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Books > Medicine > Other branches of medicine > Anaesthetics > General
Transoesophageal Echocardiography (TOE/TEE) in cardiac patients is now almost routine. Its use in cardiac monitoring has also extended to include critically ill patients for non-cardiac surgery and the intensive care setting. Specific accreditation is required prior to practice of TOE/TEE involving a written examination and a documented logbook of experience. This book has been specifically designed to help candidates pass the written exam and has been structured around the syllabus. Providing a summary of all relevant information, this is an invaluable study aid. Lists of further reading material are provided with every topic, including guidelines and safety, cardiomyopathies, heart disease, haemodynamic calculations and many more. Each chapter ends with a series of exam-style questions for self-assessment. An extremely useful book for trainee anaesthetists, intensivists, trainee cardiologists and cardiac surgeons.
Recent changes in medical roles and responsibilities have raised the profile of Operating Department Practitioners (ODPs). The level of knowledge is vast, and exams must be taken working towards statutory registration. This is the first in a series of three books providing comprehensive information for healthcare staff working in the operating department. Topics covered include anaesthesia, critical care, post-interventional care, enhancing care delivery, professional practice, leadership and resource management. The clear and concise format is ideally suited to study, qualification and for continued reference during practice. Written by specialists with a wealth of knowledge and experience, and incorporating problem-based learning using case studies, this book will be essential reading for ODPs and theatre nurses throughout the UK, in Australia where the same structures have been adopted, and worldwide for all professionals working in operating departments.
A comprehensive 2006 volume on the theories and applications of evidence-based anaesthesia and critical care. Coming from the internationally renowned Cochrane Collaboration - the global force in evidence-based medicine - this promises to be an authoritative guide for anaesthetists. The Cochrane Anaesthesia Review Group is one of the largest in the collaboration and, as coordinators of the group, the editors of this book have gathered a formidable set of contributions from around the world. The first half of the book provides an introduction to evidence-based medicine and applies the principles to anaesthesia and critical care, including critical appraisal, meta-analysis, interpreting results and controlling bias. The second half shows how to practise this in preoperative evaluation, regional and general anaesthesia, postoperative pain therapy, critical care and acute medicine. Medical professionals working in anaesthesia and surrounding specialties worldwide will find this book immensely useful.
Das vorliegende Werk gibt einen aktuellen UEberblick uber die wichtigsten POCT-Analyseverfahren und POCT-Gerate sowie deren klinische Anwendung. Daruber hinaus liefert es Informationen, u.a. zu medizinischer und wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung von POCT, Methodik, Organisation, Qualitatssicherung und den Trends fur die Zukunft. Die 3. Auflage wurde komplett aktualisiert und erweitert und tragt den neuesten Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet Rechnung. Neue Themen sind u.a. POCT-taugliche molekularbiologische Verfahren und der internationale Vergleich der Qualitatsregeln fur POCT. Das Buch wendet sich an alle, die bereits patientennahe Laboruntersuchungen durchfuhren oder zukunftig einfuhren moechten: AErzte aller Fachbereiche, POCT-Beauftragte, Verantwortungstrager in Kliniken und Krankenhausverwaltungen. Aber auch die Entwicklungsabteilungen von IVD-Unternehmen erhalten wertvolle Informationen uber Entwicklungstendenzen und die neuen Anforderungen der europaischen Gesetzgebung an POCT-Gerate und -Reagenzien.
David O'Flaherty describes the physiology and techniques of carbon dioxide measurement and the clinical significance of the capnogram.
Der Leitfaden Thoraxchirurgie mochte als Nachschlagewerk in der Kitteltasche Assistenten, Facharzten und Oberarzten in der Thoraxchirurgie bei ihren taglichen Aufgaben helfen. Der Inhalt des Buches orientiert sich an dem, was der klinische Alltag taglich fordert. Die haufigsten thoraxchirurgischen Krankheitsbilder mit entsprechender Diagnostik und den Operationsindikationen werden kurz und pragnant dargelegt. Schwerpunkt sind die operativen Verfahren, einschliesslich der damit verbundenen Ergebnisse, Komplikationen und Risiken. Bei den onkologischen Erkrankungen werden neben den operativen auch die adjuvanten und alternativen Therapieoptionen behandelt. Empfehlenswerte aktuelle Literatur und einige historische Quellenangaben fur besonders interessierte Leser erganzen das Buch."
Gerade in der Versorgung von Traumapatienten ist haufig die Entscheidung zwischen einer Allgemeinanasthesie oder einem Regionalanasthesieverfahren zu fallen, da die Unfallmechanismen und Patientengruppen sehr unterschiedlich sind. - Besonderheiten in der Traumachirurgie aus anasthesiologischer Sicht - Alle Regionalanasthesieverfahren Schritt fur Schritt beschrieben - Komplikationen bei einzelnen Verfahren - Extrakapitel: Kinder, alte Menschen, Polytrauma, postoperative Schmerztherapie - Zum Nachschlagen: Ubersicht uber chirurgische Indikationen und Wahl des Anasthesieverfahrens - Tabellen zu Vor- und Nachteilen der Anasthesieverfahren - Beschreibung typischer Eingriffe aus chirurgischer und anasthesiologischer Sicht - Tipps zur Differenzialindikation Ein praktischer Leitfaden fur Anasthesisten, Orthopaden und Unfallchirurgen fur ihre tagliche Arbeit."
Le condizioni di sepsi, sepsi grave e shock settico rappresentano i livelli gerarchici della risposta sistemica all'infezione normalmente causata da batteri in grado di determinare una condizione di disfunzione d'organo. Il quadro clinico e le citokine proinfiammatorie sono elementi importanti nella evoluzione della sepsi e l'elevato standard di cure rappresenta un elemento chiave per la sopravvivenza; in particolare il trattamento dell'infezione, la precoce stabilizzazione emodinamica e la terapia immunomodulatrice rappresentano alcuni dei punti cardine del trattamento della sepsi. Questo volume, frutto della collaborazione tra i maggiori esperti del settore, rappresenta il piu recente aggiornamento in materia."
Fortschritte in der Medizin, vor allem aber Veranderungen in der Einstellung zur Stellung alterer Menschen in unserer Gesellschaft haben die Ziele der Behandlung verandert. Die Zahl alterer Patienten, an welchen chirurgische Eingriffe vorgenommen werden, ist seit vielen Jahren im Steigen, daruber hinaus werden immer groessere und schwerere Operationen vorgenommen. Nicht mehr das blosse UEberleben, sondern die Mobilisierung, die Selbststandigkeit und die Integration in die Gesellschaft ist das Ziel. Fur den langfristigen Erfolg einer chirurgischen Intervention spielen die Operationsvorbereitung und die postoperative Kontrolle eine grosse Rolle. Vor allem die Beitrage der Anasthesisten, der Internisten und der Psychiater sind neben jenen der Chirurgen fur den Erfolg einer Operation entscheidend, wobei der engen Kommunikation zwischen diesen Fachern groesste Bedeutung zukommt. Der Anasthesist sollte uber die Wahl des Narkosevorganges, des Narkosemittels und auch uber die Tiefe der Narkose entscheiden. Die betreuenden Internisten sollen das Risiko fur den Patienten abschatzen und auf der Basis ihrer Erhebungen gemeinsam mit den Anasthesisten die Operationsvorbereitung durchfuhren. Nicht zuletzt kommt den Internisten auch die postoperative Betreuung zu. Die Psychiater mussen die zerebrale Belastung durch die Narkose und durch die Operation zu beurteilen mit dem Ziel, eine postoperative zerebrale Dekompensation mit Verwirrtheit und Delirium zu verhindern.
What we have sought in this collection of 'Top Tips' (how to do it) and 'Caveats' (how not to do it) is to compile the Pearls of Wisdom that have been passed down from colleagues all around the world. These are the small details of practice which we have come to rely on when the going gets tough. Most of them are too obscure or even downright strange to make the main stream text books. Many are not 'evidence based'. We are not seeking to rival the Cochrane database but do believe that, worthy as the scholarly collection may be, there is still a place in medicine for skill, artistry and individualism. We are merely trying to spread the word slightly further and perhaps add another string to a few bows, for those times when the available options seem a little limited.
Recent Advances in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, volume 23 is the latest volume in this very successful and long-established series (previously entitled Recent Advances in Anaesthesia and Analgesia) to present a collection of cutting-edge topics for anaesthetists. It has been compiled by some of the world's leading authorities in their subjects and builds on the successful formula of the previous volumes. As the title suggests, these latest volumes have increased input from the field of intensive care, and the emphasis remains on producing articles of high quality and interest to the reader while providing exceptional value for money. This volume is recommended reading for trainee and practising anaesthetists and intensivists at all levels of experience.
Clinical decisions in modern medical practice are increasingly influenced by ethical and legal issues, but few doctors have been formally trained in medical law and ethics, and are unsure of potential sources of accessible information, which leaves them exposed to public criticism and the threat of legal action. Perioperative medicine and critical care are, by their very nature, subjects in which issues of autonomy, dignity, consent, confidentiality, medical research, life and death decision making, and the rationing of health care resources are ever-present. This book provides a straightforward but comprehensive one-stop reference and should be essential reading for all medical and allied health care professionals who encounter ethicolegal problems during their management of patients.
Die Sektion 'Kindertraumatologie' der DGU - Deutsche Gesellschaft f r Unfallchirurgie - besch ftigte sich im Rahmen ihrer Jahrestagung mit dem wichtigen Thema "Das kindliche Polytrauma." Eine erfolgreiche Therapie des kindlichen Polytraumas wird entscheidend beeinflusst von einer engen interdisziplin ren Zusammenarbeit von Kinder- und Unfallchirurgen, An sthesisten, Kinder rzten, Neurochirurgen, Psychologen und Psychiatern. Die Beitr ge in dem Band tragen diesem Anspruch Rechnung.
Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are used by many examination boards as a way of testing a broad spectrum of knowledge in an easily administered and unbiased way. They form a critical part of both the Primary and Final FRCA (Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists) examinations. This book builds on GMM's established reputation in publishing for postgraduate anaesthetic exams and particularly for the MCQ component of the exams (e.g. the QBase book and CD-ROM series and accompanying textbooks). Six 90-question examinations, and a 30-question sample examination are presented, offering 570 individual questions with detailed model answers and making this book a comprehensive self-learning tool, especially when used in conjun ction with other key texts such as Fundamentals of Anaesthesia.
Tracheostomy: A Multi-Professional Handbook is written by a multidisciplinary team of authors to give a unique perspective of this increasingly widely-used technique and which will support research-based care and management and deliver patient-focused rehabilitation. It covers everything from the basics of tracheostomy, through the indications for tracheostomy and all aspects of pre-, peri- and postoperative care of the patient. The latter forms a large part of the book, and focuses on issues of importance to a broad spectrum of healthcare professionals, such as how patient communication is affected by the technique and how optimum wound care during tracheostomy is best achieved, as well as the practical aspects and problems encountered with speech, swallowing and general rehabilitation, nutrition, weaning and decannulation, long-term tracheostomy, tracheostomy in children, and an important chapter on emergency tracheostomy techniques.
Ubersichtliche Entscheidungsbaume geben Ihnen einen schnellen
Uberblick uber die diagnostischen und therapeutischen
Arbeitsablaufe (Algorithmen) und notfallmedizinischen
Symptomkomplexe bei allen wichtigen notfallmedizinischen
Sterbehilfe ist ein Thema, das nicht nur national kontrovers diskutiert, sondern stets im Vergleich zu den Erfahrungen von anderen Landern gesehen wird. Die Arbeit systematisiert die verschiedenen Begriffe zur Sterbehilfe in zehn europaischen Landern, vergleicht sowohl die Rechtsprechung und die Gesetze zu Suizid, Beihilfe zum Suizid und Sterbehilfe als auch die jeweiligen standesethischen Vorschriften. Entscheidungen am Lebensende sind jedoch auch in einen historischen, religioesen und philosophischen Hintergrund eingebettet. Fallbeispiele aus dem klinischen Alltag mit den Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen von Technik vervollstandigen das Bild.
Negli ultimi anni la tecnologia e le applicazioni della stimolazione cardiaca si sono evolute con estrema rapidita. I metodi utilizzati sono sempre piu promettenti ma non per questo meno complessi. Questo volume a stato scritto pensando agli internisti e agli specialisti in cardiologia per sostenerli nella scelta delle soluzioni terapeutiche, informandoli sui problemi specifici della stimolazione cardiaca. Oltre ai temi fondamentali della stimolazione cardiaca, la pubblicazione presenta dettagliatamente anche le nuove indicazioni alla stimolazione, i diversi tipi di pacemaker, le tecniche di impianto e le complicanze che ne possono derivare. E fornita inoltre una guida esauriente al follow-up del paziente; inoltre, l'estesa discussione sulle modalita di stimolazione e la loro applicazione permettono un approccio ragionato nella scelta personalizzata del pacemaker. Il volume e corredato da numerose immagini che, grazie a una grafica uniforme, facilitano la comprensione del testo."
The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is an established section in the part I examination and in many anaesthetic examinations throughout the world. It enables the examiners to assess a candidate's performance in a variety of areas and in topics that were not previously tested. The first edition sought to give examples of OSCE stations with answers. It was hoped that this would be of benefit to candidates as well as trainers looking for guidance about the type and style of stations that might be encountered. The second edition gives more examples of stations with answers. Candidates should find the answers helpful in assessing the level of knowledge required. Many stations require candidates to have a well-rehearsed system for them like examining the anaesthetic machine, or a system of the body. The second edition has been expanded to include these systems. More background information has been included so that once a system is understood it can be applied to different situations.
Vastly expanded and completely re-written, this is the definitive companion and revision aid for the short answer paper which forms part of the Final FRCA examination. It includes a comprehensive introduction to this section of the examination together with details of examination technique (much of which applies both to oral and to written questions). It contains 180 sample questions which cover the breadth of the specialty and which are divided into subspecialty areas. Each question is prefaced with a comment about the topic which attempts to place it in context to suggest the underlying rationale and to indicate its importance.
The modern obstetric anaesthetist must not only provide safe and effective pain-relief in labour and anaesthesia for Caesarean section, but also understand the wider role of the anaesthetist in the management of the pregnant woman. Originally published in 2002, Textbook of Obstetric Anaesthesia is a comprehensive, fully illustrated account of all aspects of modern obstetric anaesthesia. It provides useful, practical, evidence-based information on all aspects of labour ward management. Written by a multidisciplinary team of expert contributors, it features comprehensive chapters covering everything from departmental audit to cutting-edge practice for neonatal resuscitation and administration of mobile epidurals. It will be useful for both the trainee and practising obstetric anaesthetist.
Il volume raccoglie gli atti del convegno nazionale che AISD, l'Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Dolore organizza ogni anno per i suoi soci con lo scopo di approfondire, apprendere e confrontare le nuove conoscenze sulla fisiopatologia, sui meccanismi neurofisiologici e biochimici di base, tematiche che precedono l'approccio clinico al Dolore.
Qualifizierte Fort- und Weiterbildung mit einem Griff bietet die jAhrliche Sammlung der WeiterbildungsbeitrAge aus der Facharztzeitschrift Der Anaesthesist. Der Band 2000 umfasst 16 didaktisch aufgearbeitete BeitrAge und stellt die optimale Vorbereitung auf die FacharztprA1/4fung dar. Der niedergelassene und klinisch tAtige AnAsthesist findet darin ein geeignetes Sammelwerk, sein Fachwissen up-to-date zu halten.
The Medicine on the Move series provides fully flexible access to subjects across the curriculum in a unique combination of print and mobile formats ideal for the busy medical student and junior doctor. No matter what your learning style, whether you are studying a subject for the first time or revisiting it during exam preparation, Medicine on the Move will give you the support you need. This innovative print and app package will help you to connect with the topic of anaesthesia in preparation for exams and future clinical practice. By using this resource in print or as an app, you really will experience the opportunity to learn medicine on the move. Print Versions of this book also include access to the ebook version. |
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