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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Classical mechanics > General
Predicting Motion presents the core ideas of Newtonian mechanics, starting from Newton's laws and the idea that changes in motion are predictable given the forces that cause them. Richly illustrated with questions and answers for self-assessment, it carefully introduces concepts, such as kinetics and potential energy, linear momentum, torque (the rotational analogue of force), and angular momentum, and explains their role in predicting motion. Although no prior knowledge of this topic is required, the book focuses on the significance of differential equations in making such predictions. It also provides an up-to-date treatment of mechanics with accounts of relativistic collisions and the implications of chaos theory for the future of the solar system and for galaxies that contain black holes.
Continuum Mechanics is a branch of physical mechanics that describes the macroscopic mechanical behavior of solid or fluid materials considered to be continuously distributed. It is fundamental to the fields of civil, mechanical, chemical and bioengineering. This time-tested text has been used for over 35 years to introduce junior and senior-level undergraduate engineering students, as well as graduate students, to the basic principles of continuum mechanics and their applications to real engineering problems. The text begins with a detailed presentation of the coordinate invariant quantity, the tensor, introduced as a linear transformation. This is then followed by the formulation of the kinematics of deformation, large as well as very small, the description of stresses and the basic laws of continuum mechanics. As applications of these laws, the behaviors of certain material idealizations (models) including the elastic, viscous and viscoelastic materials, are presented. This new edition offers expanded coverage of the subject matter
both in terms of details and contents, providing greater
flexibility for either a one or two-semester course in either
continuum mechanics or elasticity. Although this current edition
has expanded the coverage of the subject matter, it nevertheless
uses the same approach as that in the earlier editions - that one
can cover advanced topics in an elementary way that go from simple
to complex, using a wealth of illustrative examples and problems.
It is, and will remain, one of the most accessible textbooks on
this challenging engineering subject. New section at the end of Chapter 4 devoted to the integral formulation of the field equations Seven new appendices appear at the end of the relevant chapters to help make each chapter more self-contained Expanded and improved problem sets providing both intellectual challenges and engineering applications
An impending energy crisis is looming globally, which has led to the use of effluents from paper mills for enhanced oil recovery (EOR), CO2 flooding and wastewater treatment by biosurfactants, and the current market demand for cost-competitive and environment-friendly alternatives to synthetic chemicals. This up-to-date book on petroleum technology provides a comprehensive review of the background and recent advances in the field of petroleum technology and highlights various facets of the fascinating world of upstream, midstream and downstream petroleum technologies. It comprises 25 chapters, each representing the progress, prospects and challenges in petroleum research, and focuses on the tremendous progress made by the scientific community in this research field. The book covers in detail EOR processes, reservoir engineering, production operation and optimisation, pipeline transportation and storage, CO2 capture and sequestration, wastewater management and innovative treatment, refining technologies, environmental chemistry, and biochemistry and biotechnology for the petroleum industry.
Exact analytical solutions in some areas of solid mechanics, in particular problems in the theory of plates, have long been regarded as bottlenecks in the development of elasticity. In contrast to the traditional solution methodologies, such as Timoshenko's approach in the theory of elasticity for which the main technique is the semi-inverse method, this book presents a new approach based on the Hamiltonian principle and the symplectic duality system where solutions are derived in a rational manner in the symplectic space. Dissimilar to the conventional Euclidean space with one kind of variables, the symplectic space with dual variables thus provides a fundamental breakthrough. A unique feature of this symplectic approach is the classical bending problems in solid mechanics now become eigenvalue problems and the symplectic bending deflection solutions are constituted by expansion of eigenvectors. The classical solutions are subsets of the more general symplectic solutions.This book explains the new solution methodology by discussing plane isotropic elasticity, multiple layered plate, anisotropic elasticity, sectorial plate and thin plate bending problems in detail. A number of existing problems without analytical solutions within the framework of classical approaches are solved analytically using this symplectic approach. Symplectic methodologies can be applied not only to problems in elasticity, but also to other solid mechanics problems. In addition, it can also be extended to various engineering mechanics and mathematical physics fields, such as vibration, wave propagation, control theory, electromagnetism and quantum mechanics.
The Routledge Handbook of Energy in Asia presents a comprehensive review of the unprecedented growth of Asian energy over the past quarter of a century. It provides insightful analysis into variation across the continent, whilst highlighting areas of cross-learning and regional cooperation between the developed and developing countries of Asia. Prepared by a team of leading international experts, this book not only captures the East Asian domination, particularly that of China, but also highlights the growing influence of South Asia and the ASEAN. Organised into four parts, the sections include: the demand for energy in the region and its main drivers at the sector level; developments in energy supply, including fossil fuels and renewable energy sources; energy policies and issues such as sector reform and climate change; the transition to a low carbon pathway. This handbook offers a complete picture of Asian energy, covering supply and demand, as well as contemporary challenges in the sector. As such, it is a valuable resource for students and scholars of energy policy, Environmental Studies, and Asian Studies.
An Introduction to Lagrangian Mechanics begins with a proper historical perspective on the Lagrangian method by presenting Fermat's Principle of Least Time (as an introduction to the Calculus of Variations) as well as the principles of Maupertuis, Jacobi, and d'Alembert that preceded Hamilton's formulation of the Principle of Least Action, from which the Euler-Lagrange equations of motion are derived. Other additional topics not traditionally presented in undergraduate textbooks include the treatment of constraint forces in Lagrangian Mechanics; Routh's procedure for Lagrangian systems with symmetries; the art of numerical analysis for physical systems; variational formulations for several continuous Lagrangian systems; an introduction to elliptic functions with applications in Classical Mechanics; and Noncanonical Hamiltonian Mechanics and perturbation theory.This textbook is suitable for undergraduate students who have acquired the mathematical skills needed to complete a course in Modern Physics.
This volume is the focal point of the work undertaken in the previous volumes of this set of books: the statement of the fundamental principle of the dynamics whose implementation, according to two paths whose choice depends on the problem to be treated, leads to equations of motion. In order to achieve this, it is treated first of all in the context of solids in their environment, as a prerequisite for the formulation of the fundamental principle. Then, in addition to its use in some exercises, the approach is illustrated by three particular cases. The first is an example where it is developed end-to-end and addresses the two approaches that lead to the equations of motion. The two other examples deal with two classical but important subjects, the movement of the Earth according to the hypotheses that can be stated about it, and Foucault's pendulum.
This book is intended to be a textbook for undergraduate students studying electrical and electronic engineering in universities and colleges. Therefore, the level and amount of the knowledge to be transferred to the reader is kept to as much as what can be taught in one academic semester of a university or a college course. Although the subject is rather classical and somehow well established in some respects, it is vast and can be difficult to grasp if unnecessary details are not avoided. This book is aimed to give the reader just what is necessary - with plenty of short and easily understandable examples and drawings, figures, and tables. A course on electromechanical energy conversion is a necessity in all universities and colleges entitled to grant a license for electrical engineering. This book is aimed at meeting the requirements of this essential subject by providing necessary information to complete the course. A compact chapter is included with figures and tables on energy and the restraints on its production brought about by global climate change. A new approach has been tried for some of the classic subjects including magnetic circuits and electrical machines together with today's much-used motors.
This monograph presents a general mathematical theory for biological growth. It provides both a conceptual and a technical foundation for the understanding and analysis of problems arising in biology and physiology. The theory and methods are illustrated on a wide range of examples and applications. A process of extreme complexity, growth plays a fundamental role in many biological processes and is considered to be the hallmark of life itself. Its description has been one of the fundamental problems of life sciences, but until recently, it has not attracted much attention from mathematicians, physicists, and engineers. The author herein presents the first major technical monograph on the problem of growth since D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson's 1917 book On Growth and Form. The emphasis of the book is on the proper mathematical formulation of growth kinematics and mechanics. Accordingly, the discussion proceeds in order of complexity and the book is divided into five parts. First, a general introduction on the problem of growth from a historical perspective is given. Then, basic concepts are introduced within the context of growth in filamentary structures. These ideas are then generalized to surfaces and membranes and eventually to the general case of volumetric growth. The book concludes with a discussion of open problems and outstanding challenges. Thoughtfully written and richly illustrated to be accessible to readers of varying interests and background, the text will appeal to life scientists, biophysicists, biomedical engineers, and applied mathematicians alike.
The present volume includes most of the material of the invited lectures delivered at the NATO Advanced Study Institute "Morphogenesis through the interplay of nonlinear chemical instabilities and elastic active media" held from 2th to 14th July 2007 at the Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargese (http: //www.iesc.univ-corse.fr/), in Corsica (France). This traditional place to organize Summer Schools and Workshops in a well equipped secluded location at the border of the Mediterranean sea has, over many years now, earned an increasing deserved reputation. Non-linear dynamics of non equilibrium systems has worked its way into a great number of fields and plays a key role in the understanding of se- organization and emergence phenomena in domains as diverse as chemical reactors, laser physics, fluid dynamics, electronic devices and biological morphogenesis. In the latter case, the viscoelastic properties of tissues are also known to play a key role. The control and formulation of soft responsive or "smart" materials has been a fast growing field of material science, specially in the area of po- mer networks, due to their growing applications in bio-science, chemical sensors, intelligent microfluidic devices, ... . Nature is an important p- vider of active materials whether at the level of tissues or at that of s- cellular structures. As a consequence, the fundamental understanding of the physical mechanisms at play in responsive materials also shines light in the understanding of biological artefacts."
"Al Gini's latest book surveys the landscape of ethical speed bumps and crash sites with his customary charm, verve and insight. Why It's Hard To Be Good is a creative expose of the many reasons smart people do bad things." Steve Priest, Founder, Ethical Leadership Group "Don't just read this book. Use it. Use it to challenge yourself and others with honesty, compassion, and humor, just as Gini does." John W. Dienhart, The Frank Shrontz Chair for Professional Ethics, Seattle University and author of Business, Institutions, and Ethics "Why It's Hard To Be Good sets a new standard for clear and funny thinking. A master writer and astute observer of human behavior and culture, Gini has written yet another terrific and enriching book. You won't be able to put it down." John Eckberg, author of The Success Effect and business/workplace reporter for The Cincinnati Enquirer It isn't easy to be good. Al Gini - at home both in philosophy and the corporate boardroom - speaks here in an engagingly direct voice about why we have so much trouble doing the right thing in life - at home, with family or strangers, and at work. Businesses struggle with ethical issues every day, and so do ordinary people. But a multinational corporation and a single thinking human being are bound together by the same dilemma: how to choose the right thing to do and then do it? Al Gini lays out ideas for 'stepping out of the shadow of the self' - an argument for stopping thinking of yourself as the center of the universe. It's hard to be good, he explains, until we realize that being good only has meaning in relation to other people. Ideas of justice, fairness, and ethical behavior are just abstract ideas until they are put into action with regard to people outside ourselves. This warm and generous book is for anyone who wants to know how to use ethical thinking as way to live, work, and be with others.
One of the most challenging problems of contemporary theoretical physics is the mathematically rigorous construction of a theory which describes gravitation and the other fundamental physical interactions within a common framework. The physical ideas which grew from attempts to develop such a theory require highly advanced mathematical methods and radically new physical concepts. This book presents different approaches to a rigorous unified description of quantum fields and gravity. It contains a carefully selected cross-section of lively discussions which took place in autumn 2010 at the fifth conference "Quantum field theory and gravity - Conceptual and mathematical advances in the search for a unified framework" in Regensburg, Germany. In the tradition of the other proceedings covering this series of conferences, a special feature of this book is the exposition of a wide variety of approaches, with the intention to facilitate a comparison. The book is mainly addressed to mathematicians and physicists who are interested in fundamental questions of mathematical physics. It allows the reader to obtain a broad and up-to-date overview of a fascinating active research area.
Birdwatching in Britain has grown increasingly dependent on burning fossil fuels. Regularly driving long distances to birding hotspots and frequent flying to see exotic species are seen as perfectly normal. In the face of the climate crisis, however, a growing number of birders are reassessing the way they enjoy and study birds. In this timely book, 30 contributors—from young birdwatchers to professional ornithologists—explain why and how they are shifting to climate-friendlier approaches. Low-carbon birding, they argue, is a legitimate and valuable way of enjoying birds. Furthermore, in itself this can bring many joys, some of them unexpected. From first encounters with hawfinches to focusing in on birdsong, from the Kalahari to the Hebrides, the stories told here are not about heroic efforts to save the planet. They are simply accounts of everyday humanity in unprecedented times—ordinary people with doubts and concerns about how to live a decent life and act responsibly in a rapidly warming world. The authenticity of their voices is a testament to the moment of awakening to the climate crisis in British ornithology. Above all, Low-Carbon Birding is an urgent call for birders to leave a better legacy in the skies and across the living world.
This open access book contains a structured collection of the complete solutions of all essential axisymmetric contact problems. Based on a systematic distinction regarding the type of contact, the regime of friction and the contact geometry, a multitude of technically relevant contact problems from mechanical engineering, the automotive industry and medical engineering are discussed. In addition to contact problems between isotropic elastic and viscoelastic media, contact problems between transversal-isotropic elastic materials and functionally graded materials are addressed, too. The optimization of the latter is a focus of current research especially in the fields of actuator technology and biomechanics. The book takes into account adhesive effects which allow access to contact-mechanical questions about micro- and nano-electromechanical systems. Solutions of the contact problems include both the relationships between the macroscopic force, displacement and contact length, as well as the stress and displacement fields at the surface and, if appropriate, within the half-space medium. Solutions are always obtained with the simplest available method - usually with the method of dimensionality reduction (MDR) or approaches which use the solution of the non-adhesive normal contact problem to solve the respective contact problem.
In a series of brief chapters, Al Gini lays out ideas for 'stepping
out of the shadow of the self' - an argument for stopping thinking
of yourself as the centre of the universe. It's hard to be good, he
explains, until we realize that being good only has meaning in
relation to other people. Ideas of justice, fairness, and ethical
behavior are just that - abstract ideas - until they are put into
action with regard to people outside ourselves.
The third volume in Leonard Susskind's one-of-a-kind physics series cracks open Einstein's special relativity and field theory In the first two books in his wildly popular The Theoretical Minimum series, world-class physicist Leonard Susskind provided a brilliant first course in classical and quantum mechanics, offering readers not an oversimplified introduction, but the real thing - everything you need to start doing physics, and nothing more. Now, thankfully, Susskind and his former student Art Friedman are back, this time to introduce readers to special relativity and classical field theory. At last, waves, forces and particles will be demystified. Using their typical brand of relatively simple maths, enlightening sketches and the same fictional counterparts, Art and Lenny, Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory takes us on an enlightening journey through a world now governed by the laws of special relativity. Starting in their new watering hole, Hermann's Hideaway, with a lesson on relativity, Art and Lenny walk us through the complexities of Einstein's famous theory. Combining rigor with humour, Susskind and Friedman guarantee that Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory will become part of the reader's physics toolbox.
Courant and Friedrich's classical treatise was first published in 1948 and tThe basic research for it took place during World War II. However, many aspects make the book just as interesting as a text and a reference today. It treats the dynamics of compressible fluids in mathematical form, and attempts to present a systematic theory of nonlinear wave propagation, particularly in relation to gas dynamics. Written in the form of an advanced textbook, it should appeal to engineers, physicists and mathematicians alike.
Building on the material learned by students in their first few years of study, this book presents an advanced level course on statistical and thermal physics. It begins with a review of the formal structure of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics considered from a unified viewpoint. After a brief revision of non-interacting systems, emphasis is laid on interacting systems. First, weakly interacting systems are considered, where the interest is in seeing how such interactions cause small deviations from the non-interacting case. Second, systems are examined where interactions lead to drastic changes, namely phase transitions. A number of specific examples are given, and these are unified within the Landau theory of phase transitions. The final chapter of the book looks at non-equilibrium systems and the way these evolve towards equilibrium. Here, fluctuations play a vital role, as is formalized in the Fluctuation-Dissipation theorem.
This volume reviews conceptual conflicts at the foundations of physics now and in the past century. The focus is on the conditions and consequences of Einstein's pathbreaking achievements that sealed the decline of the classical notions of space, time, radiation, and matter, and resulted in the theory of relativity. Particular attention is paid to the implications of conceptual conflicts for scientific views of the world at large, thus providing the basis for a comparison of the demise of the mechanical worldview at the turn of the 20th century with the challenges presented by cosmology at the turn of the 21st century. Throughout the work, Einstein's contributions are not seen in isolation but instead set into the wider intellectual context of dealing with the problem of gravitation in the twilight of classical physics; the investigation of the historical development is carried out with a number of epistemological questions in mind, concerning, in particular, the transformation process of knowledge associated with the changing worldviews of physics.
Presents the newer field of chaos in nonlinear dynamics as a natural extension of classical mechanics as treated by differential equations. Employs Hamiltonian systems as the link between classical and nonlinear dynamics, emphasizing the concept of integrability. Also discusses nonintegrable dynamics, the fundamental KAM theorem, integrable partial differential equations, and soliton dynamics.
This book is a unique supplement to contemporary scientific literature on rock blasting technology. It encapsulates theoretical and practical aspects of drilling and blasting techniques used in both surface and subterranean excavations connected with civil as well as mining activities. Case studies are presented to illustrate correlations between theoretical calculations and empirical findings. It also summarizes the results of research carried out by the Blasting Department of the Central Mining Research Institute since its inception in the year 1970. It contains fifteen extensive chapters covering statistical methods, design parameters, rock breakage mechanism, structural damage, fragmentation, emerging techniques, surface and sub-surface blasting methodologies, safety and environmental aspects, explosive characteristics and modern initiating devices.
Utah's Uinta Basin contains one of the largest oil shale resources in the United States. This book examines many of the issues surrounding oil shale development in the Uinta Basin. Focusing on research conducted by investigators associated with The University of Utah's Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE), the chapters in this book build on each other across a range of scales and of disciplines to present a comprehensive picture of the opportunities and challenges facing this nascent industry. Scales range from the molecular analysis of kerogen to the basin-scale analysis of oil shale geology. Legal, policy, geologic, chemical, economic, and engineering perspectives provide insight into the nature of the Uinta Basin oil shale resource and the potential costs (both financial and environmental) of its extraction. This book integrates the various analyses in two ways. First, the Skyline 16 oil shale core, which was drilled in the Uinta Basin as part of this research, was the source of samples for much of the work that is discussed in this book. Second, the latter chapters of this book incorporate models and data from the earlier chapters to (1) produce a suite of in situ simulation scenarios that study the effect of well arrangement on energy ratio and (2) evaluate costs and air quality issues associated with these scenarios.
Commercial development of energy from renewables and nuclear is critical to long-term industry and environmental goals. However, it will take time for them to economically compete with existing fossil fuel energy resources and their infrastructures. Gas fuels play an important role during and beyond this transition away from fossil fuel dominance to a balanced approach to fossil, nuclear, and renewable energies. Chemical Energy from Natural and Synthetic Gas illustrates this point by examining the many roles of natural and synthetic gas in the energy and fuel industry, addressing it as both a "transition" and "end game" fuel. The book describes various types of gaseous fuels and how are they are recovered, purified, and converted to liquid fuels and electricity generation and used for other static and mobile applications. It emphasizes methane, syngas, and hydrogen as fuels, although other volatile hydrocarbons are considered. It also covers storage and transportation infrastructure for natural gas and hydrogen and methods and processes for cleaning and reforming synthetic gas. The book also deals applications, such as the use of natural gas in power production in power plants, engines, turbines, and vehicle needs. Presents a unified and collective look at gas in the energy and fuel industry, addressing it as both a "transition" and "end game" fuel. Emphasizes methane, syngas, and hydrogen as fuels. Covers gas storage and transport infrastructure. Discusses thermal gasification, gas reforming, processing, purification and upgrading. Describes biogas and bio-hydrogen production. Deals with the use of natural gas in power production in power plants, engines, turbines, and vehicle needs.
As global demands for energy and lower carbon emissions rise, developing systems of energy conversion and storage becomes necessary. This book explores how Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion (EESC) devices are promising advanced power systems that can directly convert chemical energy in fuel into power, and thereby aid in proposing a solution to the global energy crisis. The book focuses on high-temperature electrochemical devices that have a wide variety of existing and potential applications, including the creation of fuel cells for power generation, production of high-purity hydrogen by electrolysis, high-purity oxygen by membrane separation, and various high-temperature batteries. High-Temperature Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage: Fundamentals and Applications provides a comprehensive view of the new technologies in high-temperature electrochemistry. Written in a clear and detailed manner, it is suitable for developers, researchers, or students of any level. |
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