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Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Financial, taxation, commercial, industrial law > Employment & labour law
The goal of this well known book is to provide methods for understanding major EEO laws, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, and the American with Disabilities Act of 1990. Also included are over 700 cases involving federal case law that focus on issues relating to the terms and conditions of employment. New to this third edition are sections at the end of each chapter on "Implications for Practice." These accessible sections will give organizations and managers practical advice on strategies and guidelines for implementing laws and guidelines. A website of additional case materials, power points, and teaching aids accompany this book.
Almost no other aspect of labor law is more dependent on the specific circumstances of each case than dismissal based on the violation of the duties arising out of an employment relationship. With practical usefulness in mind, this volume summarizes the case law of Germany s labor law courts with a view to case scenarios, both in terms of material facts and legal proceedings. In order to illuminate the scope and limits of dismissal based on conduct, typical circumstances leading to an ordinary and extraordinary dismissal are presented systematically from A Z along with source references to legal scholarship and case decisions."
The global financial crisis and recession have placed great strains
on the free market ideology that has emphasized economic objectives
and unregulated markets. The balance of economic and noneconomic
goals is under the microscope in every sector of the economy. It is
time to re-think the objectives of the employment relationship and
the underlying assumptions of how that relationship operates.
Dieses Buch befasst sich in 24 Beitragen mit aktuellen Fragen des Medizin- und Haftungsrechts. Der Gesundheitssektor ist gepragt von mitunter gegenlaufigen Tendenzen eines schnellen wissenschaftlichen Fortschritts, einer strengen Bedarfsplanung und knapper finanzieller Mittel. Bei veranderter Behandlungskultur steigen die Erwartungen der Patienten und die Anforderungen der Rechtsprechung an AErzte und andere Leistungserbringer. Haufige Klageverfahren sind Ausdruck und steigende Schadensaufwendungen der Haftpflichtversicherer Folge dieser veranderten Gesundheitslandschaft. Die Beitrage dieses Buches widmen sich daher Grundfragen des Haftungsrechts ebenso wie neuen Fragestellungen infolge des Patientenrechtegesetzes. Perspektiven fur die Berufshaftpflichtversicherer kommen ebenso zur Sprache wie Aspekte der Planung arztlicher Tatigkeit. Zu Wort kommen spezialisiert tatige Mediziner, Juristen und OEkonomen ebenso wie namhafte Wissenschaftler.
This conference volume on the German-Japanese colloquium a oeTransformations or Erosion of Private Autonomy?a carries the debate on the subject into the area of contract law that is central to economic life.
Workplace privacy is not simply a theoretical legal issue but is a matter of basic human dignity. Employers in a number of countries reportedly, and, it appears, in increasing numbers, are deploying 'human resource policies' which may or may not be illegal. In many cases they are not, at present unlawful, though they may reflect dubious management practices. These policies include drug testing of employees, surveillance of staff and their communications, attempts to censor the freedom of speech of employees, psychometric or personality testing, and requirements to provide intimate health information irrelevant to work in order to obtain employment or promotion. This book, the first on the subject in any jurisdiction, examines in a rigorous and open-minded fashion, the emergence of these policies in the modern employment context and the gradually developing legal response. Adopting a human rights perspective, the author demonstrates that several legal systems are now transposing human rights law from the public sphere into the employment relationship in order to protect the individual rights of job candidates and employees. The human right of privacy is one of the cornerstone rights recognised in the employment context, and is the focus of this book. The book deals with the law as it presently stands in the UK, France, the USA and Canada and includes a careful analysis of the potential impact of the Human Rights Act 1999.
Of interest to anyone who wishes to understand more about employee
rights and the revolutionizing of employment models, "Employment
and Employee Rights" addresses the issue of rights in the workplace
from the perspective of both employees and employers.
In the process of exploring arguments for guaranteeing rights,
the book examines the relational, developmental, and economic bases
upon which they are founded. New dimensions of employment are also
considered, including a model that incorporates growing workplace
diversity, builds upon our understanding of the legal landscape,
and expands upon our justifications for recognizing and protecting
rights. "Employment and Employee Rights" defends employee rights as economic value added for employers and companies, and it suggests a model where employees engage in meaningful work, maintain their autonomy, and exercise a level of control over their employment.
Governments spend huge amounts of money buying goods and services
from the private sector. How far should their spending power be
affected by social policy? Arguments against the practice are often
made by economists - on the grounds of inefficiency - and lawyers -
on the grounds of free competition and international economic
law.Buying Social Justice analyzes how governments in developed and
developing countries use their contracting power in order to
advance social equality and reduce discrimination, and argues that
this approach is an entirely legitimate and efficient means of
achieving social justice. The book looks at the different
experiences of a range of countries, including the USA, the UK, and
South Africa. It also examines the impact of international and
regional regulation of the international economy, and questions the
extent to which the issue of procurement policy be regulated at the
national, European or international levels. The role of EC and WTO
law in mediating the tensions between the economic function of
procurement and the social uses of procurement is discussed, and
the outcomes of controversies concerning the legitimacy of the
integration of social values into procurement are analyzed.
This book is based upon the papers written by a group of leading international scholars on the 'constitution of social democracy', delivered at a conference to celebrate Professor Keith Ewing's scholarly legacy in labour law, constitutional law, human rights and the law of democracy. The chapters explore the development of social democracy and democratic socialism in theory and political practice from a variety of comparative, legal, and disciplinary perspectives. These developments have occurred against a backdrop of fragmenting 'traditional' political parties, declining collective bargaining, concerns about 'juristocracy' and the displacement of popular sovereignty, the emergence of populist political movements, austerity, and fundamental questions about the future of the European project. With this context in mind, this collection considers whether legal norms can and should contribute to the constitution of social democracy. It could not be more timely in addressing these fundamental constitutional questions at the intersection of law, democracy, and political economy.
Der TVoD hat zum 1. Oktober 2005 insbesondere den aus dem Jahre 1961 stammenden (Bundes-Angestelltentarifvertrag) BAT fur die Kommunen und den Bund ersetzt. Davon sind in Deutschland ca. 2,3 Millionen Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer betroffen; das neue Tarifrecht des offentlichen Dienstes tangiert nahezu 5 Millionen Arbeitsvertrage. Dadurch wurde das bisherige am Beamtenrecht orientierte Arbeitsrecht des offentlichen Dienstes in grundlegender Weise reformiert. Die Tragweite der Wandelung zeigt sich z. B. in der
Ein solcher Paradigmenwechsel geht nicht ohne Schwierigkeiten vonstatten. Dieser Kommentar vermittelt dem Leser die notige Orientierung, um den TVoD in der Praxis anzuwenden. Er will den Weg des offentlichen Dienstes zuruck zum Arbeitsrecht in wissenschaftlich fundierter Weise mit der notwendigen kritischen Distanz begleiten."
This is a timely and innovative account of the development of European labour and social security law as it interrelates with the evolution of market integration in the European Union. Giubboni presents, from a labour law perspective, a case study of the changes the European Community/European Union has undergone from its origins to the present day and on the ways these changes have affected the regulation of European Welfare States at national level. Drawing on the idea of 'embedded liberalism', Giubboni analyses the infiltration of EC competition and market law into national systems of labour and social security law, and provides a normative framework for conceptualising the transformation of regulatory techniques implemented at the EU level. This important, interdisciplinary contribution to research in EU social law illustrates how the vision of social protection and solidarity is changing.
When faced with a 'human error' problem, you may be tempted to ask 'Why didn't these people watch out better?' Or, 'How can I get my people more engaged in safety?' You might think you can solve your safety problems by telling your people to be more careful, by reprimanding the miscreants, by issuing a new rule or procedure and demanding compliance. These are all expressions of 'The Bad Apple Theory' where you believe your system is basically safe if it were not for those few unreliable people in it. Building on its successful predecessors, the third edition of The Field Guide to Understanding 'Human Error' will help you understand a new way of dealing with a perceived 'human error' problem in your organization. It will help you trace how your organization juggles inherent trade-offs between safety and other pressures and expectations, suggesting that you are not the custodian of an already safe system. It will encourage you to start looking more closely at the performance that others may still call 'human error', allowing you to discover how your people create safety through practice, at all levels of your organization, mostly successfully, under the pressure of resource constraints and multiple conflicting goals. The Field Guide to Understanding 'Human Error' will help you understand how to move beyond 'human error'; how to understand accidents; how to do better investigations; how to understand and improve your safety work. You will be invited to think creatively and differently about the safety issues you and your organization face. In each, you will find possibilities for a new language, for different concepts, and for new leverage points to influence your own thinking and practice, as well as that of your colleagues and organization. If you are faced with a 'human error' problem, abandon the fallacy of a quick fix. Read this book.
IVP Readers' Choice Award Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year The United States has more people locked up in jails, prisons, and detention centers than any other country in the history of the world. Mass incarceration has become a lucrative industry, and the criminal justice system is plagued with bias and unjust practices. And the church has unwittingly contributed to the problem. Dominique Gilliard explores the history and foundation of mass incarceration, examining Christianity's role in its evolution and expansion. He then shows how Christians can pursue justice that restores and reconciles, offering creative solutions and highlighting innovative interventions. The church has the power to help transform our criminal justice system. Discover how you can participate in the restorative justice needed to bring authentic rehabilitation, lasting transformation, and healthy reintegration to this broken system.
The free movement of persons and services are key elements, alongside the free movement of goods and capital, in the fundamental freedoms which underpin the European internal market. In recent years two key themes have emerged from the case law of the European Court of Justice. The first is convergence in the case law on the free movement of goods, persons, and services in order to ensure the operation of the internal market through the prohibition of discrimination and the outlawing of unjustified obstacles to free movement. The second is the case law on the rights which flow from the introduction of citizenship of the European Union, which offer constitutional rights for individuals. The tensions between these two lines of authority can be explained through a fresh approach to the analysis and synthesis of the Treaty rules and secondary legislation of the European Community, and of the case law of the European Court of Justice on free movement of persons and services. This approach is based on distinguishing between those rules which relate mainly to the regulation of business activities in the internal market, and those which are mainly concerned with individual rights for citizens of the European Union. The result is a detailed overview of the law relating to workers, establishment, and services in the EU in this modern context.
This major new book examines the way in which employment is managed across organizational boundaries. It analyses how public-private partnerships, franchises, agencies and other forms of inter-firm contractual relations impact on work and employment and the experiences of those working in these increasingly significant forms of organization. it draws upon research undertaken in eight separate networks comprising over 50 organizations to explore the fragmentating effects of contemporary changes in the organization of work and employment relationships. It considers the consequences of increased eliance upon inter-organizational mechanisms for producing goods and especially for delivering services. It argues that established analyses continue to rely too heavily upon a mocel of the single employing organization whereas today the situation is often more complex and confused. Public-private 'partnerships' are one high profile example of this phenomenon but private enterprises are also developing new relations with their clients and customers that impinge upon the nature of the employment relationship. Established hierarchical forms are becoming disordered, with consequences for career patterns, training and skills, pay structures, disciplinary practice, worker voice, and the gendered division of labor. The findings of the study raise questions about the governance of such complex organizational forms, the appropriateness of current institutions for addressing this complexity, and the challenge of harnessing of employee commitment in circumstances where human resource practices are shaped by organizations other than the legal employer. Using an analytical schema of three dimensions (institutional, organizational, employment) and four themes (power, risk, identity, trust), the authors adopt an inter-disciplinary perspective to address these complex and critically important practical, policy and theoretical concerns. Fragmenting Work will be vital reading for all those wishing to understand the contemporary realities of work and employment.
Fear, rage, courage, discrimination. These are facts of everyday life for many Americans with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), has made working, traveling, and communicating easier for many individuals. But has this significant piece of civil rights legislation helped those with disabilities become fully accepted members of society? How does an individual deal with discriminatory situations that the law cannot, does not, or will not cover? What is life like in post-ADA America? The stories in this collection give readers a chance to visualize and perhaps resolve these questions for themselves. Using the techniques of both fiction and creative non-fiction, the contributors bring to life the everyday problems that people with disabilities face. Rather than analyzing the law, the writers dramatize the complex set of issues underlying the ADA as it is practiced and interpreted around the country: at a small Southern college, in the Library of Congress, on a New York City sidewalk. The stories from these local battlegrounds form a unique portrait of a continuing struggle. Ruth O'Brien's legal commentary on the Americans with Disabilities Act supplements these narratives. Organized analytically to reflect the ADA's main provisions, her commentary draws out and responds to the legal issues raised in each contributor's narrative. Discussing relevant Supreme Court and federal cases, O'Brien addresses key legal questions such as: What recourse do individuals have when enforcement of the law is ambiguous or virtually nonexistent? What is a disability? How will its changing definition affect individuals' lives-as well as their legal actions-in the future? Voices from the Edge seeks to challenge the mindset of those who would deny equal protection to the disabled, while providing informative analysis of the intent and application of the ADA for those who wish to learn more about disability rights. Giving voice to many types of discrimination the disabled face while illustrating the personal stakes underlying legal disputes over the ADA, this collection offers unparalleled insight into the lives behind the law.
Allgemeine Geschaftsbedingungen und Standardvertrage fur Unternehmen" beschaftigt sich mit der Rolle der Allgemeinen Geschaftsbedingungen im Unternehmensalltag sowie der restriktiven Inhaltskontrolle von Vertragen durch Recht und Gerichte. Auf dieser Basis wird ein an der Abwagung von Nutzen und Risiken orientierter Weg zum Umgang mit rechtlichen Erschwernissen des Geschaftsverkehrs beim Einsatz standardisierter Formulierungen gesucht. Im Vordergrund steht die einfache Erkenntnis, dass Allgemeine Geschaftsbedingungen nicht primar fur Gerichte gemacht werden. Sie sind Geschafts-, nicht Gerichtsbedingungen. Das Buch will helfen, dieser Prioritat folgend mit ihnen umzugehen. Die Struktur orientiert sich an europaischen und deutschen Rechtssatzen, stellt aber auch die tragenden Entscheidungen hoher Gerichte zu einzelnen Klauseln dar. Moglich ist das gezielte Nachschlagen von Einzelproblemen ebenso wie die systematische Recherche."
A petite single mother, Lois Jenson was among the first women hired by a northern Minnesota iron mine in 1975. In this brutal workplace, female miners were relentlessly threatened with pornographic graffiti, denigrating language, stalking, and physical assaults. Terrified of losing their jobs, the women kept their problems largely to themselves—until Lois, devastated by the abuse, found the courage to file a complaint against the company in 1984. Despite all of the obstacles the legal system threw at them, Lois and her fellow plaintiffs enlisted the aid of a dedicated team of lawyers and ultimately prevailed. Weaving personal stories with legal drama, Class Action shows how these terrifically brave women made history, although not without enormous personal cost. Told at a thriller’s pace, this is the story of how one woman pioneered and won the first sexual harassment class action suit in the United States, a legal milestone that immeasurably improved working conditions for American women.
Der praxisorientierte, systematische Ratgeber zur neuen Gesetzeslage: Das Allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz stellt als neuer Baustein des deutschen Arbeitsrechts anspruchsvolle Herausforderungen an Arbeitgeber. Aus den Vorschriften konnen sich Haftungsrisiken ergeben. Um diesen zu entgehen, ist eine Anpassung der betrieblichen Organisation bei Einstellungen, Beforderungen und Beurteilungen ebenso unerlasslich, wie die Uberprufung betrieblicher Vereinbarungen. Plus: europarechtlicher Hintergrund, aktuelle Informationen zu den Auswirkungen auf Unternehmen, Beispiele und Handlungsempfehlungen fur die schnelle und rechtssichere Umsetzung.
Compensation systems are being increasingly designed to recognize the role played by individual employees in generating company value. Yet employers must exercise care when developing variable compensation systems, as German law requires these systems to be clear and transparent, and courts generally rule against the employer in the event of ambiguity.
Labor law in the energy industry is governed by a special regulatory regime. The strong ties between many firms and public authorities and the exploitation of new energy sources outside of Germany have created multi-faceted problems. This study takes a reasoned position on all issues related to the special labor regime for the energy industry, offering practical guidance.
Guardian's Best Non-Fiction, 2019 The Tablet's Highlights of 2019 Personality tests. Team-building exercises. Forced Fun. Desktop surveillance. Open-plan offices. Acronyms. Diminishing job security. Hot desking. Pointless perks. Hackathons. If any of the above sound familiar, welcome to the modern economy. In this hilarious, but deadly serious book, bestselling author Dan Lyons looks at how the world of work has slowly morphed from one of unions and steady career progression to a dystopia made of bean bags and unpaid internships. And that's the 'good' jobs... With the same wit that made Disrupted an international bestseller, Lyons shows how the hypocrisy of Silicon Valley has now been exported globally to a job near you. Even low-grade employees are now expected to view their jobs with a cult-like fervour, despite diminishing prospects of promotion. From the gig economy to the new digital oligarchs, Lyons deliciously roasts the new work climate, while asking what can be done to recoup some sanity and dignity for the expanding class of middle-class serfs.
Judicial Retirement Laws of the Fifty States and the District of Columbia, the first comprehensive work on the subject, brings together a complete survey of existing judicial retirement laws in all fifty-cone jurisdictions. Using appropriate constitutional and statutory citations, Bernard S. Meyer identifies, in each jurisdiction, provisions for mandatory retirement on account of age, for retirement due to disability (voluntary and involuntary), and for further judicial service after retirement. This work also suggests how these laws should be changed for the improvement, and the interest, of justice. Bernard S. Meyer prepared this survey as Vice Chair of the Judiciary Committee of the ABA Senior Lawyers Division.
The new Working Time Regulations came into force on 1 October 1998. Although the implementation of Regulations has been imminent ever since Labour came to power, the business and legal communities have remained largely ignorant of its widespread and immediate effects. The Regulations give workers new rights to: a limit of 48 hours on the average working week limits on night work three weeks paid annual leave (four in 1999) rest breaks and rest days health and safety assessments The Working Time Regulations will affect practically every business in the country. If employers fail to comply with the provisions they may run the risk of facing employment tribunal proceedings or even prosecution by the health and safety executive.This new Guide provides lawyers, personnel specialists and employers with a clear and concise explanation of the practical implications of the Directive and the supporting Regulations. It also takes account of the DTIs Regulatory Guidance. The Guide Contains a Copy of the Regulations, The Working Time Directive and The Young Workers Directive.
Japan and the United States are under global and domestic pressures to simultaneously expand and to restrict immigration. In both countries migration, refugee and citizenship policies have become highly contentious political issues. Myron Weiner and Tadashi Hanami have brought together a distinguished group of American and Japanese experts to examine the very different approaches of these two societies in dealing with employer demand for labour, control over illegal migration, the challenge of incorporating immigrants, the legal rights and social benefits of foreign residents and illegal migrants, and the claims of refugees and asylum seekers. |
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