Books > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Christian worship > General
The Blood Covenant is one of the least understood, and yet most
relevant covenants for our understanding of God's dealings with man
throughout the Bible. This covenant of life and death spans the
entire sacrifical system of the Old Testament, to the Act of
Communion in the New Testament. Learn more about the primitive rite
of the Blood Covenant, perversions of this rite, indications of
this rite in the Bible (Circumcision, Passover, at Mt. Sinai,
Mosaic Ritual, in the Gospels). Includes an Appendix of useful
information on the role of blood in life.
This book explores the way in which liturgy can be used effectively
in all-age communication. It is also a comprehensive practical
resource - containing 12 complete all-age worship outlines for use
throughout the year.
This book includes ideas about using festivals to build
relationships with the community. Contains 15 complete all-age
worship outlines for use throughout the year, including key
occasions like Christmas, Mothering Sunday, Easter, Father's Day
and Harvest.
* Daily Lenten reflections with a novel approach * Color images
enhance message of text Lent is often a season given to denial of
physical pleasure and sensation, but we're already denied these by
a cultural atmosphere saturated with visual images, noise and air
pollution, violence, and processed foods that dull the senses. The
physical senses play an integral role in the human capacity for
emotion and feeling. Overstimulation in the physical senses
gradually erodes one's ability to feel emotion. Yet
empathy-emotional identification and connection with others-is
crucial to liturgical engagement, especially in the highly dramatic
practices of the signal events of the Christian Year. Sam Portaro
proposes to restore our ability to participate emotionally in the
Lenten journey by revisiting the five physical senses-one per
week-in Lent. The discipline of a 40-day preparation for Easter
suggests the importance the Church places on this seasonal
retelling of the central acts of Christian redemption. Sense and
Sensibility encourages the reader to renew a relationship with the
physical senses that is a prerequisite to a deeply attuned
engagement with the biblical stories read, taught, and liturgically
re-enacted in the rites of Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Holy Week,
and Easter.
A glimpse into the ideals and insights that have shaped one of the
Episcopal Church's most widely known parishes, St. Gregory of Nyssa
in San Francisco. Rick Fabian, well known as one of the founding
priests of St. Gregory of Nyssa in San Francisco, writes his
"treatise in eleven parts" on the significant signs of communal
life: the welcoming table, authority (human and biblical), baptism,
mystery, marriage, children, the spirit, reconciliation, the
worship year, beauty, and hospitality. This "revisionist approach
to sacramental theology" offers a glimpse into the depth of thought
behind the praxis that has shaped one of the Episcopal Church's
most widely known parishes.
Pilgrimage has been an important practice in Christianity since the
fourth century, but most people's notion of pilgrimage is one of
travelling to the site of an apparition, in search of inspiration
or miracles. THE ACCIDENTAL PILGRIM shows that pilgrimage is not
just a relic of Catholic history, but can remain a significant
practice for twenty-first century Christians today.THE ACCIDENTAL
PILGRIM gives a lively overview of the history of pilgrimage and
the popular pilgrim routes, exploring the mix of spiritual and
other motives that have inspired pilgrims both past and
contemporary. It then explores how people both inside and outside
the Church can rediscover pilgrimage within twenty-first century
culture. Illustrated throughout, and written by one of the UK's
most popular theologians, THE ACCIDENTAL PILGRIM is a compelling
invitation to all on the journey of faith.
Part keepsake, part teaching book, this small volume is filled with
inspiration, encouragement, and reflections to ponder for 4th
graders and up. Through simple text, it explains the privileges and
responsibilities imparted through the sacrament of Confirmation.
Compelling stories about saints and children their own age will
help kids become more familiar with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
and learn how the gifts can be active in their own lives. The
apostolic mission of a confirmed Catholic is emphasized and readers
are reminded that the sacrament of Confirmation is exciting-the
same Holy Spirit who appeared to the apostles and the Blessed
Mother at Pentecost is the one who will come to them when they are
confirmed. "Too often we whisk our youth through the Sacrament
without a clear understanding of what's happening. That's tragic,
because a grace misunderstood is easily unappreciated, and a grace
unappreciated is easily lost. My Confirmation Book empowers young
people to receive the Holy Spirit in a way that's active, personal,
willing, and enduring. Highly recommended." - Mike Aquilina,
co-host of The Lamb's Supper on EWTN, and Executive Vice-President
of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology "A wonderful tool for
parents, religious education leaders, and all who are concerned
about raising up strong young Catholics - Catholics who will be
able to boldly and joyfully proclaim their faith and engage a
culture so in need of God." -Teresa Tomeo, Catholic syndicated talk
show host, Ave Maria Radio " Another winner from Donna-Marie Cooper
O'Boyle! Clear, concise and inspiring - everything Confirmation
candidates could want in a book that will help them prepare for one
of the most important moments in their lives! A great resource for
parents and catechists, too. Kudos on a job well done!" - Marge
Fenelon Author of Strengthening Your Family: A Catholic Approach to
Holiness at Home "Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle has created a resource
of great simplicity and beauty for young confirmands. Tenderly and
wisely written, My Confirmation Book explains and explores the
seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. Concise, but powerful, the text
includes illuminating stories and discussion questions, and a
superb collection of brief quotes from saints and sacred scripture.
I am eager to buy an armload of copies, not only for all the young
people I know who are preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation,
but for those who have already received it. In fact, I found so
much encouragement and clarity in the pages of this small book of
reflections; I'm going to give them to my adult friends, as well."
-Lisa Mladinich, author "Be an Amazing Catechist: Inspire the Faith
of Children," OSV
The Eucharist is at the heart of Christian worship and at the heart
of the Eucharist are the curious phrases, 'This is my body' and
'This is my blood'. James M. Arcadi offers a constructive proposal
for understanding Christ's presence in the Eucharist that draws on
contemporary conceptual resources and is faithful to the history of
interpretation. He locates his proposal along a spectrum of
Eucharistic theories. Arcadi explores the motif of God's presence
related to divine omnipresence and special presence in holy places,
which undergirds a biblical-theological proposal concerning
Christ's presence. Utilizing recent work in speech-act theory,
Arcadi probes the acts of consecration and renaming in their
biblical and liturgical contexts. A thorough examination of recent
work in Christology leads to an action model of the Incarnation
that borrows the notion of enabling externalism from philosophy of
mind. These threads undergird a model of Christ's presence in the
Would you like to learn to pray like a medieval Christian? In Mary
and the Art of Prayer, Rachel Fulton Brown traces the history of
the medieval practice of praising Mary through the complex of
prayers known as the Hours of the Virgin. More than just a work of
comprehensive historical scholarship, the book asks readers to
immerse themselves in the experience of believing in and praying to
Mary. Mary and the Art of Prayer crosses the boundaries that modern
scholars typically place between observation and experience,
between the world of provable facts and the world of imagination,
suggesting what it would have been like for medieval Christians to
encounter Mary in prayer. Mary and the Art of Prayer opens with a
history of the devotion of the Hours or "Little Office" of the
Virgin. It then guides readers in the practice of saying this
Office, including its invitatory (Ave Maria), antiphons, psalms,
lessons, and prayers. The book works on several levels at once. It
provides a new methodology for thinking about devotion and prayer;
a new appreciation of the scope of and audience for the Hours of
the Virgin; a new understanding of how Mary functions theologically
and devotionally; and a new reading of sources not previously taken
into account. A courageous and moving work, it will transform our
ideas of what scholarship is and what it can accomplish.
Respected Bible teacher Warren Wiersbe defines the essence of
worship and discusses the key issues surrounding this often
controversial topic within the church.
Using biblical examples, John Hull and Tim Elmore teach readers how to pray at critical junctures in life. An ideal resource for those seeking to enlarge their prayer vision and alter their circumstances for God's glory.
This is a classic book from the unique insight and spiritual wisdom
of Evelyn Capel. She covers the main festivals and events in the
Christian Year: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter,
Ascension, Whitsun, St John's tide, and Michaelmas, always linking
them back to the Gospels and Christ. She considers the cycles of
our world: the changing seasons; life, death and resurrection;
waking and sleeping; breathing in and breathing out. Throughout,
Capel never loses sight of the over-arching cosmic themes which
influence the spiritual rhythms of the Earth and human beings.
What if a simple day away could transform your life? Does spending
time with God sound like just one more thing to check off an
ever-increasing to-do list? How are you supposed to fit in anything
that threatens to be more time-consuming? Too often there's simply
no room to experience the intimacy, grace, and peace that God
offers us. Getaway with God does more than invite you to step away
from life's pressures to take a personal retreat. It shows you
exactly why you must--for your sake and for your family's. With
grace and warmth, Letitia Suk provides step-by-step guidance and
the necessary tools to enable any woman on any budget to plan time
away, whether it's a quick, half-day break or a weeklong time of
restoration. You'll find detailed steps for preparation, including
descriptions of different kinds of retreats and how to choose the
best one for you, and you'll learn ways to bring the renewal you
experience home with you. Practical appendixes identify retreat
centers nationwide and provide exercises and prayers to kick-start
your getaway with God. No matter what your season in life, the time
for retreat is now! "Getaway with God is a gem!" --Karen Burton
Mains, author of Open Heart, Open Home, director of Hungry Souls
This classic work of Russian spirituality has charmed countless readers with its tale of a nineteenth-century peasant seeking the truth with simple humility, finding joy and plenty everywhere in life.