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Studente sal hierdie boek van groot waarde vind by hulle studie van die Strafprosesreg. Dit maak lesers vertroud met die fundamentele beginsels en waardes onderliggend aan hierdie gebied van die reg en lei hulle stelselmatig deur die proses wat op strafsake van toepassing is. Professor J P Swanepoel (voormalige staatsadvokaat met beduidende praktiese ondervinding in die strafhowe) en Professor J J Joubert is beide afgetrede lede van die Departement Straf- en Prosesreg van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika. Professor S S Terblanche (voorheen ’n landdros) is ’n lid van die Departement Straf- en Prosesreg van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika en het al ruim bygedra tot die literatuur met betrekking tot vonnisoplegging. Professor S E van der Merwe was professor in Publiekreg aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch en is steeds ’n produktiewe skrywer oor hierdie vakgebied. Professor G P Kemp is ’n lid van die Departement Publiekreg van die Universiteit Stellenbosch en sy publikasies oor die strafregspleging verwys gereeld na sy spesialiseringsgebied, die internasionale strafreg. Professor D Ally is Hoof van die Departement Regte van die Tshwane University of Technology en het ’n aantal artikels geskryf met die strafproses as onderwerp, en met besondere verwysing na die impak van die Grondwet op die strafproses. Dr M T Mokoena is Hoof van die Departement Straf- en Prosesreg van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika en lewer publikasies oor die strafprosesreg, insonderheid borgtog.
Practising Learning and Development in South African Organisations 4e offers an outcomes-based, occupation-directed and work-based L&D approach to workplace learning design. Integrating theoretical and practical perspectives, this book gives a comprehensive overview of the National Skills Development Framework. It further presents a new chapter on online learning design which caters to the needs of a digital society. Key Benefits:
The authors of the pioneering Cutting-Edge Marketing Analytics return to the vital conversation of leveraging big data with Marketing Analytics: Essential Tools for Data-Driven Decisions, which updates and expands on the earlier book as we enter the 2020s. As they illustrate, big data analytics is the engine that drives marketing, providing a forward-looking, predictive perspective for marketing decision-making. The book presents actual cases and data, giving readers invaluable real-world instruction. The cases show how to identify relevant data, choose the best analytics technique, and investigate the link between marketing plans and customer behavior. These actual scenarios shed light on the most pressing marketing questions, such as setting the optimal price for one’s product or designing effective digital marketing campaigns. Big data is currently the most powerful resource to the marketing professional, and this book illustrates how to fully harness that power to effectively maximize marketing efforts.
The purpose of this book is to provide a first introduction for an undergraduate student in property law. As with earlier editions this eighth edition of the Introduction to the Law of Property was written specifically for students in an undergraduate module on the law of property. Therefore, the contents are restricted to what the authors regard as essential for these students. Footnotes have not been used for the same reason; in an introductory module the emphasis should arguably fall on understanding basic concepts and principles, rather than on additional reading material. However, extensive use is made of examples from case law. Under the new authorship the Introduction still emphasises the influence of the constitutional framework on the development of this aspect of private law. This eighth edition of the Introduction is published as part of the series of Juta’s Property Law Library. The aim of this series is to illustrate the interplay between the common law, the constitution and legal reform in a constitutional system. As an introduction, the book is different from the other volumes in the series in that it is specifically aimed at students. In updating the Introduction cognisance was also taken of the Qualification standards for the Bachelor of Laws published by the HEQC in May 2015, and the attributes of a graduate that was included in the report. Therefore, the 2021 edition contains electronic resources that will assist students to be better prepared for the legal profession with an appreciation of the constitutional values and principles underpinning the law, and an understanding that the law is a dynamic and developing discipline.
Corruption in South Africa: A Legal Perspective offers a comprehensive analysis of the legal and institutional frameworks addressing corruption in South Africa. With eleven insightful chapters covering the international anti-corruption landscape, domestic legislation, the impact on human rights, public procurement, money laundering, and the critical role of civil society, courts, and commissions of inquiry, this book is an essential resource for anyone seeking to understand the challenges of corruption in South Africa and the legal battle against it. Designed for academics, policymakers, legal practitioners, students, and the general public, this groundbreaking work sheds light on a crucial issue facing the nation today. It is written in a style and language that make it accessible and easy to understand even for those without any legal background.
Engineers need to be familiar with the fundamental principles and concepts in materials and structures in order to be able to design structurers to resist failures. For 4 decades, this book has provided engineers with these fundamentals. Thoroughly updated, the book has been expanded to cover
everything on materials and structures that engineering students
are likely to need. Starting with basic mechanics, the book goes on
to cover modern numerical techniques such as matrix and finite
element methods. There is also additional material on composite
materials, thick shells, flat plates and the vibrations of complex
structures. Illustrated throughout with worked examples, the book
also provides numerous problems for students to attempt.
This book offers a comprehensive account of South African administrative law with an emphasis on judicial review of administrative action. First published in 2007, Administrative Law in South Africa was soon established as a leading scholarly work in its field. The first and second editions by Cora Hoexter both attracted a remarkable number of judicial citations with approval. The updated third edition by Cora Hoexter and Glenn Penfold takes account of almost a decade of case law and commentary since the second edition appeared in April 2012. Although considerably expanded in length, the third edition retains the clarity and accessibility that characterised the first two editions. The work is intended primarily for the subject specialist but will be appreciated by all who work with this branch of public law, including judges, practitioners, academics, students and administrators.
Introductory Questions on SA Tax is the first of three publications in the Questions on SA Tax series designed to provide comprehensive tutorial coverage to taxation students. This book covers foundational topics typically dealt with in the first year of the study of tax at an undergraduate level. Recommended for Undergraduate taxation students in their first year of the study of tax at universities, universities of technology and private HE institutions.
Investigating Misconduct and Incapacity sets out practical steps to enable those initiating dispute procedures to compile and prepare relevant evidence for disciplinary enquiries and to structure that evidence for the best presentation of cases against offenders in the workplace. Investigating Misconduct and Incapacity assists in properly conducting investigations and then interpreting the evidence discovered, collating the evidence effectively and presenting that evidence during the course of disciplinary hearings. This book discusses the tools of discovery of evidence, offence categories for relevant charges and how to compile those charges. It describes various processes of collating the evidence into a comprehensible format and also addresses the prospects of legal intervention should the situation warrant it.
This introductory textbook to Business Management covers all the topics most important to those interested in the business world and managing businesses in South Africa, Africa and globally. They include:
The book also covers the business environment, entrepreneurship, business ethics and contemporary trends in 4IR relevant to management. It has been written by distinguished authors, all experts in their respective fields from various universities and the private sector, who share their knowledge and experience with a theoretically sound but practical approach. The intended readers are undergraduate students studying Introductory Business Management as part of a degree or diploma at a university, university of technology or private college.
Graduate education and employability stand as the foundational cornerstones of social and economic progress for any nation. These encompass a spectrum of accomplishments, competencies, and individual qualities that significantly enhance graduates' prospects of securing employment and excelling within their selected careers. Gaining work experience offers young individuals a chance to actively participate in a professional environment, enabling them to grasp the dynamics of the working world, which differs significantly from the school setting. Simultaneously, it presents businesses with the prospect of enhancing their visibility within the local community and playing a role in shaping the future workforce.
An introduction to Family Law in Zambia is an instrumental addition to the texts on Family Law in Zambia, it discusses key legislative reforms including the Children’s Code Act, the Anti-Gender Based Violence Act, the Matrimonial Causes Act of Zambia and the Marriage (Amendment) Act of Zambia. The book further discusses key Supreme Court decisions that have immensely transformed the field of family law. An introduction to Family Law in Zambia thus provides a comprehensive, up-to-date and reliable guide for students and law practitioners. The book is designed to equip undergraduate students and students preparing for the legal practitioner’s qualifying exam with necessary knowledge required for family law practice. The book incorporates chapter summaries and provides a guide on approaching questions on family law to reinforce student learning
The seventh edition of this popular and well-established textbook offers nurses, medical students, doctors, and other health professionals a method of learning neonatology.
Juta's nursing psychology is aimed at nursing professionals to enable them to apply psychological concepts to nursing practice and so assist them in their day-to-day contact with patients. It examines human behaviour in a holistic way, and this means considering the whole person: brain, nervous system, personality, stage of life, social relationships and so on. The selection of topics in Juta's nursing psychology makes this holistic view a reality and includes: the biological basis of human behaviour; human development across the lifespan, including the social context; psychological approaches to health and ill-health; an introduction to counselling.
Zimbabwe’s Constitution of 2013 provides for multi-level government at national, provincial and local level. This book explores the nature, evolution and future of this multi-level system of government against the background of international best practices. Provincial and Local Government Reform in Zimbabwe: An analysis of the Law, Policy and Practice considers key questions about the multi-level system of government and shows how it radically differs from the old Lancaster House constitutional order. The roles that provincial and local governments, as well as traditional leaders, fulfil in the new order are examined, the reforms needed to implement the system are outlined, and lessons to be learnt from other countries with multi-level governments are considered. This book aims to aid the realisation of Zimbabwe’s constitutional goals of development, democracy and peace through effective multilevel governance and contributes to the international discourse on decentralisation and the role of subnational governments in Africa.
This book examines sexual contact and abuse from a purely scientific and medical perspective. The book covers:
The cadre of forensic nursing as a professional scope of nursing has recently been accepted by the Nursing Council and is now beginning to emerge, and legally in this country such nurses are now allowed to examine sexual abuse cases, issue reports and give testimony provided they undergo an accredited training programme in sexual abuse medicine. In addition, medical and legal professionals need to understand, interpret, and present sexual medical evidence appropriately in sexual offences cases. This book will serve as a ready reference for the understanding and interpretation of the sexual biology and medicine, both in the medical practitioner’s consulting room and the courtroom.
Understanding the CCMA Rules & Procedure is an explanation of the Rules for the Conduct of Proceedings before the CCMA, and an invaluable guide to the various CCMA processes and proceedings. Understanding the CCMA Rules & Procedure will assist the reader in understanding a sometimes complicated and confusing set of rules. Each CCMA rule is explained and summarised. In cases where a rule has been interpreted by the CCMA or Labour Courts, the relevant award or judgment is brought to the reader's attention. Understanding the CCMA Rules & Procedure also contains: The text of the rules for easy reference; A useful matrix of CCMA forms and their uses; Templates for rescission and condonation applications; The CCMA guidelines on misconduct arbitration; The code of conduct for CCMA commissioners.
This book provides law enforcement officials with the essential legal knowledge and practical acumen needed for the performance of their duties.
This introductory-level textbook provides a clear and concise overview of commercial law for undergraduate law students. Covering all the key areas of law that may be included in a commercial law module, including agency, sale of goods, bailments, carriage of goods, commercial financing, and conflict of laws, it also introduces relevant elements of related fields such as banking and insolvency law and touches on emerging issues such as cryptocurrencies. Key Features:
Principles of Commercial Law is perfectly suited to law students studying undergraduate commercial law modules in their second or third years. It will also be beneficial as an accessible introductory text on higher level courses for students who are newer to the topic.
Die liefde, natuur en digterskap is die oorwegende temas van die bundel en elk word vanuit ’n wye spektrum perspektiewe bekyk. Herman de Coninck se werk spreek van innoverende beeldspraak, totaal gestroop van pretensie – en Daniel Hugo slaag daarin om in sy vertalings die unieke karakter van De Coninck se werk te behou. Herman de Coninck het die Afrikaanse en Suid-Afrikaanse leser se verbeelding aangegryp met Liefde, Miskien (vertaal deur Daniel Hugo) in 1998. Die lenige liefde, ’n bloemlesing uit al De Coninck se werke, sal weereens die leser betower. Meer toeganklike poesie kom ’n mens nie aldag tee nie. De Coninck se werk spreek van innoverende beeldspraak waarvan die gebrek aan pretensie die leser maak lees, luister en onthou.
This book is the first South African work on this crucial new tool for the successful investigation and prosecution of crime. It introduces readers to the biological principles of DNA and emphasises the importance of the chain of custody and pre-trial disclosure. It also looks at the process that a DNA-sample has to go through before a DNA test result can be produced, as well as an explanation of test result interpretation. The meaning of a DNA match is explained, as well as aspects of population genetics, statistical calculations and DNA databases.
This book explains the health and safety measures that employers are required to implement in the workplace to protect their employees and the public against COVID-19. It contains several checklists that systematically work through and simplify the applicable Directions issued by the Minister of Employment and Labour. The Consolidated Directions on Occupational Health and Safety Measures in Certain Workplaces were published in the Government Gazette on 1 October 2020. They place a legal responsibility on employers to take further measures to safeguard employees and the public against COVID-19. Penalties can be imposed on employers who fail to comply with the Directions (in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act).
A Reasonable Man: Essays in honour of Jonathan Burchell is a collection of essays published in honour of Jonathan Burchell in recognition of his commitment to the academe and his strong sense of loyalty to the institutions in which he has worked, particularly to students and colleagues. The breadth and impact of his research in the fields of both delict and criminal justice are attested to by the esteemed multidisciplinary scholars who contributed to this work.
The focus of this volume of Acta Juridica - Foreign Direct Investment and the Law: Perspectives from Selected African Countries - is the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) and the law, within the context of FDI in Africa and the role of the Agreement establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). The book is a compilation of essays by authors who are specialists from across the spectrum of the law, bringing together their diverse contributions under the banner of foreign direct investment. More specifically, the authors consider the law and foreign direct investment from an African perspective, both regionally and country-specific, in the context of bilateral investment treaties, property law, the legal integration of business law, the role of investment and regulatory policies, dispute resolution, tax incentives and labour regulation. |
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