Books > Medicine > Clinical & internal medicine > Geriatric medicine
Altenpflege ist Beziehungs- und Gefuhlsarbeit. Sie erfordert Mut
und Kompetenz, mit der Vergangenheit alter Menschen umzugehen, mit
erlebtem Lebensgluck ebenso wie mit Trauer und Verzweiflung. Bei
vielen Pflegenden gibt es eine Sehnsucht nach Begegnungen mit alten
Menschen. Trotzdem bleiben viele Kontakte, aus Unsicherheit oder
Angst, an der Oberflache. Eine wesentliche empathische Erfahrung
geht damit verloren. Denn es koennen besondere Begegnungen
entstehen, wenn Pflegepersonen es wagen, sich wirklich auf alte
Menschen einzulassen. Genau diese magischen Momente sind es, die
Altenpflege fur viele Pflegende so spannend machen. Sie starken die
Berufszufriedenheit, geben Kraft fur schwierige berufliche Zeiten
und sind ein, bis dato voellig unterschatzter Grund, warum
Pflegende im Beruf bleiben. Sonja Schiff erzahlt ihre eigenen
Schlusselerlebnisse mit alten Menschen und lasst auch andere
Personen - unterschiedliche Professionisten aus der Altenpflege-
und Altenbetreuung - in Form von strukturierten Interviews zu Wort
kommen. Es entstanden Geschichten, die die Leserin/den Leser tief
beruhren und Kraft geben. Gepaart mit einem leidenschaftlichen
Pladoyer fur eine dringende Weiterentwicklung der Altenpflege und
Kritik am bestehenden System, geht sie auch der Frage nach, welchen
Anteil Pflegepersonen selbst an der Erreichung eines magischen
Moments haben und wie sie diese umsetzen koennen. Jedes Kapitel
wird eingeleitet und mit Aufgaben beendet, die zum Ausprobieren
motivieren. Ein "Mutmach-Buch" fur alle Pflege- und
Betreuungskrafte der Altenpflege. Es richtet sich aber auch an
Fuhrungskrafte von Altenpflegeeinrichtungen, Angehoerige und
sozialpolitisch tatige Personen.
Through a uniquely multidisciplinary lens, Ethics and Vulnerable
Elders: The Quest for Individuals Rights and a Just Society employs
a highly principled approach to ethics and addresses current issues
affecting vulnerable older adults. The book illuminates the current
and future challenges facing older adult populations and provides
effective frameworks for their resolution. The text features 19
chapters written by experts, which are then divided into four
sections. The opening chapter introduces the framework for the book
and addresses key concepts in ethics. Each of the four sections
that follow addresses a particular category of vulnerability,
namely compromised health, effective status, care arrangement, and
abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Specific topics include cognitive
impairment, physical disability, gender, sexual orientation,
residential long-term care, self-neglect, correctional settings,
victimization, and more. Each chapter includes a summary; case
study; discussion of applicable principles of ethics, including
autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice; resources for
follow-up; and questions for further consideration. Ethics and
Vulnerable Elders is an ideal resource for law school and graduate
school programs with focus on gerontology, disability, social work,
public health, elder and family law, and health care management.
Social Theories of Aging: A Brief Synopsis introduces students to a
broad spectrum of social theories on aging. Each theory is
categorized as first, second, or third generation according to
three theoretical levels: micro-level (individual aging theories),
macro-level (societal aging theories), and micro-macro-level
(emerging theories). The book provides students not only with a
synopsis of key theories but with the agency to create their own
knowledge and search for answers within the gerontology discipline.
Over the course of six chapters, students explore a variety of
generational theories. Each overview presents a theory's level,
intellectual origins, and basic tenets. The theories span many
fields and subfields of gerontology including social gerontology,
sociology, anthropology, public administration, psychology, social
work, and geriatrics. Activity Theory, Disengagement Theory,
Modernization Theory, Continuity Theory, Exchange Theory, Age
Stratification, Social Constructionist, and Transformative Learning
Theory are just a few of the theories addressed in the text. Highly
accessible and concise in nature, Social Theories of Aging is an
ideal textbook for introductory gerontology courses. It can also be
used in graduate level courses to remind students of the
theoretical underpinnings of gerontology.
A concise and up-to-date text on the mental health of older people,
this second edition is fully updated to reflect changes in
technology, competency-based training, guidelines, law and
treatments. Each chapter sits alone as an informative, readable and
helpful resource for a range of health care professionals. Together
the chapters form an essential text that contributes to the rising
standards in old age psychiatry. With practical guidelines on
clinical management, this edition also includes new sections on
topics such as palliative care and migrant health, all written by a
global authorship, considering international perspectives. Targeted
at qualified and trainee consultant psychiatrists, this text is
also useful to other doctors, medical students and healthcare
professionals who work with older people.
Written by key researchers and practitioners in the field, this book presents an overview of gerontology appropriate for graduate and advanced undergraduate students. It includes seminal chapters on theory, methodology, physiological processes, health, culture, dying and bereavement, cognitive processes and intellectual abilities, personality, assessment, clinical issues and competency, caregiving, and public policy issues. Each chapter includes review questions and a list of additional reference sources.