Books > Reference & Interdisciplinary > Communication studies > Decision theory
Behavioural studies have shown that while humans may be the best
decision makers on the planet, we are not quite as good as we think
we are. We are regularly subject to biases, inconsistencies and
irrationalities in our decision making. Decision Behaviour,
Analysis and Support, published in 2009, explores perspectives from
many different disciplines to show how we can help decision makers
to deliberate and make better decisions. It considers both the use
of computers and databases to support decisions as well as human
aids to building analyses and some fast and frugal tricks to aid
more consistent decision making. In its exploration of decision
support it draws together results and observations from decision
theory, behavioural and psychological studies, artificial
intelligence and information systems, philosophy, operational
research and organisational studies. This provides a valuable
resource for managers with decision-making responsibilities and
students from a range of disciplines, including management,
engineering and information systems.
Since the mid-1990s risk management has undergone a dramatic
expansion in its reach and significance, being transformed from an
aspect of management control to become a benchmark of good
governance for banks, hospitals, schools, charities and many other
organizations. Numerous standards for risk management practice have
been produced by a variety of transnational organizations. While
these many designs and blueprints are accompanied by ideals of
enterprise, value production, and good governance, it is argued
that the rise of risk management has also coincided with an
intensification of auditing and control processes. The legalization
and bureacratization of organizational life has increased because
risk management has created new demands for proof and evidence of
action. In turn, these demands have generated new risks to
In short, this important book traces the rise of the managerial
concept of risk and the different logics and values which underpin
it, showing that it has much less to do with real dangers and
opportunities than might be thought, and more to do with
organizational accountability and legitimacy.
Mit dem Ziel der Qualitatsentwicklung der Einzelschule wird in den
Bundeslandern derzeit eine Vielzahl von Modellen erprobt. Das
Handbuch fokussiert drei Fragen: Welches Wissen wird fur die
Erstellung, Implementierung und Verstetigung dieser Modelle
genutzt? Inwieweit sind die verwendeten Modelle empirisch
gesichert? Welche Perspektiven fur die Zukunft zeichnen sich ab?
Die Beitrage dieses Bandes, verfasst von Autorinnen und Autoren aus
so unterschiedlichen Bereichen wie Schulleitung, Landesinstitut und
(Berufs-)Bildungsforschung reichen vom Ruckblick auf die Geschichte
der schulischen Qualitatsentwicklung uber die Diskussion
grundlegender Fragen zu Schulqualitat, Steuerung und Finanzierung
uber Analysen zu schulischen Tatigkeitsfeldern wie
Schulprogrammarbeit, Schulmanagement, unterrichtliche
Lehr-Lern-Prozesse bis hin zu Berichten uber internationale