Books > Health, Home & Family > Family & health > Advice on parenting
All-new chapter on buying for baby; helping parents navigate
through the dizzying gamut of baby products, nursery items and
gear. Baby care fundamentals, from crib and sleep safety to vitamin
supplements. Feeding for every age and stage, including tips on
breastfeeding, preparing homemade baby food and the latest
recommendations on starting solids. Charts for key development
stages and sleeping habits, as well as sleep strategies that really
work. Research on the impact of screen time (TVs, tablets, apps,
computers). The most up-to-date medical advice on vaccines,
illnesses, SIDS, safety, and more, plus handy first-aid guides.
Dozens of Q&A sections, practical tips and advice that focus on
advice for parents and their baby, covering everything from how to
give a bath and decode your baby's crying to when to return to
work. This is the only book on infant care to address both the
physical and emotional needs of the whole family. This edition is
organised more intuitively than ever before. Covering the most
up-to-date knowledge, both medical and developmental, WHAT TO
EXPECT THE 1st YEAR is, above all, down-to-earth and reassuring -
and an invaluable aid for all parents of new babies.
Elke kind is by tye moeilik - uitdagend, uitputtend, irriterend en
rebels. Dis ons taak as volwassenes om hulle reg te hanteer as ons
gelukkige, selfversekerde kinders wil grootmaak. Wyse raad en
duidelike voorbeelde vir die hantering van verskeie gedragsprobleme
en uitdagings wat ouers ondervind. Hoofstukke oor spesifieke
knelpunte soos twis tussen kinders, enkel- en stiefouerskap,
geskeide ouers, kinders met spesiale behoeftes, en dissipline in
die klaskamer. Wenke spesifiek vir oupas en oumas.
n Noodsaaklike gids vir ouers om hul baba se eerste jaar met
selfvertroue te hanteer. Meg Faure (arbeidsterapeut) en Ann
Richardson (geregistreerde verpleegsuster en vroed vrou),
ouerskapkenners en medeskrywers van die bekende Sense-reeks, bied
ouers nou 'n bygewerkte en uitgebreide derde uitgawe van hulle
hoogs suksesvolle ouerskaphan dleiding vir die eerste jaar. Ouers
oral in die land beskou die boek as hulle Bababybel, en dit is
maklik om te sien waarom dit een van Suid-Afrika se gewildste
ouerskapboeke is. Koester jou baba spreek met 'n sagte dog
praktiese benadering die belangrikste ouerskapkwessies van geboorte
tot 12 maande aan.
In a time when so many children and young adults seem to be struggling,
parents are looking for help in bringing up mentally healthy kids who
are equipped to thrive. Finally, evidence-based help is now available
for overwhelmed parents who are trying their best but feel like they’re
falling short in Raising Mentally Strong Kids.
#1 New York Times bestselling author and neuropsychiatrist Dr. Daniel
Amen and child psychologist Dr. Charles Fay have teamed up to reveal
what’s missing from most parenting books. It’s the fact that you need
to address both the brain and the mind of your child (and yourself) in
order to effectively raise good and strong humans.
In Raising Mentally Strong Kids: How to Combine the Power of
Neuroscience with Love and Logic to Grow Confident, Kind, Responsible,
and Resilient Children and Young Adults, this groundbreaking book where
neuroscience meets love and logic, parents are given practical tools to
help children of all ages go from behavioral problems like defiance,
meltdowns, and power struggles to being:
• Responsible, confident, kind, and resilient
• Better prepared to make good decisions
• More focused and motivated
• Better able to have healthy relationships, and more….
Let Dr. Amen and Dr. Fay help you learn how to be the parent you've
always dreamed you could be―and raise great kids who are on their way
to reaching their full potential, including their best possible mental
Here’s sensible advice and caring encouragement on raising boys from
the nation’s most trusted parenting authority, Dr. James Dobson.
With so much confusion about the role of men in our society, it’s no
wonder so many parents and teachers are asking questions about how to
bring up boys. Why are so many boys in crisis? What qualities should we
be trying to instill in young males? Our culture has vilified
masculinity and, as a result, an entire generation of boys is growing
up without a clear idea of what it means to be a man.
In Bringing Up Boys: Practical Advice And Encouragement For Those
Shaping The Next Generation Of Men, Dr. Dobson draws from his
experience as a child psychologist and family counsellor, as well as
extensive research, to offer advice and encouragement based on a firm
foundation of biblical principles.
Practical Advice And Encouragement For Those Shaping The Next
Generation Of Women
This is the ultimate guide to raising our daughters right—from
parenting authority and trusted family counsellor Dr. James Dobson.
Peer pressure. Eating disorders. Decisions about love, romance, and
sex. Academic demands. Life goals and how to achieve them. These are
just some of the challenges that girls face today—and the age at which
they encounter them is getting younger and younger. As a parent, how
are you guiding your daughter on her journey to womanhood? Are you
equipping her to make wise choices?
In hierdie boek gee Anne Cawood, ouerskapkenner en self 'n ouma van
etlike kleinkinders, wyse raad aan grootouers wat hierdie
wonderlike lewensfase betree of reeds daar is, met haar uitgebreide
praktyknotas as basis. Oupas en oumas speel 'n geweldige groot rol
in die lewens van die nuwe generasie - hulle eie kinders sowel as
hulle kleinkinders s'n. Selfs in die hedendaagse wereld van
tegnologiese ontwikkeling, oombliklike kommunikasie en blitsreise,
is daar eenvoudig niks wat die sorg, liefde en ondersteuning van
die uitgebreide gesin kan vervang in die lewensiklus waar
grootouers die allerbelangrike skakel tussen die verlede en die
toekoms vergestalt nie. Hierdie boek is gemik op alle grootouers,
of enigiemand wat hierdie uiters belangrike rol in 'n kind se lewe
vervul. Dit bied leiding en ondersteuning om grootouers insig te
gee in die lewens van kinders in die 21ste eeu, en bevat talle
wenke en inligting oor waardevolle vaardighede en positiewe
strategiee om hulle kleinkinders te hanteer en geniet. So kan hulle
steeds betekenisvolle lewens lei wat aan hul eie behoeftes voldoen,
en hulle welverdiende vryheid en onafhanklikheid koester.
Becoming an Adult: Advice on Taking Control and Living a Happy and
Meaningful Life focuses on the growth, connecting, separating, and
choices that every human being must go through. Dr. Henry Cloud
highlights key issues that individuals face as they are tasked with
navigating adulting.
Some of the topics discussed are:
• Dependency, authority, and boundaries.
• Reevaluating beliefs, decision making, and discipline.
• Sexuality, fear of disapproval, and guilt.
Dr. Cloud teaches us how to become a healthy, productive, and faithful
adult in society. With clear, insightful, and easy-to-follow
guidelines, Dr. Cloud is a relatable and trustworthy voice. After
reading Becoming an Adult, readers will:
• Learn how to bond with others and strengthen their existing
• Be able to separate from others and identify a better sense of self
• Grow emotionally and spiritually
• Identify how to make their own path that aligns with their interests
and beliefs
Educate and guide your patients through pre-pregnancy planning,
pregnancy, labor and delivery, and the postpartum period. The
latest edition of Your Pregnancy and Childbirth: Month to Month
serves as a trusted resource and comforting presence for women who
are pregnant, postpartum or planning a pregnancy. Featuring
patient-friendly language and up-to-date ACOG guidance, this
completely revised edition includes the latest medical information,
new illustrations, and updated content based on previous reader
feedback to ensure that your patients feel supported and confident
before, during, and after their pregnancies. Key updates include
Explanations of when and how genetic testing is done Exercise
recommendations during and after pregnancy New content on
postpartum care and breastfeeding A new chapter featuring quick
answers to frequently asked questions New medical history and
exposure history forms A checklist for tracking postpartum symptoms
or concerns Give your patients the information, guidance, and
support they need to make the best decisions for their health and
pregnancies with this straightforward, reassuring resource from
ACOG. Includes new content to empower your patients as active
decision-makers in their care, including: Updated information on
genetic testing and pain relief during labour A new chapter to find
quick answers to frequently asked questions New forms for medical
history and environmental exposure A checklist for tracking
symptoms or concerns during the postpartum period Content
addressing the effects of COVID-19 on telehealth, travel during
pregnancy, breastfeeding, and more
From the depression, nausea and constant burping of the first
trimester, to the sciatica, sleeplessness and anxiety of the last;
the elation and terror of early motherhood right through to the end
of breastfeeding and her child's first day at nursery - these poems
describe one woman's journey to becoming a mother. This initiation
is one of the most common human experiences, but also shockingly
unique and insular. Poems Burping on the Tube, Candy Crush Guy and
Super-mum and Me, tell humorous stories about Grace's alien new
reality, shining light on aspects of pregnancy and motherhood far
from the glossy, shimmering images on social media. Mostly written
in lockdown, I Have No Idea What I'm Doing also highlights what
life at home was like for new mothers. Grace has always struggled
with anxiety and depression and this collection addresses mental
health and how it is affected by hormonal fluctuations. Much like
life and motherhood, most of the poetic structures are
unpredictable and their rhythm bumpy and non-conformist. These
poems dive deep into raw human experience and the sheer ferocity of
motherhood. With beautiful monoprint illustrations from animator
and artist Allegra Pilkington, this book is both a gift and
collector's item.
Kinders vra soms uitdagende vrae, soos: Wie het vir God geskep? Waar is
die hemel? Hoekom laat God toe dat virusse oorneem? Kan God enigiets
doen? Kan Hy dinosourusse weer laat lewe? As God alles weet, hoekom
moet ek bid?
Dit is soms moeilik om te antwoord op eerlike soos dié. Bybelvrae en
antwoorde vir kinders is ’n handige hulpmiddel vir saamlees of
selflees. Dave Strehler, ’n gerespekteerde skrywer met jare lange
ervaring in kinderbediening, gee toepaslike Bybelgebaseerde antwoorde
op meer as 80 vrae wat kinders vra oor God, geloof en die Bybel.
Elke vraag bevat genoegsame Skrifverwysings, ʼn kort bespreking asook ʼn
interessante veelkeuse-vraag wat kinders self kan antwoord. Twee
woordraaisels is ingesluit wat kinders uitdaag om al die name van die
boeke in die Ou en Nuwe Testament op te spoor. Daar is ook ’n afdeling
met kort opsommings van elke boek van die Bybel, met sleutelverse uit
die boek wat gememoriseer kan word.
Baie kleutergedrag wat as stout en uittartend beskou word, is
heeltemal normaal vir 'n kind in die ontwikkelingstadium. Die
kleuterstadium is die heel belangrikste om positiewe kommunikasie
en gesonde verhoudings tussen ouer en kind te vestig. Hierdie title
is 'n praktiese gids vir die ouers van jonger kinders, en spreek
veral die Vier Groot Kleuterkwessies aan: woedeuitbarstings; slaap;
eet; toiletonderrig.
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