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Books > Business & Economics > Economics > General
This book collects high-quality papers on issues related to the rebalancing strategy in China, new clean cities as "hubs'', liability management, and involving the private sector, including through PPPs, with specific examples from Guangdong. Guangdong has been at the forefront of economic reforms in China since the advent of the Responsibility System in the late 1970s, and its successes and challenges reflect those of China as a whole. The need for rebalancing towards a more inclusive and sustainable path is also critical in Guangdong, just as it is in China. Strengthening the fiscal underpinnings and the next stages of tax reforms are critical drivers to accomplishing the requisite structural changes.
Why has Argentina failed so spectacularly, both economically and politically? It is a puzzle because the country seemed to have all the requirements for greatness, including a well-established middle class of professionals. Its failure raises the specter that other middle-class societies could also fail. In Argentina, MacLachlan delivers history with a plot, a sense of direction and purpose, and fascinating conclusions that reveal a much more complex picture of Argentina than one might have had in mind prior to reading this book. Argentina traces the roots of the nation from the late colonial period to the present, and examines the impact of events that molded it: the failure of political accommodation in 1912, the role of the oligarchy, the development of a middle class, gender issues, the elaboration of a distinct culture, the era of Peron, the army, and the "dirty war." The conclusion suggests the reasons for the nation's difficulties. The IMF, World Bank, and international financial markets play a role, but so does a high level of political corruption and mismanagement of the economy that emerged from political and economic failure. Juan and Eva Peron tried to override politics to create an economic and social balance between urban labor and agriculture interests, but failed. The dirty war arose from that failure. Nationalism forged a culture of victimization and resentment that continues to this day. Laying aside standard explanations, MacLachlan presents a portrait of Argentina that emphasizes the role of a destructive nationalism--and a form a corruption that turns citizens into clients.
This important volume examines the vast potential of--and critical need for--cooperation among the neighboring states of the Pacific Rim. From economic and security matters to cultural and environmental concerns, the Pacific Century will require increased cross-border education, communication, and cooperation, which can be enhanced by regional organizations and agreements. This work offers a compilation of new thinking from international political, business, and academic leaders on the challenges facing the Pacific Rim in the next century, and proposes the emerging Pacific community as a model for global cooperation.
How can we engage in a market relationship when the quality of the goods we want to acquire is unknown, invisible, or uncertain? For market exchange to be possible, purchasers and suppliers of goods must be able to assess the quality of a product in relation to other products. Only by recognizing qualities and perceiving quality differences can purchasers make non-random choices, and price differences between goods be justified. "Quality" is not a natural given, but the outcome of a social process in which products become seen as possessing certain traits, and occupying a specific position in relation to other products in the product space. While we normally take the quality of goods for granted, quality at a closer look is the outcome of a highly complex process of construction involving producers, consumers, and market intermediaries engaged in judgment, evaluation, categorization, and measurement. The authors in this volume investigate the processes through which the quality of goods is established. They also investigate how product qualities are contested and how they change over time. The empirical cases discussed cover a broad range of markets in which quality is especially difficult to assess. The cases include: halal food, funeral markets, wine, labor, school choice, financial products, antiques, and counterfeit goods. The book contributes to the sociology of markets. At the same time it connects to the larger issue of the constitution of social order through cognitive processes of classification.
1 Einleitung.- 1.1 Teil I - Ausrichtung der Umweltkostenrechnung.- 1.2 Teil II - Realisierung und Nutzung des Reststoff-Controlling.- 1 - Ausrichtung der Umweltkostenrechnung.- 2 Anforderungen an die kostenrechnerische Unterstutzung des Umweltmanagements.- 2.1 Anforderungen an die Kostenrechnung.- 2.1.1 Einordnung in das System Betrieb.- 2.1.2 Einordnung in die betriebliche Datenverarbeitung.- 2.1.3 Modellbildung, Kostentheorie und Kostenrechnung.- 2.1.4 Funktionale Anforderungen.- Effektivitat durch relevante Kosteninformation.- Effektivitat durch Empfangerorientierung.- 2.1.5 Strukturelle Anforderungen.- 2.1.6 Zusammenfassung der Anforderungen.- 2.2 Aufgaben des Umweltmanagements.- 2.2.1 Umweltschutz und Kuppelproduktion.- Kuppelproduktion und die industrielle Gutererzeugung.- Begriffliche Strukturierung von Inputs und Outputs.- Begriflliche Strukturierung der Handhabung von Reststoffen.- 2.2.2 Umweltschutz und die betriebliche Leistungserstellung.- Funktionen der Umwelt fur die betriebliche Leistungserstellung.- Umwelt als Produktionsfaktor.- Prazisierung des Begriffes Umweltschutz.- 2.2.3 Umweltschutz und das Zielsystem.- Das Zielsystem der Untemehmung.- Typische Formalziele.- Umweltziele sowie Sach- und Formalziele.- Einordnung des Umweltschutzes in das Zielsystem.- 2.2.4 Aufgaben des Umweltmanagements.- Aufgaben und Ausrichtung.- Zentrale Ansatzpunkte.- Einrichtung eines Umweltmanagementsystems.- 2.3 Anforderungen an Umweltinformationssysteme.- 2.3.1 Systematisierung von Umweltinformationssystemen.- Gliederung nach Teilsystemen.- Relevante Elemente der Teilsysteme.- 2.3.2 Funktionale Anforderungen.- 2.3.3 Strukturelle Anforderungen.- Funktionsubergreifend einheitliche Begriffssystematik und Datenbasis.- UEbersetzung von physischen Daten in monetare Daten.- Durchgangige Stoffstromtransparenz.- 2.3.4 Zusammenfassung der Anforderungen.- 2.4 Anforderungen an die kostenrechnerische Unterstutzung des Umweltmanagements.- 2.4.1 Funktionale Anforderungen.- Interne Anforderungen.- Extemer Informationsbedarf.- 2.4.2 Strukturelle Anforderungen.- 2.4.3 Zusammenfassung der Anforderungen.- 3 Definition des Kostenblocks 'Umwelt'.- 3.1 Bedeutung der Kostendefinition.- 3.2 Umweltschutzkosten auf der Basis intemalisierter Kosten.- 3.2.1 Definition der Umweltschutzkosten.- 3.2.2 Enthaltene Kostengruppen.- 3.2.3 Bewertung der Umweltschutzkosten.- Motivation von Management und Mitarbeitem.- Eindeutigkeit und Praktikabilitit.- Vollstandigkeit und Relevanz.- Zusammenfassung der Bewertung.- 3.3 Umweltschutzkosten auf der Basis extemalisierter Kosten.- 3.3.1 Gliederung und Hoehe extemalisierter Umweltschutzkosten.- 3.3.2 Bewertung unter dem Formalziel Gewinn.- 3.3.3 Bewertung unter dem Formalziel Umweltschutz.- 3.3.4 Einbeziehung extemalisierter Kosten durch Lenkungspreise.- 3.4 Reststofikosten als Kostenblock 'Umwelt'.- 3.4.1 Ableitung des konzeptionellen Ansatzes.- 3.4.2 Definition der Reststofikosten.- Enthaltene Kostengruppen.- Variabilitat.- 3.4.3 Bewertung der Reststofikosten.- Vollstandigkeit und Relevanz.- Eindeutigkeit und Praktikabilitat.- Motivation von Management und Mitarbeitern.- Zusammenfassung der Bewertung.- 3.5 Abgrenzung zu verwandten Kostenbloecken.- 3.5.1 Kosten von Kuppelprodukten.- 3.5.2 Fehlleistungsaufwand und Qualitatskosten.- 2 - Realisierung und Nutzung des Reststoff-Controlling.- 4 Realislerung und Nutzung des Reststoff-Controlling.- 4.1 Anwendungsgebiete.- 4.2 Grundsatzliche Festlegungen.- 4.3 Reststoff-Mengenrecbnung.- 4.3.1 Datenmodell der Mengenrecbnung.- Mengenstelle.- Material.- Bewegung.- Stoffstrom.- Beschrankung aufrelevante Mengenstellen und Bewegungen.- Konsequenzen fur Stuckliste und R
This book offers an elaborate and empirical look at service quality of hospitals in the emerging market of India. The poor quality of service is a major issue in a large number of hospitals (particularly in government hospitals), which forces patients to opt for private hospitals that are generally much more expensive than government hospitals. This book provides a comprehensive understanding of service quality antecedents in Indian hospitals. It focuses on patient satisfaction and includes valuable insights and implications for hospital management and government. The book is theoretically grounded in SERVQUAL literature and uses appropriate and sophisticated techniques and tools to analyse data. It highlights causal model development with Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and introduces a classification model, developed using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), in order to benchmark specialty cardiac care. The book also deals with Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and compares the error rates between SVM and ANN to find the best classification technique among the two. Overall, this book is a timely and relevant work that contributes to the theory, practice and policy of service quality in hospitals.
The Changing Face of Corruption in the Asia Pacific: Current Perspectives and Future Challenges is a contemporary analysis of corruption in the Asia-Pacific region. Bringing academicians and practitioners together, contributors to this book discuss the current perspectives of corruption's challenges in both theory and practice, and what the future challenges will be in addressing corruption's proliferation in the region.
Trust is a fundamental concept in modern society. This book provides current findings of trust research from various disciplines: communication studies, information systems, educational and organizational psychology, sports psychology and economics. The volume analyses how trust relationships have changed and are still changing under the influence of digitalization. In addition to presenting the current state of research, the implications for trust relationships in the digital world are examined. The book brings together empirical findings with the implications for media, business, sports and science. It is of value to interdisciplinary researchers and graduate students.
The work contains selected and thoroughly reviewed research papers of the topics Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Digitalization, Sustainability, Transportation Management, Process Management, Risk Management, Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance. The papers reflect the current state-of-the-art in logistics and supply chain management and new ideas and technical developments are discussed.
This book focuses on the analysis of financial data and innovative results of Zhongguancun NEEQ listed Firms, and objectively evaluates the growth ability of them. The book displays the overall scale, growth capacity, industry distribution, social contribution, policy subsidies, and comparison with other regions of NEEQ listed Firms in Zhongguancun from multiple dimensions, aiming at objectively presenting the growth characteristics and development status of them. Whether you're a global investor, an economic researcher, or ordinary people, this book provides an important way to understand China's scientific and technological innovation achievements and Zhongguancun outstanding enterprises.
There are many books available on how to deal with an IRS audit. Unfortunately for the Self-Employed and Small Business Owners selected for audit, most of these books are written from the perspective that everything the IRS does is constitutional; and, the audit process is a game that can be handled successfully by providing the requested documents. Here's the Real Deal; (1) the IRS will NOT play fair; (2) the IRS will NOT follow their own written rules & regulations; and (3) the IRS will NOT honor the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. The purpose of this book is to help you Prepare for, Control, and Successfully Survive an IRS Audit. We will take you step by step through the process and give YOU the information and power to control and survive your IRS audit. This book is for EVERYONE WHO PAYS INCOME TAXES. Buy it before you are audited to get the most "bang for your buck"!
PROTECTION OR FREE TRADE AN EXAMINATION OF THE TARIFF QUESTION, WITH ESPECIAL REGARD TO THE INTERESTS OF LABOR BY HENRY GEORGE Author of The Science of Political Economy, Social Problems 1 Progress and Poverty A Perplexed Philosopher, The Condition of Labor, The Land Question, Property in Land etc. ROBERT SCHALKENBACH FOUNDATION 11 PARK PLACE NEW YORK 1935 TO THE MEMORY OF THOSE ILLUSTRIOUS FRENCHMEN OF A CENTURY AGO QUESNAY, TURGOT, MIRABEAU, CONDORCET, DUPONT AND THEIR FELbOWS WHO IN THE NIGHT OF DESPOTISM FORESAW THE GLORIES OF THE COMING DAY Prove all things hold fast that which is good. 19 PREFACE. Ethis book I have endeavored to determine whether protection or free trade better accords with the inter ests of labor, and to bring to a common conclusion on this subject those who really desire to raise wages. I have not only gone over the ground generally trav ersed, and examined the arguments commonly used, but, carrying the inquiry further than the controversial ists on either side have yet ventured to go, I have sought to discover why protection retains such popular strength in spite of all exposures of its fallacies to trace the con nection between the tariff question and those still more important social questions, now rapidly becoming the burning questions n of our times and to show to what radical measures the principle of free trade logically leads. While pointing out the falsity of the belief that tariffs can protect labor, I have not failed to recognize the facts which give this belief vitality, and, by an exami nation of these facts, have shown, not only how little the working-classes can hope from that mere revenue reform which is miscalled free trade, but how much theyhave to hope from real free trade. By thus har monizing the truths which free traders perceive with the facts that to protectionists make their own theory plau sible, I believe I have opened ground upon which those separated by seemingly irreconcilable differences of opinion may unite for that full application of the free iz PREFACE. trade principle which would secure both the largest production and the fairest distribution of wealth. By thus carrying the inquiry beyond the point where Adam Smith and the writers who have followed him have stopped, I believe I have stripped the vexed tariff question of its greatest difficulties, and have cleared the way for the settlement of a dispute which otherwise might go on interminably. The conclusions thus reached raise the doctrine of free trade from the emas culated form in which it has been taught by the English economists to the fullness in which it was held by the predecessors of Adam Smith, those illustrious French men, with whom originated the motto Laissez faire, and who, whatever may have been the confusions of their terminology or the faults of their method, grasped a central truth which free traders since their time have ignored. My effort, in short, has been to make such a candid and thorough examination of the tariff question, in all its phases, as would aid men to whom the subject is now a perplexing maze to reach clear and firm conclusions. In this I trust I have done something to inspire a movement now faint-hearted with the earnestness and strength of radical conviction, to prevent the division into hostile camps of those whom a common purpose ought to unite, to give to efforts for the emancipation of labor greater definiteness ofpurpose, and to eradicate that belief in the opposition of national interests which leads peoples, even of the same blood and tongue, to regard each other as natural antagonists. To avoid any appearance of culling absurdities, I have, in referring to the protectionist position, quoted mainly from the latest writer who seems to be regarded by American protectionists as an authoritative exponent of their viewsProfessor Thompson of the University of Pennsylvania. CONTENTS. CHAPTER FAG I. INTRODUCTORY 1 n. CLEARING GROUND 11 m. OF METHOD 23 IV...
Many new social and economic organizations are emerging in different parts of Asia Pacific which have skillfully adapted western capitalism to suit their own specific requirements. They have also put to effective use their own social and cultural values to get the best economic results. Japan used its heritage of associated living to overcome adversarial labour and management relations; Singapore made use of Confucial emphasis on social discipline and respect for merit to build a meritocratic society; Indonesia used its genius for eclecticism to build its own brand of social pragmatism, and then used it for economic growth; Thailand used the concept of merit in Theravada Buddhism to accelerate economic growth; and Malaysia used its own growing pragmatism to balance conflicting ethnic demands. The book examines the variety of address their respective core development issues and simultaneously register an explosive economic growth.
This book analyses the Korean film industry emergence and development in a global business and economic perspective. This is one of the first books to compare the film policies and industries of the world's six largest film industries - featuring Korea as the central character - with the aim of defining the contours of what constitutes an effective film policy. It presents many cases showing that, contrary to what is often believed, an economically sound policy is a good instrument for achieving desired cultural goals. It uses a set of analytical tools - borrowed from the economic analysis of international trade policies - to provide a rich harvest of new, rigorous, and often unexpected results on the effectiveness of the existing film policies. The implications found in this book are relevant not only for Korea, but for all other countries that wish to foster or enhance the competitiveness of their film industries. This book will be of interest to a wide spectrum of scholars interested in cultural studies - media and cultural specialists, political scientists, sociologists, historians - in addition to business analysts and economists specialized in cultural economics. As this book focuses on film policies and how to improve them, it will also appeal to policymakers, business figures, public relations officials, and staff from international organizations working on the film industry.
This book provides an in-depth analysis of public opinion patterns among Muslims, particularly in the Arab world. On the basis of data from the World Values Survey, the Arab Barometer Project and the Arab Opinion Index, it compares the dynamics of Muslim opinion structures with global publics and arrives at social scientific predictions of value changes in the region. Using country factor scores from a variety of surveys, it also develops composite indices of support for democracy and a liberal society on a global level and in the Muslim world, and analyzes a multivariate model of opinion structures in the Arab world, based on over 40 variables from 12 countries in the Arab League and covering 67% of the total population of the Arab countries. While being optimistic about the general, long-term trend towards democracy and the resilience of Arab and Muslim civil society to Islamism, the book also highlights anti-Semitic trends in the region and discusses them in the larger context of xenophobia in traditional societies. In light of the current global confrontation with radical Islamism, this book provides vital material for policy planners, academics and think tanks alike.
Building the Rule of Law in China explores the idea that China needs a more globalized and diversified vision for the science of law, presenting the need to think differently from the two major western mainstream legal cultures, the Anglo-American and the continental systems. Other globalized, universalized, and diversified models and experiences in the rule of law from diverse civilizations have much to offer China. Through learning from the strengths exhibited by systems in countries with a very developed and well-organized rule of law, and absorbing essential aspects from different countries, China might be well positioned to promote the development of the rule of law in a robust and comprehensive manner. This book explores the topic from several perspectives, giving the reader an up-to-date resource on the ever-evolving vision for the science of law in China.
Tax reform debates in the United States have for some time been dominated by the question of whether the existing corporate and individual income tax system should be replaced with some form of a national consumption tax. This book contains essays by a group of internationally recognized tax experts who describe the current state of the art in economic thinking on the issue of whether fundamental tax reform is preferable to continued incremental reform of the existing income tax. The collection covers a wide range of tax policy issues related to consumption tax reforms, including their economic effects, distributional consequences, effects on administrative and compliance costs, transitional issues and the political aspects of fundamental tax reform, and international comparisons.
This authoritative collection goes beyond economic statistics and probability data to offer a robust psychological understanding of risk perception and risk taking behavior. Expert contributors examine various risk domains in life, and pinpoint cognitive, emotional, and personality factors contributing to individual differences in risk taking as well as the many nuances social demographics (e.g., culture, gender) bring to risk decisions. Coverage takes competing theories and studies into account to identify mechanisms involved in processing and acting on uncertainty. And implications and applications are demonstrated in varied fields, from updated risk models for the insurance sector to improved risk communication in health services to considering risk perception in policy decisions. A sampling of the topics: Personality and risk: beyond daredevils-risk taking from a temperament perspective. Cognitive, developmental, and neurobiological aspects of risk judgments. The group effect: social influences on risk identification, analysis, and decision-making. Cognitive architectures as a scaffolding for risky choice models. Improving understanding of health-relevant numerical information. Risk culture as a framework for improving competence in risk management. Psychological Perspectives on Risk and Risk Analysis will be of great interest to researchers in and outside of psychology, including decision-making experts and behavioral economists. Additionally, this volume will appeal to practitioners who often have to make risky decisions, such as managers and physicians.
This book answers the following questions: How will the global oil and gas market change in the next decade? How does the United States become the world's biggest oil and gas producer? What is the current condition of China's Shale Industry and energy security? Is hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling technology cheered or feared? Is energy production driven by economy or environment? Who are the major competitors in this market? This book covers not only macro analysis at country-level, but also micro analysis at firm-level, which helps investigate this industry more comprehensively. |
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