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Books > Medicine > Other branches of medicine > Accident & emergency medicine > General
Das Handbuch der gefahrlichen Guter ist das Standardwerk fur den Transport von Gefahrgutern. Es gibt Informationen zu nationalen und internationalen Transportvorschriften und zu Notfallmassnahmen bei Unfallen mit gefahrlichen Gutern sowie Hinweise fur die arztliche Erstbehandlung von Personen. Fur alle Gefahrguter, die im Hommel enthalten sind, wurden die GHS-Kennzeichnungen mit aufgenommen: Signalworte, Piktogramme, sowie die neuen Gefahrenhinweise (H-Statements) und Sicherheitshinweise (P-Statements). Diesem Band liegt das Update der Einzelplatzversion 19.0 auf 20.0 bei.
Pain management (also called pain medicine) is the discipline concerned with the relief of pain. Acute pain, such as occurs with trauma, often has a reversible cause and may require only transient measures and correction of the underlying problem. In contrast, chronic pain often results from conditions that are difficult to diagnose and treat, and that may take a long time to reverse. Some examples include cancer, neuropathy, and referred pain. Often, pain pathways (nociceptors) are set up that continue to transmit the sensation of pain even though the underlying condition or injury that originally caused pain has been healed. In such situations, the pain itself is frequently managed separately from the underlying condition of which it is a symptom, or the goal of treatment is to manage the pain with no treatment of any underlying condition (e.g. if the underlying condition has resolved or if no identifiable source of the pain can be found.Pain management generally benefits from a multidisciplinary approach that includes pharmacologic measures (analgesics such as narcotics or NSAIDs and pain modifiers such as tricyclic antidepressants or anticonvulsants), non-pharmacologic measures (such as interventional procedures, physical therapy and physical exercise, application of ice and/or heat), and psychological measures (such as biofeedback and cognitive therapy). This new book presents the latest research in this growing field.
Diagnosketch is a one-of-a-kind visual book that helps explain medical diagnoses to a non-medical audience. It simplifies human anatomy and pathophysiology into memorable, patient-friendly, understandable images. It intentionally leaves out details that are not clinically relevant and over-emphasizes ones that are. Created and illustrated by an ER physician with 20 years of clinical experience, Diagnosketch covers bread and butter diagnoses seen in acute care settings: kidney stones, diverticulitis, back pain, gallstones, ovarian cysts, arthritis, and more. It contains diagnostic images, procedural images, and concept images that are useful at different stages of a patient encounter. Medical professionals use this guide, at the bedside, to better communicate with patients in various acute care settings, like Emergency Rooms and Urgent Care Clinics.
No ambiente tatico civil, os segundos contam. O TECC: Atendimento Tatico de Emergencias, Segunda Edicao ensina aos prestadores de cuidados pre-hospitalares como atender e cuidar dos pacientes durante uma emergencia tatica civil, incluindo tiroteios ativos. Este programa de engajamento foi projetado para preparar os prestadores de Servicos Medicos de Emergencia (SME) a atender aos pacientes em um ambiente tatico. Desenvolvido pela Associacao Nacional de Tecnicos Medicos de Emergencia (ANTME) e endossado pelo Colegio Americano de Cirurgioes, o TECC, Segunda Edicao trata dos atuais dominios dos Servicos Medicos de Emergencia Tatica (SMET) e esta em conformidade com o atual Comite de Diretrizes TECC. A ANTME e uma reconhecida parceira de educacao do Comite TECC. Componentes Dinamicos do Programa O manual do curso TECC, Segunda Edicao reforca e esclarece os principais conceitos do curso. Ele apresenta um design envolvente e interativo, e foi escrito para que voce ache que esta participando de uma conversa enquanto ouve uma palestra. O manual do curso inclui as seguintes caracteristicas principais: Verificacao das Habilidades de Conhecimento - Aplicacao dos conhecimentos apresentados na aula e fortalecimento das habilidades de gestao do paciente. Estacoes de Habilidades - Revisao passo a passo sobre como executar habilidades que salvam vidas no ambiente tatico
Wild and wooley rescue stories from America's Paramedics and EMTs, wrapped around the story of an empty nest syndrome mid-life mom who shook up her life by becoming an EMT.
Based on the highly-regarded Walls Manual of Emergency Airway Management and part of the Manual of Emergency Medicine series envisioned by leading authority in emergency medicine, Dr. Ron M. Walls, Manual of Neurologic Emergencies provides evidence-based, easy-to-read coverage on the diagnosis and management of neurologic emergencies. Through the direction and expertise of editors Drs. Andy S. Jagoda and Christopher A. Lewandowski, this reference is a practical guide to approaching the patient with a neurologic complaint in a systematic way, providing a hands-on framework for clinical decision making and therapeutic interventions. Walks you through all aspects of diagnosis and management, including a rapid diagnosis and directed approach which are especially critical to optimal outcomes. Reviews neuroanatomy, performing a history, selecting appropriate imaging, and structuring/modifying the physical exam for the needs of the individual patient. Provides helpful information such as pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, evidence-based analysis of the literature, best practice recommendations, and treatment algorithms for a wide range of clinical presentations. Covers altered consciousness and behavior, neuromuscular disorders, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease, dizziness and vertigo, head trauma, acute stroke, headache, seizures, central nervous system infections, and more. Facilitates best practices and promotes communication across all specialties, whether in the emergency department, ICU, urgent care setting, pre-hospital environment, or anywhere else neurologic emergencies may occur. Shares the experience as well as extensive knowledge the editors and authors have with neurologic emergencies. , Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. ,
The development of urgent care centres within emergency departments and the proliferation of minor injury units and walk in centres in recent years has led to a parallel rise in Emergency Practitioners (EPs) whose professional backgrounds range between nursing, physiotherapy and paramedical sciences with nurses being the predominant group. These hybrid groups of clinicians combine nursing and medical knowledge to deliver timely effective care to patients presenting with a wide range of injuries and illness. This handbook is an ideal companion and aide memoire for daily practice, and an essential tool for EPs - enabling them to assess, diagnose, treat and discharge or refer the patient effectively. Written by emergency nurse practitioners who understand the thought processes and complexities of clinical decision making, this guide offers straightforward practical advice, particularly for those in isolated nurse led units or those working in a pressurised environment of the emergency department. General Practitioners and foundation year 2 doctors also increasingly work in emergency/urgent care settings and will find this guide invaluable for current, easy to access information.
Das Handbuch der gefahrlichen Guter ist das Standardwerk fur den Transport von Gefahrgutern. Es gibt Informationen zu nationalen und internationalen Transportvorschriften und zu Notfallmassnahmen bei Unfallen mit gefahrlichen Gutern sowie Hinweise fur die arztliche Erstbehandlung von Personen. Fur alle Gefahrguter, die im Hommel enthalten sind, wurden die GHS-Kennzeichnungen mit aufgenommen: Signalworte, Piktogramme, sowie die neuen Gefahrenhinweise (H-Statements) und Sicherheitshinweise (P-Statements). Band 8 enthalt 365 neue Merkblatter. Die Transportvorschriften wurden aktualisiert, und die Aussagen zur Umweltgefahrdung durch chemische Stoffe wurden stark erweitert. Diesem Band liegt das Update der Einzelplatzversion 18.0 auf 19.0 bei.
This comprehensive, multi-authored book covers all aspects of surgery on obese patients in emergency conditions. Obesity is a metabolic disease affecting a high percentage of world population.. It involves marked anthropometric changes, affecting surgical practice and altering patients' ability to react to surgical stress. The prevalent comorbidities also affect the rate of complications and mortality after surgery. The obesity paradox, the ability of obese patients to survive emergency operations in spite of an increased risk of complications, is an effect of the widespread development of "Obesity Science". This volume discusses this science, examining the frailty of the obese patients and the main comorbidities that affect clinical practice, as well as the most frequent emergency situations after trauma, inflammatory diseases and the complications of bariatric surgery. With contributions from leading experts, it provides clinicians with detailed and updated information for better practice in this emerging field of surgery.
What's in the Syringe? offers a succinct overview of the psychological skills of outpatient palliative care, teaching clinicians how to help patients live well and acknowledge end of life as patients meet five challenges of serious illness. It explores how to help patients develop prognostic awareness, through which they pair hopes and worries and see themselves with clarity and empathy. The book also teaches clinicians how to support patients' coping skills. As patients use these skills, they improve their quality of life and deepen their prognostic awareness, helping them make informed medical and personal decisions as they approach end of life. Illustrated, case-based chapters are organized from diagnosis to end of life and draw on two decades of research and clinical experience. Each chapter describes how palliative care and oncology clinicians can collaborate and explains the interpretive role of the palliative care clinician in helping the patient and oncologist understand each other. What's in the Syringe? is an essential resource for palliative care fellows, trainees, and clinicians, for oncologists, primary care clinicians, and medical students, and for all care providers working with patients facing serious illness.
This book provides a collection of ten protocols for conducting rapid health assessments in the immediate aftermath of different types of emergencies. Noting the vital importance of rapid and accurate information in the earliest stage of an emergency, the protocols respond to the urgent need for common standardized technical tools for assessing damage, gauging health risks, and gathering the information immediately needed by decision-makers at the national and international level. The protocols were prepared by WHO in collaboration with a large number of international agencies and experts with broad experience in the field of emergency management. Although all protocols follow a common format, each is specific to the circumstances, potential hazards, and immediate information needs that characterize a distinct type of emergency. Emphasis is placed on the exact information needed, the best sources of data and methods for rapid collection, and the specific questions that need to be answered in order to draw initial conclusions and direct immediate actions.Although the advantages of using experienced assessments teams are stressed, the book also explains how the protocols can be used to train general health workers as part of emergency preparedness. The book opens with an introductory protocol covering the aims and methods, responsibilities, complexities, and inherent difficulties of rapid health assessments. Addressed to health authorities as well as assessment teams, the chapter also includes abundant advice on preparedness for emergencies. Details range from the comparative need for speed in different types of emergencies, through a suggested format for presenting the results of assessments, to a list of common logistic, organizational, and technical errors. Advice on the best working practices, including ways to avoid being an "emergency tourist", is also provided. Against this background, the additional nine protocols are presented according to a common format which covers the purpose of the assessment, preparedness, the steps to follow during the assessment, assessing the impact on health, assessing local response capacity and immediate needs, and presenting results.A general protocol on epidemics of infectious origin is followed by protocols specific to meningitis outbreaks, outbreaks of viral haemorrhagic fever, including yellow fever, and outbreaks of acute diarrhoeal disease, with information specific to dysentery and cholera. Sudden-impact natural disasters are covered in the next protocol, which includes a day-by-day list of information priorities for different stages of the disaster. A protocol dealing with sudden population displacements offers guidelines for conducting rapid health assessments in all emergencies caused by sudden displacement of refugees or population groups within a country. Included are a sample checklist for rapid assessments and a sample form for weekly reports on morbidity and mortality. Subsequent protocols deal with the special situations of nutritional emergencies and chemical emergencies, including those caused by food contaminated with chemicals or toxins. The final protocol addresses the difficult task of conducting assessments in complex emergencies in which the cause of the emergency, as well as the assistance to the afflicted, is complicated by intense levels of political considerations.The protocol includes a form which has recently been used for rapid health assessment at local level in Bosnia and Herzegovnia. The book concludes with a brief summary of survey techniques, followed by a tabular presentation of reference values for assessing needs, hazards, and logistic requirements in developing countries.
Das Handbuch der gefahrlichen Guter ist das Standardwerk fur den Transport von Gefahrgutern. Es gibt Informationen zu nationalen und internationalen Transportvorschriften und zu Notfallmassnahmen bei Unfallen mit gefahrlichen Gutern sowie Hinweise fur die arztliche Erstbehandlung von Personen. Fur alle Gefahrguter, die im Hommel enthalten sind, wurden die GHS-Kennzeichnungen mit aufgenommen: Signalworte, Piktogramme, sowie die neuen Gefahrenhinweise (H-Statements) und Sicherheitshinweise (P-Statements). Band 6 wurde uberarbeitet und dabei dem neuen Chemikalienrecht angepasst. Die Transportvorschriften wurden aktualisiert, und die Aussagen zur Umweltgefahrdung durch chemische Stoffe wurden stark erweitert. Diesem Band liegt das Update der Einzelplatzversion 17.0 auf 18Dem Band liegen 66 neue Merkblatter bei, die in den Band 7 einzufugen sind..0 als Download bei.
Emergency medicine attendings who wish to hone their teaching skills can find a number of books on educational strategies written by physicians from other disciplines. However, until the publication of the first edition of this book, they did not have access to a text written by emergency medicine physicians on methods of teaching that are directly applicable to teaching EM. This book was compiled to meet that need. Following the introductory section, which provides important background information, the book's contents are organized into 4 sections that correspond to the core needs and interests of EM educators: Section 2 focuses on practical and ethical considerations of teaching in the ED; Section 3 provides strategies for teaching specific groups of learners; Section 4 looks at the skills that are characteristic of the best EM educators; and Section 5 looks indepthly at specific teaching techniques and strategies. Now more than ever this book addresses the needs of physician educators from all over the world. New chapters discuss lecturing to an international audience; using simulation as a teaching tool; how to make journal club work for you, and other topics that are of broad interest to medical educators in this field. In general, each chapter has been updated and reviewed to make sure the content was something that emergency physician educators could use in any country. The chapter contributors are widely regarded as leaders in the field of emergency medicine education and faculty development. Authors were given free rein to develop their chapters and write in their own style. They were asked to present their personal views on how to successfully teach the art of emergency medicine, rather than review evidence-based guidelines regarding medical education. As a result, most of the chapters have few references. This first-person approach to a multi-authored textbook yields a compilation that varies in style from chapter to chapter and exposes the reader to a variety of communication techniques.
Improve your skills in visual diagnosis Speed and accuracy of diagnosis is the key to saving lives in emergency and critical care medicine. Careful visual inspection of the patient, the data (radiography, electrocardiogram), and related clues can often help providers choose the right diagnosis and ultimately the best treatment -- but this knowledge comes with experience. This book provides 110 randomly presented visual diagnosis cases for self-testing, imitating real-life situations found in the emergency department setting. Written by distinguished emergency and critical care physicians, and thoroughly revised and updated throughout, this second edition includes 25% new cases and is an ideal aid for trainees preparing for Board examinations as well as an invaluable refresher' for qualified emergency and critical care providers.
"Benign Childhood Focal Seizures and Related Epileptic Syndromes" provides a concise, authoritative guide to all aspects of diagnosis, treatment and management of the three identifiable electroclinical syndromes: rolandic epilepsy, Panayiotopoulos syndrome and the idiopathic childhood occipital epilepsy of Gastaut. These have a high prevalence, probably affecting 22% of children with non-febrile seizures and constitute a significant part of the everyday practice of paediatricians, neurologists and electroencephalographers. This pocket-sized reference work will be a valuable resource for all those involved in the care of children with epileptic seizures.
Part of the "What Do I Do Now?" series, Emergency Neurology uses a case-based approach to cover challenging cases for clinicians caring for patients with urgent neurologic illnesses, addressing difficult questions of diasnosis and treatment. Each chapter provides a discussion of the diagnosis, key points to remember, and selected references for further reading. For this new edition, all cases and references have been updated, reflecting the advances in emergency neurologic care. Emergency Neurology is an engaging collection of thought-provoking cases which clinicians can utilize when they encounter difficult patients, who are in need of timely emergency treatment. The volume is also a self-assessment tool that tests the reader's ability to answer the question, "What do I do now?"
Get the essential tools you need to make an accurate diagnosis in the emergency department! Part of the popular Requisites series, Emergency Radiology: The Requisites delivers the conceptual, factual, and interpretive information you need for effective clinical practice in emergency radiology, as well certification and recertification review. Master core knowledge the easy and affordable way with clear, concise text enhanced by at-a-glance illustrations, boxes, and tables - all revised and enhanced with digital content to bring you up to date with today's state of the art knowledge. Presents emergent findings and differential diagnosis tables so that important content is identified clearly within the text. Divides the contents of the book into two sections - trauma and non-trauma - to mirror the way you practice. Organizes the material in structured, consistent chapter layouts for efficient and effective review. Provides clinical material on radiology procedures that define your role in managing a patient with an emergent condition. Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, images, and references from the book on a variety of devices. Prepare for written exams or clinical practice with critical information on CTA in the ED on coronary, aorta, brain, and visceral arteries, plus new protocols for trauma and non-traumatic injuries. Stay up to date on what's new in the field with thoroughly revised content and new, high-quality images obtained with today's best technology. Get optimal results from today's most often-used approaches, including the increase in routine use of "panscan" for trauma patients. Gain a practical, visual understanding of emergency radiology thanks to more than 900 multi-modality images and easy access to the eBook version. Study and review in the most efficient way, with structured, consistent chapter layouts for time-saving and effective exam preparation.
The Medicine on the Move series provides fully flexible access to
subjects across the curriculum in a unique combination of print and
mobile formats ideal for the busy medical student and junior
doctor. No matter what your learning style, whether you are
studying a subject for the first time or revisiting it during exam
preparation, Medicine on the Move will give you the support you
A 19-year-old student is admitted to hospital after being found unconscious in her room in the university halls of residence. Her roommate told the paramedics that the patient had recently failed her end of year exams. She was reportedly found with several packets of paracetamol and codeine phosphate nearby and an empty bottle of wine on her bedside table. You are the medic on duty... 100 Cases in Acute Medicine presents 100 acute conditions commonly seen by medical students and junior doctors in the emergency department, or on the ward or in the community setting. A succinct summary of the patient's history, examination and initial investigations, including photographs where relevant, is followed by questions on the diagnosis and management of each case. The answer includes a detailed discussion on each topic, with further illustration where appropriate, providing an essential revision aid as well as a practical guide for students and junior doctors. Making clinical decisions and choosing the best course of action is one of the most challenging and difficult parts of training to become a doctor. Fully revised and updated for this second edition, these cases will teach students and junior doctors to recognize important clinical symptoms and signs, and to develop their diagnostic and management skills.
A common symptom of psychiatric and medical disorders, agitation often appears in a variety of medical environments. This practical guide explores the origins of the condition and the differing approaches and treatments available. The biology of agitation is discussed, followed by specific chapters on substance abuse, medical causes, personality disorders, and treatment in pediatrics and the elderly. Treatment options including psychiatric work-ups, medical work-ups, psychopharmacology, de-escalation, and calming techniques are provided. The complexities of legal issues, patients' rights, and prehospital settings are also addressed, providing physicians, nurses, and mental health workers with a comprehensive resource in providing safe, focused, and effective treatment.
No specialty faces more diverse and challenging ethical dilemmas than palliative medicine. What is the best way to plan ahead for the end of life? How should physicians respond when patients refuse treatments likely to be beneficial, or demand treatments not likely to be? Who makes medical decisions for patients who are too ill to decide for themselves? Do patients have the "right to die" (and, if so, what exactly does that mean)? In this volume noted palliative care physician and bioethicist Robert C. Macauley addresses a broad range of issues from historical, legal, clinical, and ethical perspectives. Clinically nuanced and philosophically rigorous, Ethics in Palliative Care analyzes hot-button subjects like physician assisted dying and euthanasia, as well as often overlooked topics such as pediatric palliative care, organ donation, palliative care research, and moral distress. Drawing on real cases yet written in non-technical language, this complete guide will appeal to both medical professionals and lay readers.
Comprehensive, detailed, and up to date, Roberts and & Hedges' Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine and Acute Care, 7th Edition, provides highly visual coverage of both common and uncommon procedures encountered in emergency medicine and acute care practice. It clearly describes the ins and outs of every procedure you're likely to consider, such as how, why, when to, and when not to perform them, in addition toand recommends other emergency or acute care procedures that may be an option. Thoroughly revised and updated throughout, the 7th Edition remains the most well-known and trusted procedures manual in its field Provides clear, detailed information for practitioners at all levels of experience, - from trainees who are unfamiliar with a specific procedure to those with experience in the technique. Covers the latest equipment, devices, drug therapies, and techniques you need to know for the effective practice of emergency medicine and acute care. Features new and updated information on ultrasound throughout the text, including Ultrasound Boxes that are expertly written and richly illustrated with photographs and clinical correlative images. Includes more Procedure Boxes that allow you to see entire procedures at a glance, functioning as a mini-atlas that allows you to quickly grasp how to perform a procedure. Contains more than 100 new figures-of more than 3,500 images total-including new color photographs, new Ultrasound Boxes, and new algorithms. Features a new chapter on Procedures in the Setting of Anticoagulation. Covers hot topics such as novel loop abscess drainage technique, ENT techniques, and ophthalmology techniques, as well as procedures performed by acute care practitioners such as sedation of the agitated patient, alternate methods of drug delivery, and common errors and complications in the acute care setting. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. You'll also have access to nearly 250 procedural videos.
Emergency Procedures in Clinical Practice in Obstetrics and Gynecology is a concise, quick-reference resource for obstetricians and gynaecologists, written by Professor Sanja Kupesic from the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Centre. This book provides guidance on fifty of the most common procedural skills in emergency obstetrics and gynaecology. Learning objectives, indications, contraindications, universal precautions, complications, basic equipment and a step-by-step guide to preparation and technique are provided with every procedure. Techniques covered include core procedures in family medicine, internal medicine and obstetrics and gynaecology training. Multiple choice questions, with answers, are also provided to test understanding. Emergency Procedures in Clinical Practice in Obstetrics and Gynaecology includes full colour illustrations throughout, and an accompanying DVD-ROM demonstrates the procedures explained in the text, making this an excellent teaching tool and source of reference in every day practice. Key Points Guide to fifty of the most common emergency procedures in obstetrics and gynaecology Multiple choice questions to test understanding Full colour illustrations and accompanying DVD-ROM demonstrate procedures
Das Handbuch der gefahrlichen Guter ist das Standardwerk fur den Transport von Gefahrgutern. Es gibt Informationen zu nationalen und internationalen Transportvorschriften und zu Notfallmassnahmen bei Unfallen mit gefahrlichen Gutern sowie Hinweise fur die arztliche Erstbehandlung von Personen. Fur alle Gefahrguter, die im Hommel enthalten sind, wurden die GHS-Kennzeichnungen mit aufgenommen: Signalworte, Piktogramme, sowie die neuen Gefahrenhinweise (H-Statements) und Sicherheitshinweise (P-Statements), die zukunftig die R- und S-Satze abloesen werden. Band 4 wurde uberarbeitet und dabei dem neuen Chemikalienrecht angepasst. Die Transportvorschriften wurden aktualisiert, und die Aussagen zur Umweltgefahrdung durch chemische Stoffe wurden stark erweitert. Diesem Band liegt das Update der Einzelplatzversion 14.0 auf 15.0 bei. |
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