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Books > Medicine > Other branches of medicine > Medical imaging > Radiology
The mono graph contains 8 chapters, and their contents cover all principal aspects of the problem: 1. Introduction and brief his tory ofthe radiation problem and background information ofradiation hazard in the near-Earth and interplanetary space. 2. General description of radiation conditions and main sources of charged partic1es in the Earth's environment and interplanetary space, effects of space environment on spacecraft. 3. Basic information about physical conditions in space and main sources of charged particles in the Earth's environment and interplanetary space, in the context of "Space W eather" monitoring and prediction. 4. Trapped radiation belts of the Earth (ERB): theory of their origin, spatial and temporal dynamics, and experimental and statistical models. 5. Galactic cosmic rays (GCR): variations of energetic, temporal and spatial characteristics, long-term modulation, and anomalous cosmic ray (ACR) component, modeling oftheir dynamics. 6. Production of energetic particles (SEPs) at/ne ar the Sun: available databases, acceleration, propagation, and prediction of individual SEP event, statistical models of solar cosmic rays (SCR). 7. Existing empirical techniques of estimating, prediction and modeling of radiation hazard, methodical approaches and constraints, some questions of changes in the Earth's radiation environment due to changes of the solar activity level. 8. Unresolved problems of radiation hazard prediction and spacecraft protection, radiation experiments on board the spacecraft, estimating of radiation conditions during interplanetary missions. Space does not allow us to explain every time the solar-terrestrial and radiation physics nomencIature used in current English-language literature.
Gaussian scale-space is one of the best understood multi-resolution techniques available to the computer vision and image analysis community. It is the purpose of this book to guide the reader through some of its main aspects. During an intensive weekend in May 1996 a workshop on Gaussian scale-space theory was held in Copenhagen, which was attended by many of the leading experts in the field. The bulk of this book originates from this workshop. Presently there exist only two books on the subject. In contrast to Lindeberg's monograph (Lindeberg, 1994e) this book collects contributions from several scale space researchers, whereas it complements the book edited by ter Haar Romeny (Haar Romeny, 1994) on non-linear techniques by focusing on linear diffusion. This book is divided into four parts. The reader not so familiar with scale-space will find it instructive to first consider some potential applications described in Part 1. Parts II and III both address fundamental aspects of scale-space. Whereas scale is treated as an essentially arbitrary constant in the former, the latter em phasizes the deep structure, i.e. the structure that is revealed by varying scale. Finally, Part IV is devoted to non-linear extensions, notably non-linear diffusion techniques and morphological scale-spaces, and their relation to the linear case. The Danish National Science Research Council is gratefully acknowledged for providing financial support for the workshop under grant no. 9502164."
The latest in this already classic series presents recent progress and detailed descriptions of standard procedures, to assist young neurosurgeons in their post-graduate training. With contributions from experienced European and American clinicians.
Targeted at clinicians and residents, this series has already become a classic, with one volume published each year. The Advances section presents fields of neurosurgery and related areas in which important recent progress has been made. The Technical Standards section features detailed descriptions of standard procedures to assist young neurosurgeons in their post-graduate training. The contributions have been written by experienced clinicians and are reviewed by all members of the editorial board.
Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery was conceived in 1972byitsfoundingfathersJeanBrihaye,BernardPertuiset,FritzLoew andHugoKrayenbuuhlatacombinedmeetingoftheItalianandGerman NeurosurgicalSocietiesinTaormina. Itwasdesignedtocomplementthe Europeanpost-graduatetrainingsystemforyoungneurosurgeonsandwas ?rst published in 1974 initially through sponsorship by the European AssociationofNeurosurgicalSocieties. Allcontributionshavebeenp- lishedinEnglishtofacilitateinternationalunderstanding. Theambitionofallsuccessiveeditorialboardshasbeentoprovidean opportunityformaturescholarshipandre?ection,notconstrainedbyar- ?ciallimitsonspace. Theseriesprovidesaremarkableaccountofprogress overthepast35years,bothwithregardtoadvances,detaileddescriptions of standard operative procedures and in- depth reviews of established knowledge. Thepresentvolumeisnoexceptionandshouldappealtoboth experiencedneurosurgeonsandyoungneurosurgeonsintrainingalike. TheEditors Contents Listofcontributors...XIII Advances Present and potential future adjuvant issues in high-grade astrocytic glioma 1,2 1 1 2 1 treatment. F. LEFRANC ,M. RYNKOWSKI,O. DEWITTE,andR. KISS, Department ofNeurosurgery,ErasmeUniversityHospital,FreeUniversityofBrussels(U. L. B. ), 2 Brussels,Belgium, LaboratoryofToxicology,InstituteofPharmacy,FreeUniversity ofBrussels(U. L. B. ),Brussels,Belgium Abstract...4 Introduction...5 Naturalresistanceofmigratingmalignantgliomacellstoapoptosis (radiotherapyandchemotherapy)...6 Patternsofcelldeath...8 Autophagy:apotentialTrojanhorseformalignantgliomas...11 Therapeuticbene?tsoftemozolomide...13 Localtherapiesforglioblastomas...15 Ongoingclinicaltrialsforglioblastomas...16 Growthfactorreceptorinhibitors ...17 PI3K=Akt,mTORandNF- Binhibitors...17 Matrixmetalloproteinase(MMP)inhibitors(MMPI)...18 Angiogenesistargeting ...19 Cellularandvaccinationtherapies...20 Genetherapy...20 Reducingmalignantgliomacellmotilityinordertorestore pro-apoptoticdrugsensitivity...20 Thesodiumpumpconstitutesapotentialtargettocombat malignantgliomas...21 Thesodiumpump...22 Cardiotonicsteroids:ligandsofthesodiumpump...24 VIII Contents Thesodiumpumpisinvolvedincancercellproliferation, migrationanddeath...24 Braintumorstemcellsapotentialtargettocombatmalignantgliomas...26 Conclusions...27 References...2 8 Deepbrainstimulationforpsychiatricdisorders-stateoftheart. T. E. SCHLA APFER and B. H. BEWERNICK, Brain Stimulation Group, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,UniversityHospitalBonn,GermanyandDepartmentsofPsychiatry andMentalHealth,TheJohnsHopkinsUniversity,MD,USA Abstract...37 Introduction...38 Historyofdeepbrainstimulation...39 PrinciplesofDBS...40 NeurobiologyofdepressionandOCD...41 Neurobiologyofdepression...41 NeurobiologyofOCD...42 StudiesofDBSandpsychiatricdisorders...43 Problemsintargetselection...43 Targetsindepression...43 TargetsinOCD ...46 SafetyandadvantagesofDBS...47 EthicalaspectsandstandardsinDBS...51 Ethicalconsiderations...51 ThepathtowardsmandatorystandardsforDBSinpsychiatricdisorders...52 Conclusions...53 ThefutureofDBS...54 References...54 Standards High?owextracranialtointracranialvascularbypassprocedureforgiantan- rysms:indications,surgicaltechnique,complicationsandoutcome. H. C. PATEL and P. J. KIRKPATRICK, Department of Academic Neurosurgery, Addenbrooke' andHugoKrayenbuuhlatacombinedmeetingoftheItalianandGerman NeurosurgicalSocietiesinTaormina. Itwasdesignedtocomplementthe Europeanpost-graduatetrainingsystemforyoungneurosurgeonsandwas ?rst published in 1974 initially through sponsorship by the European AssociationofNeurosurgicalSocieties. Allcontributionshavebeenp- lishedinEnglishtofacilitateinternationalunderstanding. Theambitionofallsuccessiveeditorialboardshasbeentoprovidean opportunityformaturescholarshipandre?ection,notconstrainedbyar- ?ciallimitsonspace. Theseriesprovidesaremarkableaccountofprogress overthepast35years,bothwithregardtoadvances,detaileddescriptions of standard operative procedures and in- depth reviews of established knowledge. Thepresentvolumeisnoexceptionandshouldappealtoboth experiencedneurosurgeonsandyoungneurosurgeonsintrainingalike. TheEditors Contents Listofcontributors...XIII Advances Present and potential future adjuvant issues in high-grade astrocytic glioma 1,2 1 1 2 1 treatment. F. LEFRANC ,M. RYNKOWSKI,O. DEWITTE,andR. KISS, Department ofNeurosurgery,ErasmeUniversityHospital,FreeUniversityofBrussels(U. L. B. ), 2 Brussels,Belgium, LaboratoryofToxicology,InstituteofPharmacy,FreeUniversity ofBrussels(U. L. B. ),Brussels,Belgium Abstract...4 Introduction...5 Naturalresistanceofmigratingmalignantgliomacellstoapoptosis (radiotherapyandchemotherapy)...6 Patternsofcelldeath...8 Autophagy:apotentialTrojanhorseformalignantgliomas...11 Therapeuticbene?tsoftemozolomide...1 3 Localtherapiesforglioblastomas...15 Ongoingclinicaltrialsforglioblastomas...16 Growthfactorreceptorinhibitors ...17 PI3K=Akt,mTORandNF- Binhibitors...17 Matrixmetalloproteinase(MMP)inhibitors(MMPI)...18 Angiogenesistargeting ...19 Cellularandvaccinationtherapies...20 Genetherapy...20 Reducingmalignantgliomacellmotilityinordertorestore pro-apoptoticdrugsensitivity...20 Thesodiumpumpconstitutesapotentialtargettocombat malignantgliomas...21 Thesodiumpump...22 Cardiotonicsteroids:ligandsofthesodiumpump...24 VIII Contents Thesodiumpumpisinvolvedincancercellproliferation, migrationanddeath...24 Braintumorstemcellsapotentialtargettocombatmalignantgliomas...26 Conclusions...27 References...28 EURO Deepbrainstimulationforpsychiatricdisorders-stateoftheart. T. E. SCHLA APFER and B. H. BEWERNICK, Brain Stimulation Group, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,UniversityHospitalBonn,GermanyandDepartmentsofPsychiatry andMentalHealth,TheJohnsHopkinsUniversity,MD,USA Abstract...37 Introduction...38 Historyofdeepbrainstimulation...39 PrinciplesofDBS...40 NeurobiologyofdepressionandOCD...41 Neurobiologyofdepression...41 NeurobiologyofOCD...42 StudiesofDBSandpsychiatricdisorders...4 3 Problemsintargetselection...43 Targetsindepression...43 TargetsinOCD ...46 SafetyandadvantagesofDBS...47 EthicalaspectsandstandardsinDBS...51 Ethicalconsiderations...51 ThepathtowardsmandatorystandardsforDBSinpsychiatricdisorders...52 Conclusions...53 ThefutureofDBS...54 References...54 Standards High?owextracranialtointracranialvascularbypassprocedureforgiantan- rysms:indications,surgicaltechnique,complicationsandoutcome. H. C. PATEL and P. J. KIRKPATRICK, Department of Academic Neurosurgery, Addenbrooke' andHugoKrayenbuuhlatacombinedmeetingoftheItalianandGerman NeurosurgicalSocietiesinTaormina. Itwasdesignedtocomplementthe Europeanpost-graduatetrainingsystemforyoungneurosurgeonsandwas ?rst published in 1974 initially through sponsorship by the European AssociationofNeurosurgicalSocieties. Allcontributionshavebeenp- lishedinEnglishtofacilitateinternationalunderstanding. Theambitionofallsuccessiveeditorialboardshasbeentoprovidean opportunityformaturescholarshipandre?ection,notconstrainedbyar- ?ciallimitsonspace. Theseriesprovidesaremarkableaccountofprogress overthepast35years,bothwithregardtoadvances,detaileddescriptions of standard operative procedures and in- depth reviews of established knowledge. Thepresentvolumeisnoexceptionandshouldappealtoboth experiencedneurosurgeonsandyoungneurosurgeonsintrainingalike. TheEditors Contents Listofcontributors...XIII Advances Present and potential future adjuvant issues in high-grade astrocytic glioma 1,2 1 1 2 1 treatment. F. LEFRANC ,M. RYNKOWSKI,O. DEWITTE,andR. KISS, Department ofNeurosurgery,ErasmeUniversityHospital,FreeUniversityofBrussels(U. L. B. ), 2 Brussels,Belgium, LaboratoryofToxicology,InstituteofPharmacy,FreeUniversity ofBrussels(U. L. B. ),Brussels,Belgium Abstract...4 Introduction...5 Naturalresistanceofmigratingmalignantgliomacellstoapoptosis (radiotherapyandchemotherapy)...6 Patternsofcelldeath...8 Autophagy:apotentialTrojanhorseformalignantgliomas...11 Therapeuticbene?tsoftemozolomide...13 Localtherapiesforglioblastomas...15 Ongoingclinicaltrialsforglioblastomas...16 Growthfactorreceptorinhibitors ...17 PI3K=Akt,mTORandNF- Binhibitors...17 Matrixmetalloproteinase(MMP)inhibitors(MMPI)...18 Angiogenesistargeting ...1 9 Cellularandvaccinationtherapies...20 Genetherapy...20 Reducingmalignantgliomacellmotilityinordertorestore pro-apoptoticdrugsensitivity...20 Thesodiumpumpconstitutesapotentialtargettocombat malignantgliomas...21 Thesodiumpump...22 Cardiotonicsteroids:ligandsofthesodiumpump...24 VIII Contents Thesodiumpumpisinvolvedincancercellproliferation, migrationanddeath...24 Braintumorstemcellsapotentialtargettocombatmalignantgliomas...26 Conclusions...27 References...28 EURO Deepbrainstimulationforpsychiatricdisorders-stateoftheart. T. E. SCHLA APFER and B. H. BEWERNICK, Brain Stimulation Group, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,UniversityHospitalBonn,GermanyandDepartmentsofPsychiatry andMentalHealth,TheJohnsHopkinsUniversity,MD,USA Abstract...37 Introduction...38 Historyofdeepbrainstimulation...39 PrinciplesofDBS...40 NeurobiologyofdepressionandOCD...41 Neurobiologyofdepression...41 NeurobiologyofOCD...42 StudiesofDBSandpsychiatricdisorders...43 Problemsintargetselection...43 Targetsindepression...43 TargetsinOCD ...46 SafetyandadvantagesofDBS...47 EthicalaspectsandstandardsinDBS...51 Ethicalconsiderations...51 ThepathtowardsmandatorystandardsforDBSinpsychiatricdisorders...5 2 Conclusions...53 ThefutureofDBS...54 References...54 Standards High?owextracranialtointracranialvascularbypassprocedureforgiantan- rysms:indications,surgicaltechnique,complicationsandoutcome. H. C. PATEL and P. J. KIRKPATRICK, Department of Academic Neurosurgery, Addenbrooke's Hospital,UniversityofCambridge,Cambridge,UK Abstract...61 Introduction...62 Surgicaltechnique...67 Cranialexposure...69 Cervicalexposure...70 Saphenousveinexposure...71 Preauriculartunnel...72 Contents IX Anastamoses...73 Distalanastamosis...73 Externalcarotidanastamosis...74 Closureandpostoperativecare...77 Discussion...77 Comparisonofoutcomes...77 Choosingthetypeofgraft...78 Longtermpatencyofgrafts...79 Ischaemiccomplications...79 Anticoagulationrelatedmorbidity...81 Conclusion...
This series has already become a classic. In general, one volume is published per year. The advances section presents fields of neurosurgery and related areas in which important recent progress has been made. The technical standards section features detailed descriptions of standard procedures to assist young neurosurgeons in their post-graduate training. The contributions are written by experienced clinicians and are reviewed by all members of the editorial board.
In July 2004 specialists in neurosurgery, neuroradiology, neurology and neurointensive care discussed recent trends at the 2nd Swiss Japanese Joint Conference on Cerebral Stroke Surgery, held in Zurich, Switzerland. New concepts were worked out during the conference and are published in this volume. The book starts with the topic intracranial aneurysms, discussing microsurgical and endovascular treatment modalities, as well as new surgical approaches. Further chapters deal with the management of unruptured aneurysms and with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Practical guidelines for vasospasm treatment are given. Together with contributions about arteriovenous malformations and fistulas, cerebral revascularization techniques and surgery related to the intracranial venous system a comprehensive overview about stroke surgery is given with an interdisciplinary approach. The book will be of interest for all specialists involved in therapy of cerebrovascular disease.
This book is designed to give the reader a solid understanding of the physics and instrumentation aspects of PET, including how PET data are collected and formed into an image. Topics include basic physics, detector technology used in modern PET scanners, data acquisition, and 3D reconstruction. A variety of modern PET imaging systems are also discussed, including those designed for clinical services and research, as well as small-animal imaging. Methods for evaluating the performance of these systems are also outlined. The book will interest nuclear medicine students, nuclear medicine physicians, and technologists.
Sliding Filament Mechanism in Muscle Contraction Fifty Years of Research covers the history of the sliding filament mechanism in muscle contraction from its discovery in 1954 by H.E. Huxley through and including modern day research. Chapters include topics in dynamic X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, muscle mechanisms, in-vitro motility assay, cardiac versus smooth muscle, motile systems, and much more.
Contrast agents for medical ultrasound imaging is a field of growing interest. A large amount of literature has been published on the medical applications of such contrast agents. However, there is no textbook giving a broad overview of the physics and acoustics of the agents. This monograph aims to fill this gap. The book is written by a physicist, from a physics point of view, and it tries to draw links from the physics and acoustics to the medical imaging methods, but medical applications are mainly included for background information. The book consists of nine chapters. The first three chapters give a broad overview of the acoustic theory for bubble-sound interaction, both linear and nonlinear. Most contrast agents are stabilized in a shell, and this shell can have a strong influence on the interaction between the bubbles and the ultrasound. The effect of the shell is given special attention, as this is not easily found in other bubble literature. The following chapters, 4, 5, 6, and 7, describe experimental and theoretical methods used to characterize the acoustic properties of the agents, and results of studies on some agents. Chapter 8 shows how the theory and the experimental results can be combined and used to model various phenomena by means of computer simulations. The main purpose of the simulations is to get insight into the mechanisms behind the described phenomena, not to get accurate predictions and values. The book is aimed at both newcomers into the field, as well as those who are more experienced but want better insight into the acoustics of the contrast bubbles.
Maximum entropy and Bayesian methods have fundamental, central roles in scientific inference, and, with the growing availability of computer power, are being successfully applied in an increasing number of applications in many disciplines. This volume contains selected papers presented at the Thirteenth International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods. It includes an extensive tutorial section, and a variety of contributions detailing application in the physical sciences, engineering, law, and economics. Audience: Researchers and other professionals whose work requires the application of practical statistical inference.
This volume discusses the background and various clinical applications of radiation therapy in the treatment of non-malignant diseases. It documents the radiobiological and physical principles of treatment and the rationale underlying the use of radiotherapy for various disorders of the CNS, head and neck, eye, skin and soft tissues, bone and joints, and vascular system. In so doing, it draws attention to and elucidates the scope for application of radiotherapy beyond the treatment of malignancies. Both the risks and the benefits of such treatment are fully considered, the former ranging from minor clinical problems to life-threatening diseases.
Leading clinicians and researchers from around the world review the full scope of current developments, research, and scientific controversy regarding the principles and applications of cardiac CT. Richly illustrated with numerous black-and-white and color images, the book discusses the interpretation of CT images of the heart in a variety of clinical, physiological, and pathological applications. The authors emphasize current state-of-the-art uses of CT, but also examine developments at the horizon. They also review the technical basis of CT image acquisition, as well as tools for image visualization and analysis.
There can never be enough material in the public domain about cancers, and particularly breast cancer. This book adds much to the literature. It provides general information on breast cancer management and considers all new methods of diagnosis and therapy. It focuses on nuclear medicine modalities by comparing their results with other diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. The coverage provides readers with up-to-date knowledge on breast cancer as well as information on the advances in the field of diagnosis. It also details data on the development of some new modalities and provides a general overview of the available tools for breast cancer treatment.
This book provides cardiologists with access to the wealth of imaging from the Royal Brompton Hospital and National Heart and Lung Institute in London to enable them to improve on their own skills and refine their imaging technique. The authors correlate this echocardiography experience with the pathological and surgical aspects of congenital heart defects. They include a review of the pathologic, physiologic and surgical observations of different congenital diseases to assist in understanding the various echocardiographic presentations. The book contains large numbers of echocardiographic images.
This book addresses the contemporary multidisciplinary management of liver metastases. Throughout the text, experience from the paradigms of colorectal cancer metastases treatment strategies are used to point to new directions in the management of liver metastases from other cancers. The book will be invaluable for surgeons in general surgery, hepatobiliary surgery, upper GI surgery, colorectal surgery, medical and clinical oncologists with an interest in liver tumours, and radiologists with an interest in liver disease.
With parasitic diseases increasing worldwide it s vitally important that radiologists in particular stay up to date with developments. In this brilliantly useful volume, the authors cover the imaging findings for parasitic diseases that can affect the human body using modern imaging equipments. Every chapter consists of a short description of causative agent, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests, and imaging findings with illustrative examples of parasitic diseases."
This book is an organized approach to understanding bone growth and disease. It integrates anatomic and radiologic knowledge of enchondral and membranous bone growth and emphasizes the similarities of the physis and acrophysis in development. The artwork, jointly produced by artist and author, illustrates the concepts described. The identification of abnormality is aided by the explanations of the causes in terms of pattern recognition.
The third edition of this book has been comprehensively rewritten and rearranged. In addition to the bone and joint diseases described in the two earlier editions, it now encompasses hitherto unpublished novel applications of pinhole scanning to the diagnosis of a broader spectrum of skeletal disorders. The book has been considerably expanded to discuss five new themes and is complemented by the addition of some 90 recently acquired cases.
Panoramic radiology systems are currently being used in more practices than at other any time in the past. The practitioner now has decisions to make regarding detector technology selection for image acquisition and must remain informed about appropriate usage. This book is applicable to all panoramic dental images and equipment. It approaches panoramic radiology usage in the context of general and specialty applications.
Exciting new developments and applications of imaging techniques have emerged over the last few years, leading to many improvements in diagnosis and staging of urologic diseases. Refinements in the technology mean that imaging now is much more precise than even five years ago, and this has significantly enhanced its application within several key fields. As such, there are virtually no books currently available that cover the impact of these advances within urology leaving a major hole in the market. With its sound overview of the current state of affairs, and also its focus on highlighting future advances, this book would therefore find a significant audience within not only trainees, but also practicing clinicians too. Furthermore, the whole topic of ultrasonography is a relatively overlooked one, with very few modern books tackling any specific areas of the field. This book will be up-to-date and will pay attention to the unique applications of ultrasound within each discipline.
This book covers all topics related to the imaging of organ transplantation. The main part of the book offers in-depth coverage of heart, renal, liver, lung, bone marrow and pancreatic and intestinal transplantation. Each of these topics is discussed firstly in a clinical chapter and then in a radiological chapter. This unique and superbly illustrated volume will be of great assistance to all who work in this field.
Biosensors combine biological recognition elements and signal conversion elements into a biodetection system. They have been developed for a wide variety of biodetection applications, offering the advantages of increased speed and ease of use compared to traditional detection methods. In Biosensors and Biodetection: Methods and Protocols, leading experts describe the major technologies in the field in extensive technical detail, allowing readers both to understand the technology and to construct similar devices. Volume 1: Optical-Based Detectors delves into direct and indirect optical detectors, including methods involving surface plasmon resonance, interferometric sensors, CCD based detectors, and spectrometers, among many other cutting-edge technologies. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology (TM) series format, chapters include brief introductions to the subjects, lists of the necessary materials, step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols, and Notes sections, which highlight tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Comprehensive and up-to-date, Biosensors and Biodetection: Methods and Protocols is an ideal, user-friendly guide to this vital, versatile technology and a perfect tool for those who wish to further the field.
This book presents important recent developments in mathematical and computational methods used in impedance imaging and the theory of composite materials. By augmenting the theory with interesting practical examples and numerical illustrations, the exposition brings simplicity to the advanced material. An introductory chapter covers the necessary basics. An extensive bibliography and open problems at the end of each chapter enhance the text.
Special emphasis on teaching the CT technologists getting started in MDCT |
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