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Books > Language & Literature > Literature: texts > Essays, journals, letters & other prose works > From 1900 > Reportage & collected journalism
Six years after the Marikana massacre we have still seen minimal change for mine workers and mining communities. Although much has been written about how little has been done, few have looked into how, in 2012, such tragedy was even possible. Lonmin Platinum Mine and the events of 16 August are a microcosm of the mining sector and how things can go wrong when society leaves everything to government and “big business”. Business As Usual After Marikana is a comprehensive analysis of mining in South Africa. Written by respected academics and practitioners in the field, it looks into the history, policies and business practices that brought us to this point. Translated from the German Zum Beispiel: BASF – Uber Konzernmacht und Menschenrechte, it also examines how bigger global companies like BASF were directly or indirectly responsible, and yet nothing is done to keep them accountable.
May Kennedy McCord, lovingly nicknamed "First Lady of the Ozarks" and "Queen of the Hillbillies," spent half a century sharing the history, songs, and stories of her native Ozarks through newspaper columns, radio programs, and music festivals. Though her work made her one of the twentieth century's preeminent folklorists, McCord was first and foremost an entertainer-at one time nearly as renowned as the hills she loved. Despite the encouragement of her contemporaries, McCord never published a collection of her work. In 1956, Vance Randolph wrote to her, "If you didn't have such a mental block against writing books, I could show you how to make a book out of extracts from your columns. It would be very little work, and sell like hotcakes. . . . I could write a solemn little introduction, telling the citizens what a fine gal you are! The hell of it is, most of the readers know all about you." In Queen of the Hillbillies, editors Patti McCord and Kristene Sutliff at last bring together the best of McCord's published and previously unpublished writings to share her knowledge, humor, and inimitable spirit with a new generation of readers.
Mexico, April 2009. The bodies of pair of undercover military intelligence agents, disguised as campesinos (farmers), are dumped by the side of the road. Beside the corpses is a message on a scrap of paper: "You'll never get El Chapo." Authorities did - but only after the largest manhunt in history (and the help of Sean Penn). Now, the world's most wanted drug lord, who in 2015 escaped prison by riding motorbikes over metal rails through a 1.5km tunnel dug in the showers and was named the 14th richest man in the world by Forbes, is awaiting trial in the US, and the subject of a smash Netflix series. This is the inside story of a man behind it all, a man who is still hailed as a folk hero despite having bribed or killed politicians, police and soldiers with impunity, and exported over 500 tonnes of cocaine to America alone. Through reportage and interviews with rival narcos, police and DEA sources, The Last Narco masterfully reveals a brutal war between the cartels, staggering state corruption, and the struggle to bring one man to justice.
Das Lehrbuch verortet PR als Lehr- und Forschungsbereich aus einer primar kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Perspektive. Ziel ist es, Leserinnen und Leser mit den zentralen Grundbegriffen, Theorien und Modellen der PR sowie dem aktuellen Stand der wissenschaftlichen Reflexion vertraut zu machen. Neben der Auseinandersetzung mit unterschiedlichen disziplinaren Perspektiven, theoretischen Ansatzen und Modellen werden einzelne Tatigkeitsfelder, Arbeitsbereiche und Instrumente sowie die Konzeption strategischer PR naher beleuchtet. In dem Band werden PR-relevantes Wissen zusammengefuhrt sowie zentrale Begrifflichkeiten und Konzepte der PR-Forschung geklart. Anhand kompakter Leseabschnitte, ausgewahlter Leseproben einschlagiger Standardwerke sowie von Fallbeispielen aus der Praxis soll Studierenden der Einstieg in die kommunikationswissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit PR erleichtert werden. Daruber hinaus richtet sich der Band an alle, die sich mit den Auspragungen von PR in der modernen Gesellschaft sowie deren wissenschaftlicher Bearbeitung auseinandersetzen.
Ironic and humorous, witty and self-deprecatory, The Afghan Rumour Bazaar reveals the quotidian absurdities of lives framed against the backdrop of a savage war. Offering daringly new perspectives on a country readers may erroneously assume they know, Nushin Arbabzadah delves into the unacknowledged but real secret sub-cultures and hidden worlds of Afghans, from underground converts to Christianity to mysterious male cross-dressers to tales of bacha-posh girlboys. Among the individuals, fables and dilemmas she confronts are 'Why are Imams Telling Us About Nail Polish?', 'Afghanistan's Rich Jewish Heritage', 'Kabul Street Style', 'The Resurgence of Afghanistan's Spiritual Bazaar', and not forgetting Malalai of Maiwand, who turned her headscarf into a banner and led a successful rebellion against the British. Arbabzadah reveals for the first time Afghans' own vibrant internal deliberations - - on sex and soap operas; conspiracy theories; drugs and diplomacy; terrorism and the Taliban; and how a long-dead soothsayer from Bulgaria accidentally shut down a newspaper. Many different Afghan sensibilities are presented in her book, yet together they offer an unvarnished, at times heartwarming, at times tragic, insight into one of the most complex and fascinating countries on earth.
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER 'Hilarious, nimble, and thoroughly illuminating' Colson Whitehead, author of The Underground Railroad 'Recalls the work of John Jeremiah Sullivan and the late David Foster Wallace, with a dash of Janet Malcolm' Vogue From its opening journey into remote Alaska for the Iditarod Sled Dog Race, IMPOSSIBLE OWLS leads us on a kaleidoscopic exploration of contemporary reality. Brian Phillips takes us to a sumo tournament in Japan, the jungle in India, the studio of a great Russian animator, a royal tour of the Yukon Territory with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and into the weird heart of America. This exhilarating debut visits borders both real and imagined, and asks what it means, in our age, to travel to the end of the map.
'No one else can make me laugh and cry quite like Jilly Cooper.' Gill Sims 'Jilly Cooper's non-fiction is just as entertaining as her novels.' Pandora Sykes ____________________ 'One truth I have learnt, as middle age enmeshes me like Virginia creeper, is that I shall never change-because my capacity for self-improvement is absolutely nil.' Jilly Cooper's observations from her days as a much-loved newspaper columnist cover everything to do with sex, socialising and survival - from marriage, friendship and the minutiae of family life, to the tedium of going to visit people for the weekend, the stress of hosting dinner parties and the descent of middle age. Entertaining and full of heart, this classic collection of journalism from the legendary author explores the highs and lows of everyday life with wit, wisdom and warmth. Praise for Jilly Cooper: 'Joyful and mischievous' Jojo Moyes 'Fun, sexy and unputdownable' Marian Keyes 'Flawlessly entertaining' Helen Fielding
Lars Guenther analysiert die Grunde fur die jeweilige Berichterstattung uber wissenschaftliche Evidenz von Wissenschaftsjournalisten vor dem Hintergrund des Spannungsverhaltnisses Wissenschaft - Journalismus - OEffentlichkeit. Die Ergebnisse der eigenen Studien, die Erkenntnisse aus Inhaltsanalysen und Befragungen zusammenfassen, verweisen auf die dominante Rolle des Publikums: So machen Journalisten ihre Entscheidung, wie wissenschaftliche Evidenz dargestellt wird, vorrangig davon abhangig, wie stark sie glauben, dass ihre Leser und Zuhoerer erwarten, dass Forschungsergebnisse eher gesichert oder ungesichert prasentiert werden sollen.
James Fintan Lalor (1807-1849) was one of the most original thinkers of the Young Ireland movement, and one of the most frequently appropriated by later Irish activists. From Michael Davitt to James Connolly, a host of self-proclaimed disciples celebrated Lalor in succession as a proto-Fenian rebel, the prophet of Irish land reform, the fourth evangelist of Irish nationalism, and the Irish apostle of revolutionary Socialism. Not all of these definitions fit the reality of Lalor's political thought, but they attest to the deep impression he made on several generations of Irish readers. This edition offers a fresh transcription of Lalor's articles in their original newspaper form, removing the small alterations handed down from Lilian Fogarty's canonical 1918 edition. The introduction provides an overview of Lalor's career and explains the circumstances surrounding each article. An appendix completes the selection with two important documents: Lalor's surprising 1843 letter to Sir Robert Peel, and an unpublished article intended as Lalor's second contribution to the Nation. This small corpus - a mere twelve articles written between 1847 and 1848 - nevertheless suffices to argue for Lalor's inclusion among the great Irish writers of the nineteenth century.
For avid readers and the uninitiated alike, this is a chance to reengage with classic literature and to stay inspired and entertained. The concept of the magazine is simple: the first half is a long-form interview with a notable book fanatic and the second half explores one classic work of literature from an array of surprising and invigorating angles.
For avid readers and the uninitiated alike, this is a chance to reengage with classic literature and to stay inspired and entertained. The concept of the magazine is simple: the first half is a long-form interview with a notable book fanatic and the second half explores one classic work of literature from an array of surprising and invigorating angles.
Wer berat die Regierung in kommunikativen Fragen und mit welcher Wirkung? Nicola Seitz geht Veranderungen in der staatlichen Kommunikation nach und untersucht im Zeitraum von 1998 bis 2009 den Einfluss von Werbe- und PR-Agenturen auf den politischen Regierungsapparat und den kommunikativen Vermittlungsprozess. Anhand einer dokumentenbasierten Netzwerkanalyse identifiziert sie zentrale Akteure der Branche, die in Interviews umfassende Einblicke in ihre kommunikative Arbeit fur Bundesministerien und ihre Beziehung zum Journalismus geben. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass Kommunikationsdienstleister wenig Einfluss auf die Politik oder die (uberregionale) politische Berichterstattung haben und nur in Ausnahmefallen in die Tagespolitik involviert sind. Stattdessen ersinnen sie Visualisierungen, Bildmotive und verantworten die breite (regionale) Kommunikation von mittel- bis langfristigen politischen Themen.
Wenn man Redaktionen als Grenzstellen des Journalismus und PR-Abteilungen als Grenzstellen von Institutionen der Politik, Verwaltung und Wirtschaft versteht, liegt es nahe, nach 'Entgrenzungen' im Sinne einer Beeinflussung oder sogar Steuerung zu fra gen. Aus dieser Perspektive sind die meisten der Studien entstanden, die nach den sicht baren Spuren fragen, die Offentlichkeitsarbeit im Mediensystem hinterlasst. Die Antwort scheint eindeutig. In der bekanntesten deutschen Untersuchung, die von Barbara Baerns durchgefuhrt wurde, wird der Offentlichkeitsarbeit attestiert, sie habe die Themen und sogar das Timing der Berichterstattung unter Kontrolle. Auch in einer Schweizer Studie wurde ermittelt, das Informationsgeschehen werde in erster Linie durch die Pressestellen der Behorden, Verbande und Institutionen deutlich dominiert. Im Lichte neuerer, theoretisch und/oder methodisch anspruchsvollerer Studien lasst sich die These eines dominierenden Einflusses von PR auf die Medienberichterstattung in pauschaler Form jedoch nicht mehr uneingeschrankt aufrechterhalten. Vielmehr ist deut lich geworden, dass das System Journalismus auch hier Resistenz gegen eine Umwelt steuerung aufbringt. Offentlichkeitsarbeit muss schon zu den internen Relevanzhierar chien und Operationsprozeduren passen, wenn sie in der intendierten Weise wirksam werden will. Die Studie "Journalismus in Deutschland" der Forschungsgruppe Journalistik hat in vielfaltigen Zusammenhangen belegt, dass die Journalisten sich selbst am nachsten sind. Ihnen ist zwar durchaus bewusst, dass sie eine Schnittstelle fur vie\faltigste Gruppen und Institutionen bilden, die an der Kommunikation in der Gesellschaft beteiligt sind oder sein wollen. Doch sie sehen diese 'Umwelteinflusse' durchweg als nicht so gravierend an."
Launched at the 1982 Notting Hill Carnival, The Voice newspaper captured and addressed a generation figuring out what it meant to be Black and British. Written for and by Black people, the newspaper shone a light on systematic injustices as well as celebrating Black Britain's success stories. From hard hitting news reports covering the murder of Stephen Lawrence to championing the likes of Sir Lewis Hamilton and Idris Elba, the newspaper has campaigned, celebrated and educated people for the last forty years. As well as celebrating amazing successes in sport, politics and the arts, The Voice documented everyday life in the community, from the emergence of a Black middle class in the '90s and the achievements of Black entrepreneurs to how different facets of the community were explored in contemporary music and literature. Since its small beginnings in Hackney, The Voice has also become a fantastic training ground for prominent journalists and figures including former politician Trevor Phillips, broadcaster Rageh Omaar and writer Afua Hirsch. Today, The Voice is Britain's longest running and only Black newspaper. Told through news reports, editorials and readers' personal letters, this emotive book documents the social history of Black Britain over the last four decades. Each chapter is illustrated with amazing newspaper pages from The Voice's extensive archives as well as iconic and dramatic front covers from 1982 to the present day. With a foreword from Sir Lenny Henry and written by former and current Voice journalists, this powerful book is a celebration of the ground-breaking paper which gave a voice to the voiceless.
Islamkritik" ist eines der Schlagworte unserer Zeit. Doch dahinter
verstecken sich oftmals nur pure Ressentiments. Zugleich lasst sich
unter Muslimen eine dogmatische Verteidigungshaltung beobachten,
bei der bisweilen jede Kritik von vornherein in den Wind geschlagen
wird. Beide Extreme dominieren zu haufig die offentlichen
Diskussionen. Der vorliegende Band Islamfeindlichkeit" einerseits
und der dazugehorige Band Islamverherrlichung" andererseits nehmen
sie daher kritisch in den Blick: Band 1 spurt jene geistigen
Stromungen auf, die antiislamische Einstellungen in Deutschland
fordern. Band 2 spricht theologische Herausforderungen und
Missstande in der hiesigen muslimischen Gesellschaft an -
allerdings ohne Pauschalisierung, Populismus und Polemik. Das
Gesamtwerk ist somit ein Appell an die Vernunft, hat aber auch
dokumentarischen Charakter. In diesem Buch beleuchten renommierte
Autoren verschiedene Aspekte vom Islamhass vergangener Jahrhunderte
bis zur heutigen Hetze im Internet. Ferner geht es um die
Auseinandersetzung mit prominenten Vertretern der Islamkritik" wie
Henryk M. Broder, Ralph Giordano, Necla Kelek, Hans-Peter Raddatz
und anderen.
Das Lehrbuch fuhrt systematisch in Arbeitsfelder und Techniken des
Politikjournalismus ein und vermittelt gleichzeitig breites
Hintergrundwissen uber die veranderten Spielregeln der
Politikberichterstattung: Praktische Tipps und aktuelle
Fallbeispiele werden mit zentralen Forschungsergebnissen aus der
Kommunikationswissenschaft verknupft. Ebenso ladt das Buch zum
Nachdenken ein: Welche Rolle sollen, welche Rolle wollen
Politikjournalisten kunftig in der Gesellschaft spielen?
An urgent, insightful account of the human side of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine by seasoned war reporter Tim Judah Making his way from the Polish border in the west, through the capital city and the heart of the 2014 revolution, to the eastern frontline near the Russian border, Tim Judah brings a rare glimpse of the reality behind the headlines. Along the way he talks to the people living through the conflict - mothers, soldiers, businessmen, poets, politicians - whose memories of a contested past shape their attitudes, allegiances and hopes for the future. Together, their stories paint a vivid picture of what the second largest country in Europe feels like in wartime: a nation trapped between powerful forces, both political and historical. 'Visceral, gripping, heartbreaking' Simon Sebag Montefiore 'Haunting . . . timely . . . Interviewing a wide range of people who have been caught up in the recent conflict, Judah concentrates skilfully and affectingly on the human cost' Alexander Larman, Observer 'Comes close to the master, Ryszard Kapuscinski' Roger Boyes, The Times 'A kaleidoscopic portrait . . . Judah looks at the present - what Ukraine looks and feels like now' Marcus Tanner, Independent
The end of the Qing dynasty in China saw an unprecedented
explosion |
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