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Books > Medicine > Other branches of medicine > Medical imaging > Radiology
This book has been written for radiologists, ophthalmologists, neurologists, neurosur geons, plastic surgeons, and others interested in the evaluation of disorders with ophthalmologic signs and symptoms. It is designed to provide recent knowledge in this area derived from ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In the past decade, the advent of ultrasonography, computed tomography, and more recently magnetic resonance imaging has provided diagnostic images of the eye, orbit, and brain in a fashion that had been a dream of many prior to the develop ment of these techniques. These newer modes of diagnosis have replaced some previous techniques, such as nuclear medicine imaging and, to some degree, vascular studies and orbitography. There are three sections to this book. The first section is a discussion of the imaging techniques. The second is devoted to the role of these imaging methods in the evaluation of ophthalmic disorders. The last section, dealing with radiotherapy for ophthalmologic tumors, is included because the current imaging techniques are needed for treatment planning. We wish to thank the many people who have assisted us in preparing this manuscript. Among these are many librarians, secretaries, trainees, and photographers. Weare especially indebted to artist Peter Clark for his illustrations and to Mr. Martin Leibo vici, Associate Curator of New York University Medical School and Director of Health Sciences Library of Goldwater Memorial Hospital, New York City. Also, we wish to thank our families for their help and patience."
This book is intended as a short guide to the visualization of the anatomy of the normal brain by means of the NMR tomogram. The first section comprises a brief introduction to the physical and technical aspects of NMR. This is followed by the atlas section, which pursues a number of objectives. On the basis of two important NMR imaging techniques, the spin-echo technique and the inversion-recovery technique, those experi enced in CT are given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the differences in tissue contrast that exist in NMR scans despite their appar ent similarity to conventional CT scans. The mode of action of the two NMR imaging techniques is explained in the technical introduction. An additional innovation is the possibility of producing sections that are not, as in CT scanning, limited by the body of the patient. The sagittal and frontal sections parallel to the plane of the face can show an unfamiliar, but particularly clear, image of the anatomy of the head and brain com pared with conventional horizontal sections. An anatomical description accompanying every section is provided by way of clarification. A particular advantage of NMR imaging, namely, the absence of ionizing radiation and, thus, an injurious effect on biological systems (Budinger 1981), makes it possible to provide a systematic visualization of a healthy human brain in a living person in three planes, arranged at right angles to one another."
7 Les Houches The purpose of this workshop was to bring together, for the first time, active scientists from very different fields, such as physics, chemistry, physiology and the behavioural sciences, all having a common interest: The interac tion of static magnetic fields with biological and macromolecular matter. As physicists, biologists and medical scientists naturally have different scientific competences, attitudes and abilities, this appeared to be an enterprise of un certain issue. However, it turned out that all participants tried to find (and many succeeded in reaching) a mutual basis of understanding. Thanks to a fair number of outstanding, comprehensive talks and to very active discus sions, most of us, we believe, have substantially enlarged our insight into the actual hard facts within a research area that was considered for a long time - and still remains in many aspects - somewhat controversial. The perhaps most striking and useful reaction to magnetic fields at the supermolecular level is the alignment of biopolymers, proteins, viruses, large assemblies such as retinal rods and membranes when suspended in a solvent, usually water. The ease of alignment depends on the anisotropy of the dia magnetic susceptibility of the constituent groups and bonds and, in addition, on the extent of their mutual orientational order inside a macromolecular assembly. Here very strong fields above I-lOT appear to be necessary, in general, to achieve measurable alignment."
During recent decades there has been a revolutionary change in the life expectancy and quality of life of the hemophiliac. This has been achieved by hematologic and c1inical research, and the future for the hemophiliac depends upon further medical knowledge and research. In spite of the dramatically improved life situation of hemophiliacs, hemorrhagic complications remain a threat. The hemorrhagic disorder may influence and/or aggravate the course of trauma or other diseases in these patients. Hemophiliacs suffering from hemorrhagic complications or eligible for elective surgery should be referred to Hemophilia Treatment and Training Centers, where evaluation and examination are performed by a multidisciplinary team with experience and interest in the disease. The radio10gist is an important member ofthis team. In the past diagnostic imaging has been based mainly on conventional radiography, and this is still very important for the diagnosis ofhemophilic complications, but the diagnostic imaging of today offers a wide range of modalities-conventional radiography, computed tomography, sonography, radionuc1ide imaging, and, in its infancy, magnetic resonance imaging. Thus there is a need for a thorough description of the potential and limitations ofthese modern diagnostic techniques.
The cerebello-pontine angle has always posed a challenge to the neurosurgeon, the otoneurosurgeon, and the neuroradiologist. Angle masses which are very small and difficult to detect frequently produce symptoms, but may remain silent while growing to exceptional size. The neuroradiologist must have firm knowl edge of the clinical manifestations of the diverse angle lesions in order to tailor his studies to the patients' needs. The majority of angle lesions are benign; thus successful surgery has the potential for complete cure. Angle lesions typically arise in conjunction with vital neurovascular structures, and often displace these away from their expected positions. Large lesions may attenuate the vestibulocochlear and facial nerves and thin them over their dome. Since the nerves often remain functional, the surgeon then faces the need to separate the tumor from the contiguous nerve, with preservation of neurological function. Depending on the exact location and extension of the lesion, resection may best be attempted via otologic or neurosurgical approaches. The neuroradiologist must determine - precisely -the presence, site, size, and extension( s) of the lesion and the displacement of vital neurovascular structures as a guide to selecting the line of surgical attack. Since the arteries, veins, and nerves that traverse the angle are fine structures, the neuroradiologist must perform studies of the highest quality to do his job effectively."
The quantitative analysis of blood flow within central and peripheral blood vessels has attracted more and more interest, for with the rapid developments in vascular surgery and the introduction of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, it is becom ing increasingly important to be able to measure regional blood flow in man. In clinical radiology, angiography has been used predominantly from the point of view of its morphological applications. However, theoretically angiography may also be regarded as a specific application of indicator-dilution measurements of blood flow. The indicator is contrast medium (CM), the changing concentration of which is re corded by cinematography or video-electronic systems at sites downstream from the point of injection. The curves of density thus obtained correspond to indicator-di lution curves. The blood flow can be calculated from the concentration-time curves ofCM in much the same way as it is estimated from other indicator-dilution curves. In our early work with clinical application of videodensitometric measurement of blood flow in the iliac artery, we found that this method did not offer as high a degree of accuracy as one would have expected from investigations by other authors. We saw that we needed to examine the following problems: 1. We had to investigate whether our conventional X-ray equipment and video densitometer could be viewed as a linear measuring system. To what extent do unavoidable nonlinear changes in the measuring signals influence the blood flow values? 2."
In thc space of ooly a few years, reconstructive surgery of the skeleton of the hand has become a foeus of attention. Thc reason for this has been the advent of principles and techniques of stable internal fixation, tbc unparaJleled advantages of which are particularly evident in the treatment of the complex, multi- structural lesions so typical of injuries of the hand, and also in procedures such as replantation or revascularisatioss. What a striking contrast on the other hand is to be seen in the slow and painful progress made in Dur understanding of the biomechanics of the radiocarpal joint! This is most elo- quently ilIustrated by the embryonie state of prosthetic surgery of the wrist, compared with the sophisticatcd advances made in hip and knee surgery. Yet it is undeniable that painful condi- tions involving dysfunctions of the wrist are increasing in number and affect young people in particular; this should spur us on to seek more effective therapeutic solutions.
One of the first applications of ultrasound was in submarine sonar equip ment. Since then ultrasound has found increasing applications, particularly in industry, but increasingly in biomedicine. For many years ultrasound has been used in physical therapy, although only in the past decade or two has it evolved from laboratory curiosity to a well-established diagnostic imaging modality. Ultrasound is now a widely accepted, indeed pervasive, diagnos tic and therapeutic tool in the medical field, and its applications are increasing rapidly. Our intent in developing this book is to provide a coherent tutorial intro duction to the field of medical ultrasound at a level suitable for those en tering the area from either medical or scientific backgrounds. The topics discussed should be of interest to nearly all medical and health care per sonnel needing to understand or operate ultrasonic devices, including clini cians, medical technicians, physiotherapists, medical physicists, and other biomedical scientists interested in the field. The book opens with a description of the basic principles of propagating acoustic waves, explains how they interact with a wide range of biological systems, and outlines the effects they produce. To provide practical infor mation to operators of ultrasound equipment, we have included thorough coverage of the details of ultrasonic instrumentation and measurement techniques, and set forth the framework for an effective quality assurance program."
During the past few years, a considerable number of monographs on bone tumors have been published. They are mainly restricted to bone tumors as clinical-pathological entities, since their diagnosis, more than that of other tumors, requires the interdisciplinary cooperation between orthopedic specialist, radiologist, and pathologist. However, investiga tions concerning the histogenesis of bone tumors are rather limited, although they might be helpful in explaining the unique morphological heterogeneity of tumors of the skeletal system. Furthermore, the histo genetic approach in the study of bone tumors may facilitate the inter pretation of the advanced cytobiological methods available for improv ing classification and diagnosis. Therefore, this volume presents recent pathological advances in the biological characterization of bone tumors. A major chapter deals with the differential diagnosis of Ewing's sarcoma as regards its demarcation from the so-called neuroectodermal tumor of bone. The analysis of the ground substances in bone-forming tumors may be helpful for their classification. Therefore the volume includes a chapter on the biochemical and histochemical analysis of different osteosarcoma types. Recently it has become clear that in addition to different collagen types which are not specific for bone tissue, several bone-specific proteins occur, one of which is osteonectin. Its distribu tion is obviously important for the classification and diagnosis of osteo blastic tumors. Proliferative behavior is of major importance for the diagnosis of malignant tumors.
Intracranial Pressure is a linking keyword, uniting various aspects of diagnostics and treatment of hydrocephalus, head injury, subarachnoid haemorrhage, and brain ischaemia. This volume contains selected papers presented at the XIth International Symposium on Intracranial Pressure and Brain Biochemical Monitoring, held in Cambridge, UK, in July 2000. Various clinical and experimental methodologies are discussed including multiparameter brain biochemical monitoring (including brain oxygenation, microdialysis and novel imaging techniques), assessment of cerebral autoregulation, measurement of brain compliance, etc. This state-of-the-art volume introduces neuroscientists into a world of new techniques, models, monitoring modalities but also theories and new concepts, which highlight directions for the further research and future clinical practice.
The idea for this treatise on the radiological anatomy of superficial and deep spinal cord vasculature evolved from daily routine neuroradiological work. This was also the reason for subdividing the monograph into a postmortem anatomical and a clinical part. The actual importance of a clear conception of radio anatomic fundamentals was made clear by many clinical conferences with neurologists, neurosurgeons and orthopedists, where a lack of knowledge about medullary syndromes of suspected vascular origin became evident. Also among neuroradiologists there is still widespread uncertainty in the interpretation of myelograms and angiographies in such cases. A study of the spinal cord's angioarchitecture is all the more justified and necessary considering the vast number of descriptions of cerebro vascular anatomy and pathology. The clinical challenge posed by patients suffering from partial or complete transverse spinal lesions has grown due to new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Myelography using water-soluble contrast media, X-ray computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and spinal angiography today allow and require both earlier and topographically and pathogenetically more exact classification of diseases of the spinal cord and its surrounding structures. Due to progress in microneurosurgery and interventional neuroradiology, even intramedullary lesions have become more and more accessible and treatable. Therefore this monograph mainly addresses those concerned with invasive therapeutic techniques and who are familiar with the interpretation of radio anatomic findings. A comprehensive description of medullary vascular syndromes would be beyond the scope of this treatise."
Endovascular Interventional Neuroradiology is comprised of selected papers from the prestigious "Stonwin Medical" "Conference," which each summer invites a group of internationally prominent neuroscientists, bioengineers, neurosurgeons, and radiologists to explore and discuss selected topics of neurosurgical investigation. This volume addresses recent advances in endovascular approaches to cerebral circulation, including: Surgical exposure of the superior ophthalmic vein in the management of carotid cavernous fistulas at Johns Hopkins; Current and future perspectives in interventional neuroradiology at New York University; Interventional neuroradiology; Principles of endovascular neurosurgery: N.N. Burdenko Neurosurgical Institute; Intravascular embolization of craniocerebral vascular diseases: Beijing Neurosurgical Institute; and more.
Bone and joint tuberculosis is common in developing countries, and surgeons in these countries are often faced with the dual problem of diagnosing and treating this disease. However, bone and joint tuberculosis has not yet completely disappeared from industrialized countries, either. Therefore, this book is also intended for orthopedic surgeons in industrialized countries, who, faced with the rare but characteristic problems posed by bone and joint tuberculosis, are searching for reliable solutions. The last comprehensive textbook on this subject appeared more than 20 years ago, and that was a third edition of a pre-war work. Advances in chemotherapy had made this edition out-of-date even before it was published. The need for a definite up-to-date textbook has therefore been acute. The present book has been written to fill that need, and is based not only upon 20 years' experience with 700 cases, but also upon the results of clinical, bacteriologic, pathologic, and therapeutic research.
Where do you begin to look for a recent, authoritative article on the diagnosis or management of a particular malignancy? The few general oncology text books are generally out of date. Single papers in specialized journals are informative but seldom comprehensive; these are more often preliminary reports on a very limited number of patients. Certain general journals frequently publish good in-depth reviews of cancer topics, and published symposium lectures are often the best overviews available. Unfortunately, these reviews and supplements appear sporadically, and the reader can never be sure when a topic of special interest will be covered. Cancer Treatment and Research is a series of authoritative volumes that aim to meet this need. It is an attempt to establish a critical mass of oncology literature covering virtually all oncology topics, revised frequently to keep the coverage up to date, and easily available on a single library shelf or by a single personal subscription. We have approached the problem in the following fashion: first, by dividing the oncology literature into specific subdivisions such as lung cancer, genitourinary cancer, pediatric oncology, etc.; and second, by asking eminent authorities in each of these areas to edit a volume on the specific topic on an annual or biannual basis. Each topic and tumor type is covered in a volume appearing frequently and predictably, discussing current diagnosis, staging, markers, all forms of treatment modalities, basic biology, and more."
This book has been assembled from the radiographic and photo graphic records of patients presenting to craniofacial units on four continents over 7 years. It is our purpose to illustrate a wide range of craniofacial deformities with the technique of three-dimensional com puted tomography. Many topics are briefly addressed with descriptive text intended to amplify the accompanying images but not to exclude the need for more comprehensive references as recommended in the reading list of each chapter. The ability to generate three-dimensional radiographic images rep resents a successful integration of computed tomography with com puter graphics. Although this technique remains an electronic substi tute for the study of dry skull specimens, it offers a permanent pictorial record of anatomical structures with the opportunity for fu ture interactive data manipulation. It is hoped, therefore, that this work will assist others to gain a more complete understanding of disorders of the craniofacial region. We encourage other surgeons and investigators to examine and employ the techniques used to gather these images but also to ensure that standardized scanning regimens are adapted. The importance of data collection within its full anatomical context was borne out with many of our early studies, which were limited owing to computational con straints. Often an image requirement for surgical intervention is much less than an image necessary for strict scientific inquiry."
During the past decade Positron Emission Tomography (PET) has turned from a highly sophisticated tool developed for basic research in neurology and cardiology into an advanced nuclear medicine imaging technique ready for routine use. Along with remarkable technical improvements, an overwhelming number of PET studies has been published covering not only scientific but also relevant clinical problems. Due to this rapid development, comprehensive information about the current status of 'clinical' PET is lacking. In this book the applications of PET in neurology, cardiology and oncology are discussed in separate sections. In each section, following an introduction reviewing the present clinical demands, special diagnostic problems and their possible solution by PET are addressed. Results of conventional scintigraphic techniques are also mentioned, and compared with PET. In the last section, technical aspects (e.g. instrumentation, software) are presented, including statements of representatives of leading manufacturers in the field. Clinical PET provides a critical overview of relevant applications of PET for all those who are starting to run a PET facility or are planning to do so. The book is also dedicated to interested clinicians who are willing to utilize the diagnostic potential of PET.
Much confusion exists in the accurate identification and classification of the many disorders in infancy which affect the skeleton by producing sclerosing lesions throughout the entire skeleton or in selected areas. A scholarly effort to bring order into this confusing field must be welcomed. Professors Beighton and Cremin have skillfully defined the problem and concisely yet thoroughly have identified the various sclerosing dysplasias. They bring to this task a wealth of clinical experience in their many years in the Departments of Radiology at the University of Cape Town Medical School and the Groote Schuur and Red Cross Children's Hospitals in Cape Town, South Africa. The authors also have had available data from the University of Cape Town Skeletal Dysplasia Registry. Professors Beighton and Cremin have used as a basis for their treatise the Paris Nomenclature (the modified version of 1977). This monograph is a felicitous combination of a working atlas and a scholarly exposition of the various sclerosing bone dysplasias, considering in detail eighteen major entities adopted from the Paris classification. Other disorders which present with osteosclerosis are also described. These include Caffey disease, oculodento-osseous dysplasia, central osteosclerosis with bamboo hair, fluorosis, osteosclerosis associated with renal disease and mastocytosis.
There are two important reasons for publishing this new series entitled "Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery" 1. the lack of anyor ganized common European postgraduate training system for young neurosurgeons and 2. the language barriers, which impede the exchange of neurosurgical findings in Europe more than in other parts of the world. The fact that the English language is well on the way to becoming the international medium at European scientific conferences is a great asset in terms of mutual understanding. Therefore the Editors have decided to publish all contributions in English, regardless of the native language of the authors. All contributions are submitted to the entire editorial board before publi cation of any volume. Our series is not intended to compete with the publications of original scientific papers in other neurosurgical journals. Our intention is, rather, to present fields of neurosurgery and related areas in which important recent advances have been made. The contributions are written by specialists in the given fields and constitute the first part of each volume. In the second part of each volume, we publish detailed descriptions of standard operative procedures, furnished by experienced clinicians; in these articles the authors describe the techniques they employ and explain the advantages, difficulties and risks involved in the various procedures. This part is intended primarily to assist young neurosurgeons in their postgraduate train ing. However, we are convinced that it will also be useful to experienced, fully trained neurosurgeons."
There are two important reasons for commencing this new series of publi cations entitled "Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery": 1. the lack of any organized common European postgraduate training system for young neurosurgeons and 2. the language barriers, which impede the exchange of neuro surgical findings in Europe more than in other parts of the world. The fact that the English language is well on the way to becoming the international medium at European scientific conferences is a great asset in terms of mutual understanding. Therefore the Editors have decided to publish all contributions in English, regardless of the native language of the authors. All contributions are submitted to the entire editorial board before publi cation of any volume. Our series is not intended to compete with the publications of original scientific papers in other neurosurgical journals. Our intention is, rather, to present fields of neurosurgery and related areas in which important recent advances have been made. The contributions will be written by specialists in the given fields and will constitute the first part of each volume."
The importance of osteoporosis in the United Kingdom as a cause of death and disability is now well recognised. There are in excess of 200,000 osteoporotic-related fractures in the UK per annum asso ciated with an estimated cost of GBP942,000,000. Following hip fracture it is known that about 50% of patients are unable to live indepen dently and about 20% of such patients die within the first 6 months. These figures, compelling as they are, reflect poorly on current medical practices which manifestly have failed to identify patients with low bone density at risk of fracture. The hope is that the techni cal advances which have enabled bone mineral density, and other allied indices, to be measured with high precision and accuracy offers the chance of identifying patients at risk of fracture and guiding the clinician to make treatment decisions which may reduce the patients' risk of fracture. In the UK, services for identifying patients at risk of fracture are still in their infancy and are not uniformly available throughout the country. This situation is, however, likely to improve particularly fol lowing the publication of the Royal College of Physicians report "Osteoporosis -clinical guidelines for prevention and treatment" and the recognition in "Our Healthier Nation" that osteoporosis pre vention should be included as a target to achieve a reduction of 20% in accidents by 2010.
Radiophannaceuticals labeled with short-lived radionuclides are utilized to unravel biochemical processes, and to diagnosis and treat diseases of the living body are-developed through extensive evaluation in ~iological models. 'fhC first attempt to compile information was a volume entitled ANIMAL MODELS IN RADIOTRACER DESIGN that was edited by William C. Eckelman and myself in 1983. The volume had a focus on the animal models that investigators were using in order to design radiotracers that displayed in vivo selectivity as measured by biodistribution and pharmacokinetic studies. A concern in the early days of nuclear medicine was species differences. Often a series of labeled compounds were evaluated in a several different animal models in order to gain confidence that the selected radiotracer would behave appropriately in humans. During the past 12 years there have been remarkable advances in molecular genetics, molecular biology, synthetic radiopharmaceutical chemistry, molecular modeling and visualization, and emission tomography. Biological models can now be selected that are better defined in terms of molecular aspects of the disease process. The development of high resolution PET and SPET for clinical applications facilitates the development of new radiopharmaceuticals by the use of models to quantitatively evaluate drug effects, and progression of disease, and hence to arrive at better diagnosis and treatments for animals and humans. With these advances there is an effective use of biological models, and the refinement of alternatives for the development of new radiophannaceuticals.
Until recently, CT scanner performance was limited by a series of compromises. With single-detector scanners, one cannot select thin collimation and still maintain the required extent of volumetric coverage. Slow scans cause motion artifacts that impair image quality. The introduction of multidetector CT technology, however, has revolutionized the field. Currently multidetector, multislice CT scanners acquire up to four channels of data from interweaving spirals. The minimum gantry rotation period is as low as half of a second. This increased scan speed allows for thinner collimation and thus higher longitudinal or z-axis resolution in comparison with single-detector CT. The improved image quality with multidetector technology leads to new applications of CT, particularly in cardiac, vascular, and abdominal imaging. On-going clinical studies are evaluating the suitability of this new imaging tool for non-invasive screening and diagnosis of coronary artery disease. A particular advantage to the increased scan speed in vascular imaging is the ability to cut intra venous contrast dosage and still maintain peak enhancement CT throughout the entire acquisition. Thin-section, multiphasic acquisition during optimal arterial-phase and venous-phase enhan cement significantly improves the accuracy for small lesion and vessel detection, and enhances overall classification of abdominal neoplasms. On the other hand, the increasingly large volume data sets force to new ways of looking at, presenting, storing, and trans ferring images. Networking and two- and three dimensional data processing are the key words."
Interventional cardiology means the cardiological practice of the future. This book provides the physician with practical guidelines to interventions. All procedures involving modern technology and drugs are described with emphasis on the "how to" aspects. The indications, techniques, results and merits of each procedure are given. These include: coronary angioplasty and angioscopy, valvuloplasty, lasers and cardiac transplantation as well as basic procedures such as cardiac catheterization, electrophysiologic studies and automatic implantable defibrillators. Readers of the book will find the way to new dimensions in cardiologic practice.
Radiophannaceutical research has recently undergone a major change in direction. In past years it has been concerned mainly with the development of perfusion tracers, the biodistribution of which reflect the regional blood flow to areas of major organs such as the heart and brain. However, a major new direction of interest now lies in the development of receptor-binding radio-tracers which can be used to perform in-vivo characterisation of diseased tissues and it is likely that much of the future research in this field will follow this direction. The difficulties in developing such tracers are considerable. The researcher must first identify a promising target for radiopharmaceutical development. High specific activity radioactive molecules must be designed and synthesised which will both bind to the target receptor with high affinity, and also have the physicochemical characteristics which will allow them to reach the target site in sufficient quantity while at the same time showing minimal uptake in non-target tissues. Thus the knowledge base required for radiophannaceutical development has now expanded beyond the limits of radiopharmaceutical chemistry to include aspects of biochemistry, molecular biology and conventional drug design. The portfolio of basic knowledge required to support current radiopharmaceutical development is changing and scientists working in this arena need to be trained in this regard. At the same time, the very latest developments in the field need to be communicated to the scientific community in order to stimulate the advancement of this exciting new direction of research.
Where do you begin to look for a recent, authoritative article on the diagnosis or management of particular malignancy? The few general oncology textbooks are generally out of date. Single papers in specialized journals are informative but seldom comprehensive; these are more often preliminary reports on a very limited number of patients. Certain general journals frequently publish good in-depth reviews of cancer topics, and published symposium lectures are often the best overviews available. Unfortunately, these reviews and supplements appear sporadically, and the reader can never be sure when a topic of special interest will be covered. Cancer Treatment and Research is a series of authoritative volumes which aim to meet this need. It is an attempt to establish a critical mass of oncology literature covering virtually all oncology topics, revised frequently to keep the coverage up to date, easily available on a single library shelf or by a single personal subscription. We have approached the problem in the following fashion. First, by dividing the oncology literature into specific subdividions such as lung cancer, genitouri nary cancer, pediatric oncology, etc. Second, by asking eminent authorities in each of these areas to edit a volume on the specific topic on an annual or biannual basis. Each topic and tumor type is covered in a volume appearing frequently and predictably, discussing current diagnosis, staging, markers, all forms of treatment modalities, basic biology, and more." |
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