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Books > Science & Mathematics > Biology, life sciences > Life sciences: general issues > Genetics (non-medical) > General
This book is a comprehensive, multi-authored work on the structure and function of the mammalian testis. The approach emphasizes gene expression, translation and production of specific gene products and the cellular and molecular regulation of these fundamental processes. Rather than provide a global survey of all aspects of male reproduction, this book stresses specific mechanisms that underscore the structure and function of the testis. It explains old and new concepts from a cellular and molecular perspective. This novel approach allows the authors to forge links between cell and molecular biology and well-established aspects of spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis. The result is a well-focused, comprehensive, and synthetic analysis of testicular biology.
This volume, A Mathematical Primer of Molecular Phylogenetics, offers a unique perspective on a number of phylogenetic issues that have not been covered in detail in previous publications. The volume provides sufficient mathematical background for young mathematicians and computational scientists, as well as mathematically inclined biology students, to make a smooth entry into the expanding field of molecular phylogenetics. The book will also provide sufficient details for researchers in phylogenetics to understand the workings of existing software packages used. The volume offers comprehensive but detailed numerical illustrations to render difficult mathematical and computational concepts in molecular phylogenetics accessible to a variety of readers with different academic background. The text includes examples of solved problems after each chapter, which will be particularly helpful for fourth-year undergraduates, postgraduates, and postdoctoral students in biology, mathematics and computer sciences. Researchers in molecular biology and evolution will find it very informative as well.
This title includes a number of Open Access chapters. A common tool in both research and agriculture, genetic engineering involves the direct manipulation of genes. Today's areas of medical research include genetic engineering to produce vaccines against disease, pharmaceutical development, and the treatment of disease. In agriculture, genetic engineering is used to modify crops and domestic animals to increase their yields, aid in production, and enhance nutritive aspects. This important book covers new research and studies in genetic engineering in the areas of medicine and agriculture.
This title includes a number of Open Access chapters. Embryology is the study of embryos. It is the branch of biological science that deals with the formation and early development of an individual organism, from fertilization of the egg (ovum) to birth. This collection includes articles on some of the most important topics in embryology today, such as cryopreservation of human embryos, in vitro generation of neurons from embryonic stem cells, embryonic transfer, transcriptional profiling, and more.
The first edition of "Structural Bioinformatics" was the first major effort to show the application of the principles and basic knowledge of the larger field of bioinformatics to questions focusing on macromolecular structure, such as the prediction of protein structure and how proteins carry out cellular functions, as well as show how the application of bioinformatics to these life science issues can improve health care by accelerating drug discovery and development. Designed primarily as a reference, the first edition nevertheless saw widespread use as a textbook in graduate and undergraduate university courses dealing with the theories and associated algorithms, resources, and tools used in the analysis, prediction, and theoretical underpinnings of DNA, RNA, and proteins. This new edition now contains not only thorough updates of the advances in structural bioinformatics since publication of the first edition, but also features eleven new chapters dealing with frontier areas with high scientific impact. "Structural Bioinformatics, Second Edition" is essential reading for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in bioinformatics and advanced biology, for molecular biologists, biochemists and biophysicists interested in supplementing their training on the job. It is also of interest for computer and information scientists, including computational biologists. Praise for the first edition: ""This book is a gold mine of fundamental and practical information in an area not previously well represented in book form."" Biochemistry and Molecular Education ,,"." destined to become a classic reference work for workers at all levels in structuralbioinformatics....recommended with great enthusiasm for educators, researchers, and graduate students."" BAMBED ,,"."a useful and timely summary of a rapidly expanding field."" Nature Structural Biology ,,"."a terrific job in this timely creation of a compilation of articles that appropriately addresses this issue."" Briefings in Bioinformatics
MicroRNAs have recently emerged as key regulators of gene expression during development and are frequently misexpressed in human disease states, in particular cancer. These 22-nucleotide-long transcripts act to promote or repress cell proliferation, migration and apoptosis during development, all of which are processes that go awry in cancer. Thus, microRNAs have the ability to behave like oncogenes or tumor suppressors. In addition, their small size and molecular properties make them amenable as targets and therapeutics in cancer treatment. This book goes into detail on how microRNAs represent a paradigm shift in thinking about gene regulation during development and disease, and provide the oncologist with a potentially powerful new battery of agents to diagnose and treat cancer.
Phenotypic variation is influenced by both genetic and environmental variation. One important source of environmental variation is the maternal effect: influences of the maternal environment on offspring phenotype. Heritable maternal effects have been shown to influence the life histories, behaviour, and population dynamics of a wide variety of plants and animals. They are likely to have evolved as a mechanism for cueing offspring to appropriate development for predicted environmental conditions. This will be the first book dealing with the broad range of maternal effects.
The zebrafish embryo has now been well established as an organism of choice for the genetic and cell biological basis of vertebrate development. Large-scale forward genetic screens together with reverse genetic tools have resulted in a flood of new information on the regulation of vertebrate development. Furthermore, the unique transparency of the zebrafish embryo allows unprecedented access to cells and tissues and many important discoveries on gene function have already been made using live imaging techniques in this organism. This book successfully brings together state-of-the-art methodologies of live imaging, such as the use of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), that will be useful for investigators in the field of developmental biology to address their favorite problem using cell biological approaches in the zebrafishOne of the key reasons that has made the zebrafish such a popular vertebrate model is its transparency and its potential for high-resolution cell biology and imaging. However, there is no comprehensive and up-to-date guide to the new "live imaging" tools that can now be used in the zebrafish. Furthermore, there are many new microscopy methods that have been adapted for use in zebrafish, and this book can be a good guide even for scientists already familiar with the imaging advantages of this model.
First published in 1990, this is a compilation of several important papers that have contributed to the foundation of population genetics, evolutionary biology and human genetics. The collection includes Haldane's first paper in genetics, which was published in 1915, reporting the first case of linkage in a mammal, and - fifty years later, in 1965 - his last paper in genetics on selection for a single pair of allelomorphs with complete replacement. Haldane's Rule, the only idea named after him, was published in 1922 and is still valid today. Other papers, which include many Haldane firsts, such as the first estimation of a human mutation rate, first human gene map, first papers in population genetics, first estimate of the probability of fixation of a new mutation, and first measurement of mutation impact on a population, leading to the "genetic load" concept, are included. The volume also includes a paper presenting an ancient logical system for interpreting scientific results.
Evolutionary Psychology: The Basics is a jargon-free and accessible introduction to evolutionary psychology, which examines behaviour, thoughts, and emotions in relation to evolutionary theory. Reader and Workman outline how evolutionary thinking can enhance the core areas of psychology: social, developmental, biological, cognitive, and individual differences/abnormal psychology. Covering topics such as genetics and natural selection, mate choice, culture, morality, mental health, and childhood, among others, the book integrates psychology into the biological sciences and explains the different approaches in the field by evaluating current and past evolutionary research and theory. Key studies and theories are explored in an accessible way, with the work of key evolutionary and behavioural scientists from Darwin to Dawkins examined and explained. Including a glossary and further reading, this is the essential introduction to evolutionary psychology for students of psychology and related areas, and academics and researchers, as well as anyone interested in learning more about this fascinating field.
Devised in the 1940s by the biologist C. H. Waddington, the epigenetic landscape is a metaphor for how gene regulation modulates cellular development. As a scientific model, it fell out of use in the late 1960s but returned at the beginning of the twenty-first century with the advent of big-data genomic research because of its utility among scientists across the life sciences to think more creatively about and to discuss genetics. In Epigenetic Landscapes Susan Merrill Squier follows the model's cultural trail, from its first visualization by the artist John Piper to its use beyond science. Squier examines three cases in which the metaphor has been imaginatively deployed to illustrate complex systems that link scientific and cultural practices: graphic medicine, landscape architecture, and bioArt. Challenging reductive understandings of epigenetics, Squier boldly reclaims the broader significance of the epigenetic landscape as a figure at the nexus of art, design, and science.
The general field of fundamental and applied biotechnology becomes increasingly important for the production of biologicals for human and veterinary use, by using prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms. The papers in the present book are refereed articles compiled from oral and poster presentations from the EFB Meeting on Recombinant Protein Production with Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells. A Comparative View on Host Physiology, which was organized in Semmering/A from 5th to 8th October 2000. A special feature of this meeting was the comparison of different classes of host cells, mainly bacteria, yeasts, filamentous fungi, and animal cells, which made obvious that many physiological features of recombinant protein formation, like cell nutrition, stress responses, protein folding and secretion, or genetic stability, follow similar patterns in different expression systems. This comparative aspect is by far the point of most interest because such comparisons are rarely done, and if they are done, their results are most often kept secret by the companies who generated them. Audience: Presently, a comparable book does not exist because the compiling of manuscripts from all fields of biotechnology (prokaryotic as well as eukaryotic, up to animal cell biotechnology) is not done in general. This particularity makes this book very interesting for postgraduate students and professionals in the large field of biotechnology who want to get a more global view on the current state of the expression of recombinant biologicals in different host cell systems, the physiological problems associated with the use of different expression systems, potential approaches to solve such difficulties bymetabolic engineering or the use of other host cells, and the cooperation between process development and strain improvement, which is crucial for the optimisation of both the production strain and the process. This book should be in every library of an institution/organization involved in biotechnology.
The sunflower has fascinated mankind for centuries. The oilseed sunflower contributes approximately ten percent of the world 's plant-derived edible oil and the confection type sunflower holds a considerable share of the directly consumed snacks market. In addition, sunflower is also grown as an ornamental for cut flowers, as well as in home gardens. We are now embarking on the age of genomics which will expedite the process of genetic improvement of crops. There has been an explosion of information on genetic markers, DNA sequences, and genomic resources for most major food crops including sunflower. This volume is intended to bridge traditional research with modern molecular investigations on sunflower.
Elizabeth Rakcozy and a team of leading clinical and experimental scientists describe in step-by-step detail the key techniques essential to effective molecular biological research in ophthalmology and optometry. These readily reproducible methods are adapted to the special requirements of vision research, with coverage that ranges from the most basic to the most sophisticated technologies. Included are methods for the down-regulation of gene expression, new gene therapy techniques, and for the development of transgenic and knockout animal models for testing novel therapies. Eminently accessible and clinically relevant, Vision Research Protocols provides experimental and biomedical investigators in ophthalmology and optometry with a rich panoply of most powerful tools with which to ask--and answer--all the important questions emerging from the dramatically advancing work in vision research today.
Thoroughly Describes Biological Applications, Computational Problems, and Various Algorithmic Solutions Developed from the author's own teaching material, Algorithms in Bioinformatics: A Practical Introduction provides an in-depth introduction to the algorithmic techniques applied in bioinformatics. For each topic, the author clearly details the biological motivation and precisely defines the corresponding computational problems. He also includes detailed examples to illustrate each algorithm and end-of-chapter exercises for students to familiarize themselves with the topics. Supplementary material is available at http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~ksung/algo_in_bioinfo/ This classroom-tested textbook begins with basic molecular biology concepts. It then describes ways to measure sequence similarity, presents simple applications of the suffix tree, and discusses the problem of searching sequence databases. After introducing methods for aligning multiple biological sequences and genomes, the text explores applications of the phylogenetic tree, methods for comparing phylogenetic trees, the problem of genome rearrangement, and the problem of motif finding. It also covers methods for predicting the secondary structure of RNA and for reconstructing the peptide sequence using mass spectrometry. The final chapter examines the computational problem related to population genetics.
James Mark Baldwin left a legacy that has yet to be fully examined, one with profound implications for science and the humanities. In some sense it paralleled that of his friend Charles Sanders Peirce, whose semiotics became understood only a century later. Baldwin was trying to make sense of complex biological and social processes which only now have come into the limelight as biological sciences, and slowly but surely, have re-emerged in psychology. Baldwin's focus on development, based on the observation of his own children and extrapolated to his general theoretical scheme, is fully in line with where our contemporary biological sciences are heading. This is exemplified by the bounded flexibility of the work of the genetic system. The general principle of persistent exploration of the environment with the result of creating novelty, which was the core of Baldwin's theoretical system, has since the 1960s become the guiding idea in genetics. Contemporary developmental science is rooted in Baldwin's thinking. In his new introduction, Jaan Valsiner shows that Baldwin's Genetic Theory of Reality demonstrates how human beings are in their nature social beings, establishes an alternative conceptualization of evolutionary theory, and formulates a system of developmental logic, all of which serve as the foundation for developmental psychology as a whole. This is a work of social science rediscovery long overdue.
A provocative and timely case for how the science of genetics can help create a more just and equal society In recent years, scientists like Kathryn Paige Harden have shown that DNA makes us different, in our personalities and in our health-and in ways that matter for educational and economic success in our current society. In The Genetic Lottery, Harden introduces readers to the latest genetic science, dismantling dangerous ideas about racial superiority and challenging us to grapple with what equality really means in a world where people are born different. Weaving together personal stories with scientific evidence, Harden shows why our refusal to recognize the power of DNA perpetuates the myth of meritocracy, and argues that we must acknowledge the role of genetic luck if we are ever to create a fair society. Reclaiming genetic science from the legacy of eugenics, this groundbreaking book offers a bold new vision of society where everyone thrives, regardless of how one fares in the genetic lottery.
The enormous advances in molecular biology and genetics coupled with the progress in instrumentation and surgical techniques have produced a voluminous and often bewildering quantity of data. The primary objective of a second edition of Cardiovascular Physiology in the Genetically Engineered Mouse is to interpret critically the literature and to provide a framework for the enormous amount of information in this burgeoning field. As in the first edition, the monograph serves as a practical guide for the investigator interested in the functional methods used to characterize the murine cardiovascular phenotype. The monograph is organized into three parts. The first deals with principles of transgenesis and homologous recombination. The second part, which again is the largest, discusses the various techniques used to assess the cardiovascular mechanical, metabolic, and electrophysiologic phenotype. This section is organized in a hierarchical manner- i.e. from isolated myocyte to isolated heart to the intact, anesthetized and conscious mouse. The third part examines techniques used to evaluate murine smooth muscle function, genetic mouse models of hypertrophy and heart failure, and the methods to assess the cardiovascular phenotype in the developing mouse embryo. In addition, newer methods that push the envelope', such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM), and computed tomography (microCT) are discussed. Expanded and updated, each chapter is richly enhanced with original tables and figures, and in many cases, extensively rewritten when compared with the first edition. An essential and enduring goal of this second edition isto continue to facilitate interactions between the basic science disciplines and help bridge the gap between molecular biology and physiology.
Despite the prevalence of behavioral research conducted through genetic studies, there is an absence of literature pertaining to the genetics of motor behavior. Genetics and the Psychology of Motor Performance is the first book to integrate cutting-edge genetic research into the study of the psychological aspects of motor learning and control. The book's central line of enquiry revolves around the extent to which psychological factors central to motor proficiency - including personality, emotion, self-regulation, motivation, and perceptual-cognitive skills - are acquired or inherited. It explains how these factors affect motor performance, distilling the latest research into their genetic underpinnings and, in doing so, assessing the magnitude of the role genetics plays in the stages of motor development, from early proficiency through to expertise. Written by leading experts in the genetics of human performance and exercise psychology, and thoroughly illustrated throughout, Genetics and the Psychology of Motor Performance is a crucial resource for any upper-level student or researcher seeking a deeper understanding of motor learning. It is an important book for anyone studying or working in exercise psychology, motor development, exercise genetics, or exercise physiology more broadly.
The field of molecular evolution has experienced explosive growth
in recent years due to the rapid accumulation of genetic sequence
data, continuous improvements to computer hardware and software,
and the development of sophisticated analytical methods. The
increasing availability of large genomic data sets requires
powerful statistical methods to analyse and interpret them,
generating both computational and conceptual challenges for the
This volume contains pedagogical and elementary introductions to genetics for mathematicians and physicists as well as to mathematical models and techniques of population dynamics. It also offers a physicist's perspective on modeling biological processes. Each chapter starts with an overview followed by the recent results obtained by authors. Lectures are self-contained and are devoted to various phenomena such as the evolution of the genetic code and genomes, age-structured populations, demography, sympatric speciation, the Penna model, LotkaVolterra and other predator-prey models, evolutionary models of ecosystems, extinctions of species, and the origin and development of language. Authors analyze their models from the computational and mathematical points of view.
The availability of molecular imaging and measurement systems enables today's biologists to swiftly monitor thousands of genes involved in a host of diseases, a critical factor in specialized drug development. Systems Biology and Bioinformatics: A Computational Approach provides students with a comprehensive collection of the computational methods used in what is being coined the digital era of biology. Written by field experts with proven track records, this authoritative textbook first provides an introduction to systems biology and its impact on biology and medicine. The book then reviews the basic principles of molecular and cell biology using a system-oriented approach, with a brief description of the high-throughput biological experiments that produce databases. The text includes techniques to discover genes, perform nucleotide and amino acid sequence matching, and estimate static gene dynamic pathways. The book also explains how to use system-oriented models to predict the behavior of biological systems for important applications such as rational drug design. The numerous examples and problem sets allow students to confidently explore practical systems biology applications using real examples with real biological data, making Systems Biology and Bioinformatics: A Computational Approach an ideal text for senior undergraduate and first-year graduate students.
Molecular Biology: Structure and Dynamics of Genomes and Proteomes 2nd edition illustrates the essential principles behind the transmission and expression of genetic information at the level of DNA, RNA, and proteins. Emphasis is on the experimental basis of discovery and the most recent advances in the field while presenting a rigorous, yet still concise, summary of the structural mechanisms of molecular biology. Topics new to this edition include the CRISPR-Cas gene editing system, Coronaviruses - structure, genome, vaccine and drug development, and newly-recognised mechanisms for transcription termination. The text is written for advanced undergraduate or graduate-level courses in molecular biology. Key Features * Highlights the experimental basis of important discoveries in molecular biology * Thoroughly updated with new information on gene editing tools, viruses, and transcription mechanisms, termination and antisense. * Provides learning objectives for each chapter. * Includes a list of relevant videos from the internet about the topics covered in the chapter.
This is the first book to give a full overview on genome integrity in different species. From microorganisms to humans, this volume provides an interdisciplinary overview of how genome integrity is maintained. Written by an international panel of experts, the book addresses the connection between genome integrity and human disease.
Thoroughly Describes Biological Applications, Computational Problems, and Various Algorithmic Solutions Developed from the author's own teaching material, Algorithms in Bioinformatics: A Practical Introduction provides an in-depth introduction to the algorithmic techniques applied in bioinformatics. For each topic, the author clearly details the biological motivation and precisely defines the corresponding computational problems. He also includes detailed examples to illustrate each algorithm and end-of-chapter exercises for students to familiarize themselves with the topics. Supplementary material is available at http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~ksung/algo_in_bioinfo/ This classroom-tested textbook begins with basic molecular biology concepts. It then describes ways to measure sequence similarity, presents simple applications of the suffix tree, and discusses the problem of searching sequence databases. After introducing methods for aligning multiple biological sequences and genomes, the text explores applications of the phylogenetic tree, methods for comparing phylogenetic trees, the problem of genome rearrangement, and the problem of motif finding. It also covers methods for predicting the secondary structure of RNA and for reconstructing the peptide sequence using mass spectrometry. The final chapter examines the computational problem related to population genetics. |
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