Books > Philosophy > Western philosophy
This important new book offers the first full-length interpretation
of the thought of Martin Heidegger with respect to irony. In a
radical reading of Heidegger's major works (from "Being and Time"
through the "Rector's Address" and the "Letter on Humanism" to "The
Origin of the Work of Art" and the Spiegel interview), Andrew Haas
does not claim that Heidegger is simply being ironic. Rather he
argues that Heidegger's writings make such an interpretation
possible - perhaps even necessary.Heidegger begins "Being and Time"
with a quote from Plato, a thinker famous for his insistence upon
Socratic irony. "The Irony of Heidegger" takes seriously the
apparently curious decision to introduce the threat of irony even
as philosophy begins in earnest to raise the question of the
meaning of being. Through a detailed and thorough reading of
Heidegger's major texts and the fundamental questions they raise,
Haas reveals that one of the most important philosophers of the
20th century can be read with as much irony as earnestness. "The
Irony of Heidegger" attempts to show that the essence of this irony
lies in uncertainty, and that the entire project of
onto-heno-chronophenomenology, therefore needs to be called into
The Laws is Plato's last and longest dialogue. Although it has been
neglected (compared to such works as the Republic and Symposium),
it is beginning to receive a great deal of scholarly attention.
Book 10 of the Laws contains Plato's fullest defence of the
existence of the gods, and his last word on their nature, as well
as a presentation and defence of laws against impiety (e.g.
atheism). Plato's primary aim is to defend the idea that the gods
exist and that they are good - this latter meaning that they do not
neglect human beings and cannot be swayed by prayers and sacrifices
to overlook injustice. As such, the Laws is an important text for
anyone interested in ancient Greek religion, philosophy, and
politics generally, and the later thought of Plato in particular.
Robert Mayhew presents a new translation, with commentary, of Book
10 of the Laws. His primary aim in the translation is fidelity to
the Greek. His commentary focuses on philosophical issues (broadly
understood to include religion and politics), and deals with
philological matters only when doing so serves to better explain
those issues. Knowledge of Greek is not assumed, and the Greek that
does appear has been transliterated. It is the first commentary in
English of any kind on Laws 10 for nearly 140 years.
John Palmer develops and defends a modal interpretation of
Parmenides, according to which he was the first philosopher to
distinguish in a rigorous manner the fundamental modalities of
necessary being, necessary non-being or impossibility, and
non-necessary or contingent being. This book accordingly
reconsiders his place in the historical development of Presocratic
philosophy in light of this new interpretation. Careful treatment
of Parmenides' specification of the ways of inquiry that define his
metaphysical and epistemological outlook paves the way for detailed
analyses of his arguments demonstrating the temporal and spatial
attributes of what is and cannot not be. Since the existence of
this necessary being does not preclude the existence of other
entities that are but need not be, Parmenides' cosmology can
straightforwardly be taken as his account of the origin and
operation of the world's mutable entities. Later chapters reassess
the major Presocratics' relation to Parmenides in light of the
modal interpretation, focusing particularly on Zeno, Melissus,
Anaxagoras, and Empedocles. In the end, Parmenides' distinction
among the principal modes of being, and his arguments regarding
what what must be must be like, simply in virtue of its mode of
being, entitle him to be seen as the founder of metaphysics or
ontology as a domain of inquiry distinct from natural philosophy
and theology. An appendix presents a Greek text of the fragments of
Parmenides' poem with English translation and textual notes.
This book repairs and revives the Theory of Knowledge research
program of Russell's Principia era. Chapter 1, 'Introduction and
Overview', explains the program's agenda. Inspired by the
non-Fregean logicism of Principia Mathematica, it endorses the
revolution within mathematics presenting it as a study of
relations. The synthetic a priori logic of Principia is the essence
of philosophy considered as a science which exposes the dogmatisms
about abstract particulars and metaphysical necessities that create
prisons that fetter the mind. Incipient in The Problems of
Philosophy, the program's acquaintance epistemology embraced a
multiple-relation theory of belief. It reached an impasse in 1913,
having been itself retrofitted with abstract particular logical
forms to address problems of direction and compositionality. With
its acquaintance epistemology in limbo, Scientific Method in
Philosophy became the sequel to Problems. Chapter 2 explains
Russell's feeling intellectually dishonest. Wittgenstein's demand
that logic exclude nonsense belief played no role. The 1919 neutral
monist era ensued, but Russell found no epistemology for the logic
essential to philosophy. Repairing, Chapters 4-6 solve the impasse.
Reviving, Chapters 3 and 7 vigorously defend the facts about
Principia. Studies of modality and entailment are viable while
Principia remains a universal logic above the civil wars of the
This book draws on existential theory and original research to
present the conceptual framework for an understanding of
existential authenticity and demonstrates how this approach might
be adopted in practice. The authors explore how a non-mediated
connection with authentic lived experience might be established and
introduced into everyday living. Drs. Jonathan Davidov and Pninit
Russo-Netzer begin by introducing readers to the core theoretical
concepts before illustrating how this might be applied in a
therapeutic practice. It appeals to scholars and practitioners with
an interest in existential psychology, phenomenology, and their
broad implications.
"The Descartes Dictionary" is an accessible guide to the world of
the seventeenth-century philosopher Rene Descartes. Meticulously
researched and extensively cross-referenced, this unique book
covers all his major works, ideas and influences, and provides a
firm grounding in the central themes of Descartes' thought.The
introduction provides a biographical sketch, a brief account of
Descartes' philosophical works, and a summary of the current state
of Cartesian studies, discussing trends in research over the past
four decades. The A-Z entries include clear definitions of the key
terms used in Descartes' writings and detailed synopses of his
works. Also included are entries noting philosophical influences,
of both figures that influenced Descartes and those that he in turn
influenced. For anyone reading or studying Descartes, rationalism,
or modern philosophy more generally, this original resource
provides a wealth of useful information, analysis, and criticism.
Including clear explanations of often complex terminology, "The
Descartes Dictionary" covers everything that is essential to a
sound understanding of Descartes' philosophy.
Fifty-one years after the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche died, My
Sister and I appeared on the American market as a book that was
reputedly written by him when he was an inmate in the Jena insane
asylum. Since the day it appeared, the book's authenticity has been
generally dismissed as a fraud.Walter Stewart takes a fresh look at
this book in what is the first detailed account of the myth,
legend, and scholarly criticism that has shrouded this work in
mystery for over half a century and for the first time unveils the
real truth about My Sister and I.
This volume is a detailed study of the concept of the nutritive
capacity of the soul and its actual manifestation in living bodies
(plants, animals, humans) in Aristotle and Aristotelianism.
Aristotle's innovative analysis of the nutritive faculty has laid
the intellectual foundation for the increasing appreciation of
nutrition as a prerequisite for the maintenance of life and health
that can be observed in the history of Greek thought. According to
Aristotle, apart from nutrition, the nutritive part of the soul is
also responsible for or interacts with many other bodily functions
or mechanisms, such as digestion, growth, reproduction, sleep, and
the innate heat. After Aristotle, these concepts were used and
further developed by a great number of Peripatetic philosophers,
commentators on Aristotle and Arabic thinkers until early modern
times. This volume is the first of its kind to provide an in-depth
survey of the development of this rather philosophical concept from
Aristotle to early modern thinkers. It is of key interest to
scholars working on classical, medieval and early modern
psycho-physiological accounts of living things, historians and
philosophers of science, biologists with interests in the history
of science, and, generally, students of the history of philosophy
and science.
Most people think that the difficulty of balancing career and
personal/family relationships is the fault of present-day society
or is due to their own inadequacies. But in this major new book,
eminent moral philosopher Michael Slote argues that the difficulty
runs much deeper, that it is due to the essential nature of the
divergent goods involved in this kind of choice. He shows more
generally that perfect human happiness and perfect virtue are
impossible in principle, a view originally enunciated by Isaiah
Berlin, but much more thoroughly and synoptically defended here
than ever before.
Ancient Greek and modern-day Enlightenment thought typically
assumed that perfection was possible, and this is also true of
Romanticism and of most recent ethical theory. But if, as Slote
maintains, imperfection is inevitable, then our inherited
categories of virtue and personal good are far too limited and
unqualified to allow us to understand and cope with the richer and
more complex life that characterizes today's world. And The
Impossibility of Perfection argues in particular that we need some
new notions, new distinctions, and even new philosophical methods
in order to distill some of the ethical insights of recent feminist
thought and arrive at a fuller and more realistic picture of
ethical phenomena.
Deleuze's concept of 'becoming' provides the key to his notoriously
complex metaphysics, yet it has not been systematized until now.
Bankston tracks the concept of becoming and its underlying temporal
processes across Deleuze's writings, arguing that expressions of
becoming(s) appear in two modes of temporality: an appropriation of
Nietzsche's eternal return (the becoming of the event), and
Bergsonian duration (the becoming of sensation). Overturning the
criticisms launched by Zizek and Badiou, with conceptual encounters
between Bergson, Nietzsche, Leibniz, Borges, Klossowski, and
Proust, the newly charted concept of double becoming provides a
roadmap to the totality of Deleuze's philosophy. Bankston
systematizes Deleuze's multi-mirrored universe where form and
content infinitely refract in a vital kaleidoscope of becoming.
Edward Said and the Question of Subjectivity explores the notion of
subjectivity implicated in and articulated by Said in his writings.
Analyzing several of his major works, Pannian argues that there is
a shift in Said's intellectual trajectory that takes place after
the composition of Orientalism. In so doing, Said forthrightly
attempts to retrieve a theoretical and political humanism, as
Pannian identifies, despite the difficult and sanguinary aspects of
its past. He elaborates upon Said's understanding that only after
recognising the structures of violence and coming to discern
strategies of interpellation, may the individual subject
effectively resist them. Pannian also explores Said's ideas on
exilic subjectivity, the role of intellectuals, acts of memory,
critical secularism, affiliation and solidarity before dwelling on
his interface with Marxist thinkers such as Antonio Gramsci,
Theodor Adorno, and Raymond Williams. This engagement marks Said's
own subject formation, and shapes his self-reflexive mode of
knowledge production.
On War
(Abridged, Paperback, Abridged edition)
Carl Clausewitz; Translated by J.J. Graham; Revised by F.N. Maude; Abridged by Louise Willmot; Introduction by Louise Willmot; Series edited by …
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Translated by J.J. Graham, revised by F.N. Maude Abridged and with
an Introduction by Louise Willmot. On War is perhaps the greatest
book ever written about war. Carl von Clausewitz, a Prussian
soldier, had witnessed at first hand the immense destructive power
of the French Revolutionary armies which swept across Europe
between 1792 and 1815. His response was to write a comprehensive
text covering every aspect of warfare. On War is both a
philosophical and practical work in which Clausewitz defines the
essential nature of war, debates the qualities of the great
commander, assesses the relative strengths of defensive and
offensive warfare, and - in highly controversial passages -
considers the relationship between war and politics. His arguments
are illustrated with vivid examples drawn from the campaigns of
Frederick the Great and Napoleon Bonaparte. For the student of
society as well as the military historian, On War remains a
compelling and indispensable source.
Deathworlds are places on planet earth that can no longer sustain
life. These are increasing rapidly. We experience remnants of
Deathworlds within our Lifeworlds (for example traumatic echoes of
war, genocide, oppression). Many practices and policies, directly
or indirectly, are "Deathworld-Making." They undermine Lifeworlds
contributing to community decline, illnesses, climate change, and
species extinction. This book highlights the ways in which writing
about and sharing meaningful experiences may lead to social and
environmental justice practices, decreasing Deathworld-Making.
Phenomenology is a method which reveals the connection between
personal suffering and the suffering of the planet earth and all
its creatures. Sharing can lead to collaborative relationships
among strangers for social and environmental justice across
barriers of culture, politics, and language. "Deathworlds into
Lifeworlds wakes people up to how current economic and social
forces are destroying life and communities on our planet, as I have
mapped in my work. The chapters by scholars around the world in
this powerful book testify to the pervasive consequences of the
proliferation of Deathworld-making and ways that collaboration
across cultures can help move us forward." -Saskia Sassen is the
Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology at Columbia University and a
Member of its Committee on Global Thought. "Recognizing the
inseparability of experience, consciousness, environment and
problematics in rebalancing life systems, this book offers
solutions from around the world." -Four Arrows, aka Don Trent
Jacobs, author of Sitting Bull's Words for A World in Crises, et
al. "This unique book brings together 78 participants from 11
countries to reveal the ways in which phenomenology - the study of
consciousness and phenomena - can lead to profound personal and
social transformation. Such transformation is especially powerful
when "Deathworlds" - physical or cultural places that no longer
sustain life - are transformed into "lifeworlds" through
collaborative sharing, even when (or, perhaps, especially when) the
sharing is among strangers across different cultures. The
contributors share a truly wide range of human experiences, from
the death of a child to ecological destruction, in offering ways to
affirm life in the face of what may seem to be hopeless
death-affirming challenges." -Richard P. Appelbaum, Ph.D., is
Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus and former MacArthur
Foundation Chair in Global and International Studies and Sociology
at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is also a
founding Professor at Fielding Graduate University, where he heads
the doctoral concentration in Sustainability Leadership.
"Deathworlds is a love letter for the planet-our home. By
documenting places that no longer sustain life, the authors
collectively pull back the curtain on these places, rendering them
meaningful by connecting what ails us with what ails the world."
-Katrina S. Rogers, Ph.D., conservation activist and author
"Deathworlds to Lifeworlds represents collaboration among Fielding
Graduate University, the University of Lodz (Poland), and the
University of the Virgin Islands. Students and faculty from these
universities participated in seminars on transformative
phenomenology and developed rich phenomenologically based
narratives of their experiences or others'. These phenomenological
protocol narratives creatively modify and integrate with everyday
experience the conceptual frameworks of Husserl, Schutz, Heidegger,
Habermas, and others. The diverse protocol authors demonstrate how
phenomenological reflection is transformative first by revealing
how Deathworlds, which lead to physical, mental, social, or
ecological decline, imperil invaluable lifeworlds. Deathworlds
appear on lifeworld fringes, such as extra-urban trash landfills,
where unnoticed impoverished workers labor to the destruction of
their own health. Poignant protocol-narratives highlight the plight
and noble struggle of homeless people, the mother of a dying
19-year-old son, persons inclined to suicide, overwhelmed first
responders, alcoholics who through inspiration achieve sobriety,
unravelled We-Relationships, those suffering from and overcoming
addiction or misogynist stereotypes or excessive pressures,
veterans distraught after combat, a military mother, those in
liminal situations, and oppressed indigenous peoples who still make
available their liberating spirituality. Transformative
phenomenology exemplifies that generous responsiveness to the
ethical summons to solidarity to which Levinas's Other invites us."
-Michael Barber, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, St. Louis
University. He has authored seven books and more than 80 articles
in the general area of phenomenology and the social world. He is
editor of Schutzian Research, an annual interdisciplinary journal.
"This book helps us notice the Deathworlds that surround us and
advocates for their de-naturalization. Its central claim is that
the ten virtues of the transformative phenomenologist allow us to
do so by changing ourselves and the worlds we live in. In this
light, the book is an outstanding presentation of the international
movement known as "transformative phenomenology." It makes
groundbreaking contributions to a tradition in which some of the
authors are considered the main referents. Also, it offers an
innovative understanding of Alfred Schutz's philosophy of the
Lifeworld and a fruitful application of Van Manen's method of
written protocols." -Carlos Belvedere, Ph.D., Professor, Faculty of
Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires" "Moving beyond the
social phenomenology carved out by Alfred Schutz, this impressive
volume of action-based experiential research displays the efficacy
of applying phenomenological protocols to explore Deathworlds, the
tacit side of the foundational conception of Lifeworlds. Over
twenty-one chapters, plus an epilogue, readers are transported by
the train of Transformative Phenomenology, created during what's
been called the Silver Age of Phenomenology (1996 - present) at the
Fielding Graduate University. An international amalgam of students
and faculty from universities in Poland, the United States, the
Virigin Islands, Canada, and socio-cultural locations throughout
the world harnessed their collective energy to advance the
practical call of phenomenology as a pathway to meaning-making
through rich descriptions of lived experience. Topics include
dwelling with strangers, dealing with trash, walking with the
homeless, death of a young person, overcoming colonialism,
precognition, environmental destruction, and so much more. The
research collection enhances what counts as phenomenological
inquiry, while remaining respectful of Edmund Husserl's
philosophical roots." -David Rehorick, PhD, Professor Emeritus of
Sociology, University of New Brunswick (Canada) & Professor
Emeritus, Fielding Graduate University (U.S.A.), Vancouver, British
"Writing and Difference" is widely perceived to be an excellent
starting place for those new to Derrida and this "Reader's Guide"
is the perfect accompaniment to the study of one of the most
important philosophical works of the 20th Century."Writing and
Difference" is one of Jacques Derrida's most widely read and
studied books. In a collection of essays that engage with
literature, history, poetry, dramaturgy, psychoanalysis, ethnology
and structuralism, Derrida demonstrates how philosophy and
literature might be read, and revolutionises our understanding of
writing, difference and life itself.This introduction is the ideal
companion to an unprecedented and influential group of texts. Sarah
Wood reengages with the original French text and offers guidance
on: philosophical and historical context; key themes; reading the
text; reception and influence; and, further reading."Continuum
Reader's Guides" are clear, concise and accessible introductions to
key texts in literature and philosophy. Each book explores the
themes, context, criticism and influence of key works, providing a
practical introduction to close reading, guiding students towards a
thorough understanding of the text. They provide an essential,
up-to-date resource, ideal for undergraduate students.
Merleau-Ponty was one of the most important European philosophers
of the 20th century, whose work made enormous contributions to the
development of phenomenology and the concept of the lived-body.
Clearly and thematically structured, covering all Merleau-Ponty's
key works and focussing particularly on the hugely important The
Phenomenology of Perception, Starting with Merleau-Ponty leads the
reader through a thorough overview of the development of his
thought, resulting in a more thorough understanding of the roots of
his philosophical concerns. Offering coverage of the full range of
Merleau-Ponty's ideas, the book firmly sets his work in the context
of the 20th century intellectual landscape and explores his
contributions to phenomenology, existentialism, empiricism,
objective thought and his vision of human reality. Crucially the
book introduces the major thinkers and events that proved
influential in the development of Merleau-Ponty's work, including
Husserl, Sartre, Heidegger and those philosophers and psychologists
whom he labelled 'intellectualists' and 'empiricists'. This is the
ideal introduction for anyone coming to the work of this hugely
important thinker for the first time.
This book describes and analyzes the conceptual ambiguity of
vulnerability, in an effort to understand its particular
applications for legal and political protection when relating to
groups. Group vulnerability has become a common concept within
legal and political scholarship but remains largely undertheorized
as a phenomenon itself. At the same time, in academia and within
legal circles, vulnerability is primarily understood as a
phenomenon affecting individuals, and the attempts to identify
vulnerable groups are discredited as essentialist and
stereotypical. In contrast, this book demonstrates that a
conception of group vulnerability is not only theoretically
possible, but also politically and legally necessary. Two
conceptions of group vulnerability are discussed: one focuses on
systemic violence or oppression directed toward several
individuals, while another requires a common positioning of
individuals within a given context that conditions their agency,
ability to cope with risks and uncertainties, and manage their
consequences. By comparing these two definitions of group
vulnerability and their implications, Macioce seeks a more precise
delineation of the theoretical boundaries of the concept of group
Nietzsche's thought has been of renewed interest to philosophers in
both the Anglo- American and the phenomenological and hermeneutic
traditions. Nietzsche on Consciousness and the Embodied Mind
presents 16 essays from analytic and continental perspectives.
Appealing to both international communities of scholars, the volume
seeks to deepen the appreciation of Nietzsche's contribution to our
understanding of consciousness and the mind. Over the past decades,
a variety of disciplines have engaged with Nietzsche's thought,
including anthropology, biology, history, linguistics,
neuroscience, and psychology, to name just a few. His rich and
perspicacious treatment of consciousness, mind, and body cannot be
reduced to any single discipline, and has the potential to speak to
many. And, as several contributors make clear, Nietzsche's
investigations into consciousness and the embodied mind are
integral to his wider ethical concerns. This volume contains
contributions by international experts such as Christa Davis
Acampora (Emory University), Keith Ansell-Pearson (Warwick
University), Joao Constancio (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Frank
Chouraqui (Leiden University), Manuel Dries (The Open University;
Oxford University), Christian J. Emden (Rice University), Maria
Cristina Fornari (University of Salento), Anthony K. Jensen
(Providence College), Helmut Heit (Tongji University), Charlie
Huenemann (Utah State University), Vanessa Lemm (Flinders
University), Lawrence J. Hatab (Old Dominion University), Mattia
Riccardi (University of Porto), Friedrich Ulfers and Mark Daniel
Cohen (New York University and EGS), and Benedetta Zavatta (CNRS).
This handbook brings together a range of global perspectives in the
field of critical studies in education to illuminate multiple ways
of knowing, learning, and teaching for social wellbeing, justice,
and sustainability. The handbook covers areas such as critical
thought systems of education, critical race (and racialization)
theories of education, critical international/global citizenship
education, and critical studies in education and literacy studies.
In each section, the chapter authors illuminate the current state
of the field and probe more inclusive ways to achieve multicentric
knowledge and learning possibilities.