Books > Medicine > Other branches of medicine > Accident & emergency medicine > General
""This is an excellent text which covers all of the important
research methods in the field, including randomised control trials.
A strong component of the text is the inclusion of chapters on
ethics and the future of paramedic research... The use of paramedic
examples throughout the chapters will help students and other
budding paramedic researchers connect with the subject matter and
help them link theory, evidence and practice."
Professor Peter O'Meara, La Trobe Rural Health School, La Trobe
University, Australia"
This practical book provides a no nonsense guide for student and
qualified paramedics looking to understand the key elements of
research, and what it means for their profession. The authors
explain key concepts and methodologies to help you get to grips
with the nature of paramedic research and how it works in
By drawing on a wealth of cases and examples, research is placed
firmly in the context of clinical practice. The book will enable
you to critique research and to engage in small-scale research
projects of your own. Emphasising what you need to know, the book
includes information on: Knowledge that underpins practice Key
elements of qualitative and quantitative research Research ethics
and evidence based practice Undertaking a literature review
Dissemination of research findings Considerations of the future for
paramedic research Written by experienced lecturers, the authors
offer practical advice and tips to more advanced researchers on
getting work published and giving oral and poster presentations at
"Contributors Jayne Cutter, Gary Rolfe, Megan Rosser, Julia
Williams, Malcolm Woollard
Im Jahre 1954 veroeffentlichten SHAW und Mitarbeiter in Australien
[147] die Entdeckung einer auffallenden barbituratantagonistischen
Wirkung des ss, ss- Methylathylglutarsaureimids. Das ist eine
Substanz, die inzwischen auch als NP 13 und unter verschiedenen
anderen Namen (Bemegride, Eukraton, Malysol und Megimide) Eingang
in die Medizin gefunden hat. Wir verwenden im fol- genden die
Bezeichnung Bemegrid. Die Synthese dieses Stoffes, der chemisch
auch als 4.4-Methylathyl-2.6-dioxo- piperidin aufgefasst werden
kann, war zwar seit langem bekannt (THOLE und THORPE, 1911 [164]),
von seinen pharmakologischen Eigenschaften ist jedoch in fruheren
Untersuchungen nur eine krampferzeugende Wirkung festgestellt
worden (BENICA und WILSON [7]). Um die Rolle besser verstandlich zu
machen, die Bemegrid seit der Entdeckung von SHAW und Mitarbeitern
in Pharmakologie und Klinik der Schlafmittel- vergiftungen gespielt
hat, wollen wir die ersten Ergebnisse der tierexperimentellen und
klinischen Untersuchungen in ihren wesentlichen Punkten auffuhren.
Die neue Substanz zeigte an Mausen, Ratten, Kaninchen, Katzen und
Hunden in tiefer Narkose mit verschiedenen kurz- und langwirkenden
Barbituraten (Thiopental, Pentobarbital, Phenobarbital und
Barbital) bei enteraler und parente- raler Zufuhr deutliche
Narkoseverkurzung und - ausgenommen bei Katzen- auch Weckwirkung.
An Kaninchen in toedlicher Thiopentalvergiftung hatte Bemegrid
lebens rettende Wirkung. Die Atmung von Katzen und Kaninchen, die
unter der Narkose vermindert war, wurde durch Bemegrid wieder
An important addition to the popular Step-Up series, Step-Up to
Emergency Medicine uses the proven series format to provide a
high-yield review of emergency medicine, ideal for preparing for
clerkships/clinical rotations, end of rotation/shelf exams, and the
USMLE Step 2. Clinical pearls, full-color illustrations, and "Quick
Hits" provide essential information in an efficient,
easy-to-remember manner, perfect for medical, physician assistant,
and nurse practitioner students. Step-Up to Emergency Medicine
delivers exactly what you need to know-both for exam preparation
and for practical use in the evaluation and treatment of patients
in the emergency department. Succinct, outline approach focuses on
the core content you need to know. "Quick Hits" in the margins
highlight highly testable topics. Clinical pearls help you identify
clinical connections for handy retrieval at test time, and aid in
the transition from basic science to clinical medicine. More than
100 full-color photographs and line drawings illustrate key
concepts throughout. Easy-to-follow algorithms show examples of
effective clinical reasoning, particularly for similar complaints.
Numerous charts, tables, graphs, and mnemonics facilitate easy
retention of essential material. 100 online questions with complete
rationale for correct and incorrect answers, help prepare you for
exams and clinical practice. Coverage includes every essential area
of emergency medicine, including psychiatric, pediatric, and
environmental emergencies; trauma, wounds, toxicology, and
medicolegal considerations-as well as must-know information on
relevant pathophysiology, clinical features, differential
diagnoses, patient evaluation, therapy, and more.