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Books > Health, Home & Family > Family & health > Coping with personal problems

Beautiful Boy - A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction (Paperback): David Sheff Beautiful Boy - A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction (Paperback)
David Sheff 1
R278 R208 Discovery Miles 2 080 Save R70 (25%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days


"What had happened to my beautiful boy? To our family? What did I do wrong?" - Those are the wrenching questions that haunted every moment of David Sheff's journey through his son Nic's addiction to drugs and tentative steps toward recovery. Before Nic Sheff became addicted to crystal meth, he was a charming boy, joyous and funny, a varsity athlete and honor student adored by his two younger siblings. After meth, he was a trembling wraith who lied, stole, and lived on the streets.

With haunting candour, David Sheff traces the first subtle warning signs: the denial, the 3am phone calls (is it Nic? the police? the hospital?), the attempts at rehab. His preoccupation with Nic became an addiction in itself, and the obsessive worry and stress took a tremendous toll. But as a journalist, he instinctively researched every avenue of treatment that might save his son and refused to give up on Nic. This story is a first: a teenager's addiction from the parent's point of view - a real-time chronicle of the shocking descent into substance abuse and the gradual emergence into hope.

Beautiful Boy is a fiercely candid memoir that brings immediacy to the emotional rollercoaster of loving a child who seems beyond help.

Yes You Can Win The Battle Over Addiction (Paperback): Brennan Dauberman Yes You Can Win The Battle Over Addiction (Paperback)
Brennan Dauberman 3
R120 Discovery Miles 1 200 In Stock

Addiction has become an epidemic in our society that is destroying the lives of people around the world at a rapidly increasing rate. When families have a loved one or even a friend who has been drawn into the world of drugs and alcohol addiction, or addiction of any kind, they are faced with the same challenging questions: is there a way out? Can a person truly break free from the bondage of addiction? The answer is YES YOU CAN!

Addiction of any kind can be beaten. There is hope and there is a way. The journey of recovery is a process of rebuilding every aspect of an individual’s life. It’s the exciting journey of discovering who you really are and who God created you to be. No matter how bad the situation, God has a plan to restore and redeem the life of an addict. Your best life is just one decision away! Brennan was addicted to drugs and alcohol for 15 years before he gave his life to Christ. He has overcome drug and alcohol addiction and has been sober for the past 13 years. This book is a practical guide of his first-hand experience and his personal journey in overcoming addiction. May God bless you and empower you to overcome as you read this book!

CRC is a dynamic, vibrant, growing group of churches that is making an impact in thousands of people’s lives all over the world. Pastor At Boshoff is the founder and visionary leader of CRC nationally and internationally. Brennan is serving in full time pastoral ministry, in the CRC vision, under the leadership of Pastor Glenn Schroder (Senior Pastor of CRC Durban, Ballito and Hillcrest) for the past 13 years.

My Gunsteling Storie-Bybel (Afrikaans, Hardcover): Ewald Van Rensburg My Gunsteling Storie-Bybel (Afrikaans, Hardcover)
Ewald Van Rensburg
R189 R148 Discovery Miles 1 480 Save R41 (22%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

50 Bybelverhale uit die Ou en Nuwe Testament. Hierdie boek is vol lewendige en prettige illustrasies wat kinders aan God se Woord en Sy liefde vir hulle bekendstel. Elke Bybelverhaal het: 'n gebed om kinders te help om met God 'n band te vorm. 'n Christel

When the Body Says No - The Cost of Hidden Stress (Paperback): Gabor Mate When the Body Says No - The Cost of Hidden Stress (Paperback)
Gabor Mate 2
R345 R270 Discovery Miles 2 700 Save R75 (22%) In Stock

Can a person literally die of loneliness? Is there a connection between the ability to express emotions and Alzheimer's disease? Is there such a thing as a 'cancer personality'?

With compassion, warmth and empathy, Dr Gabor Maté draws on deep scientific research and his acclaimed clinical work to provide the answers to critical questions about the mind-body link - and illuminates the role that stress and our emotional makeup play in an array of common diseases.

When the Body Says No:

- Explores the role of the mind-body link in conditions and diseases such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome and multiple sclerosis.
- Shares dozens of enlightening case studies and personal and moving stories, including those of people such as Lou Gehrig (ALS), Betty Ford (breast cancer), Ronald Reagan (Alzheimer's), Gilda Radner (ovarian cancer) and Lance Armstrong (testicular cancer)
- Reveals 'The Seven A's of Healing': principles in healing and the prevention of illness from hidden stress

Cul-De-Sac - A Memoir (Paperback): Elsa Joubert Cul-De-Sac - A Memoir (Paperback)
Elsa Joubert
R399 R343 Discovery Miles 3 430 Save R56 (14%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Multiple award-winning author Elsa Joubert's memoir about life after the death of her beloved husband. She must come to terms with the loss of independence, friends who die and the changes in her memory and bodily powers. Vivid memories of her eventful life as a celebrated writer are skilfully woven into her story. Filled with wisdom, compassion and humour, this book will leave no reader untouched.

The Price Of Mercy - A Fight For The Right To Die With Dignity (Paperback): Sean Davison The Price Of Mercy - A Fight For The Right To Die With Dignity (Paperback)
Sean Davison 2
R360 R309 Discovery Miles 3 090 Save R51 (14%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

In September 2018, Professor Sean Davison's peaceful life in the leafy suburbs of Pinelands, Cape Town is shattered. Arrested for the murder of Dr Anrich Burger, a once-fit athlete turned quadriplegic who begged Davison to assist him in ending his life in 2015, the unassuming academic and father of three now finds himself locked up in a prison cell.

Under investigation led by the Hawks, an additional two murders are added to the case for which he now faces a mandatory life prison sentence. Written in compelling detail, The Price of Mercy tracks the extraordinary journey that Davison embarks on to prepare for the gruelling legal challenge that lies ahead.

The desperate cries of many, begging for his assistance to help end their lives of suffering haunt him. Unwavering in his belief that we all have the right to die with dignity, Davison's selfless battle is made more bearable by his friendship with the late and great Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

A book that will change the way you see death.

Die keer toe ek my naam vergeet het (Paperback): F.A. Venter Die keer toe ek my naam vergeet het (Paperback)
F.A. Venter
R239 Discovery Miles 2 390 Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Die eerste uitgawe van Die keer toe ek my naam vergeet het verskyn in 1995, vyf jaar nadat die skrywer F.A. Venter ’n beroerte gekry het. In hierdie outobiografiese vertelling dokumenteer hy die pynlike en stadige proses van herstel: hy moet weer leer loop, leer praat, leer skryf. Dit is verder ’n verhaal oor die verhouding tussen Venter en sy geliefde vrou, Stella. In Die Afrikaanse literatuur 1652–2004 beskryf J.C. Kannemeyer Die keer toe ek my naam vergeet het as een van Venter se “belangrikste bydraes tot die Afrikaanse prosa”: “Die aangrypende verhaal van ouderdom en lyding, maar ook van ’n mooi huwelik en toegewyde liefde, is terselfdertyd ’n getuienis van die onblusbare gees van die skeppende mens wat, ten spyte van alle teenspoed, kan voortgaan met die werk waarvoor hy hier op aarde geplaas is.” Op ’n eerlike en roerende wyse, en met ’n tikkie humor, raak Venter die universele, tydlose temas van siekte, oudword en die dood aan. Uiteindelik is dit ’n verhaal van aanvaarding: “Ek het baie verloor – die kosbaarste. Maar ek het ook geleer om te verduur. Te aanvaar. Tevrede te wees. Anders sou dit ondraaglik wees.”

Forgiving What You Can't Forget (Paperback): Lysa Terkeurst Forgiving What You Can't Forget (Paperback)
Lysa Terkeurst
R320 R264 Discovery Miles 2 640 Save R56 (18%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

You deserve to stop suffering because of what other people have done to you.

Have you ever felt stuck in a cycle of unresolved pain, playing offenses over and over in your mind? You know you can't go on like this, but you don't know what to do next. Lysa TerKeurst has wrestled through this journey. But in surprising ways, she’s discovered how to let go of bound-up resentment and overcome the resistance to forgiving people who aren’t willing to make things right.

With deep empathy, therapeutic insight, and rich Bible teaching coming out of more than 1,000 hours of theological study, Lysa will help you:

  • Learn how to move on when the other person refuses to change and never says they're sorry.
  • Walk through a step-by-step process to free yourself from the hurt of your past and feel less offended today.
  • Discover what the Bible really says about forgiveness and the peace that comes from living it out right now.
  • Identify what's stealing trust and vulnerability from your relationships so you can believe there is still good ahead.
  • Disempower the triggers hijacking your emotions by embracing the two necessary parts of forgiveness.
La - 'n Reis Na Die Lig (Afrikaans, Paperback): Ansja Ferreira La - 'n Reis Na Die Lig (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Ansja Ferreira 4
R229 Discovery Miles 2 290 Ships in 4 - 8 working days

13 Augustus 2017. Ansja vat haar twee dogtertjies kerk toe. Heeldag het sy ʼn naar gevoel op die krop van haar maag, asof iemand haar wind uitgeskop het. Sy hou by ʼn stopstraat naby hul huis stil en ʼn motor jaag van agter in hulle vas. Haar jongste dogtertjie, Larissa, se kop word met die impak vergruis soos ʼn waatlemoen.

Met bomenslike krag sleep sy haar dogters uit die kar en sit hulle op die sypaadjie neer. Dan verloor sy haar bewussyn en sien haarself en haar kinders van bo. Alles word lig. Daar is lieflike musiek en reënboogkleure. Vrede en liefde heers en niks maak meer saak nie. Sy dryf weg.

Maar dan hoor sy haar oudste dogtertjie na haar roep. En sy moet terug. Na die pyn van ʼn gebreekte lyf en gebroke hart. Hoe hervat sy haar lewe?

Have You Planned Your Heart Attack - This book may save your life (Hardcover): Warrick Bishop Have You Planned Your Heart Attack - This book may save your life (Hardcover)
Warrick Bishop
R1,514 Discovery Miles 15 140 Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Hier Waar Ek Nou Is (Afrikaans, Paperback): Matty Strydom Hier Waar Ek Nou Is (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Matty Strydom
R282 Discovery Miles 2 820 Ships in 4 - 8 working days
Marijuana Legalization - What Everyone Needs to Know (R) (Hardcover, New): Jonathan P Caulkins, Angela Hawken, Beau Kilmer,... Marijuana Legalization - What Everyone Needs to Know (R) (Hardcover, New)
Jonathan P Caulkins, Angela Hawken, Beau Kilmer, Mark A.R. Kleiman
R1,840 Discovery Miles 18 400 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Should marijuana be legalized? The latest Gallup poll reports that exactly half of Americans say "yes"; opinion couldn't be more evenly divided.
Marijuana is forbidden by international treaties and by national and local laws across the globe. But those laws are under challenge in several countries. In the U.S., there is no short-term prospect for changes in federal law, but sixteen states allow medical use and recent initiatives to legalize production and non-medical use garnered more than 40% support in four states. California's Proposition 19 nearly passed in 2010, and multiple states are expected to consider similar measures in the years to come.
The debate and media coverage surrounding Proposition 19 reflected profound confusion, both about the current state of the world and about the likely effects of changes in the law. In addition, not all supporters of "legalization" agree on what it is they want to legalize: Just using marijuana? Growing it? Selling it? Advertising it? If sales are to be legal, what regulations and taxes should apply? Different forms of legalization might have very different results.
Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) will provide readers with a non-partisan primer about the topic, covering everything from the risks and benefits of using marijuana, to describing the current laws around the drug in the U.S. and abroad. The authors discuss the likely costs and benefits of legalization at the state and national levels and walk readers through the "middle ground" of policy options between prohibition and commercialized production. The authors also consider how marijuana legalization could personally impact parents, heavy users, medical users, drug traffickers, and employers.
What Everyone Needs to Know(r) is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press

The Ghost of Gosswater (Paperback): Lucy Strange The Ghost of Gosswater (Paperback)
Lucy Strange
R184 Discovery Miles 1 840 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

A thrilling Gothic tale from the author of Our Castle by the Sea, shortlisted for the Waterstones Children's Book Prize. 'Told in deft and luminous language, The Ghost of Gosswater is storytelling at its very best.' Kiran Millwood Hargrave, author of THE GIRL OF INK & STARS 'Family secrets, a ghost girl and a forbidding manor house that goes up in smoke ... You can't help rooting for Agatha in this spooky, addictive tale of friendship and family.' THE TIMES 'Eerie, shimmering, unputdownable' HILARY MCKAY, winner of the Costa Book Award The Lake District, 1899 The Earl is dead and cruel Cousin Clarence has inherited everything. Twelve-year-old Lady Agatha Asquith is cast out of Gosswater Hall to live in a tiny, tumbledown cottage with a stranger who claims to be her father. Aggie is determined to discover her real identity, but she is not alone on her quest for the truth. On the last day of the year, when the clock strikes midnight, a mysterious girl of light creeps through the crack in time; she will not rest until the dark, terrible secrets of the past have been revealed ... The third novel by acclaimed bestselling author Lucy Strange, author of The Secret of Nightingale Wood and Our Castle by the Sea A thrilling gothic adventure for young readers aged 9 and up - perfect for fans of Emma Carroll and Frances Hardinge Follows strong-willed heroine Agatha Gosswater as she untangles the dark mystery of her own past, with the backdrop of the eerie Gosswater Lake

Lessons For Living - What Only Adversity Can Teach You (Paperback): Phil Stutz Lessons For Living - What Only Adversity Can Teach You (Paperback)
Phil Stutz
R380 R297 Discovery Miles 2 970 Save R83 (22%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Is there another way? Can you live life with its conflicts, uncertainties and disappointments and still feel good about yourself? How can you even begin to think clearly about life's most universal dilemmas?

Acclaimed psychotherapist Phil Stutz has spent his life pondering the big challenges that we all face. In a collection of 30 powerful short essays, he reveals the solutions to life's most pressing issues, with new insights to the unique challenges of our modern age.

Whether you are dealing with uncomfortable emotions like envy and anger, trying to overcome bad habits or struggling with insecurities, Lessons for Living addresses real-world circumstances and hard truths and helps you to understand and accept the painful parts of life that we will all inevitably experience.

Filled with tips and tricks that will reframe your worldview, this book will offer you a new way to think about life and empower you to unleash your full potential.

Fighting Words Devotional (Hardcover): Ellie Holcomb Fighting Words Devotional (Hardcover)
Ellie Holcomb
R528 R448 Discovery Miles 4 480 Save R80 (15%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days
A Beginner's Guide To Dying (Hardcover): Simon Boas A Beginner's Guide To Dying (Hardcover)
Simon Boas
R462 R381 Discovery Miles 3 810 Save R81 (18%) Ships in 9 - 15 working days

In his mid-40s, Simon Boas was diagnosed with incurable cancer – it had been caught too late, and spread around his body. But he was determined to die as he had learned to live – optimistically, thinking the best of people, and prioritising what really matters in life.

In A Beginner’s Guide to Dying Simon considers and collates the things that have given him such a great sense of peace and contentment, and why dying at 46 really isn’t so bad.

And for that reason it’s also only partly about ‘dying’. It is mostly a hymn to the joy and preciousness of life, and why giving death a place can help all of us make even more of it.

Black Notley Blues - Diary of a Teenage TB Patient, 1958-1959 (Hardcover): Chris Dell Black Notley Blues - Diary of a Teenage TB Patient, 1958-1959 (Hardcover)
Chris Dell
R418 Discovery Miles 4 180 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

A personal testimony detailing the life of a teenage patient in a tuberculosis hospital taken from his daily diary entries. Like others he was cooped up and restricted, while gratefully receiving care and treatment from surgeons and nursing staff under the watchful eye of strict yet sympathetic Sisters and Matrons. This is an entertaining read involving co-operation and modest revolt including nruse chasing, illicit pub crawls, and regular carpeting by the Ward Sister and Medical Superintendent. Yet accompanying the lighter moments is an important medical, social and personal record of the 1950s sanatorium experience.

Notes on Grief (Paperback): Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Notes on Grief (Paperback)
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
R170 Discovery Miles 1 700 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

A personal and powerful essay on loss from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the bestselling author of Americanah and Half of a Yellow Sun. 'Grief is a cruel kind of education. You learn how ungentle mourning can be, how full of anger. You learn how glib condolences can feel. You learn how much grief is about language, the failure of language and the grasping for language' On 10 June 2020, the scholar James Nwoye Adichie died suddenly in Nigeria. In this tender and powerful essay, expanded from the original New Yorker text, his daughter, a self-confessed daddy's girl, remembers her beloved father. Notes on Grief is at once a tribute to a long life of grace and wisdom, the story of a daughter's fierce love for a parent, and a revealing examination of the layers of loss and the nature of grief.

The Kid Code - 30 Second Parenting Strategies (Paperback): Brenda Miller The Kid Code - 30 Second Parenting Strategies (Paperback)
Brenda Miller
R535 R456 Discovery Miles 4 560 Save R79 (15%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days
At Last a Life (Paperback): Paul David At Last a Life (Paperback)
Paul David
R425 Discovery Miles 4 250 Ships in 9 - 15 working days
A Path through the Jungle - Psychological Health and Wellbeing Programme to Develop Robustness and Resilience (Paperback):... A Path through the Jungle - Psychological Health and Wellbeing Programme to Develop Robustness and Resilience (Paperback)
Professor Steve Peters
R497 R430 Discovery Miles 4 300 Save R67 (13%) Ships in 9 - 15 working days

Professor Steve Peters is a Consultant Psychiatrist and author of the bestselling self-help book, The Chimp Paradox. He has years of experience as a clinician, an educator and has worked with some of the world's most successful athletes. His new book 'A Path through the Jungle' will help you to become robust and resilient. Professor Peters explains complex neuroscience in straightforward terms with his Chimp Management Mind Model Robust: Becoming robust means having plans in place to manage your own mind and whatever situations you meet in life. Resilient: is being able to bounce back and manage the challenges of life. Resilience is a skill. A Path through the Jungle offers a structured programme with exercises and practical real-life examples. This book will help you to improve in areas such as: * Managing stress and anxiety * Improved relationships * Emotional management * Grief and loss * Self-confidence * Peace of mind * Happiness * Managing stress

The Fix for Cravings - One(s) That Didn't Work, and Now One Which Works (Paperback): Edd Cindy Myers-Morrison The Fix for Cravings - One(s) That Didn't Work, and Now One Which Works (Paperback)
Edd Cindy Myers-Morrison
R520 R440 Discovery Miles 4 400 Save R80 (15%) Ships in 10 - 15 working days
So Sorry for Your Loss - Learning to Live with Grief-Even if It Kills You (Paperback): Dina Gachman So Sorry for Your Loss - Learning to Live with Grief-Even if It Kills You (Paperback)
Dina Gachman
R395 R323 Discovery Miles 3 230 Save R72 (18%) Ships in 9 - 15 working days
How to Write Comforting Letters to the Bereaved - A Simple Guide for a Delicate Task (Paperback): John Haley How to Write Comforting Letters to the Bereaved - A Simple Guide for a Delicate Task (Paperback)
John Haley
R610 Discovery Miles 6 100 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

"How to Write Comforting Letters to the Bereaved" guides readers through the delicate task of penning their thoughts and emotions to friends or family members suffering the loss of a loved one. It lays out an array of suggestions, precautions and examples in a clear and informed style. This friendly, easy-to-read guide enables professional caregivers and lay readers alike to quickly take what they need from a number of considerations, such as: how to start such a letter; how to elaborate on the relationship, the loss, and its meaning to the reader; various ways to help survivors regardless of geographic distance; important precautions about what to avoid; different approaches to talking about religious faith; the inclusion of humor; plus follow-up letters long after the funeral; and more.

Crying in H Mart (Paperback): Michelle Zauner Crying in H Mart (Paperback)
Michelle Zauner
R280 R219 Discovery Miles 2 190 Save R61 (22%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

One of Barack Obama's Favorite Books of 2021 The New York Times bestseller from the Grammy-nominated indie rockstar Japanese Breakfast, an unflinching, deeply moving memoir about growing up mixed-race, Korean food, losing her Korean mother, and forging her own identity in the wake of her loss. 'As good as everyone says it is and, yes, it will have you in tears. An essential read for anybody who has lost a loved one, as well as those who haven't' - Marie-Claire In this exquisite story of family, food, grief, and endurance, Michelle Zauner proves herself far more than a dazzling singer, songwriter, and guitarist. With humour and heart, she tells of growing up the only Asian-American kid at her school in Eugene, Oregon; of struggling with her mother's particular, high expectations of her; of a painful adolescence; of treasured months spent in her grandmother's tiny apartment in Seoul, where she and her mother would bond, late at night, over heaping plates of food. As she grew up, moving to the east coast for college, finding work in the restaurant industry, performing gigs with her fledgling band - and meeting the man who would become her husband - her Koreanness began to feel ever more distant, even as she found the life she wanted to live. It was her mother's diagnosis of terminal pancreatic cancer, when Michelle was twenty-five, that forced a reckoning with her identity and brought her to reclaim the gifts of taste, language, and history her mother had given her. Vivacious, lyrical and honest, Michelle Zauner's voice is as radiantly alive on the page as it is onstage. Rich with intimate anecdotes that will resonate widely, Crying in H Mart is a book to cherish, share, and reread. 'Possibly the best book I've read all year . . . I will be buying copies for friends and family this Christmas.' - Rukmini Iyer in the Guardian 'Best Food Books of 2021' 'Wonderful . . . The writing about Korean food is gorgeous . . . but as a brilliant kimchi-related metaphor shows, Zauner's deepest concern is the ferment, and delicacy, of complicated lives.' - Victoria Segal, Sunday Times, 'My favourite read of the year'

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