Books > Science & Mathematics > Chemistry > Physical chemistry
Aerosol science and engineering is a vibrant field of particle
technology and chemical reaction engineering. The book presents a
timely account of this interdisciplinary topic and its various
application areas. It will be of interest to scientists or
engineers active in aerosol physics, aerosol or colloid chemistry,
atmospheric processes, and chemical, mechanical, environmental
and/or materials engineering.
Cosmetic Science and Technology: Theoretical Principles and
Applications covers the fundamental aspects of cosmetic science
that are necessary to understand material development, formulation,
and the dermatological effects that result from the use of these
products. The book fulfills this role by offering a comprehensive
view of cosmetic science and technology, including environmental
and dermatological concerns. As the cosmetics field quickly applies
cutting-edge research to high value commercial products that have a
large impact in our lives and on the world's economy, this book is
an indispensable source of information that is ideal for
experienced researchers and scientists, as well as non-scientists
who want to learn more about this topic on an introductory level.
Advances in Biomembranes and Lipid Self-Assembly, formerly titled
Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes, provides a global
platform for a broad community of experimental and theoretical
researchers studying cell membranes, lipid model membranes, and
lipid self-assemblies from the micro- to the nanoscale. Planar
lipid bilayers are widely studied due to their ubiquity in nature,
also finding application in the formulation of biomimetic model
membranes. Section topics in this release cover Ras Proteolipid
nano-assemblies on the plasma membrane, gold nanomaterials, recent
advances in cancer theranostics, and the interactions of flavonoids
with lipidic mesophases, amongst other highly resourceful topics.
Self-assembled lipid structures have enormous potential as dynamic
materials, ranging from artificial lipid membranes, to cell
membranes, from biosensing, to controlled drug delivery, and from
pharmaceutical formulations, to novel food products, to name a few.
This series represents both original research and comprehensive
reviews written by world-leading experts and young researchers.
Materials Under Extreme Conditions: Recent Trends and Future
Prospects analyzes the chemical transformation and decomposition of
materials exposed to extreme conditions, such as high temperature,
high pressure, hostile chemical environments, high radiation
fields, high vacuum, high magnetic and electric fields, wear and
abrasion related to chemical bonding, special crystallographic
features, and microstructures. The materials covered in this work
encompass oxides, non-oxides, alloys and intermetallics, glasses,
and carbon-based materials. The book is written for researchers in
academia and industry, and technologists in chemical engineering,
materials chemistry, chemistry, and condensed matter physics.
This book meets the long-felt need for a reference on ferrocenes
with the focus on catalysis. It provides a thorough overview of the
synthesis and characterization of different types of chiral
ferrocene ligands, their application to various catalytic
asymmetric reactions, and versatile chiral materials as well as
drug intermediates synthesized from them. Written by the "who's
who" of ferrocene catalysis, this is a guide to the design of new
ferrocene ligands and synthesis of chiral synthetic intermediates,
and will thus be useful for organic, catalytic and synthetic
chemists working in academia, industrial research or process
Corrosion is a high-cost and potentially hazardous issue in
numerous industries. The potential use of diverse carbon
nanoallotropes in corrosion protection, prevention and control is a
subject of rising attention. This book covers the current
advancements of carbon nanoallotropes in metal corrosion
management, including the usage of nanostructure materials to
produce high-performance corrosion inhibitors and
corrosion-resistant coatings.
'Clary's account makes for fascinating reading, not least because
of its clear style and copious citation of primary sources and
original scientific articles. The author provides a compelling
narrative of ... Schroedinger's departure in 1933 from a highly
eminent position at the University of Berlin to a precarious,
untenured position at Magdalen College ... with political and
scientific considerations deftly woven together.' [Read Full
Review]ScienceErwin Schroedinger was one of the greatest scientists
of all time but it is not widely known that he was a Fellow at
Magdalen College, Oxford in the 1930s. This book is an
authoritative account of Schroedinger's time in Oxford by Sir David
Clary, an expert on quantum chemistry and a former President of
Magdalen College, who describes Schroedinger's remarkable life and
scientific contributions in a language that can be understood by
all. Through access to many unpublished manuscripts, the author
reveals in unprecedented detail the events leading up to
Schroedinger's sudden departure from Berlin in 1933, his arrival in
Oxford and award of the Nobel Prize, his dramatic escape from the
Nazis in Austria to return to Oxford, and his urgent flight from
Belgium to Dublin at the start of the Second World War.The book
presents many acute observations from Schroedinger's wife Anny and
his daughter Ruth, who was born in Oxford and became an
acquaintance of the author in the last years of her life. It also
includes a remarkable letter sent to Schroedinger in Oxford from
Adolf Hitler, thanking him for his services to the state as a
professor in Berlin. Schroedinger's intense interactions with other
great scientists who were also refugees during this period,
including Albert Einstein and Max Born, are examined in the context
of the chaotic political atmosphere of the time. Fascinating
anecdotes of how this flamboyant Austrian scientist interacted with
the President and Fellows of a highly traditional Oxford College in
the 1930s are a novel feature of the book.A gripping and intimate
narrative of one of the most colourful scientists in history,
Schroedinger in Oxford explains how his revolutionary breakthrough
in quantum mechanics has become such a central feature in 21st
century science.
This book sheds light on the molecular aspects of liquids and
liquid-based materials such as organic or inorganic liquids, ionic
liquids, proteins, biomaterials, and soft materials including gels.
The reader discovers how the molecular basics of such systems are
connected with their properties, dynamics, and functions. Once the
use and application of liquids and liquid-based materials are
understood, the book becomes a source of the latest, detailed
knowledge of their structures, dynamics, and functions emerging
from molecularity. The systems discussed in the book have
structural dimensions varying from nanometers to millimeters, thus
the precise estimation of structures and dynamics from
experimental, theoretical, and simulation methods is of crucial
importance. Outlines of the practical knowledge needed in research
and development are helpfully included in the book.
NMR of Paramagnetic Molecules: Applications to Metallobiomolecules
and Models, Second Edition is a self-contained, comprehensive
reference for chemists, physicists, and life scientists whose
research involves analyzing paramagnetic compounds. Since the
previous edition of this book was published, there have been many
advancements in the field of paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy. This
completely updated and expanded edition contains the latest
fundamental theory and methods for mastery of this analytical
technique. Users will learn how to interpret the NMR spectra of
paramagnetic molecules, improve experimental techniques, and
strengthen their understanding of the underlying theory and
The goal of Interface Science and Composites is to facilitate the
manufacture of technological materials with optimized properties on
the basis of a comprehensive understanding of the molecular
structure of interfaces and their resulting influence on composite
materials processes. From the early development of composites of
various natures, the optimization of the interface has been of
major importance. While there are many reference books available on
composites, few deal specifically with the science and mechanics of
the interface of materials and composites. Further, many recent
advances in composite interfaces are scattered across the
literature and are here assembled in a readily accessible form,
bringing together recent developments in the field, both from the
materials science and mechanics perspective, in a single convenient
volume. The central theme of the book is tailoring the interface
science of composites to optimize the basic physical principles
rather than on the use of materials and the mechanical performance
and structural integrity of composites with enhanced
strength/stiffness and fracture toughness (or specific fracture
resistance). It also deals mainly with interfaces in advanced
composites made from high-performance fibers, such as glass,
carbon, aramid, and some inorganic fibers, and matrix materials
encompassing polymers, carbon, metals/alloys, and ceramics.
Thermodynamics is a self-contained analysis of physical and
chemical processes based on classical thermodynamic principles.
Emphasis is placed on the fundamental principles with a combination
of theory and practice, demonstrating their application to a
variety of disciplines. This edition has been completely revised
and updated to include new material and novel formulations,
including new formulation and interpretation of The Second Law,
discussions of heat vs. work, uniqueness of chemical potential, and
construction of functions of state. This book will appeal to
graduate students and professional chemists and physicists who wish
to acquire a more sophisticated overview of thermodynamics and
related subject matter.
Practical Chemical Thermodynamics for Geoscientists covers
classical chemical thermodynamics and focuses on applications to
practical problems in the geosciences, environmental sciences, and
planetary sciences. This book will provide a strong theoretical
foundation for students, while also proving beneficial for earth
and planetary scientists seeking a review of thermodynamic
principles and their application to a specific problem.
Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Nanofluid Flow in Microchannels:
Simulation of Heat and Mass Transfer focuses on the numerical
simulation of passive techniques, and also covers the applications
of external forces on heat transfer enhancement of nanofluids in
microchannels. Economic and environmental incentives have increased
efforts to reduce energy consumption. Heat transfer enhancement,
augmentation, or intensification are the terms that many scientists
employ in their efforts in energy consumption reduction. These can
be divided into (a) active techniques which require external forces
such as magnetic force, and (b) passive techniques which do not
require external forces, including geometry refinement and fluid
Thermodynamic Approaches in Engineering Systems responds to the
need for a synthesizing volume that throws light upon the extensive
field of thermodynamics from a chemical engineering perspective
that applies basic ideas and key results from the field to chemical
engineering problems. This book outlines and interprets the most
valuable achievements in applied non-equilibrium thermodynamics
obtained within the recent fifty years. It synthesizes nontrivial
achievements of thermodynamics in important branches of chemical
and biochemical engineering. Readers will gain an update on what
has been achieved, what new research problems could be stated, and
what kind of further studies should be developed within specialized
Global economic demands and population surges have led to dwindling
resources and problematic environmental issues. As the climate and
its natural resources continue to struggle, it has become necessary
to research and employ new forms of sustainable technology to help
meet the growing demand. Sustainable Nanosystems Development,
Properties, and Applications features emergent research and
theoretical concepts in the areas of nanotechnology, photovoltaics,
electrochemistry, and materials science, as well as within the
physical and environmental sciences. Highlighting progressive
approaches and utilization techniques, this publication is a
critical reference source for researchers, engineers, students,
scientists, and academicians interested in the application of
sustainable nanotechnology.
Nanocolloids: A Meeting Point for Scientists and Technologists
presents an easy-to-read approach to current trends in nanoscale
colloid chemistry, which offers relatively simple and economically
feasible ways to produce nanomaterials. Nanocolloids have been the
subjects of major development in modern technology, with many
current and future applications. The book helps scientists and
technologists to understand the different aspects of modern
nanocolloid science. It outlines the underlying fundamental
principles of nanocolloid science and covers applications ranging
from emulsions to dispersions and suspensions. You will find
details on experimental techniques and methods for the synthesis
and characterization of nanocolloids, including the latest
developments in nanoemulsions and nanoparticles.
Electron Correlation in Molecules - ab initio Beyond Gaussian
Quantum Chemistry presents a series of articles concerning
important topics in quantum chemistry, including surveys of current
topics in this rapidly-developing field that has emerged at the
cross section of the historically established areas of mathematics,
physics, chemistry, and biology.