mastered the material in the 1985 book. This book is intended for graduate students and researchers in Probability Theory, and in related areas of Mathematics, Biology and Physics.
Devoted to a systematic exposition of some recent developments in
the theory of discrete-time Markov control processes, the text is
mainly confined to MCPs with Borel state and control spaces.
Although the book follows on from the author's earlier work, an
important feature of this volume is that it is self-contained and
can thus be read independently of the first.
This book covers the broad range of research in stochastic models and optimization. Applications covered include networks, financial engineering, production planning and supply chain management. Each contribution is aimed at graduate students working in operations research, probability, and statistics.
Drawing on advanced probability theory, Ambit Stochastics is used to model stochastic processes which depend on both time and space. This monograph, the first on the subject, provides a reference for this burgeoning field, complete with the applications that have driven its development. Unique to Ambit Stochastics are ambit sets, which allow the delimitation of space-time to a zone of interest, and ambit fields, which are particularly well-adapted to modelling stochastic volatility or intermittency. These attributes lend themselves notably to applications in the statistical theory of turbulence and financial econometrics. In addition to the theory and applications of Ambit Stochastics, the book also contains new theory on the simulation of ambit fields and a comprehensive stochastic integration theory for Volterra processes in a non-semimartingale context. Written by pioneers in the subject, this book will appeal to researchers and graduate students interested in empirical stochastic modelling.
Thiscollectionofproblemsisplannedasatextbookforuniversitycoursesinthe theoryofstochasticprocessesandrelatedspecialcourses. Theproblemsinthebook haveawidespectrumofthelevelofdif cultyandcanbeusefulforreaderswith variouslevelsofmasteringinthetheoryofstochasticprocesses. Togetherwithte- nicalandillustrativeproblemsintendedforbeginners,thebookcontainsanumber ofproblemsoftheoreticalnaturethatcanbeusefulforstudentsandundergraduate studentsthatpursueadvancedstudiesinthetheoryofstochasticprocessesandits- plications. Amongothers,theimportantaimofthebookistoprovideateachingstaff anef cienttoolforpreparingseminarstudies,tests,andexamsconcerninguniversity coursesinthetheoryofstochasticprocessesandrelatedtopics. Whilecomposingthe book,theauthorshavepartiallyusedthecollectionsofproblemsinprobabilityt- ory[16,65,75,83]. Also,someexercisesandproblemsfromthemonographsand textbooks[4,9,19,22,82]wereused. Atthesametime,alargepartofourproblem bookcontainsoriginalmaterial. Thebookisorganizedasfollows. Theproblemsarecollectedintochapters,each chapterbeingdevotedtoacertaintopic. Atthebeginningofeachchapter,theth- reticalgroundsforthecorrespondingtopicaregivenbrie ytogetherwiththelistof bibliography,whichthereadercanuseinordertostudythistopicinmoredetail. For themostoftheproblems,eitherhintsorcompletesolutions(oranswers)aregiven, andsomeoftheproblemsareprovidedwithbothhintsandsolutions(answers). H- ever,theauthorsdonotrecommendthatareaderusethehintssystematically,because solvingaproblemwithoutassistanceismuchmoreusefulthanusingaready-made idea. Somestatementsthathaveaparticulartheoreticalinterestareformulatedon theoreticalgrounds,andtheirproofsareformulatedasproblemsforthereader. Such problemsaresuppliedwitheithercompletesolutionsordetailedhints. Inordertoworkwiththeproblembookef ciently,areadershouldbeacquainted withprobabilitytheory,calculus,andmeasuretheorywithinthescopeofresp- tiveuniversity courses. Standard notions, suchas random variable, measurability, independence, Lebesgue measure and integral, and so on are used without ad- tionaldiscussion. Allthenewnotionsandstatementsrequiredforsolvingthepr- lemsaregiveneitherontheoreticalgroundsorintheformulationsoftheproblems vii viii Preface straightforwardly. However,sometimesanotionisusedinthetextbeforeitsformal de nition. Forinstance,theWienerandPoissonprocessesareprocesseswithin- pendentincrementsandthusareformallyintroducedinaTheoreticalgroundsfor Chapter5,buttheseprocessesareusedwidelyintheproblemsofChapters2to4. Theauthorsrecommendthatareaderwhocomestoanunknownnotionorobject usetheIndexinorderto ndthecorrespondingformalde nition. Thesamerec- mendationconcernssomestandardabbreviationsandsymbolslistedattheendofthe book. Someproblemsinthebookformcycles:solutionstooneofthemaregrounded onstatementsofothersoronauxiliaryconstructionsdescribedinsomepreceding solutions. Sometimes,onthecontrary,itisproposedtoprovethesamestatement withindifferentproblemsusingessentiallydifferenttechniques. Theauthorsrec- mendareaderpayspeci cattentiontothesefruitfulinternallinksbetweenvarious topicsofthetheoryofstochasticprocesses. Everypartofthebookwascomposedsubstantiallybyoneauthor. Chapters1-6, and16arecomposedbyA. Kulik,Chapters7,12-15,18,and19byYu. Mishura, Chapters 8-10 by A. Pilipenko, Chapter 17 by A. Kukush, and Chapter 20 by D. Gusak. Chapter11waspreparedjointlybyD. GusakandA. Pilipenko. Atthe sametime,everyauthorhasmadeacontributiontootherpartsofthebookbyprop- ingseparateproblemsorcyclesofproblems,improvingpreliminaryversionsoft- oreticalgrounds,andeditingthe naltext. The authors would like to express their deep gratitude to M. Portenko and A. Ivanovfortheircarefulreadingofapreliminaryversionofthebookandva- ablecommentsthatledtosigni cantimprovementofthetext. Theauthorsarealso gratefultoT. Yakovenko,G. Shevchenko,O. Soloveyko, Yu. Kartashov, Yu. K- menko,A. Malenko,andN. Ryabovafortheirassistanceintranslation,preparing lesandpictures,andcomposingthesubjectindexandreferences. Thetheoryofstochasticprocessesisanextendeddiscipline,andtheauthors- derstandthattheproblembookinitscurrentformmaycausecriticalremarksfrom readers,concerningeitherthestructureofthebookorthecontentofseparatech- ters. Whilepublishingtheproblembookinitscurrentform,theauthorsareopenfor remarks,comments,andpropositions,andexpressinadvancetheirgratitudetoall theircorrespondents. Kyiv DmytroGusak December2008 AlexanderKukush AlexeyKulik YuliyaMishura AndreyPilipenko Contents 1 De?nition of stochastic process. Cylinder?-algebra, ?nite-dimensional distributions, the Kolmogorov theorem...1 Theoreticalgrounds ...1 Bibliography...3 Problems...3 Hints...7 AnswersandSolutions...9 2 Characteristics of a stochastic process. Mean and covariance functions. Characteristic functions...11 Theoreticalgrounds ...11 Bibliography...13 Problems...13 Hints...16 AnswersandSolutions...17 3 Trajectories. Modi?cations. Filtrations...21 Theoreticalgrounds ...21 Bibliography...24 Problems...24 Hints...29 AnswersandSolutions...31 4 Continuity. Differentiability. Integrability...33 Theoreticalgrounds ...33 Bibliography...34 Problems...34 Hints...38 AnswersandSolutions...40 ix x Contents 5 Stochastic processes with independent increments. Wiener and Poisson processes. Poisson point measures...
Stochastic Analysis aims to provide mathematical tools to describe and model high dimensional random systems. Such tools arise in the study of Stochastic Differential Equations and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Infinite Dimensional Stochastic Geometry, Random Media and Interacting Particle Systems, Super-processes, Stochastic Filtering, Mathematical Finance, etc. Stochastic Analysis has emerged as a core area of late 20th century Mathematics and is currently undergoing a rapid scientific development. The special volume "Stochastic Analysis 2010" provides a sample of the current research in the different branches of the subject. It includes the collected works of the participants at the Stochastic Analysis section of the 7th ISAAC Congress organized at Imperial College London in July 2009.
The aim of this book is to present graduate students with a thorough survey of reference probability models and their applications to optimal estimation and control. These new and powerful methods are particularly useful in signal processing applications where signal models are only partially known and are in noisy environments. Well-known results, including Kalman filters and the Wonheim filter emerge as special cases. The authors begin with discrete time and discrete state spaces. From there, they proceed to cover continuous time, and progress from linear models to non-linear models, and from completely known models to only partially known models. Readers are assumed to have basic grounding in probability and systems theory as might be gained from the first year of graduate study, but otherwise this account is self-contained. Throughout, the authors have taken care to demonstrate engineering applications which show the usefulness of these methods.
This work considers Kronecker-based models with finite as well as countably infinite state spaces for multidimensional Markovian systems by paying particular attention to those whose reachable state spaces are smaller than their product state spaces. Numerical methods for steady-state and transient analysis of Kronecker-based multidimensional Markovian models are discussed in detail together with implementation issues. Case studies are provided to explain concepts and motivate use of methods. Having grown out of research from the past twenty years, this book expands upon the author's previously published book Analyzing Markov Chains using Kronecker Products (Springer, 2012). The subject matter is interdisciplinary and at the intersection of applied mathematics and computer science. The book will be of use to researchers and graduate students with an understanding of basic linear algebra, probability, and discrete mathematics.
A beautiful interplay between probability theory (Markov
processes, martingale theory) on the one hand and operator and
spectral theory on the other yields a uniform treatment of several
kinds of Hamiltonians such as the Laplace operator, relativistic
Hamiltonian, Laplace-Beltrami operator, and generators of
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. For such operators regular and
singular perturbations of order zero and their spectral properties
are investigated.
Over the past decades, although stochastic system control has been
studied intensively within the field of control engineering, all
the modelling and control strategies developed so far have
concentrated on the performance of one or two output properties of
the system. such as minimum variance control and mean value
control. The general assumption used in the formulation of
modelling and control strategies is that the distribution of the
random signals involved is Gaussian. In this book, a set of new
approaches for the control of the output probability density
function of stochastic dynamic systems (those subjected to any
bounded random inputs), has been developed. In this context, the
purpose of control system design becomes the selection of a control
signal that makes the shape of the system outputs p.d.f. as close
as possible to a given distribution. The book contains material on
the subjects of: - Control of single-input single-output and
multiple-input multiple-output stochastic systems; - Stable
adaptive control of stochastic distributions; - Model reference
adaptive control; - Control of nonlinear dynamic stochastic
systems; - Condition monitoring of bounded stochastic
distributions; - Control algorithm design; - Singular stochastic
In the mathematical treatment of many problems which arise in physics, economics, engineering, management, etc., the researcher frequently faces two major difficulties: infinite dimensionality and randomness of the evolution process. Infinite dimensionality occurs when the evolution in time of a process is accompanied by a space-like dependence; for example, spatial distribution of the temperature for a heat-conductor, spatial dependence of the time-varying displacement of a membrane subject to external forces, etc. Randomness is intrinsic to the mathematical formulation of many phenomena, such as fluctuation in the stock market, or noise in communication networks. Control theory of distributed parameter systems and stochastic systems focuses on physical phenomena which are governed by partial differential equations, delay-differential equations, integral differential equations, etc., and stochastic differential equations of various types. This has been a fertile field of research with over 40 years of history, which continues to be very active under the thrust of new emerging applications. Among the subjects covered are: Control of distributed parameter systems; Stochastic control; Applications in finance/insurance/manufacturing; Adapted control; Numerical approximation . It is essential reading for applied mathematicians, control theorists, economic/financial analysts and engineers.
This book presents important recent developments in mathematical and computational methods used in impedance imaging and the theory of composite materials. By augmenting the theory with interesting practical examples and numerical illustrations, the exposition brings simplicity to the advanced material. An introductory chapter covers the necessary basics. An extensive bibliography and open problems at the end of each chapter enhance the text.
In the past decade there has been an extemely rapid growth in the interest and development of quantum group theory.This book provides students and researchers with a practical introduction to the principal ideas of quantum groups theory and its applications to quantum mechanical and modern field theory problems. It begins with a review of, and introduction to, the mathematical aspects of quantum deformation of classical groups, Lie algebras and related objects (algebras of functions on spaces, differential and integral calculi). In the subsequent chapters the richness of mathematical structure and power of the quantum deformation methods and non-commutative geometry is illustrated on the different examples starting from the simplest quantum mechanical system - harmonic oscillator and ending with actual problems of modern field theory, such as the attempts to construct lattice-like regularization consistent with space-time Poincare symmetry and to incorporate Higgs fields in the general geometrical frame of gauge theories. Graduate students and researchers studying the problems of quantum field theory, particle physics and mathematical aspects of quantum symmetries will find the book of interest.
This book is a thorough and self-contained treatise of martingales as a tool in stochastic analysis, stochastic integrals and stochastic differential equations. The book is clearly written and details of proofs are worked out.
We present an improved and enlarged version of our book Nonlinear - namics of Chaotic and Stochastic Systems published by Springer in 2002. Basically, the new edition of the book corresponds to its ?rst version. While preparingthiseditionwemadesomeclari?cationsinseveralsectionsandalso corrected the misprints noticed in some formulas. Besides, three new sections have been added to Chapter 2. They are "Statistical Properties of Dynamical Chaos," "E?ects of Synchronization in Extended Self-Sustained Oscillatory Systems," and "Synchronization in Living Systems." The sections indicated re?ect the most interesting results obtained by the authors after publication of the ?rst edition. We hope that the new edition of the book will be of great interest for a widesectionofreaderswhoarealreadyspecialistsorthosewhoarebeginning research in the ?elds of nonlinear oscillation and wave theory, dynamical chaos, synchronization, and stochastic process theory. Saratov, Berlin, and St. Louis V.S. Anishchenko November 2006 A.B. Neiman T.E. Vadiavasova V.V. Astakhov L. Schimansky-Geier Preface to the First Edition Thisbookisdevotedtotheclassicalbackgroundandtocontemporaryresults on nonlinear dynamics of deterministic and stochastic systems. Considerable attentionisgiventothee?ectsofnoiseonvariousregimesofdynamicsystems with noise-induced order. On the one hand, there exists a rich literature of excellent books on n- linear dynamics and chaos; on the other hand, there are many marvelous monographs and textbooks on the statistical physics of far-from-equilibrium andstochasticprocesses.Thisbookisanattempttocombinetheapproachof nonlinear dynamics based on the deterministic evolution equations with the approach of statistical physics based on stochastic or kinetic equations. One of our main aims is to show the important role of noise in the organization and properties of dynamic regimes of nonlinear dissipative systems.
This book is a prototype providing new insight into Markovian dependence via the cycle decompositions. It presents a systematic account of a class of stochastic processes known as cycle (or circuit) processes - so-called because they may be defined by directed cycles. These processes have special and important properties through the interaction between the geometric properties of the trajectories and the algebraic characterization of the Markov process. An important application of this approach is the insight it provides to electrical networks and the duality principle of networks. In particular, it provides an entirely new approach to infinite electrical networks and their applications in topics as diverse as random walks, the classification of Riemann surfaces, and to operator theory. The second edition of this book adds new advances to many directions, which reveal wide-ranging interpretations of the cycle representations like homologic decompositions, orthogonality equations, Fourier series, semigroup equations, and disintegration of measures. The versatility of these interpretations is consequently motivated by the existence of algebraic-topological principles in the fundamentals of the cycle representations. This book contains chapter summaries as well as a number of detailed illustrations. Review of the earlier edition: "This is a very useful monograph which avoids ready ways and opens new research perspectives. It will certainly stimulate further work, especially on the interplay of algebraic and geometrical aspects of Markovian dependence and its generalizations." Math Reviews. |
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