Books > Sport & Leisure > Transport: general interest
First published in 2002 as volume 24 in the NASA "Monograph in
Aerospace History" series. This study contains photographs and
The book tells the story of the R38/ZR2 airship which broke in half
and crashed into the River Humber in Hull England. It also tells
the fictitious love story of a local girl and one of the American
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This comprehensive reference guide reviews the literature
concerning the impact of the automobile on American social,
economic, and political history. Covering the complete history of
the automobile to date, twelve chapters of bibliographic essays
describe the important works in a series of related topics and
provide broad thematic contexts. This work includes general
histories of the automobile, the industry it spawned and
labor-management relations, as well as biographies of famous
automotive personalities. Focusing on books concerned with various
social aspects, chapters discuss such issues as the car's influence
on family life, youth, women, the elderly, minorities, literature,
and leisure and recreation. Berger has also included works that
investigate the government's role in aiding and regulating the
automobile, with sections on roads and highways, safety, and
pollution. The guide concludes with an overview of reference works
and periodicals in the field and a description of selected research
"The Automobile in American History and Culture" provides a
resource with which to examine the entire field and its structure.
Popular culture scholars and enthusiasts involved in automotive
research will appreciate the extensive scope of this reference.
Cross-referenced throughout, it will serve as a valuable research
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Die Schweiz verfügt über eines der dichtesten Eisenbahnnetze der
Welt. Dies ist keine Selbstverständlichkeit: Nach dem Zweiten
Weltkrieg wurden in fast allen Industrieländern zahlreiche
Eisenbahnstrecken stillgelegt. Der motorisierte Individualverkehr
triumphierte über das Massenverkehrsmittel aus dem 19.
Jahrhundert. Dennoch blieben bei den Schweizer Eisenbahnen
Streckenschliessungen grösseren Stils aus. Das Buch untersucht die
Antwort der Schweizerischen Politik auf die vermeintliche Agonie
der Eisenbahnen vom Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs bis in die frühen
1980er-Jahre. Die Basis hierzu bildet eine quantitative Analyse der
Schweizerischen Eisenbahnwirtschaft, gefolgt von der Darstellung
eines umstrittenen Stilllegungsfalles mit Signalwirkung für die
gesamtschweizerische Gesetzgebung. Der Politikvollzug, der von der
Abkehr von reinen Wirtschaftlichkeitskriterien bei der
Eisenbahnsubventionierung und der opportunistischen Ausdehnung der
Staatshilfen auf einen grösseren Empfängerkreis geprägt war,
bildet einen weiteren Schwerpunkt. Die Darstellung wird durch die
Analyse der Triebkräfte hinter dem Wandel der Schweizerischen
Bundesbahnen vom gemeinwirtschaftlichen Verwaltungsunternehmen zum
ökologischen Massenverkehrsmittel mit einer ausgeprägten
Management-Kultur vervollständigt.
For 65 years Bowater's paper mills in Kent were served by an
extensive 2ft 6in gauge railway system. This connected the original
mill at Sittingbourne with the large mill at Kemsley and a private
dock at Ridham. Thousands of tons of coal, china clay, recycled
paper, wood pulp, logs and finished paper were hauled by a total of
sixteen narrow gauge and three standard gauge locos, in a twenty
four hour operation to keep the mills running. However, with the
dawn of modernisation in 1969 a portion of the route and stock soon
became the Sittingbourne and Kemsley Light Railway. Within this
bright new volume renowned enthusiast and model maker, Dave
Hammersley presents a nostalgic glimpse of the railway in Bowater's
days, when the line was well-maintained and working round the
clock. Steam locomotives appear around every corner, surrounded by
dramatic industrial landscapes. Each of the engines is pictured
alongside a concise description, finally concluding with a brief
look at the first year of preservation. An entertaining read and a
snapshot of an important moment in railway history, this book is a
must have for railway enthusiasts nationwide!
First published in 1997 as volume 6 in the NASA "Monograph in
Aerospace History" series. This study contains photographs and
Data reference. Not a photo album. The goal of this series is to
present less-than-book length freight car roster subjects in an
easy reference format. The term "roster" is used here in a broad
definition to include a variety of data that can be employed by
freight car spotters. This volume includes a survey of remaining
temperature controlled railcars used by American operators at the
end of 2013. Though greatly reduced in numbers since the steam and
transition era, refrigerated railcars have been able to maintain a
presence of over 14,000 units. Also included is a roster of cars
delivered new under CEFX reporting marks. The roster is presented
in numerical order with each series using a full page flexible data
Little work has been done to explicate the motivational factors of
agency, particularly in cases where an artifact initially deemed
ineffective or superfluous becomes an everyday necessity, such as
the automobile at the turn of the twentieth century. Farmers saw it
as a "devil wagon" but later adopted it for use as an all-around
device and power source. What makes a social group change its
position about a particular artifact? How did the devil wagon
overcome its notoriety to become a prosaic mainstream device? These
questions direct the research in this book. While they may have
been asked before, author Imes Chiu (PhD, Cornell University)
brings a different and refreshing approach to the problem of
newness. Preexisting practices and work routines used as
explanatory devices have something interesting to say about
diffusion strategies and localization measures. This innovative
study examines the conversion of users. To understand the
motivating factors in mass adoption, the study focuses on
perceptions and practices associated with horses and motorcars in
three different settings during three different periods. All three
cases begin with the motorcar in the periphery: all three end with
it achieving ubiquity. This multiple-case design is used for the
purpose of theoretical replication. Results in all three cases show
that a contrived likeness to its competitor-the horse-contributed
to the motorcar's success. The motorcar absorbed the technical,
material, structural, and conceptual resources of the technology it
displaced. This book, which includes several rare photographs, will
be an important resource for those who wish to study the history of
transportation and technology adaptation.
The invention of the airplane redefined the way in which people
travel, conduct commerce, spend their leisure time, and wage war.
From the Wright brothers' wood-and-fabric Flyer to the modern jet
aircraft, the airplane has evolved in countless ways as its many
uses have unfolded. The development of safe and efficient air
travel required solving multiple engineering riddles about
aerodynamics, control, propulsion, and structures. This volume in
the Greenwood Technographies series shows how the solutions to
these riddles have helped spur dramatic changes in the world's
social and cultural life. Airplanes: The Life Story of a
Technology: Shows both students and general readers how the
airplane has become such an integral part of daily life Shows how
the airplane altered military doctrine, completely changing how
modern wars are fought and won Demonstrates the importance of
govenrment and society in the aeronautical revolution of the 1920s
and 1930s Examines the new revolution of jet engines that required
new ideas in airplane propulsion and design Discusses the
commercial airlines and the effect of economic deregulation. The
volume includes a glossary of terms, a timeline of important
events, and a selected bibliography of useful resources for further
Praised by the Chicago Tribune as "thoroughly and compellingly
detailed history," Volumes I and II of Maury Klein's monumental
history of the Union Pacific Railroad covered the years from
1863-1969. Now the third and final volume brings the story of the
Union Pacific--the oldest, largest, and most successful railroad of
modern times--fully up to date.
The book follows the trajectory of an icon of the industrial age
trying to negotiate its way in a post-railway world, plagued by
setbacks such as labor disputes, aging infrastructure, government
de-regulation, ill-fated mergers, and more. By 1969 the same
company that a century earlier had triumphantly driven the golden
spike into Promontory Summit--to immortalize the nation's first
transcontinental railway--seemed a dinosaur destined for financial
ruin. But as Klein shows, the Union Pacific not only survived but
is once more thriving, which proves that railways remain critical
to commerce and industry in America, even as passenger train travel
has all but disappeared. Drawing on interviews with Union Pacific
personnel past and present, Klein takes readers inside the great
railroad--into its boardrooms and along its tracks--to show how the
company adapted to the rapidly changing world of modern
transportation. The book also offers fascinating portraits of the
men who have run the railroad. The challenges they faced, and the
strategies they developed to meet them, give readers a rare glimpse
into the inner workings of one of America's great companies.
A capstone on a remarkable achievement, Union Pacific: The
Reconfiguration will appeal to historians, business scholars, and
transportation buffs alike.
First published in 2000 as volume 20 in the NASA "Monograph in
Aerospace History" series. This study contains photographs and
Hatchback, Saloon & Estate Petrol: 2.0 litre (1998cc) Duratec
Turbo-Diesel: 1.8 litre (1753cc) & 2.0 litre (1998cc) Duratorq
TDCi Does NOT cover models with 1.6 litre, 2.0 litre 'Ecoboost',
2.3 litre or 2.5 litre petrol engines, or 1.6 litre or 2.2 litre
diesel engines Does NOT cover flex fuel models or Powershift
transmission, or new Mondeo range introduced January 2015
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