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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Applied physics & special topics > Geophysics
Volatiles in the Martian Crust is a vital reference for future missions - including ESA's EXO Mars and NASA's Mars2020 rover - looking for evidence of life on Mars and the potential for habitability and human exploration of the Martian crust. Mars science is a rapidly evolving topic with new data returned from the planet on a daily basis. The book presents chapters written by well-established experts who currently focus on the topic, providing the reader with a fresh, up-to-date and accurate view. Organized into two main sections, the first half of the book focuses on the Martian meteorites and specific volatile elements. The second half of the book explores processes and locations on the crust, including what we have learned about volatile mobility in the Martian crust. Coverage includes data from orbiter and in situ rovers and landers, geochemical and geophysical modeling, and combined data from the SNC meteorites.
Dynamic Mars: Recent and Current Landscape Evolution of the Red Planet presents the latest observations, interpretations, and explanations of geological change at the surface or near-surface of this terrestrial body. These changes raise questions about a decades-old paradigm, formed largely in the aftermath of very coarse Mariner-mission imagery in the 1960s, suggesting that much of the interesting geological activity on Mars occurred deep in its past, eons ago. The book includes discussions of (1) Mars' ever-changing atmosphere and the impact of this on the planet's surface and near-surface; (2) the possible involvement of water in relatively new, if not contemporary, gully-like flows and slope streaks (i.e. recurring slope lineae); and (3) the identification of a broad suite of agents and processes (i.e. glacial, periglacial, aeolian, meteorological, volcanic, and meteoric) that are actively revising surface and near-surface landscapes, landforms, and features on a local, regional, and hemispheric scale. Highly illustrated and punctuated by data from the most recent Mars missions, Dynamic Mars is a valuable resource for all levels of research in the geological history of Mars, as well as of the three other terrestrial planets.
Originally published in 1993, Active Lavas looks at the practical aspects of monitoring uncontrolled streams of molten rock and how field data can be applied for theoretical modelling and forecasting the growth of lava flows. It describes the basic features of common subaerial lava flows and domes - both on Earth and on other bodies in the Solar System - before discussing the logistics of measuring lava properties during eruption and how these measurements are used to develop simple theoretical models for forecasting flow behaviour.
Focusing on systemic risks caused by climate change, this book examines how these risks can be effectively regulated to ensure resilience and avoid catastrophe. Systemic risks are risks that threaten the systems upon which society depends, including ecosystems, social systems, financial systems, and systems of infrastructure. Such risks are typically characterised by inherent complexity, profound uncertainty, and overwhelming ambiguity. In combination, these features pose significant regulatory challenges for policy and law-makers. Examining how different types of systemic risks caused by climate change are being regulated in four different jurisdictions - the EU, the UK, the US and Australia - this book identifies deficiencies associated with regulating systemic risks using a traditional approach, based on a linear relationship between risk and regulation, which is widely used to regulate risk. The book advances a regulatory approach that is, instead, founded on the concept of "risk governance". This involves a structured yet flexible, holistic, interdisciplinary and inclusive basis for responding to systemic risks; and it is, this book argues, a more effective basis for regulating systemic risks given their uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. This book will appeal to academics, policy and law-makers and practitioners working at the intersection of law and policy in the areas of regulation, risk management and climate change.
Lectures on Geophysical Fluid Dynamics offers an introduction to several topics in theoretical geophysical fluid dynamics, including the theory of large-scale ocean circulation, geostrophic turbulence, and Hamiltonian fluid dynamics. The book is based on an introductory course in dynamical oceanography offered to first-year graduate students at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Each chapter is a self-contained introduction to its particular subject. Overall, the emphasis througout the book is on physical ideas rather than mathematical techniques. Readers are assumed to have had an elementary introduction to fluid dynamics, to know advanced calculus through partial differential equations, and to be familiar with the elementary ideas about linear waves, including the concept of group velocity.
From Habitability to Life on Mars explores the current state of knowledge and questions on the past habitability of Mars and the role that rapid environmental changes may have played in the ability of prebiotic chemistry to transition to life. It investigates the role that such changes may have played in the preservation of biosignatures in the geological record and what this means for exploration strategies. Throughout the book, the authors show how the investigation of terrestrial analogs to early Martian habitats under various climates and environmental extremes provide critical clues to understand where, what and how to search for biosignatures on Mars. The authors present an introduction to the newest developments and state-of-the-art remote and in situ detection strategies and technologies that are being currently developed to support the upcoming ExoMars and Mars 2020 missions. They show how the current orbital and ground exploration is guiding the selection for future landing sites. Finally, the book concludes by discussing the critical question of the implications and ethics of finding life on Mars.
Develops theoretical background for real time SHM without assuming previous knowledge of the readers Simulates numerical systems and provide relevant code snippets Conducts experiments based on the demonstrations provided in the chapters and provide relevant benchmark results Establishes multidisciplinary applications for disparate industrial fields
This book provides an up-to-date interdisciplinary geoscience-focused overview of solid solar system bodies and their evolution, based on the comparative description of processes acting on them. Planetary research today is a strongly multidisciplinary endeavor with efforts coming from engineering and natural sciences. Key focal areas of study are the solid surfaces found in our Solar System. Some have a direct interaction with the interplanetary medium and others have dynamic atmospheres. In any of those cases, the geological records of those surfaces (and sub-surfaces) are key to understanding the Solar System as a whole: its evolution and the planetary perspective of our own planet. This book has a modular structure and is divided into 4 sections comprising 15 chapters in total. Each section builds upon the previous one but is also self-standing. The sections are: Methods and tools Processes and Sources Integration and Geological Syntheses Frontiers The latter covers the far-reaching broad topics of exobiology, early life, extreme environments and planetary resources, all areas where major advancements are expected in the forthcoming decades and both key to human exploration of the Solar System. The target readership includes advanced undergraduate students in geoscience-related topics with no specific planetary science knowledge; undergraduates in other natural science domains (e.g. physics, astronomy, biology or chemistry); graduates in engineering and space systems design who want to complement their knowledge in planetary science. The authors' backgrounds span a broad range of topics and disciplines: rooted in Earth geoscience, their expertise covers remote sensing and cartography, field mapping, impact cratering, volcanology and tectonics, sedimentology and stratigraphy exobiology and life in extreme environments, planetary resources and mining. Several generations of planetary scientists are cooperating to provide a modern view on a discipline developed from Earth during and through Space exploration.
The Handbook of Borehole Acoustics and Rock Physics for Reservoir Characterization combines in a single useful handbook the multidisciplinary domains of the petroleum industry, including the fundamental concepts of rock physics, acoustic logging, waveform processing, and geophysical application modeling through graphical examples derived from field data. It includes results from core studies, together with graphics that validate and support the modeling process, and explores all possible facets of acoustic applications in reservoir evaluation for hydrocarbon exploration, development, and drilling support. The Handbook of Borehole Acoustics and Rock Physics for Reservoir Characterization serves as a technical guide and research reference for oil and gas professionals, scientists, and students in the multidisciplinary field of reservoir characterization through the use of petrosonics. It overviews the fundamentals of borehole acoustics and rock physics, with a focus on reservoir evaluation applications, explores current advancements through updated research, and identifies areas of future growth.
Volcanic and Igneous Plumbing Systems: Understanding Magma Transport, Storage, and Evolution in the Earth's Crust synthesizes research from various geoscience disciplines to examine volcanic and igneous plumbing systems (VIPS) in-depth. VIPS comprise a network of magma transport and storage features in the Earth's crust. These features include dykes, sills and larger magma bodies that form the pathway and supply system of magma beneath active volcanoes. Combining basic principles with world-class research and informative illustrations, this unique reference presents a holistic view of each topic covered, including magma transport, magma chambers, tectonics and volcanism. Addressing a variety of approaches to these topics, this book offers researchers and academics in the Earth Science fields, such as geophysics, volcanology and igneous petrology the information they need to apply the information to their own disciplines.
Geophysical Data Analysis: Diverse Inverse Theory, Fourth Edition is a revised and expanded introduction to inverse theory and tomography as it is practiced by geophysicists. It demonstrates the methods needed to analyze a broad spectrum of geophysical datasets, with special attention to those methods that generate images of the earth. Data analysis can be a mathematically complex activity, but the treatment in this volume is carefully designed to emphasize those mathematical techniques that readers will find the most familiar and to systematically introduce less-familiar ones. Using problems and case studies, along with MATLAB computer code and summaries of methods, the book provides data scientists and engineers in geophysics with the tools necessary to understand and apply mathematical techniques and inverse theory.
Acquisition and Processing of Marine Seismic Data demonstrates the main principles, required equipment, and suitable selection of parameters in 2D/3D marine seismic data acquisition, as well as theoretical principles of 2D marine seismic data processing and their practical implications. Featuring detailed datasets and examples, the book helps to relate theoretical background to real seismic data. This reference also contains important QC analysis methods and results both for data acquisition and marine seismic data processing. Acquisition and Processing of Marine Seismic Data is a valuable tool for researchers and students in geophysics, marine seismics, and seismic data, as well as for oil and gas exploration.
This book provides an introductory-level exploration of geophysical fluid dynamics (GFD), the principles governing air and water flows on large terrestrial scales. Physical principles are illustrated with the aid of the simplest existing models, and the computer methods are shown in juxtaposition with the equations to which they apply. It explores contemporary topics of climate dynamics and equatorial dynamics including the Greenhouse Effect, global warming, and the El Nino Southern Oscillation. Combines both physical and numerical aspects of geophysical
fluid dynamics into a single affordable volume
Structure and Tectonics of the Indian Continental Crust and Its Adjoining Region: Deep Seismic Studies, Second Edition, collates essential data from seismic studies of Earth's crust across India, offering an essential understanding of the tectonic development of the Indian subcontinent. Seismic studies have been carried out in various parts of India since 1972, recording crust-related seismic data for determination of velocity-depth configuration and determination of structural patterns. The book examines the details of these studies, including their synthesis and global applications. The book presents both background and applications in one cohesive volume for researchers and students of geophysics and geology.
This thesis is remarkable for the wide range of the techniques and observations used and for its insights, which cross several disciplines. It begins by solving a famous puzzle of the ancient world, which is what was responsible for the tsunami that destroyed settlements in the eastern Mediterranean in 365 AD. By radiocarbon dating of preserved marine organisms, Shaw demonstrates that the whole of western Crete was lifted out of the sea by up to 10 meters in a massive earthquake at that time, which occured on a previously unknown fault. The author shows that the resulting tsunami would have the characteristics described by ancient writers, and uses modern GPS measurements and coastline geomorphology to show that the strain build-up near Crete requires such a tsunami-earthquake about every 6.000 years - a major insight into Mediterranean tsunami hazard. A detailed seismological study of earthquakes in the Cretan arc over the last 50 years reveals other important features of its behaviour that were previously unknown. Finally, she provides fundamental insights into the limitations of radiocarbon dating marine organisms, relating to how they secrete carbon into their skeletons. The thesis resulted in three major papers in top journals.
Transport barriers are observed inhibitors of the spread of substances in flows. The collection of such barriers offers a powerful geometric template that frames the main pathways, or lack thereof, in any transport process. This book surveys effective and mathematically grounded methods for defining, locating and leveraging transport barriers in numerical simulations, laboratory experiments, technological processes and nature. It provides a unified treatment of material developed over the past two decades, focusing on the methods that have a solid foundation and broad applicability to data sets beyond simple model flows. The intended audience ranges from advanced undergraduates to researchers in the areas of turbulence, geophysical flows, aerodynamics, chemical engineering, environmental engineering, flow visualization, computational mathematics and dynamical systems. Detailed open-source implementations of the numerical methods are provided in an accompanying collection of Jupyter notebooks linked from the electronic version of the book.
This thesis presents an important step towards a deeper understanding of naturally fractured carbonate reservoirs (NFCRs). It demonstrates the various kinds of discontinuities using geological evidence, mathematical kinematics model and computed tomography and uses this as a basis for proposing a new classification for NFCRs. Additionally, this study takes advantage of rock mechanics theory to illustrate how natural fractures can collapse due to fluid flow and pressure changes in the fractured media. The explanations and mathematical modeling developed in this dissertation can be used as diagnostic tools to predict fluid velocity, fluid flow, tectonic fracture collapse, pressure behavior during reservoir depleting, considering stress-sensitive and non-stress-sensitive, with nonlinear terms in the diffusivity equation applied to NFCRs. Furthermore, the book presents the description of real reservoirs with their field data as the principal goal in the mathematical description of the realistic phenomenology of NFCRs.
integrating legacy, pathogenic and emerging contaminants and their removal techniques. appealing both to beginners and experts, owing to a diverse level of chapters as well as topics. with numerous case studies illustrating the proof of concepts. providing implications for policy, guidelines, and regulation.
The first "Big History" written from the perspective of a biologist Summarizes multiple perspectives of history Documents the unique conditions for the emergence of life Speculates on the future
This book gives a comprehensive introduction to the new geophysical detection theories, methods and technologies of tunnel engineering under complex geological conditions and environments. It mainly focuses on the application of 3D seismic technique, 3D high-power resistivity sounding, and 3D GPR, etc. There are 7 chapters in the book. Chapter 1 introduces the state of the art and developing trends of geophysical detection technologies for tunnel engineering. Chapter 2 analyzes the complex geological conditions and environments for tunnel construction and the latest geophysical detection technologies. Chapter 3 to Chapter 7 systematically elaborate on the 3D seismic techniques, 3D detection technologies for water content in tunnel surrounding rocks, 3D detection technologies for side/back slope, 3D detection technologies for shield tunneling, and 3D detection technologies for collapse treatment of tunnel construction. The book presents numerous case studies to illustrate the applications of these technologies.
It presents the research that addresses a diverse array of topics on the impact of climate change on plant-microbe interactions and microbial aquatic life, change-induced aggravations in microbial populations and processes. The book also addresses microbial foodborne diseases resulting from challenging climates. Other topics include algae as indicators of climate change and strategies for facilitating sustainable agro-ecosystems.
Provides a well-explained and backgrounded, up-to-date account of close binary systems, in a fast-moving field of research that is growing in scientific importance Surveys a wide range of case-studies within the context of binary and multiple star systems Fills an acknowledged gap in current literature
Data Assimilation for the Geosciences: From Theory to Application brings together all of the mathematical,statistical, and probability background knowledge needed to formulate data assimilation systems in one place. It includes practical exercises for understanding theoretical formulation and presents some aspects of coding the theory with a toy problem. The book also demonstrates how data assimilation systems are implemented in larger scale fluid dynamical problems related to the atmosphere, oceans, as well as the land surface and other geophysical situations. It offers a comprehensive presentation of the subject, from basic principles to advanced methods, such as Particle Filters and Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo methods. Additionally, Data Assimilation for the Geosciences: From Theory to Application covers the applications of data assimilation techniques in various disciplines of the geosciences, making the book useful to students, teachers, and research scientists.
This thesis provides multidisciplinary perspectives on changes in global mass transports, especially in the global water cycle. It investigates the current time-varying states regarding global sea level, terrestrial water storage, mountain glacier mass and highland crustal deformation, drawing on fifteen years of satellite gravimetry observation to do so. The results reveal tremendous changes in various aspects of the global environment, which are due to both anthropogenic and natural factors. Further, the research presented here sheds new light on underlying connections and mechanisms in the global mass transport system.
This book describes the application of non-destructive geophysical methods in subsurface archaeological features. Such non-destructive methods are magnetometry, electrical resistance, electromagnetic conductivity, magnetic susceptibility and ground penetrating radar. This book also includes the last improvements in instrumentation, data processing, and interpretations of the collected data sets leading to the rapid progress in geophysical applications in the field of archaeological investigations. The book also provides complete case-studies and archaeological interpretation obtained our results carried out in different localities around the world. |
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