Books > Medicine > Clinical & internal medicine > Geriatric medicine
Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) and giant cell arteritis (GCA) are
related conditions occurring almost exclusively in older people.
Polymyalgia rheumatica is considered to be the rheumatic disease
that is subject to the widest variations of clinical practice,
partially due to the considerable uncertainty related to diagnosis
and outcomes. Giant cell arteritis, an inflammatory form of
vasculitis, may present with a broad spectrum of clinical
manifestations and can be complicated by acute ischemic events, the
most serious of which is permanent blindness. Early recognition and
adequate treatment of the condition is thus necessary to prevent
patients' loss of independence and to maintain their quality of
life. Part of the Oxford Rheumatology Library series, Polymyalgia
Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis provides quick and practically
relevant information on several aspects of the diseases,
particularly on diagnosis and management, with the ultimate aim of
improving the patient's care. Chapters highlight current concepts
of pathogenesis, recent advances of diagnostic and therapeutic
approaches, and the ongoing research into the identification of new
biomarkers and corticosteroid-sparing medications. Each chapter is
complemented with key message boxes highlighting the most relevant
information for clinical practice. This concise but comprehensive
reference is particularly suited for rheumatologists, general
practitioners, and other professionals caring for patients with PMR
and GCA.
Geriatric Psycho-Oncology is a comprehensive handbook that provides
best practice models for the management of psychological,
cognitive, and social outcomes of older adults living with cancer
and their families. Chapters cover a wide range of topics including
screening tools and interventions, psychiatric emergencies and
disorders, physical symptom management, communication issues, and
issues specific to common cancer sites. A resource section is
appended to provide information on national services and programs.
This book features contributions from experts designed to help
clinicians review, anticipate and respond to emotional issues that
often arise in the context of treating older cancer patients.
Cross-references, succinct tables and figures make this concise
reference easy to use. Geriatric Psycho-Oncology is an ideal
resource for helping oncologists and nurses recognize when it may
be best to refer patients to their mental health colleagues and for
those who are establishing or adding psychosocial components to
existing clinics.
Urs Kalbermatten und Ladislav Valach ubertragen Handlungstheorie
erfolgreich auf angewandte Forschung und verschiedene Praxisfelder
in Gerontologie, Paarbeziehungen im Alter, Lebensubergange,
Beratung, Psychotherapie, Pravention und Rehabilitation. Sie
belegen mit ihrer vierzigjahrigen Weiterentwicklung
handlungstheoretischerKonzepte und Modelle, wie diese eine bessere
Konzeptualisierung von Praxisfeldern, eine wirkungsvolle praktische
Tatigkeit und auch eine evidenzbasierte, theoriegestutzte
Intervention ermoeglicht.
The Health Services Executive (HSE (TM)): Tools for Leading
Long-Term Care and Senior Living Organizations serves as a
contemporary and comprehensive resource that addresses each of the
core professional domains of practice and leadership essentials for
long-term care administration students and professionals. With
sections dedicated to post-acute care settings, operations,
leadership and management, this textbook covers information
pertinent to the spectrum of senior living service lines - from
inpatient rehab facilities, long term acute care hospitals, nursing
homes, assisted living and residential care communities to
home-and-community-based services. It is a practical reference for
both undergraduate and graduate students preparing to enter the
field of long-term care administration and leadership, for
professionals transitioning to another line of post-acute service.
The textbook begins with a thorough history of the field, including
the development of senior services in the United States. Section I
then describes the components of customer care, supports, and
services before transitioning into Section II, which addresses
operations, including the core practice domains of effectively
managing human resources, finances, and the environment. Section
III offers a framework for leadership, covering strategic thinking
and innovation, marketing and public relations, critical thinking
and operation practice, working with people throughout the
long-term care team, customer service, and personal development.
Case examples, discussion questions, leadership essentials,
high-impact practices, key points, and NAB domain competencies
conclude each chapter. Written by two highly experienced long-term
care administrators, this textbook is intended for those preparing
for the examinations administered by the National Association of
Long-Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB) for the HSE (TM)
qualification or licensure for individual lines of service, such as
for Nursing Home Administration (NHA), Residential Care and
Assisted Living (RC/AL) and Home-and-Community-based Services
(HCBS). Key Features: Provides best practices for leadership and
management across the continuum of long-term care and senior living
services Covers all five NAB professional practice domains -
Customer Care, Supports and Services, Human Resources, Finance,
Environment, and Leadership and Management Includes case problems,
discussion questions and more to foster critical thinking and
decision-making skills Offers coverage of the most unique
differences among service lines that are part of the HSE (TM)
initiative Insightful quotes from industry leaders woven throughout
chapters for practical tips and words of wisdom Comes with access
to a fully downloadable eBook, as well as a full suite of
instructor resources including PowerPoint slides and a test bank
Medical issues typically presented by seniors, disabilities that
accompany the aging process, and nursing home situations are
addressed throughout so as to give clinicians the facts they need
to work with elderly clients. All major drug classes receive
comprehensive coverage: antidepressants, antipsychotics,
anxiolytics, mood stabilizers, and cognitive enhancers. For each
class, Sadavoy addresses the impact that changes in human
physiology have on the standard directives for prescription and the
necessary warnings regarding side effects and cross-indication. A
wide range of disorders is addressed with particular emphasis on
disturbances and disorders that are encountered when treating the
mental health of the elderly: Alzheimer's Disease and other forms
of dementia, behavioral disturbances, anxiety and depression, mania
and other mood disorders, and various forms and presentations of
psychosis. The comprehensive presentation of dispensing directions
is rigorously based on the most current research and accepted
clinical practice. Psychotropic Drugs and the Elderly: Fast Facts
is organized in the same format as Norton's other titles in the
highly successful "Fast Facts" series with individual chapters
devoted to classes of medications and all critical information
presented in easy-to-read tables and charts. With authoritative
content and a well-planned presentation, this handy guide is
essential reading for physicians, psychogeriatricians and all
mental health professionals who treat the elderly.
This text provides a comprehensive, state of the art review of this
field and will serve as a resource for urologists, colorectal
surgeons, geriatricians, and gynecologists as well as researchers
interested in neuromuscular phenomena in the pelvis. The book also
reviews new data regarding risk factors for pelvic floor muscle
dysfunction and profiles new minimally invasive surgical strategies
for well known pelvic disease processes. Each chapter is chock full
of data from landmark trials which have been published over the
past few years and placed in context with respect to current
management techniques for pelvic floor disorders. Written by
experts in their field, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Pelvic Surgery
in the Elderly: An Integrated Approach provides a concise yet
comprehensive summary to help guide patient management.
This is the second edition of the Oxford Specialist Handbook in
Parkinson's Disease and Other Movement Disorders aiming to provide
its readership with the latest developments and innovation across
the discipline. Alongside this update in content, the addition of
new, insightful sections suggested by readers and other experts in
the field, will allow the handbook to further develop as the
premier quick reference guide for movement disorders. The varied
and detailed composition of the handbook's chapters is extremely
useful for the various readership of this title. The new edition
advances the the knowledge and depth of the previous edition with
the addition of a number of new sections. This new and improved
edition will be a welcome and extremely useful addition to the
neurological world.
With an ageing population, there is little doubt that the majority
of hospital-based consultants and their teams will care for older
patients and the many complications this presents. This book
provides an evidence-based guide for both trainees and consultants
in geriatric medicine and those interested in geriatric medicine.
Designed in line with the core Royal College curriculum, it
provides a comprehensive and relevant guide to the issues seen in
everyday geriatric medicine practice across the world. Presented in
an easy-to-use double page spread format, highly bulleted and
concise, Oxford Desk Reference: Geriatric Medicine is ideal for
quick referral for both trainees and consultants. Contributions
from the leading figures in geriatric medicine throughout the world
make this book indispensable for all those working in the field,
and for all those who have to deal with older patients.
Die Autoren stellen eine Untersuchung der Bedarfslagen von Menschen
mit Demenz (MmD) vor, die eine umfangreiche Analyse von
Behandlungsdokumenten gerontopsychiatrischer Patienten,
Experteninterviews sowie eine Befragung von einweisenden Hausarzten
umfasst. Haufig liegt der Schwerpunkt der sozialen, pflegerischen
und/oder medizinischen Bedarfslagen an der ambulant-stationaren
Schnittstelle. Die genannten Aspekte bilden in ihrer Komplexitat
und ihrem Zusammenspiel das dynamische Konzept der Dementia Care
Sensitive Demands (DCSD). Dieses Konzept kann Akteuren
verschiedener Berufe, die an der Versorgung von MmD beteiligt sind,
eine strukturierte Analyse der Bedarfe und ihres komplexen
Zusammenwirkens ermoeglichen und eine multiprofessionelle
Zusammenarbeit darstellbar machen.
Ageing populations mean that palliative and end of life care for
older people must assume greater priority. Indeed, there is an
urgent need to improve the experiences of older people at the end
of life, given that they have been identified as the 'disadvantaged
dying'. To date, models of care are underpinned by the ideals of
specialist palliative care which were developed to meet the needs
of predominantly middle-aged and 'young old' people, and evidence
suggests these may not be adequate for the older population group.
This book identifies ways forward for improving the end of life
experiences of older people by taking an interdisciplinary and
international approach. Providing a synergy between the currently
disparate literature of gerontology and palliative care, a wide
range of leading international experts contribute to discussions
regarding priority areas in relation to ageing and end of life
care. Some authors take a theoretical focus, others a very
practical approach rooted in their clinical and research
experience. The issues covered are diverse, as are the countries in
which discussions are contextualised. Those working in both
palliative care and gerontology will find the issues and advice
discussed in this book hugely topical and of real practical value.
Reingard Lange beleuchtet vier Bereiche der sozialen Vernetzung bei
Menschen mit beginnender Demenz: im engsten sozialen Umfeld,
zusammen mit Profis bzw. Hilfeorganisationen, im Gemeinwesen und
mit anderen gleichermassen Betroffenen. In Gruppengesprachen
beschreiben Menschen mit beginnender Demenz und Angehoerige die
Veranderungen, die die Erkrankung mit sich bringt und die Bedeutung
der Vernetzung als Ressource. In der Auswertung der Gesprache
werden Spannungsfelder und hilfreiche Differenzierungen erkennbar.
Die Studie gibt praxistaugliche Handlungsempfehlungen, wie
Vernetzung als Zusammenleben und Zusammenwirken von und fur
Menschen mit Demenz und ihre Angehoerigen gestaltet werden kann.
This book describes the changes in the brain and in cognitive
functions that occur with aging in the absence of a neurological,
psychiatric, or medical disease. It discusses aging-related changes
in many brain functions, including memory, language, sensory
perception, motor function, creativity, attention, executive
functions, emotions and mood. The neural mechanisms that may
account for specific aging-related changes in cognition, perception
and behavior are explored, as well as the means by which
aging-related cognitive decrements can be managed and possibly
ameliorated. Consequently, this book will be of value to
clinicians, including neurologists, psychiatrists, geriatricians,
primary care physicians, psychologists and speech-language
pathologists. In addition, researchers and graduate students who
want to learn about the aging brain will find this an indispensable
Older people have complex and unique primary care needs. The
frequent occurrence of co-morbidities, polypharmacy, psychological,
social and functional impairments can impact on the way problems
present making the diagnosis and treatment more challenging for the
primary care physician. The provision of healthcare is becoming
more community-based and national service frameworks have
highlighted the special healthcare needs of older people. This
means that treating older patients will become an even larger
proportion of the daily work of the general practitioner. Packed
full of practical and down to earth advice for clinicians
specialising in the care of older people, this book examines real
problems that present on a day-to-day basis in the primary care
environment. It provides GPs with specific advice and guidance to
help them in the management of the often complex conditions that
present in older people. Written by practising clinicians who are
experts in the field, this book covers a diverse range of subjects
from stroke medicine to incontinence to the role that the voluntary
sector plays in the care of older people. It includes clinical case
scenarios throughout and colour photographs in chapters on areas
such as ophthalmology and dermatology enable readers to
effortlessly understand the points being made. Easy to read and
with most chapters co-authored by a specialist and a general
practitioner, this book provides GPs, community and practice
nurses, and those specialising in the care of older patients with
an indispensable resource they can use to find practical advice
from specialists in the field, including tips on differential
diagnosis and summaries of the existing evidence-base and
guidelines on treatment.
Dieses essential ist eine wertvolle Orientierungshilfe zum Thema
Sexualstrafrecht fur Menschen in Pflegeberufen in der Aus-, Fort-
und Weiterbildung. Ulf Haakon Dammann liefert eine kompakte
UEbersicht uber Erkenntnismerkmale, Definitionen und Beispiele
sowie Verhaltensweisen im Umgang mit Opfern (sexueller) Gewalt. Der
Autor erlautert wesentliche Aspekte des Sexualstrafrechts in
Deutschland und bereitet diese als Praxistipps fur Menschen in
Pflegeberufen auf.
Dementia can be a distressing condition, for the sufferer, and for
families and other carers. Management of dementia is never easy,
and involves facing some unpleasant problems and difficult choices.
The right approach and expertise can minimise the unpleasantness
and make dementia manageable, while inexperienced or inexpert
management has the potential to cause unnecessary distress and
disability, mis-directed resources, frustrated care staff, unduly
long periods spent in hospital and premature care home placement.
Dementia Care is a practical manual for health and sociacare
professionals in their encounters with people with dementia. It
covers a wide range of information in a short, easily-accessible
handbook format and broadly follows the journey of a person with
dementia from first presentation to health or social services,
through problems and their management, to the final stages of the
illness. The book is rooted in the extensive experience of the
authors in managing dementia in the community, in hospital and care
homes and hopes to make the necessary expertise available and
accessible in a form that will be useful to the whole range of
medical, health and social care staff looking after people with
dementia and their families.
Although the perceptions and realities of ageing have changed
markedly over the last few decades, for practitioners working with
older people, emotional problems remain a major factor of health
and happiness in later life. This handbook provides a concise,
authoritative and up to date guide to best practice in therapy for
older people, for a wide range of mental health
The editors bring together chapters by experienced trainers and
clinicians that cover all the significant problems and issues in
the assessment and treatment of emotional disorders in later life.
The introductory chapters examine the individual, social, cultural
and physical experience of ageing, and provide an essential
background for a caring and professional understanding of related
emotional disorders and their effective treatment. Throughout the
book, key research and clinical experience is reported as
underlying evidence based treatment, but the emphasis is on
practical guidance for assessment and interventions, rather than
detailed discussion of methodological issues. With each chapter
written by a specialist in their field, a range of expertise is
provided in a single source, making this book an invaluable
resource for anyone dealing with the mental health needs of older
Wie geht es dir - Wie geht es mir: Rat und Tat fur pflegende
Angehoerige mit empathischen und leicht verstandlichen Antworten
auf die wichtigsten Fragen. Die Autorin kennt die Probleme und
Fragen durch ihre jahrelange Tatigkeit als Leiterin von
Angehoerigenkursen. Praxisnah erlautert sie die pflegerischen
Grundlagen wie Grundpflege, Ernahrung, Lagerung,
Krankenbeobachtung, Vorbeugung vor Zweiterkrankungen, Dekubitus-
und Wundversorgung etc. Zusatzlich gibt sie Tipps zur Pflege und
zum Umgang mit dem MDK, ambulanten Pflegediensten und anderen
Dienstleistern. Das Pflegewissen ist in kurzen Checklisten
zusammengefasst. Im praktischen Anhang: Adressen von
Selbsthilfegruppen, Formulare und ein Lexikon medizinischer und
pflegerischer Fachbegriffe.