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Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Financial, taxation, commercial, industrial law > Employment & labour law
The Blackstone's Guide Series delivers concise and accessible books covering the latest legislative changes and amendments. Published within weeks of the Act, they offer expert commentary by leading names on the effects, extent and scope of the legislation, plus a full copy of the Act itself. They offer a cost-effective solution to key information needs and are the perfect companion for any practitioner needing to get up to speed with the latest changes. The UK's transfer of undertakings legislation has historically been one of the most complex, unpredictable, and commercially significant aspects of the UK's employment law regime. It has far-reaching financial, HR, and practical significance for private and public sector transitions in areas such as outsourcing, contract tenders, and asset disposals. TUPE 2005 will deliver a major restatement of the UK's 1981 transfer of undertakings legislation, and will introduce the following which employment law practitioners, contract managers and administrators will need to master; * A new Acquired Rights Directive * A new concept of service provision change * Wider protection for employees dismissed because of transfer * Three new categories of dismissal This Guide will cover all of these new provisions and their impact on related legislation, whilst also placing the new regulations in the context of what has gone before. The commentary in the Guide is structured in a clear and logical way, thus enabling readers to quickly access the information they require. This Guide includes the full text of the legislation and will also have a section of useful precedents.
Preferential Services Liberalization offers the first, comprehensive analysis of the conditions that the World Trade Organization sets for preferential trade agreements (PTAs) in the area of services. Johanna Jacobsson provides an in-depth analysis of the relevant GATS rules, puts forward a practical method to analyze services PTAs, and applies the method to services agreements concluded by the EU. The result is a detailed examination of the legal criteria for services PTAs and methods to study them, combined with a better understanding of the level of liberalization reached by the EU and its member states. This book does go beyond the EU in analyzing the implications that multi-level governance has for international services liberalization. It proposes a new approach to study services commitments of any federal state and argues that lower levels of government should receive more attention in international negotiations over services trade.
Erst nach einem jahrzehntelangen - ebenso komplizierten wie kontroversen - Diskussionsprozess gelang es im Jahre 2001, das SE-Statut zu verabschieden. Haupthindernis war die Frage der Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung in den Gesellschaftsorganen einer SE. Aufgrund des Kompromisscharakters der SE-Verordnung und insbesondere der SE-Richtlinie sind zahlreiche Regelungslucken, kompliziert gestaltete Normen und Unstimmigkeiten im Hinblick auf die Arbeitnehmerpartizipation entstanden. Die Arbeit behandelt ausfuhrlich diese bestehenden Unklarheiten. Anschliessend befasst sie sich mit der Umsetzung der Richtlinie in das deutsche Recht und der damit verbundenen Probleme und Defizite. Schliesslich werden die moeglichen Auswirkungen des Konzeptes von Verhandlungsloesung und absichernder Auffangregelung auf die europaische und deutsche Mitbestimmung dargestellt.
Are efforts to protect workers' rights compatible with the forces of globalization? How can minimum standards designed to protect labour rights be implemented in a world in which national labour law is more and more at the mercy of international forces beyond its control? And does it make any difference if we see rights such as the right to freedom of association, to non-discrimination in the workplace, to freedom from child labour, and to safe and healthy working conditions in terms of international human rights law? Or are they more appropriately seen as 'principles' to be promoted as and where appropriate?The contributors to this volume argue that international agreements and institutions are of central importance if labour rights are to be protected in a globalized economy.
Unter Mischlohn versteht die Untersuchung einen Gesamtlohn, der sich aus einem Festlohnanteil und einem Provisionsanteil zusammensetzt. UEber den Provisionsanteil ist der Gesamtlohn teilweise erfolgsabhangig. Es stellt sich die Frage, ob diese Erfolgsabhangigkeit unter dem Gesichtspunkt einer vom Leitbild des Arbeitsvertrages abweichenden Entgeltrisikoverteilung auf einen bestimmten Prozentsatz des Gesamtlohns begrenzt werden muss. Als Kontrollinstrument dient 307 BGB.
From Widgits to Digits is about the changing nature of the employment relationship and its implications for labor and employment law. For most of the twentieth century, employers fostered long-term employment relationships through the use of implicit promises of job security, well-defined hierarchical job ladders, and longevity-based wage and benefit schemes. Today's employers no longer value longevity or seek to encourage long-term attachment between the employee and the firm. Instead employers seek flexibility in their employment relationships. As a result, employees now operate as free agents in a boundaryless workplace, in which they move across departmental lines within firms, and across firm borders, throughout their working lives. Today's challenge is to find a means to provide workers with continuity in wages, on-going training opportunities, sustainable and transferable skills, unambiguous ownership of their human capital, portable benefits, and an infrastructure of support structures to enable them to weather career transitions.
From Widgits to Digits is about the changing nature of the employment relationship and its implications for labor and employment law. For most of the twentieth century, employers fostered long-term employment relationships through the use of implicit promises of job security, well-defined hierarchical job ladders, and longevity-based wage and benefit schemes. Today's employers no longer value longevity or seek to encourage long-term attachment between the employee and the firm. Instead employers seek flexibility in their employment relationships. As a result, employees now operate as free agents in a boundaryless workplace, in which they move across departmental lines within firms, and across firm borders, throughout their working lives. Today's challenge is to find a means to provide workers with continuity in wages, on-going training opportunities, sustainable and transferable skills, unambiguous ownership of their human capital, portable benefits, and an infrastructure of support structures to enable them to weather career transitions.
This book originates from the research project 'New discourses in labour law' held at the European University Institute. A detailed analysis of part-time work regulation is presented for seven European countries, in order to ascertain how internal domestic choices of the legislatures have merged into the 'Open method of co-ordination'. The impact of European employment policies is considered in parallel with the implementation of the Directive on part-time work, thus providing a complete overview of both soft and hard law mechanisms available to national policy-makers. In this original work, the inter-action between law and policy emerges as a dynamic and constantly changing process of exchange between national and supranational actors, through the use of concrete examples of law-making. Labour law is put forward as being central in the current evolution of European law, and this centrality is presented as a confirmation of innovation and continuity in regulatory techniques.
The major objective of process safety management (PSM) of highly hazardous chemicals is to prevent unwanted releases of hazardous chemicals especially into locations that could expose employees and others to serious hazards. An effective process safety management program requires a systematic approach to evaluating the whole chemical process. Using this approach, the process design, process technology, process changes, operational and maintenance activities and procedures, nonroutine activities and procedures, emergency preparedness plans and procedures, training programs, and other elements that affect the process are all considered in the evaluation.
Why does a country with religious liberty enmeshed in its legal and social structures produce such overt prejudice and discrimination against Muslims? Sahar Aziz's groundbreaking book demonstrates how race and religion intersect to create what she calls the Racial Muslim. Comparing discrimination against immigrant Muslims with the prejudicial treatment of Jews, Catholics, Mormons, and African American Muslims during the twentieth century, Aziz explores the gap between America's aspiration for and fulfillment of religious freedom. With America's demographics rapidly changing from a majority white Protestant nation to a multiracial, multireligious society, this book is an in dispensable read for understanding how our past continues to shape our present-to the detriment of our nation's future.
This book addresses key challenges and conflicts arising in extractive industries (mining, oil drilling) concerning the human rights of workers, their families, local communities and other stakeholders. Further, it analyses various instruments that have sought to mitigate human rights violations by defining transparency-related obligations and participation rights. These include the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), disclosure requirements, and free, prior and informed consent (FPIC). The book critically assesses these instruments, demonstrating that, in some cases, they produce unwanted effects. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of resistance to extractive industry projects as a response to human rights violations, and discusses how transparency, participation and resistance are interconnected.
This book describes programs for the admission and employment of guest workers in fourteen selected countries, the European Union, the Association Agreement between the European Union and Turkey, and the Multilateral Framework of the International Labour Organization. It includes a comparative analysis and individual sections on each country, the EU, and relevant international arrangements. The book provides a general overview of a variety of immigration systems, and addresses issues such as eligibility criteria for the admission of guest workers and their families, guest workers' recruitment and sponsorship, and visa conditions.
Charakteristikum flexibler Arbeitszeitsysteme ist der Spielraum fur Anpassungen der Arbeitszeiten an unvorhergesehene Schwankungen der Produktions- bzw. Marktbedingungen. In diesem Buch wird untersucht, wie flexible Arbeitszeiten die Beschaftigungs- und Arbeitszeitnachfrage verandern. Da unter der Bezeichnung Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung haufig auf eine Reihe sehr verschiedener Konzepte Bezug genommen wird, geht der arbeitsmarkttheoretischen Modellanalyse eine Beschreibung der gangigen Arbeitszeitkonzepte voraus. Fur die Analyse wird der Rahmen eines Gewerkschaftsmodells gewahlt. In den Modellannahmen wird berucksichtigt, dass flexible Arbeitszeitsysteme dem Unternehmen Anpassungen seiner Stundennachfrage ermoeglichen, die nicht exakt vorhersehbar sind.
Die Arbeit widmet sich Vereinbarungsformen der Tarifvertragsparteien, die abweichend von "normalen" Tarifvertragen auf jede normative Wirkung verzichten. Behandelt werden Zulassigkeit, Inhalt und Grenzen schuldrechtlicher Tarifvertrage und aussertariflicher Sozialpartner-Vereinbarungen. Untersucht wird insbesondere die Frage, anhand welcher Kriterien die Grenze zwischen tariflichen und aussertariflichen Vereinbarungen zu ziehen ist. Aus den gewonnenen Ergebnissen wird eine Definition des Tarifvertragsbegriffes entwickelt. Zur Verdeutlichung dieser praktisch bedeutsamen und in der Wissenschaft noch wenig aufgearbeiteten Thematik wird auf die (aussertariflichen) Sozialpartner-Vereinbarungen der Chemischen Industrie zuruckgegriffen. Deren Zahl und Inhalte belegen das breite Anwendungspotential dieser alternativen Gestaltungsinstrumente.
Am 20.04.1999 hat das BAG in seinem sogenannten "Burda-Beschluss" entschieden, dass eine Beschaftigungsgarantie gegen Lohnverzicht nicht in den Gunstigkeitsvergleich miteinbezogen werden kann. Anders ist die Entscheidungspraxis der franzoesischen Cour de Cassation bereits seit Februar 1997. Ausgehend von diesem kontroversen Standpunkt der beiden Gerichtshoefe untersucht die Arbeit die Bedeutung und Funktion der Gunstigkeitsmaxime insbesondere im kollektiven Arbeitsrecht in Frankreich und in Deutschland. Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchung fur beide Lander ist der Gesetzestext, erganzt um die Rechtsprechungspraxis. Dabei wird deutlich, dass die Gunstigkeitsmaxime in beiden Landern facettenreicher ist, als von der herrschenden Meinung angenommen. Ferner zeigt der Vergleich mit der franzoesischen Rechtspraxis, dass die Rechtsprechung des BAG zu Tarifkollisionen, kollektivem Gunstigkeitsvergleich und Einbeziehbarkeit der Beschaftigungsgarantie in den Gunstigkeitsvergleich kritisch zu hinterfragen ist.
Antidiskriminierung ist eines der beherrschenden Themen der europaischen Integration. Die Arbeit setzt sich umfassend mit Auslegung und Wirkungsweise der Ermachtigungsgrundlage Art. 13 EG sowie der auf ihr beruhenden Richtlinie 2000/78/EG auseinander. Der Schwerpunkt der Eroerterungen liegt dabei auf der Frage, inwieweit das in Deutschland etablierte Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Religionsgemeinschaften durch europarechtliche Massnahmen zur Bekampfung von Diskriminierungen aus Grunden der Religion, Weltanschauung oder der sexuellen Ausrichtung beeinflusst, ggf. eingeschrankt werden kann. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf Art. 4 Abs. 2 der Richtlinie gelegt, welcher Rechtfertigungsmoeglichkeiten zugunsten kirchlicher Anforderungen im Rahmen des Dienst- und Arbeitsrechtes ("Loyalitatsobliegenheiten") enthalt. Deren Reichweite und Grenzen im Hinblick auf das Prinzip der "christlichen Dienstgemeinschaft" werden eingehend untersucht.
Lebensfuhrungspflichten sind regelmassig Gegenstand rechtstheoretischer Diskussionen und Untersuchungen, spielen aber vor allem auch in der kirchen- und arbeitsrechtlichen Praxis eine bedeutende Rolle. Die besondere Problematik dieses Themas liegt darin, dass in den Augen der OEffentlichkeit die private Lebensfuhrung kirchlicher Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter als Ausweis der Glaubwurdigkeit kirchlicher Verkundigung angesehen wird, die rechtliche Ausformung und praktische Durchsetzung bestimmter Pflichten aus diesem Bereich aber auf erhebliche Schwierigkeiten stoesst. Dies wird vor allem dadurch bedingt, dass kirchlicher Dienst in unterschiedlichen Formen wahrgenommen wird, namlich in oeffentlich-rechtlichen Dienstverhaltnissen, in privatrechtlichen Anstellungsverhaltnissen und als ehrenamtlicher Dienst. Die Arbeit beschaftigt sich insbesondere auch mit Fragen in dem zuletzt genannten Bereich.
Throughout the industrial world, the discipline of labour law has fallen into deep philosophical and policy crisis, at the same time as new theoretical approaches make it a field of considerable intellectual ferment. Modern labour law evolved in a symbiotic relationship with a postwar institutional and policy agenda, the social, economic and political underpinnings of which have gradually eroded in the context of accelerating international economic integration and wage-competition. These essays - which are the product of a transnational comparative dialogue among academics and practitioners in labour law and related legal fields, including social security, immigration, trade, and development - identify, analyze, and respond to some of the conceptual and policy challenges posed by globalization.
The Politics of Labor in a Global Age analyses and compares changing patterns of labour relations in late-industrializing and post-socialist economies. The volume features original and timely essays on the distinctive responses to common economic pressures associated with globalization as late-developing economies engage in economic liberalization and post-socialist economies cope with the dismantling of command economies.
Das international zwingende Recht stellt einen der umstrittensten Bereiche des Internationalen Privatrechts dar. "Eingriffsnormen" scheinen ein kollisionsrechtliches "Paradoxon" darzustellen. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, das Phanomen "Eingriffsnormen" greifbar zu machen, das bedeutet beispielsweise zu untersuchen, durch welche Eigenschaften sich Eingriffsnormen auszeichnen, oder aufzuzeigen, wie die international zwingende Wirkung einer Vorschrift zu ermitteln ist. Dabei wurde das Arbeitsrecht - in dem zwingende Vorschriften besonders haufig sind - als erlauterndes Beispiel gewahlt. Besondere Beachtung wurde auch einer Fragestellung gewidmet, die im Internationalen Privatrecht zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt: das Verhaltnis des Europarechts zum Internationalen Privatrecht.
This report examines the impacts of COVID-19 on labour markets along with adjustment patterns in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam. Labour markets in Southeast Asia were particularly hit hard in 2020 when government pandemic containment measures were most severe. COVID-19 exacerbated growing inequalities in the region and exposed large gaps in social protection . This report aims to help policymakers identify priorities, constraints, and opportunities for developing effective labour market strategies for economic recovery and beyond.
Regulatory Competition and Economic Integration addresses one of the hottest policy questions on both sides of the Atlantic. Esty and Geradin bring together top-notch scholars from both Europe and the United States to examine the various aspects of the debate between 'harmonization' and 'regulatory competition' across three comparative dimensions. The book provides a sharp focus on the circumstances that would yield gains from regulatory competition and to contrast those cases where heightened co-operation in standard setting or broader regulatory harmonization might increase social welfare.
Estlund and Wachter have assembled a feast on the economic analysis of issues in labor and employment law for scholars and policy-makers. The volume begins with foundational discussions of the economic analysis of the individual employment relationship and collective bargaining. It then progresses to discussions of the theoretical and empirical work on a wide range of important labor and employment law topics including: union organizing and employee choice, the impact of unions on firm and economic performance, the impact of unions on the enforcement of legal rights, just cause for dismissal, covenants not to compete and employment discrimination. Anyone who wants to study what economists have to say on these topics would do well to begin with this collection.' - Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt, Indiana University Bloomington School of Law, USThis Research Handbook assembles the original work of leading legal and economic scholars, working in a variety of traditions and methodologies, on the economic analysis of labor and employment law. In addition to surveying the current state of the art on the economics of labor markets and employment relations, the volume's 16 chapters assess aspects of traditional labor law and union organizing, the law governing the employment contract and termination of employment, employment discrimination and other employer mandates, restrictions on employee mobility, and the forum and remedies for labor and employment claims. Comprising a variety of approaches, the Research Handbook on the Economics of Labor and Employment Law will appeal to legal scholars in labor and employment law, industrial relations scholars and labor economists. Contributors: R. Arnow-Richman, S. Deakin, Z.J. Eigen, R.A. Epstein, C.L. Estlund, S. Estreicher, B.T. Hirsch, A. Hyde, S. Issacharoff, C. Jolls, B.E. Kaufman, M.M. Kleiner, B.I. Sachs, E. Scharff, S.J. Schwab, M.L. Wachter, D. Weil |
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