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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Materials science > Engineering thermodynamics
A thermodynamically consistent description of the transport across interfaces in mixtures has for a long time been an open issue. This research clarifies that the interface between a liquid and a vapor in a mixture is in local equilibrium during evaporation and condensation. It implies that the thermodynamics developed for interfaces by Gibbs can be applied also away from equilibrium, which is typically the case in reality. A description of phase transitions is of great importance for the understanding of both natural and industrial processes. For example, it is relevant for the understanding of the increase of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, or improvements of efficiency in distillation columns. This excellent work of luminescent scientific novelty has brought this area a significant step forward. The systematic documentation of the approach will facilitate further applications of the theoretical framework to important problems.
The need for advanced thermal management materials in electronic packaging has been widely recognized as thermal challenges become barriers to the electronic industry's ability to provide continued improvements in device and system performance. With increased performance requirements for smaller, more capable, and more efficient electronic power devices, systems ranging from active electronically scanned radar arrays to web servers all require components that can dissipate heat efficiently. This requires that the materials have high capability of dissipating heat and maintaining compatibility with the die and electronic packaging. In response to critical needs, there have been revolutionary advances in thermal management materials and technologies for active and passive cooling that promise integrable and cost-effective thermal management solutions. This book meets the need for a comprehensive approach to advanced thermal management in electronic packaging, with coverage of the fundamentals of heat transfer, component design guidelines, materials selection and assessment, air, liquid, and thermoelectric cooling, characterization techniques and methodology, processing and manufacturing technology, balance between cost and performance, and application niches. The final chapter presents a roadmap and future perspective on developments in advanced thermal management materials for electronic packaging.
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of various solar based hydrogen production systems. The book covers first-law (energy based) and second-law (exergy based) efficiencies and provides a comprehensive understanding of their implications. It will help minimize the widespread misuse of efficiencies among students and researchers in energy field by using an intuitive and unified approach for defining efficiencies. The book gives a clear understanding of the sustainability and environmental impact analysis of the above systems. The book will be particularly useful for a clear understanding of second law (exergy) efficiencies for various systems. It may serve as a reference book to the researchers in energy field. The definitions and concepts developed in the book will be explained through illustrative examples.
Waste incineration is the art of completely combusting waste, while maintaining or reducing emission levels below current emission standards. Where possible, objectives include the recovering of energy as well as the combustion residues. Successful waste incineration makes it possible to achieve a deep reduction in waste volume, obtain a compact and sterile residue, and eliminate a wide array of pollutants. This book places waste incineration within the wider context of waste management, and demonstrates that, in contrast to landfills and composting, waste incineration can eliminate objectionable and hazardous properties such as flammability and toxicity, result in a significant reduction in volume, and destroy gaseous and liquid waste streams leaving little or no residues beyond those linked to flue gas neutralization and treatment. Moreover, waste incineration sterilizes and destroys putrescible matter, and produces usable heat. Incineration Technologies first appeared as a peer-reviewed contribution to the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology. It provides detailed treatment of the challenges of this technically complex process, which requires huge investment and operating costs, as well as good technical skills in maintenance and plant operation. Particular attention is paid to technologies for ensuring the complete burn-out of flue gas and residues and for controlling the resulting pollutants.
Heat and Mass Transfer in Particulate Suspensions is a critical review of the subject of heat and mass transfer related to particulate Suspensions, which include both fluid-particles and fluid-droplet Suspensions. Fundamentals, recent advances and industrial applications are examined. The subject of particulate heat and mass transfer is currently driven by two significant applications: energy transformations -primarily combustion - and heat transfer equipment. The first includes particle and droplet combustion processes in engineering Suspensions as diverse as the Fluidized Bed Reactors (FBR's) and Internal Combustion Engines (ICE's). On the heat transfer side, cooling with nanofluids, which include nanoparticles, has attracted a great deal of attention in the last decade both from the fundamental and the applied side and has produced several scientific publications. A monograph that combines the fundamentals of heat transfer with particulates as well as the modern applications of the subject would be welcomed by both academia and industry.
Developing a new treatment of 'Free Convection Film Flows and Heat Transfer' began in Shang's first monograph and is continued in this monograph. The current book displays the recent developments of laminar forced convection and forced film condensation. It is aimed at revealing the true features of heat and mass transfer with forced convection film flows to model the deposition of thin layers. The novel mathematical similarity theory model is developed to simulate temperature- and concentration- dependent physical processes. The following topics are covered in this book: 1. Mathematical methods - advanced similarity analysis method to replace the traditional Falkner-Skan type transformation - a novel system of similarity analysis and transformation models to overcome the difficult issues of forced convection and forced film flows - heat and mass transfer equations based on the advanced similarity analysis models and equations formulated with rigorous key numerical solutions 2. Modeling the influence of physical factors - effect of thermal dissipation on forced convection heat transfer - a system of models of temperature and concentration-dependent variable physical properties based on the advanced temperature-parameter model and rigorous analysis model on vapor-gas mixture physical properties for the rigorous and convenient description of the governing differential equations - an available approach to satisfy interfacial matching conditions for rigorous and reliable solutions - a system of numerical results on velocity, temperature and concentration fields, as well as, key solutions on heat and mass transfer - the effect of non-condensable gas on heat and mass transfer for forced film condensation. This way it is realized to conveniently and reliably predict heat and mass transfer for convection and film flows and to resolve a series of current difficult issues of heat and mass transfer with forced convection film flows. Professionals in this fields as well as graduate students will find this a valuable book for their work.
The scope of this book is based on the keynote lectures delivered during the Inter national Symposium on Anisotropic Behaviour of Damaged Materials ABDM, held in Krakow-Przegorzaiy, Poland, September 9-11, 2002. The Symposium was organized by the Solid Mechanics Division of the Institute of Mechanics and Machine Design - Cracow University of Technology, under aus pices of the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Cracow University of Technology, Prof. S. Michalowski. The Co-organizers of the ABDM Symposium were: * Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg, * Centre of Excellence for Advanced Materials and Structures AMAS at the In stitute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sci ences, Warsaw, * Committee of Mechanics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. Ten chapters of this book in their present form essentially exceed lectures de livered at the Symposium. They should rather be read as not only author's recent achievements in the field, but also the state of art and synthesis done by the lead ers in the mechanics community. The mixed formula of the Symposium, namely: the invited lectures and presentations of the original papers by the participants was used. 23 original papers, published in the Symposium Proceedings on CD, exhaust the full scope of the ABDM Symposium. The present book provides a survey of various damage models focusing on the damage response in anisotropic materials as well as damage-induced anisotropy.
In Next Generation Microchannel Heat Exchangers, the authors' focus on the new generation highly efficient heat exchangers and presentation of novel data and technical expertise not available in the open literature. Next generation micro channels offer record high heat transfer coefficients with pressure drops much less than conventional micro channel heat exchangers. These inherent features promise fast penetration into many new markets, including high heat flux cooling of electronics, waste heat recovery and energy efficiency enhancement applications, alternative energy systems, as well as applications in mass exchangers and chemical reactor systems. The combination of up to the minute research findings and technical know-how make this book very timely as the search for high performance heat and mass exchangers that can cut costs in materials consumption intensifies.
The Eurotherm Committee has chosen Thermal Management of Electronic Systems as the subject of its 29th Seminar, at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, 14-16 June 1993. This volume constitutes the proceedings of the Seminar. Thermal Management is but one of the several critical topics in the design of electronic systems. However, as a result of the combined effects of increasing heat fluxes, miniaturisation and the striving for zero defects, preferably in less time and at a lower cost than before, thermal management has become an increasingly tough challenge. Therefore, it is being increasingly recognised that cooling requirements could eventually hamper the technical progress in miniaturisation. It might be argued that we are on the verge of a revolution in thermal management techniques. Previously, a packaging engineer had no way of predicting the tempera tures of critical electronic parts with the required accuracy. He or she* had to rely on full-scale experiments, doubtful design rules, or worst-case estimates. This situation is going to be changed in the foreseeable future. User-friendly software tools, the acquisition and integrity of input and output data, the badly needed training mea sures, the introduction into a concurrent engineering environment: all these items will exert a heavy toll on the flexibility of the electronics industries. Fortunately, this situation is being realised at the appropriate management levels, and the interest in this seminar and the pre-conference tutorials testifies to this assertion.
This book contains papers presented at a workshop, jointly organized by the EUROPIV 2 project, the PivNet 2 Thematic Network, and the ERCOFTAC Spe cial Interest Group on PIV (SIG 32). EUROPIV 2 was a research program, funded by the European Community which started in April 2000 and ended in June 2003. The aim of this project was to develop and demonstrate the Particle Image Velocimetry technique (PIV), which allows to measure the velocity of large flow fields instantaneously, in order to make it available as an operational tool for the European aeronautical industry. A total of 17 teams from 5 different countries cooperated during these 3 years to im prove the method, both hardware and software, and to demonstrate its capabilities in large industrial wind tunnels. PivNet 2 is a European thematic network devoted to the transfer of the PIV technique to IndUStry. It has started in April 2002 for four years. It is coordinated by Dr J. Kompenhans from DLR Gottingen. Details on PivNnet 2 can be found at http: //pivnet.sm.go.dlr.de. ERCOFTAC (European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Com bustion) is an international association with the aim to promote research and coop eration in Europe on fluid flows, turbulence and combustion. Details can be found at http: //www.ercoftac.org and http: //www.univ-lillellpivnet."
The papers included in this volume were presented at the Symposium on Advances in the Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Material Behavior, held as part of the 1999 Joint ASME Applied Mechanics and Materials Summer Conference at Virginia Tech on June 27-30, 1999. The Symposium was held in honor of Professor Roger L. Fosdick on his 60th birthday. The papers are written by prominent researchers in the fields of mechanics, thermodynamics, materials modeling, and applied mathematics. They address open questions and present the latest development in these and related areas. This volume is a valuable reference for researchers and graduate students in universities and research laboratories.
Imaging Heat and Mass Transfer Processes: Visualization and Analysis applies Schlieren and shadowgraph techniques to complex heat and mass transfer processes. Several applications are considered where thermal and concentration fields play a central role. These include vortex shedding and suppression from stationary and oscillating bluff bodies such as cylinders, convection around crystals growing from solution, and buoyant jets. Many of these processes are unsteady and three dimensional. The interpretation and analysis of images recorded are discussed in the text.
During the last half century, the development and testing of prediction models of combustion chamber performance have been an ongoing task at the International Flame Research Foundation (IFRF) in IJmuiden in the Netherlands and at many other research organizations. This task has brought forth a hierarchy of more or less standard numerical models for heat transfer predictions, in particular for the prediction of radiative heat transfer. Unfortunately all the methods developed, which certainly have a good physical foundation, are based on a large number of extreme sim plifications or uncontrolled assumptions. To date, the ever more stringent requirements for efficient production and use of energy and heat from com bustion chambers call for prediction algorithms of higher accuracy and more detailed radiative heat transfer calculations. The driving forces behind this are advanced technology requirements, the costs of large-scale experimen tal work, and the limitation of physical modeling. This interest is growing more acute and has increased the need for the publication of a textbook for more accurate treatment of radiative transfer in enclosures. The writing of a textbook on radiative heat transfer, however, in ad dition to working regularly on other subjects is a rather difficult task for which some years of meditation are necessary. The book must satisfy two requirements which are not easily reconciled. From the mathematical point of view, it must be written in accordance with standards of mathemati cal rigor and precision."
The main objective of the First International Symposium on Lubricated Transport of Viscous Materials was to bring together scientists and engineers from academia and industryto discuss current research work and exchange ideas in this newly emerging field. It is an area offluid dynamics devoted to laying bare the principlesofthe lubricated transport of viscous materials such as crude oil, concentrated oil/water emulsion, slurries and capsules. It encompasses several types of problem. Studies of migration of particulates away from walls, Segre-Silverberg effects, lubrication versus lift and shear-induced migration belong to one category. Some of the technological problems are the fluid dynamics ofcore flows emphasizing studies ofstability, problems of start-up, lift-off and eccentric flow where gravity causes the core flow to stratify. Another category of problems deals with the fouling of pipe walls with oil, with undesirable increases in pressure gradients and even blocking. This study involves subjects like adhesion and dynamic contact angles. The topics ofshear-induced diffusion ofsmall particles and wall slip in slow flow are other appropriate subjects. Computer intensive studiesofflow-induced microstructures and moving interface problems are yet additional research directions. The general consensus was that the Symposium was a tremendous success, although the number of presentations fell below expectations. Scientists from the petroleum industry, and this includes INTEVEP (Venezuela), Schlumberger and Syncrude Canada Ltd., and consultants to oil companies actively participated in the Symposium. The meeting produced new insights which should lead to further interesting research work and established contacts for possiblejoint investigations."
Covers a wide spectrum of applications and contains a wide discussion of the foundations and the scope of the most current theories of non-equilibrium thermodynamics. The new edition reflects new developments and contains a new chapter on the interplay between hydrodynamics and thermodynamics.
In 1858 Hermann von Helmholtz published a paper that today is recognized as the foundation of vortex dynamics. To celebrate the sesquicentennial of Helmholtz s paper, IUTAM sponsored a symposium that was held at the technical university of Denmark in October 2008. The papers presented at the symposium gave a good overview of where the field of vortex dynamics stands today. This volume contains almost all of the papers presented as lectures at the symposium, and also a few of the poster papers. In this volume the reader will find up-to-date, state-of-theart papers on Point vortices, vortex sheets, vortex filaments, vortex rings, vortex patches, vortex streets, the vortex dynamics of swimming and flying, vortex knots, vortices in turbulent flows, vortices in computational fluid dynamics, the topology of vortex wakes, stability of vortex configurations, vortices on a sphere, geophysical vortices, cosmic vortices and much more."
Natural Convective Heat Transfer from Narrow Plates deals with a heat transfer situation that is of significant practical importance but which is not adequately dealt with in any existing textbooks or in any widely available review papers. The aim of the book is to introduce the reader to recent studies of natural convection from narrow plates including the effects of plate edge conditions, plate inclination, thermal conditions at the plate surface and interaction of the flows over adjacent plates. Both numerical and experimental studies are discussed and correlation equations based on the results of these studies are reviewed.
My wife Tatyana, daughter Mariya, son Alexandr It is well known that the mixed-mode conditions appear when the direction of the applied loading does not coincide with the orthogonal K, -Kn-Km space. In general, in the industrial practice the mixed-mode fracture and the mixed-mode crack growth are more likely to be considered the rule than the exception. Miller et al. considers that cracks can grow due to a mixture of processes (ductile and brittle), mechanisms (static, fatigue, creep) and loading modes (tension, torsion, biax ial/multiaxial). Additionally mixed-mode crack-extension can be affected by many other considerations such as artifact geometry (thin plates, thick shells, and the size, shape and orientation of the defect), environmental effects (temperature, gaseous and liquid surroundings), material state (crystallographic structure, heat treatment and route of manufacture) and stress conditions (out-of-phase and ran dom loading effects). The main feature of the mixed-mode fracture is that the crack growth would no longer take place in a self-similar manner and does not follow a universal trajec tory that is it will grow on a curvilinear path. There are various fracture criteria, which predict the behavior of cracks in brittle and ductile materials loaded in combined modes. Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) criteria predict basi cally the same direction for crack propagation. Cracks in brittle materials have been shown to propagate normal to the maximum tangential stress. In ductile ma terials yielding occurs at the crack tip and LEFM is no longer applicable."
The research work of the collaborative research center SFB401 Flow Modulation and Fluid-Structure Interaction at Airplane Wings at the Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen, which is reported in this book, was pos sible due to the financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). The proposal has been approved after evaluation by the referees of DFG selected from other universities and industry, which is gratefully acknowledged. The work is still in progress and now approved to continue until the end of year 2005. More than 50 scientists from universities of the United States, Russia, France, Italy, Japan, Great Britain, Sweden, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria and research orga nizations NASA, ONERA, NLR, DLR could be invited and have visited the research center, gave seminars on their research on related topics and some of them stayed longer for joined work. Besides its scientific value, also the importance of the pro gram for scientific educa tion becomes evident by looking at the numbers of completed theses, which are up to now about 15 doctoral theses, 40 diploma theses and 70 study theses. The authors of this book acknowledge the valuable support coming from all these persons and institutions. They are especially grateful to the referees having reviewed this work, A. Cohen (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie), J. Cooper (Manchester School of Engineering), W. Devenport (Virginia Tech.), M. Drela (MIT), F. Gern (Avionics Specialties Inc.), A. Griewank (TU Dresden), H. Honlinger (DLR), P."
The primary purpose of this text is to document many of the lessons that have been learned during the author s more than forty years in the field of blast and shock. The writing therefore takes on an historical perspective, in some sense, because it follows the author s experience. The book deals with blast waves propagating in fluids or materials that can be treated as fluids. It begins by distinguishing between blast waves and the more general category of shock waves. It then examines several ways of generating blast waves, considering the propagation of blast waves in one, two and three dimensions as well as through the real atmosphere. One section treats the propagation of shocks in layered gases in a more detailed manner. The book also details the interaction of shock waves with structures in particular reflections, progressing from simple to complex geometries, including planar structures, two-dimensional structures such as ramps or wedges, reflections from heights of burst, and three-dimensional structures. Intended for those with a basic knowledge of algebra and a solid grasp of the concepts of conservation of mass and energy, the text includes an introduction to blast wave terminology and conservation laws as well as a discussion of units and the importance of consistency."
This book presents the operational aspects of the rocket engine on a test facility. It will be useful to engineers and scientists who are in touch with the test facility. To aerospace students it shall provide an insight of the job on the test facility. And to interested readers it shall provide an impression of this thrilling area of aerospace.
This short book deals with the mathematical modeling of jets impinging porous media. It starts with a short introduction to models describing turbulences in porous media as well as turbulent heat transfer. In its main part, the book presents the heat transfer of impinging jets using a local and a non-local thermal equilibrium approach.
The interest in the field of active flow control (AFC) is steadily increasing. In - cent years the number of conferences and special sessions devoted to AFC org- ized by various institutions around the world continuously rises. New advanced courses for AFC are offered by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Ast- nautics (AIAA), the European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (ERCOFTAC), the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM), the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI), to name just a few. New books on AFC are published by prominent colleagues of our field and even a new periodical, the 'International Journal of Flow Control', appeared. Despite these many activities in AFC it was felt that a follow-up of the highly successful 'ACTIVE FLOW CONTROL' Conference held in Berlin in 2006 was appropriate. As in 2006, 'ACTIVE FLOW CONTROL II' consisted only of invited lectures. To sti- late multidisciplinary discussions between experimental, theoretical and numerical fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, turbomachinary, mathematics, control engineering, metrology and computer science parallel sessions were excluded. Unfortunately, not all of the presented papers made it into this volume. As the preparation and printing of a book takes time and as this volume should be available at the conf- ence, the Local Organizing Committee had to set up a very ambitious time sch- ule which could not be met by all contributors.
Power Generation from Solid Fuels introduces the different technologies to produce heat and power from solid fossil (hard coal, brown coal) and renewable (biomass, waste) fuels, such as combustion and gasification, steam power plants and combined cycles etc. The book discusses technologies with regard to their efficiency, emissions, operational behavior, residues and costs. Besides proven state of the art processes, the focus is on the potential of new technologies currently under development or demonstration. The main motivation of the book is to explain the technical possibilities for reducing CO2 emissions from solid fuels. The strategies which are treated are: more efficient power and heat generation technologies, processes for the utilisation of renewable solid fuels, such as biomass and waste, and technologies for carbon capture and storage. Power Generation from Solid Fuels provides, both to academia and industry, a concise treatment of industrial combustion of all types of solid, hopefully inspiring the next generation of engineers and scientists.
Thermodiffusion in Multicomponent Mixtures presents the computational approaches that are employed in the study of thermodiffusion in various types of mixtures, namely, hydrocarbons, polymers, water-alcohol, molten metals, and so forth. We present a detailed formalism of these methods that are based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics or algebraic correlations or principles of the artificial neural network. The book will serve as single complete reference to understand the theoretical derivations of thermodiffusion models and its application to different types of multi-component mixtures. An exhaustive discussion of these is used to give a complete perspective of the principles and the key factors that govern the thermodiffusion process. |
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