Books > Social sciences > Sociology, social studies > Social groups & communities > Age groups > Children
South Africa has a broad and complex history that has greatly
influenced the unique, diverse and democratic country that we know
today. One of the many challenges South Africa faces is crime, with
those crimes committed by youthful offenders being the most
distressing - it is sadly not unusual to hear of youths who have
been involved in murder, rape or robbery. In addition, sexual
offences among children are occurring more frequently, and the
number of child victims of abuse and domestic violence is also on
the rise. An added and escalating danger for children is falling
prey to ruthless traffickers and being used as sex workers or
slaves. Despite specific laws having been promulgated to protect
them, many children are still growing up in unforgiving
environments that never allow them the opportunity to develop
morally according to the prescriptions of a democratic society.
Child and youth misbehaviour in South Africa addresses the complex
and poorly understood phenomenon of youth misbehaviour. It
discusses and analyses various theories on the nature and causes of
deviant behaviour, and assesses them critically with regard to
their applicability to South Africa. The book presents the relevant
legal processes pertaining to young people, and reinforces
theoretical explanations with research and real-world examples. The
female youth offender is also discussed in depth in this edition.
Child and youth misbehaviour in South Africa is aimed at enabling
both practitioners and students to address the plight of the South
African youth in a constructive way so they can become part of
creating a safer South Africa for all its people. Professor
Christiaan Bezuidenhout holds a BA (Criminology), BA Honours
(Criminology), MA (Criminology), DPhil (Criminology) and an MSc
(Criminology and Criminal Justice) from the University of Oxford.
He is currently attached to the Department of Social Work and
Criminology, University of Pretoria, where he teaches
psychocriminology, criminal justice and contemporary criminology at
undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
COUNSELING CHILDREN covers the most practical and up-to-date
methods for developing effective approaches to counseling children.
To help prepare you for your career, the authors translate theory
into practice by focusing on the application of ideas and current
knowledge. This easy-to-read guide includes useful strategies and
case studies to provide you with a realistic look at the counseling
field. It also presents a development approach to counseling that
considers age and stage differences in counseling children,
adolescents, and adults. The ninth edition includes 2014 ACA
ethical standards, best practice guidelines, and fresh ideas that
facilitate your understanding of the world of the child. Expanded
coverage of children who have special concerns and of family
interventions provides you with effective ways to deliver
interventions across multiple settings.
In the last half century, developmental scientists have become
increasingly interested in studying contexts beyond the home
environment that contribute to children's growth and development,
including physical contexts such as schools and neighborhoods, as
well as social contexts such as poverty. During this same period, a
number of social trends have significantly impacted children's
daily lives, including shifts in gender roles and expectations, the
emergence of an early care and education system, and the
proliferation of media technology. Societal Contexts of Child
Development provides comprehensive literature reviews for six broad
contextual influences on children's development that have emerged
as key areas of inquiry in contemporary society - gender, child
care, culture and ethnicity, poverty, schools and neighborhoods,
and media. In the spirit of applied developmental science, this
book considers these six contextual domains in a series of two
linked chapters written by experts in the interdisciplinary field
of developmental science. The first chapter in each section is
organized as a review of basic research relevant to a particular
context, including a discussion of prominent theoretical and
methodological issues. The second chapter in each section then
addresses the same context from an applied research perspective,
examining and documenting how research has been, can be, or should
be used to enhance the everyday lives and developmental outcomes of
children and their families through interventions and/or social
policies. The book concludes with a chapter specifically dedicated
to making connections between research and practice and an epilogue
that situates the book's chapters within the field's study of
contexts. Societal Contexts of Child Development will appeal to a
broad audience of scholars, students, practitioners, and
policymakers from the disciplines of psychology, sociology,
economics, human development, and public policy.
Children born and raised on the religious fringe are a distinctive
yet largely unstudied social phenomenon -they are irreversibly
shaped by the experience having been thrust into a radical
religious culture by birth. The religious group is all
encompassing. It accounts for their family, their school, social
networks, and everything that prepares them for their adult life.
The inclusion of a second generation of participants raises new
concerns and legal issues. Perfect Children examines the ways new
religious movements adapt to a second generation, how children are
socialized, what happens to these children as they mature, and how
their childhoods have affected them. Amanda van Twist conducted
over 50 in-depth interviews with individuals born into new
religious groups, some of whom have stayed in the group, some of
whom have left. She also visited the groups, their schools and
homes, and analyzed support websites maintained by those who left
the religious groups that raised them. She also attended
conferences held by NGOs concerned with the welfare of children in
"cults." The main groups she studies include the Bruderhof,
Scientology, the Family International, the Unification Church, and
the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Children born
into new religions often start life as "special children" believed
to be endowed with heightened spiritual capabilities. But as they
mature into society at large they acquire other labels. Those who
stay in the group are usually labeled as "goodies" and
"innovators". Those who leave tend to be labeled as "baddies" or
seen as "troubled." Whether they stay or leave, children raised on
the religious fringe experience a unique form of segregation in
adulthood. Van Twist analyzes group behavior on an
organizational/institutional level as well as individual behavior
within groups, and how these affect one another. Her study also
raises larger questions about religious freedom in the light of the
State's responsibility towards children, and children's rights
against the rights of parents to raise their children within their
This comprehensive reader combines post-graduate level theory with
contemporary case studies to illustrate and analyse the
complications of children and young people's lived experiences in
the UK and worldwide in the early 21st century. Authors in several
fields of childhood and youth studies apply their expertise to
areas such as young people and the law, children's rights, child
protection, sexuality, participation, politics and family life.
Using the voices of the children and young people themselves, key
topics illustrate important contemporary issues in the study of
childhood and youth and show how these impact on policy initiatives
and practical interventions in children's lives.
Child Welfare Removals by the State addresses a most important (but
little-researched) legal proceeding: when the State intervenes in
the private family sphere to remove children at risk to a place of
safety, adoption, or in other forms of out-of-home care. It is an
intervention into the private family sphere that is intrusive,
contested, and a last resort. States' interventions in the family
are decided within legal and political orders and traditions that
constitute a country's policies, welfare state model, child
protection system, and childrens position in a society. However, we
lack a cross-country analysis of the different models of
decision-making in a European context. This text aims to present
new research at the intersection of social work, law, and social
policy concerning child protection proceedings for children in need
of alternative care. It explores the role of court-based and
voluntary decision-making systems in child protection proceedings,
its effects, dynamics, and meanings in seven European countries and
the United States, and analyses the tensions and dilemmas between
children, parents, and socio-legal professionals. The book consists
of eight country chapters, plus an introduction and conclusion
chapters. The range of countries of countries represented in the
book covers the social democratic Nordic countries (Finland,
Norway, and Sweden), the conservative corporatist regimes (Germany
and Switzerland), the neo-liberal (England, Ireland, and the United
States), and related child welfare systems.
What is the difference between a lie and a fantasy, when the
subject is a child? Moving between literary and scientific texts,
Sally Shuttleworth explores a range of fascinating issues that
emerge when the inner world of the child becomes, for the first
time, the explicit focus of literary and medical attention.
Starting in the 1840s, which saw the publication of explorations of
child development by Bronte and Dickens, as well as some of the
first psychiatric studies of childhood, this groundbreaking book
progresses through post-Darwinian considerations of the child's
relations to the animal kingdom, to chart the rise of the Child
Study Movement of the 1890s.
Based on in-depth interdisciplinary research, The Mind of the Child
offers detailed readings of novels by Dickens, Meredith, James,
Hardy and others, as well as the first overview of the early
histories of child psychology and psychiatry. Initial chapters
cover issues such as fears and night terrors, imaginary lands, and
the precocious child, while later ones look at ideas of child
sexuality and adolescence and the relationship between child and
monkey. Experiments on babies, the first baby shows, and domestic
monkey keeping also feature.
Many of our current concerns with reference to childhood are shown
to have their parallels in the Victorian age: from the pressures of
school examinations, or the problems of adolescence, through to the
disturbing issue of child suicide. Childhood, from this period,
took on new importance as holding the key to the adult mind.
More than any other textbook on the market, "Play and Child
Development, Fourth Edition," ties play directly to child
development. The authors address the full spectrum of play-related
topics and seamlessly blend research, theory, and practical
applications throughout this developmentally-based resource.
Readers will learn about historical, theoretical, and practical
approaches to promoting development through integrated play and
learning approaches across various age or developmental levels. The
book analyzes play theories and play therapy; presents a history of
play; and discusses current play trends. It explores ways to create
safe play environments for all children, and how to weave play into
school curricula. Finally, the authors examine the role of adults
in leading and encouraging children's natural tendencies toward
learning by playing. Special coverage includes a full chapter on
play and children with disabilities, and the value of field trips
in supporting learning. This edition offers expanded and/or updated
coverage on evidence based play theory, child development, play
environments, and early play-based curricula for children of all
abilities in various learning contexts. All content in the text is
purposefully arranged to guide its readers through key and core
topics leading to a comprehensive understanding of play intended to
help prepare pre-service teachers to lead and support children's
play in a number of contexts: preschools, elementary schools, park
systems, and research programs.
Children's rights and human development is a new and uncharted
domain in human rights and psychology research. This
multidisciplinary children's rights reader is a first attempt to
introduce this domain to students and researchers of children's
rights, child development, child maltreatment, family and child
studies, and related fields. For many lawyers, children's rights
are limited to their legal dimension: the norms and institutions of
international human rights law, often with an exclusive focus on
the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its monitoring treaty
body, the Committee on the Rights of the Child. However, there are
three more dimensions to children's rights. Children's rights share
a moral and a political dimension with all human rights, which most
non-international lawyers all too often overlook. And children's
rights have a fourth dimension: the time dimension of child and
human development. This time dimension is multidisciplinary in
itself. Human development begins nine months before childbirth.
When we are four years of age, our brain is 90% adult size. The
infrastructure of our personality, health, and resilience is formed
in our first years of life, determined by the quality and sheer
quantity of parent-child interaction and secure attachment
formation. Yet, more than one third of children are not securely
attached. According to research published in The Lancet in 2009,
one in ten children in high income countries is maltreated.
Violence against children is a worldwide plague. Socio-economic and
socio-emotional deprivation are still transmitted from generation
to generation in both rich and poor states. Investing in early
childhood development, positive parenting, and child rights
education makes sense. This book brings together substantial and
fascinating texts from many fields and disciplines that illustrate
and elaborate this point. Arranged in ten chapters titled according
to pertinent child rights principles and concepts, these texts
offer a state-of-the-art view of the enormous progress made in the
past decades in several fields of human knowledge. In between these
texts, several news and factual items inform the reader on the huge
gap that still exists between what we know and what we do to make
this world a better place for children, to promote human
development, and to protect human rights better. Child rights
violations are still met with more rhetoric than leadership. But
change is on its way. The book's contents may be used both as
background readings and as tasks for group discussion in
problem-based learning or other educational settings in child
rights law and psychology courses. It is also aimed at a broader
academic and public audience interested in the many aspects and
ramifications of children's rights and human development.
Consideration of children in the academic field of Religious
Studies is taking root, but Buddhist Studies has yet to take
notice. This collection is intended to open the question of
children in Buddhism. It brings together a wide range of
scholarship and expertise to address the question of what role
children have played in the literature, in particular historical
contexts, and what role they continue to play in specific Buddhist
contexts today. Because the material is, in most cases, uncharted,
all nineteen contributors involved in the project have exchanged
chapters among themselves and thereby engaged in a kind of internal
cohesion difficult to achieve in an edited project. The volume is
divided into two parts. Part One addresses the representation of
children in Buddhist texts and Part Two looks at children and
childhoods in Buddhist cultures around the world. Little Buddhas
will be an indispensable resource for students and scholars of
Buddhism and Childhood Studies, and a catalyst for further research
on the topic.
In Getting Started in Ballet, A Parent's Guide to Dance Education,
authors Anna Paskevska and Maureen Janson comprehensively present
the realities that parents can anticipate during their child's
training and/or career in ballet. It can be daunting and confusing
when parents discover their child's desire to dance. Parental
guidance and education about dance study typically comes from trial
by fire. This book expertly guides the parental decision-making
process by weaving practical advice together with useful
information about dance history and the author's own memoir. From
selecting a teacher in the early stages, to supporting a child
through his or her choice to dance professionally, parents of
prospective dancers are lead through a series of considerations,
and encouraged to think carefully and to make wise decisions.
Written primarily as a guide book for parents, it is just as useful
for teachers, and this exemplary document would do well to have a
place on the bookshelf in every dance studio waiting room. Not only
can dance parents learn from this informative text, but dance
teachers can be nudged toward a greater understanding and
anticipation of parents needs and questions. Getting Started in
Ballet fills a gap, conveniently under one cover, welcoming parents
to regard every aspect of their child's possible future in dance.
Without this book, there would be little documentation of the
parenting aspect of dance. Dance is unlike any other training or
field and knowing how to guide a young dancer can make or break
them as a dancer or dance lover.
The Beautiful Me Collection - Big Kids Edition 6+ Makeeda and the
Painting ~ Have you ever heard the expression - "a picture is worth
a thousand words,a How often do we look at an image without text
and know just what the painting or photograph is trying to say? It
is almost as if there is a silent coversation taking place, and
only those who speak the language can be part of this mysterious
dimension of thought. It has been said that where there is art
there are no lonely hearts. In this story, Makeeda gets really
close to uncovering a secret only artists know.... This story was
written by Marlene Service and co-written by both of her daughters
Nylah-May Service aged 9 and Xi-Ana Ray Service aged 6. Credit for
the creative concept of this story must be given to the girls who
really tapped into their imagination and came up with such a fun
and layered idea. Celebrating Diversity - There are 5 delightful
books in The Beautiful Me Collection and to learn more you can
visit www.thebeautifulmecollection.com
Scardio The Seahorse is a non-fiction childrena s book, telling the
story of a beautiful racehorse from Indonesia who left his home to
become a champion, but unfortunately, over the years fell on hard
times. The true story, through its wonderful illustrations tells of
Scardioa s fall from grace, but, also how he was then rescued by a
local boy. a Scardio the Seahorsea is often referred to as a a 21st
century version of Black Beautya for younger children wanting a
very happy ending.
This volume considers the important and timely question of criminal
justice as a method of addressing state violence committed by
non-democratic regimes. The book's main objectives concern a fresh,
contemporary, and critical analysis of transitional criminal
justice as a concept and its related measures, beginning with the
initiatives that have been put in place with the fall of the
Communist regimes in Europe in 1989.The project argues for
rethinking and revisiting filters that scholars use to interpret
main issues of transitional criminal justice, such as: the
relationship between judicial accountability, democratisation and
politics in transitional societies; the role of successor trials in
rewriting history; the interaction between domestic and
international actors and specific initiatives in shaping
transitional justice; and the paradox of time in enhancing
accountability for human rights violations. In order to accomplish
this, the volume considers cases of domestic accountability in the
post-1989 era, from different geographical areas, such as Europe,
Asia and Africa, in relation to key events from various periods of
time. In this way the approach, which investigates space and
time-lines in key examples, also takes into account a longitudinal
study of transitional criminal justice itself.
This book is for anyone in middle or old age (or anyone caring for
others of similar age). For the first time, in one publication, the
reader is taken through all the essential aspects which arise when
considering the onset of one's later years, and eventual death. It
explains, in easy lay terms, the important legal, financial, and
personal considerations which demand attention when old age
beckons, and offers simple and appropriate means of dealing with
them - from Making a Will through to financing and planning a
Funeral. LifeHolder is backed up by a supporting website -
www.lifeholder.co.uk. Together these make for a practical and
valuable reference point.
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful
introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and
law, expertly written by the world's leading scholars. Designed to
be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of
the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject
areas. This Advanced Introduction to Youth Studies analyses the
historical development of the sociology of youth in the context of
changing population demographics. Howard Williamson and James Cote
explore competing paradigms underlying current understandings of
youth with reference to key philosophical, theoretical and
methodological debates. Young people's transitions to adulthood and
youth cultural behaviour are then explored. The authors conclude
with a consideration of youth policies and how, in the future,
these may be better informed by sociological research. Key
Features: Fact-based analysis of key debates Sociological
perspectives informed by multidisciplinary analyses Concise
coverage of complex topics Policy recommendations informed by years
of experience in the field This Advanced Introduction will provide
essential reading for scholars and researchers of sociology and
sociological theory, as well as youth workers and students looking
for an excellent introduction to youth studies.
International law and state practice mirrors the recognition of
children's particular need for protection during peacetime, but in
situations in which international crimes are being committed the
prosecution of international crimes committed against children
before international courts and tribunals is also well embedded.
While international prosecutions are thus in line with the overall
development of protecting children from the consequences of armed
conflict and large scale violence, the involvement of the child in
international criminal proceedings also gives rise to new questions
which relate to the procedural involvement of the child.As child
participation in the proceedings before the International Criminal
Court (ICC) constitutes a matter of fact, one may raise the
question whether such participation is a welcome development. This
study examines the procedural implications of child participation
and thereby intends to contribute legal views and perspectives to
the underlying debate on the adequacy of child participation in ICC
proceedings. The study concludes with ten recommendations that
underline the call.
Now enhanced and updated based on extensive user feedback and a
NEW, unparalleled research sample of more than 12,000 children,
ASQ-3 is the most accurate, cost-effective, and parent-friendly way
to identify children from one month to 5 years with developmental
delays. The highly anticipated new edition of the screener
professionals have trusted for more than 15 years, ASQ-3 offers
more than any other screening system: Recommended by the experts.
The American Academy of Neurology, the Child Neurology Society, and
First Signs recommend ASQ as a high quality screener. ASQ is also
highly rated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Administration for Children and Families. Accurate. Rigorous
research with more than 12,000 children shows that ASQ-3 is
reliable and valid with high levels of sensitivity and specificity,
the two most important indicators of accuracy for a screener.
Sensitive to delays associated with autism. New, open-ended
questions on behavior and expressive language assist in eliciting
parent concerns. Captures parents' in-depth knowledge. Because
ASQ-3 questionnaires are completed by the caregivers who know the
child best, they get the most accurate results and save time, and
parents become an integral part of the screening process. An
invaluable parent education tool. With questionnaire items linked
to developmental milestones, ASQ-3 helps teach parents about child
development and their own child's skills. Strengths based. ASQ-3
questionnaires reveal a child's strengths as well as areas of
concern, so it's easier to develop a rapport with parents and share
results. Flexible screening anywhere. Parents can complete ASQ-3
questionnaires at home, in a waiting room, during a home visit, or
as part of an in-person or phone interview. Efficient. 2-3
minutes-that's all it takes to score ASQ-3 questionnaires after
parents complete them. And unlike screeners that require more
screening measures to clari