Books > Medicine > General issues > Health systems & services > Hospital administration & management
This series of books focuses on highly specialized Emergency
Management arrangements for healthcare facilities and
organizations. It is designed to assist any healthcare executive
with a body of knowledge which permits a transition into the
application of emergency management planning and procedures for
healthcare facilities and organizations.This series is intended for
both experienced practitioners of both healthcare management and
emergency management, and also for students of these two
Leaders in healthcare today face many challenges ranging from
managing interprofessional teams and teamwork, to payment reform,
to tackling issues such as homelessness and the opioid crisis.
Leaders have access to depth of information and resources to help
them solve these complex and real-world problems. However, it is
our belief that given the complexities of healthcare, there is
value in sharing and learning from those who have first-hand
experience with interprofessional leadership in healthcare.
Challenges and Opportunities in Healthcare Leadership: Voices from
the Crowd in Today's Complex and Interprofessional Healthcare
Environment, is a volume in a book series titled, Contemporary
Perspectives in Business Leadership. In this book, authors share
their true, authentic reflections and professional stories
describing the lived experience(s) of the author/leaders and how
the experience changed the author/leaders' approach as an
interprofessional leader. Each chapter includes a (1) story about
the topic and the lived experience, (2) perspectives, and (3)
lessons of the author(s). Additionally, scholarly commentary and
discussion questions included within each chapter create
opportunity for application to leadership theories and strategies
as well as allow for reflection and further dialogue on the topic.
The intended audience is broad, including faculty and students in
institutions of higher education, interprofessional healthcare team
leaders and members, and other healthcare stakeholders who have
experience in interprofessional healthcare leadership. The book is
applicable for leadership growth and development at a personal,
group, or organizational level.
Die Proceedings der 35. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fur
Medizinische Dokumentation, Informatik und Statistik geben einen
UEberblick uber die derzeit wichtigen Forschungsschwerpunkte der
Epidemiologie. Dabei konnten zum ersten Mal auch Beitrage aus der
ehemaligen DDR in groesserer Zahl eingebracht werden. Schwerpunkte
des Proceedingsbandes bilden die Epidemiologie kardiovaskularer
Erkrankungen, die Umweltepidemiologie, die Epidemiologie von
Berufskrankheiten und das epidemiologische Monitoring von
Krebserkrankungen und Infektionskrankheiten. Die Qualitat
verfugbarer Datenquellen wird kritisch diskutiert und die Bedeutung
der Epidemiologie fur eine Verbesserung der
Gesundheitsberichterstattung in den alten und in den neuen
Bundeslandern klargelegt. Daruber hinaus werden methodische
Probleme und unterstutzende Techniken der Medizinischen Informatik
Der Tagungsband gibt einen Uberblick uber den gegenwartigen Stand
der Forschung auf dem Gebiete der Mustererkennung vorwiegend im
deutschsprachigen Raum. Er ist gegliedert in - Sensorgestaltung fur
Zwecke der Mustererkennung - Wissen, neuronale Netze -
Spracherkennung, Sprachverstehen - Grundlagen der Mustererkennung -
Signalverarbeitung und Mustererkennung angepasst an gegebene
Sensoreigenschaften - spezielle Hardwarearchitekturen -
Softwarewerkzeuge und Umgebungen - medizinische Anwendungen -
industrielle Anwendungen - Bildfolgen, Mehrfachbilder,
Computervision. Die Autoren der einzelnen Beitrage haben die
relevanten Ergebnisse in Diagrammen und Bildern dargestellt."
Der Proceedingsband enth{lt ausgew{hlte ausgew{hlte refe- rierte
Aufs{tze sowohl zu innovativen Entwicklungen in den Disziplinen
Biometrie und Medizinische Informatik als auch }ber den Einsatz
bekannter, bew{hrter Konzepte aus diesen Fachbereichen in der
Medizin. Behandelt werden spezielle Fragestellungen zu den Themen
Epidemiologie, methodische Therapieforschung, Nachweis
therapeutischer Oquivalenz, Dia- gnostik und Monitoring von
Krankheitsprozessen, Modellierung biologischer Mechanismen,
biometrische Methoden, medizini- sche Dokumentation, L-sungsans{tze
f}r Informationssysteme, spezielle Hard- und Softwarel-sungen,
Expertensysteme, Bild- kommunikation und Archivierung,
Bilderzeugung, wissensba- sierte Bildinterpretation und 3-d
This book provides an overview of the challenges in electronic
health records (EHR) design and implementation along with an
introduction to the best practices that have been identified over
the past several years. The book examines concerns surrounding EHR
use and proposes eight examples of proper EHR use. It discusses the
complex strategic planning that accompanies the systemic
organizational changes associated with EHR programs and highlights
key lessons learned regarding health information including
technology errors and risk management concerns."
Reflection is a process by which professionals consider experiences
to gain insights about their practice. It supports people to
continually improve the way they work and the care they provide, it
allows for mistakes to be accepted and analysed rather than
repeated, and it is encouraged by professional bodies wishing to
foster improvements in services and continuous professional
development. Specifically designed for staff working across health
and social care, this self-development workbook guides users to
reflect on experiences, focus their thoughts, generate new ideas
about what good practice looks like, and understand the impact of
their actions on others. Expert CQC inspector Terri Salt stresses
that through careful reflection everyone in a service can make a
difference - and that only when every member of staff seeks to do
so can services move beyond the ordinary and start to become
genuinely 'Outstanding'.
This series of books focuses on highly specialized Emergency
Management arrangements for healthcare facilities and
organizations. It is designed to assist any healthcare executive
with a body of knowledge which permits a transition into the
application of emergency management planning and procedures for
healthcare facilities and organizations. This series is intended
for both experienced practitioners of both healthcare management
and emergency management, and also for students of these two
As its name implies, this book deals with clinical inforrnation
systems. The clinical inforrnation system (or CIS) is an automated
system with a long term database containing clinical inforrnation
used for patient care. This definition excludes business systems
(no clinical data), physiological monitaring systems (no long terrn
database), and many research systems (not used in patient care).
The theses of this book are (a) that CIS technology is mature, (b)
that the CIS will have a major impact upon patient care and the
health delivery system, and ( c) that the number of commercial
systems which now offer these potential benefits is very small. The
objective of this book is to establish the above theses and thereby
(a) inform both users and developers, (b) increase the demand for
more sophisticated products, and finally, (c) provide marketplace
incentives to advance the state of the art. The CIS is an
application of computer technology for a specific class of
problems. Its development requires a knowledge of the technology
with an understanding of the application area. As with any
tool-based application, the scope of the product will be limited by
the capability of the tool. In the case of the CIS, reliable
computers with comprehensive database facilities became com
mercially available in the early 1970s. By the mid 1970s there was
a maturation of the literature, and evaluations of 5-years' use
began to appear. As will be shown, there have been surprisingly few
new ideas introduced since the 1970s."
Die Schwarzung eines Rontgenfilms stellt ihrem Wesen nach das
dokumen tierte und gespeicherte Ergebnis einer Photonen-Messung
dar. Allerdings werden davon in der arztlichen Diagnostik bis auf
den heutigen Tag ihre rein morphologischen Moglichkeiten, ihre
qualitativen Proportionen und Relationen wei taus bevorzugt,
wahrend die auch gegebenen 1Qglichkeiten quantitativer Analysen aus
dem Zusarnrnenhang zwischen Rontgenstrahlung, durchstrahlter
Materie und Filmschwarzung wie der sogenannten "nicht invasiven"
oder "zerstorungsfreien" Konzentrationsbestirnmung geeig- neter
Elemente im Gewebe des lebenden Organismus vergleichsweise sehr
vernachllssigt erscheinen. Indessen besteht unzweifelhaft ein
erheb- liches klinisches Interesse an der quantitativen Aussage aus
dem Ront- genbild. uBerungen zum Mineralgehalt des Knochenskeletts,
zum Grad der "Anfarbung" der Hohlsysteme
kontrastmittelausscheidender Organe anlaB- lich der klinischen
Rontgendemonstration durch den Radiologen gehoren zur Tagesordnung.
Die Grenzen der konventionellen visuellen Beurteilung des
Rontgenbil- des werden hier jedoch sehr rasch an den Kriterien der
Reproduzierbar- keit [81, 105] und quantitativen Sensitivitat
deutlich, wie das Bei- spiel eines Aussageversuchs tiber den
Mineralgehalt des Knochens zeigt: 1m allgemeinen ist eine diffuse
Entkalkung des Skeletts erst bei einer Verminderung des
Mineralgehalts von mindestens 30%, in der Regel von 50 bis 60%
rontgenologisch erkennbar [7, 8, 73, 119, 120, 238, 262].