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Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Financial, taxation, commercial, industrial law > Employment & labour law
The Legal Aspects of Industrial Hygiene and Safety explores various legal issues that are often encountered by Industrial Hygiene and Safety managers during their careers. A description is presented of the various legal concepts and processes that often arise in the IH/S practice, including tort, contract, and administrative law. The goal is to provide IH/S managers with sufficient knowledge to be able to incorporate legal risk analysis into everyday decision-making and policy development. This book will explore the legal issues that arise in IH/S practice and will be helpful to new IH/S managers as they progress in their careers. FEATURES Explores various legal issues that are often encountered by Industrial Hygiene and Safety managers during their careers Provides insight into the legal issues and processes to IH/S managers that are traditionally only available to attorneys Improves the IH/S managers' ability to communicate complex IH/S issues to in-house counsel Presents tools and knowledge to IH/S managers so they can better consider the legal risks of the decisions they make Covers various legal concepts and processes that can arise in the IH/S practice, including tort, contract, and administrative law
In Putin's Labor Dilemma, Stephen Crowley investigates how the fear of labor protest has inhibited substantial economic transformation in Russia. Putin boasts he has the backing of workers in the country's industrial heartland, but as economic growth slows in Russia, reviving the economy will require restructuring the country's industrial landscape. At the same time, doing so threatens to generate protest and instability from a key regime constituency. However, continuing to prop up Russia's Soviet-era workplaces, writes Crowley, could lead to declining wages and economic stagnation, threatening protest and instability. Crowley explores the dynamics of a Russian labor market that generally avoids mass unemployment, the potentially explosive role of Russia's monotowns, conflicts generated by massive downsizing in "Russia's Detroit" (Tol'yatti), and the rapid politicization of the truck drivers movement. Labor protests currently show little sign of threatening Putin's hold on power, but the manner in which they are being conducted point to substantial chronic problems that will be difficult to resolve. Putin's Labor Dilemma demonstrates that the Russian economy must either find new sources of economic growth or face stagnation. Either scenario-market reforms or economic stagnation-raises the possibility, even probability, of destabilizing social unrest.
Spielerleihgeschafte sind mittlerweile im Profisport zu einer echten Alternative zum endgultigen Transfer gereift. Der Autor geht auf die sich bei der Spielerleihe stellenden Rechtsfragen tiefgehend ein. Schwerpunktmassig werden zum einen die verbandsrechtlichen Vorschriften, welche die Spieleruberlassung reglementieren, auf ihre Vereinbarkeit mit hoeherrangigem Recht uberpruft. Dies gilt auch fur die von der FIFA geplanten Beschrankungen von Leihgeschaften. Zum anderen beschaftigt sich der Autor intensiv mit der Thematik, ob die gegenwartige Praxis der Spielerleihe mit dem Arbeitnehmeruberlassungsgesetz (AUEG) vereinbar ist, welcher gerade auch vor dem Hintergrund der jungsten AUEG-Reform ausserste Brisanz zukommt. Schliesslich werden noch entsprechende Alternativmoeglichkeiten vorgestellt.
The book provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments in Turkey's labour dispute resolution system, and helps compare the Turkish system especially with those in European countries. Turkey passed a new Labour Courts Act in 2017, which changed Turkish labour law practice by introducing mandatory mediation for all labour disputes. The main objective behind this measure was to ensure that labour disputes are resolved more quickly and less expensively. The book was written specifically for lawyers around the globe who have to deal with Turkish law, especially those who are seeking to become specialists in dispute resolution law. In addition, it provides stimulating reading for laypersons who wish to learn what 'mediation and arbitration law are all about' in Turkey. Above all, it was prepared with a view to providing foreign investors and companies in Turkey with basic information on Turkish labour legislation.
In Beyond the Algorithm: Qualitative Insights for Gig Work Regulation, Deepa Das Acevedo and a collection of scholars and experts show why government actors must go beyond mass surveys and data-scrubbing in order to truly understand the realities of gig work. The contributors draw on qualitative empirical research to reveal the narratives and real-life experiences that define gig work, and they connect these insights to policy debates being fought out in courts, town halls, and even in Congress itself. The book also bridges academic and non-academic worlds by drawing on the experiences of drivers, journalists, and workers' advocates who were among the first people to study gig work from the bottom up. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in gig work, the legal infrastructure surrounding it, and how that infrastructure can and must be improved.
The discourse on migration outcomes in the West has largely been dominated by issues of integration, but it is more relevant to view immigration in non-Western societies in relation to practices of exclusion and inclusion. Exclusion refers to a situation in which individuals and groups are usually denied access to the goods, services, activities and resources associated with citizenship. However, this approach has been criticised in relation to gender issues, which are very relevant to the situation of migrants. The authors in this volume address this criticism. Furthermore, when framed within a North-South discourse, it may be potentially ethnocentric to assume that the experience of exclusion is cross-culturally uniform. Indeed, work on migration issues has invariably been conducted within such a discourse. The contributors go beyond this binary discourse of 'exclusion versus inclusion' which has dominated migration research. They examine the situation of migrants in the Middle East and Asia as one that encompasses both exclusion and inclusion, addressing related concepts of empowerment, ethnocracy, the feminisation of migration and gendered geographies of power, liberal constraint and multiculturalism, individual agency, migrant-friendly discourses, spaces of emancipation and spaces of insecurity. The book highlights current research in the Arab Gulf states, and examines multiculturalism in Asia more broadly. It will be of particular interest to students and researchers in international labour migration studies in the Middle East and Asia.
Why our workplaces are authoritarian private governments--and why we can't see it One in four American workers says their workplace is a "dictatorship." Yet that number probably would be even higher if we recognized most employers for what they are--private governments with sweeping authoritarian power over our lives, on duty and off. We normally think of government as something only the state does, yet many of us are governed far more--and far more obtrusively--by the private government of the workplace. In this provocative and compelling book, Elizabeth Anderson argues that the failure to see this stems from long-standing confusions. These confusions explain why, despite all evidence to the contrary, we still talk as if free markets make workers free--and why so many employers advocate less government even while they act as dictators in their businesses. In many workplaces, employers minutely regulate workers' speech, clothing, and manners, leaving them with little privacy and few other rights. And employers often extend their authority to workers' off-duty lives. Workers can be fired for their political speech, recreational activities, diet, and almost anything else employers care to govern. Yet we continue to talk as if early advocates of market society--from John Locke and Adam Smith to Thomas Paine and Abraham Lincoln--were right when they argued that it would free workers from oppressive authorities. That dream was shattered by the Industrial Revolution, but the myth endures. Private Government offers a better way to talk about the workplace, opening up space for discovering how workers can enjoy real freedom. Based on the prestigious Tanner Lectures delivered at Princeton University's Center for Human Values, Private Government is edited and introduced by Stephen Macedo and includes commentary by cultural critic David Bromwich, economist Tyler Cowen, historian Ann Hughes, and philosopher Niko Kolodny.
Most studies of law enforcement deal with police work, and many are concerned with underenforcement of selective enforcement as problems. This book shifts the focus to social and economic regulation and the issue of compliance.
In der Arzneimittelbranche wird zunehmend von sog. Product-Switching Strategien Gebrauch gemacht, um sich vor Wettbewerb durch kostengunstige Generika zu schutzen. Pharmaunternehmen nehmen Arzneimittel vor dem Auslauf des Patenschutzes fruhzeitig vom Markt, um Patienten anschliessend langfristig an neue, jedoch oft nur geringfugig verbesserte Folgepraparate zu binden. Hierdurch entstehen erhebliche wettbewerbliche Ineffizienzen und Kostensteigerungen fur das Gesundheitswesen. Der Autor untersucht die Zulassigkeit dieser Absatzstrategien unter dem Marktmachtmissbrauchsverbot nach Art. 102 AEUV. Er knupft hierbei an die US-Judikatur an und zeigt praktikable Loesungen der Problematik unter besonderer Beachtung der oekonomischen und rechtlichen Besonderheiten regulierter Arzneimittelmarkte auf.
Die Autorin untersucht, wie sich das Inkrafttreten des Geschaftsgeheimnisgesetzes auf den rechtlichen Schutz von Unternehmensgeheimnissen auswirkt. Dabei befasst sie sich schwerpunktmassig mit den Auswirkungen fur das Arbeitsrecht. Methodologisch bezieht sie sowohl unionsrechtliche, voelkerrechtliche als auch verfassungsrechtliche Vorgaben mit ein. Sie untersucht, ob sich ausgewahlte Regelungen des Geschaftsgeheimnisgesetzes auf andere dem Geheimnisschutz dienende Regelungsbereiche auswirken. Unter Berucksichtigung der teleologischen Ausrichtung des Geheimnisschutzes und der Ausnahmen hiervon prasentiert die Autorin eine potenzielle Loesung fur einen Ausgleich zwischen dem Geschaftsgeheimnisgesetz und anderweitigen mit dem Geheimnisschutz in Zusammenhang stehenden Regelungsbereichen.
Employment Law has been developed primarily for students taking an elective module in employment law on the LPC and is suitable for courses with either a corporate or private client focus. The 2016 edition continues to provide a practical and comprehensive guide to the subject and has been fully updated to include recent UK and European case law and developments in employment law practice. Examples and sample documents are included throughout the book to help students understand the practical application of the law, preparing them for the situations they may encounter once qualified. Detailed information is presented clearly and concisely, with the use of flowcharts and diagrams to provide a visual overview of complex processes and areas of common difficulty. End of chapter summaries and self-test questions are also used throughout the book, to help students consolidate their learning and identify areas for further study. This book is also accompanied by a free Online Resource Centre (www.oxfordtextbooks.co.uk/orc/employment2016/) which includes updates to the law post-publication, self-test questions with instant feedback, outline answers to the questions in the book, and electronic versions of flowcharts and diagrams to assist with notes and revision.
This book is the English edition of what has become widely known as 'The Supiot Report', a bold and far-reaching look at the changing nature of work, employment and labour institutions, and systems of regulation and welfare. The author places recent developments in their economic, social, institutional, and legal contexts, and draws upon illustrations from a number of European countries.
Durch ihre existenzsichernde Bedeutung nimmt die Erwerbsarbeit eine zentrale Rolle im Leben der meisten Menschen ein. Der Arbeitsvertrag bildet allerdings nicht nur die Basis materieller Wertschoepfung, sondern gewahrt dem Arbeitnehmer auch die Moeglichkeit zur Persoenlichkeitsentfaltung. Insofern ist heute weitgehend anerkannt, dass dem Recht des Arbeitgebers, die Arbeitsleistung in vertraglich geregeltem Umfang einzufordern, auch die Pflicht gegenubersteht, den Arbeitnehmer ordnungsgemass zu beschaftigen. Unter Berucksichtigung der historischen Entwicklung des Beschaftigungsanspruchs uberpruft der Autor dessen grundrechtlich gepragte Begrundung. Hierbei ordnet er die Beschaftigungspflicht aus schuldrechtlicher Perspektive in den zivilrechtlichen Pflichtenkatalog ein, bevor er in einem weiteren Schritt die Grenzen des Beschaftigungsanspruchs absteckt.
In Beyond the Algorithm: Qualitative Insights for Gig Work Regulation, Deepa Das Acevedo and a collection of scholars and experts show why government actors must go beyond mass surveys and data-scrubbing in order to truly understand the realities of gig work. The contributors draw on qualitative empirical research to reveal the narratives and real-life experiences that define gig work, and they connect these insights to policy debates being fought out in courts, town halls, and even in Congress itself. The book also bridges academic and non-academic worlds by drawing on the experiences of drivers, journalists, and workers' advocates who were among the first people to study gig work from the bottom up. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in gig work, the legal infrastructure surrounding it, and how that infrastructure can and must be improved.
Unionizing the Ivory Tower chronicles how a thousand low-paid custodians, cooks, and gardeners succeeded in organizing a union at Cornell University. Al Davidoff, the Cornell student leader who became a custodian and the union's first president, tells the extraordinary story of these ordinary workers with passion, sensitivity, and wit. His memoir reveals how they took on the dominant power in the community, built a strong organization, and waged multiple strikes and campaigns for livable wages and their dignity. Their strategies and tactics were creative and feisty, founded on worker participation and ownership. The union's commitment to fairness, equity, and economic justice also engaged these workers—mostly rural, white, and conservative—at the intersections of racism, sexism, classism, and homophobia. Davidoff's story demonstrates how a fighting union can activate today's working class to oppose antidemocratic and white supremacist forces.
How would feminist perspectives and analytical methods change the interpretation of employment discrimination law? Would the conscious use of feminist perspectives make a difference? This volume shows the difference feminist analysis can make to the interpretation of employment discrimination statutes. This book brings together a group of scholars and lawyers to rewrite fifteen employment discrimination decisions in which a feminist analysis would have changed the outcome or the courts' reasoning. It demonstrates that use of feminist perspectives and methodologies, if adopted by the courts, would have made a significant difference in employment discrimination law, leading to a fairer and more egalitarian workplace, and a more prosperous society.
How would feminist perspectives and analytical methods change the interpretation of employment discrimination law? Would the conscious use of feminist perspectives make a difference? This volume shows the difference feminist analysis can make to the interpretation of employment discrimination statutes. This book brings together a group of scholars and lawyers to rewrite fifteen employment discrimination decisions in which a feminist analysis would have changed the outcome or the courts' reasoning. It demonstrates that use of feminist perspectives and methodologies, if adopted by the courts, would have made a significant difference in employment discrimination law, leading to a fairer and more egalitarian workplace, and a more prosperous society.
Das Urteil des Europaischen Gerichtshofes in der Rechtssache CCOO (C-55/18) vom 14.05.2019 loeste die jungste Debatte um die Notwendigkeit einer Reformierung des deutschen Arbeitszeitgesetzes mit dem Fokus der Normierung einer Arbeitszeiterfassungspflicht aus. Die Arbeit greift diese aktuelle Thematik mit dem Ziel auf, ein geeignetes Loesungsmodell zu schaffen, mithilfe dessen die unionsrechtlichen Anforderungen an eine vollstandige Erfassung von Arbeitszeit praxistauglich und effektiv in das nationale deutsche Recht umgesetzt werden koennen. Dabei findet zunachst eine Auseinandersetzung mit der Abgrenzung von Arbeitszeitbegriffen verschiedener Bereiche statt. Beleuchtet werden auch erwagenswerte Ausnahmebereiche und moegliche Differenzierungen sowie datenschutzrechtliche Besonderheiten.
Over the last fifty years in the United States, unions have been in deep decline, while income and wealth inequality have grown. In this timely work, editors Richard Bales and Charlotte Garden - with a roster of thirty-five leading labor scholars - analyze these trends and show how they are linked. Designed to appeal to those being introduced to the field as well as experts seeking new insights, this book demonstrates how federal labor law is failing today's workers and disempowering unions; how union jobs pay better than nonunion jobs and help to increase the wages of even nonunion workers; and how, when union jobs vanish, the wage premium also vanishes. At the same time, the book offers a range of solutions, from the radical, such as a complete overhaul of federal labor law, to the incremental, including reforms that could be undertaken by federal agencies on their own.
Was schutzt die nach Art. 16 GRC gewahrleistete Vertragsfreiheit des Unternehmers und wie wirkt sich dieser Schutz auf das deutsche Arbeitsrecht aus? Auf diese Fragen gibt der Band Auskunft und berucksichtigt dabei die Besonderheiten, die im Europaischen Arbeitsrecht bestehen. Diese bislang kaum thematisierten Besonderheiten treten bei der Frage nach der Geltung von Art. 16 GRC ganz deutlich hervor und fuhren zu - auf den ersten Blick - uberraschenden Ergebnissen.
This comprehensive text provides authoritative coverage of a wide-range of employment and labour law issues affecting the Commonwealth Caribbean. It offers comparative analysis of employment and labour law in the region with particular reference to Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, St. Lucia, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago. Against the backdrop of the umbilical link to English common law and the persuasive precedent of other Commonwealth jurisdictions, the authors highlight the increasing importance of this evolving area of law and the role it plays in developing Commonwealth Caribbean jurisprudence. Key topics they explore include: Employment Status and Terms of the Employment Contract Redundancy, Retrenchment and Severance Wrongful and Unfair Dismissal Industrial Action Emerging Issues such as internet usage, workplace monitoring, whistleblowing, data protection, sexual harassment" Commonwealth Caribbean Employment and Labour Law" will be an essential resource for students reading Employment, Industrial Relations and Dismissal Law courses and an invaluable reference guide for human resource, industrial relations and legal practitioners in the Caribbean."
Die Selbstverwaltung als tragendes Organisationsprinzip der Sozialversicherung scheint in jungster Zeit zunehmend unter Druck. Sie ist nicht nur Gegenstand oeffentlicher Debatten, sondern sieht sich auch mit tiefgreifenden gesetzlichen Veranderungen konfrontiert. Muss sie gestarkt werden, wie der Name des Reformgesetzes aus der letzten Legislaturperiode nahelegt? Oder sind Einschrankungen notwendig, wie sie aktuell diskutiert werden? Antworten hierauf brauchen eine Vergewisserung daruber, welche Erwartungen an die Selbstverwaltung als Organisationsform bestehen. Mit Fokus auf die Selbstverwaltung in der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung vereint dieser Band daher Perspektiven aus unterschiedlichen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen zum "Mehrwert der Selbstverwaltung" mit solchen aus der Praxis.
The leading book on the subject of occupational health & safety revised in line with recent UK legislation and practice. New to this edition is the foreword by Judith Hackitt CBE, Chair of the Health and Safety Executive and a brand new chapter on the latest EU and international regulations and directives. Safety at Work is widely accepted as the most authoritative guide to health and safety in the workplace. Offering detailed coverage of the fundamentals and background in the field, this book is essential reading for health and safety professionals or small company owners. Students on occupational health and safety courses at diploma, bachelor and masters level, including the NEBOSH National Diploma, will find this book invaluable, providing students with the technical grounding required to succeed. Edited by an experienced and well-known health and safety professional with contributions from leading experts in research and practice.
Today, hazardous work kills 2.3 million people each year and injures millions more. Among the most compelling yet controversial forms of legal protection for workers is the right to refuse unsafe work. The rise of globalization, precarious work, neoliberal politics, attacks on unions, and the idea of individual employment rights have challenged the protection of occupational health and safety for workers worldwide. In Hazard or Hardship, Jeffrey Hilgert presents the protection of refusal rights as a moral and a human rights question. Hilgert finds that the protection of the right to refuse unsafe work, as constituted under international labor standards, is a failure and calls for a reexamination of worker health and safety policy from the ground up. The current model of protection follows an individual employment rights framework, which fails to protect workers against the inherent social inequalities within the employment relationship. To adequately protect the right to refuse as a human right, both in North America and around the world, Hilgert argues that a broader protection must be granted under a freedom of association framework. Hazard or Hardship will be a welcome resource for labor and environmental activists, trade union leaders, labor lawyers and labor law scholars, industrial relations experts, human rights advocates, public health professionals, and specialists in occupational safety and health.
The legal landscape for equal pay has evolved significantly in recent years. The perception of equal pay has been raised by the introduction of compulsory gender pay reporting in the form of the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2010 and the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017. In addition, cases involving high-profile equal pay claims against employers in the private sector are blazing the way for similar claims to be brought by other women employed in typically female jobs against comparators employed in typically male jobs in any company or business. Equal Pay is a comprehensive guide to contemporary practice in this field. A brief overview of the reasons for the existence of the Gender Pay Gap is followed by a comprehensive explanation of the law and examination of the 2017 Regulations, detailed and practical assistance on conducting and defending equal pay claims, and consideration of the disclosure of appropriate documents in such cases. To conclude, the book a raises discussion of the possible implications of Brexit on the future of equal pay law. Equal Pay is a definitive text of its field, giving extensive guidance based on first-hand experience that is useful to both employers and employees and their representatives involved in equal pay cases. It is essential reading for practitioners and students, as well as researchers, employers, employees, human resource personnel, and journalists with a professional interest in the law and practice of equal pay. |
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