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Books > Professional & Technical > Electronics & communications engineering > Electronics engineering > Automatic control engineering
Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Applications focuses on nonlinear phenomena that are common in the engineering field. The nonlinear approaches described in this book provide a sound theoretical base and practical tools to design and analyze engineering systems with high efficiency and accuracy and with less energy and downtime. Presented here are nonlinear approaches in areas such as dynamic systems, optimal control and approaches in nonlinear dynamics and acoustics. Coverage encompasses a wide range of applications and fields including mathematical modeling and nonlinear behavior as applied to microresonators, nanotechnologies, nonlinear behavior in soil erosion,nonlinear population dynamics, and optimization in reducing vibration and noise as well as vibration in triple-walled carbon nanotubes.
This book offers the first systematic guide to machine ethics, bridging between computer science, social sciences and philosophy. Based on a dialogue between an AI scientist and a novelist philosopher, the book discusses important findings on which moral values machines can be taught and how. In turn, it investigates what kind of artificial intelligence (AI) people do actually want. What are the main consequences of the integration of AI in people's every-day life? In order to co-exist and collaborate with humans, machines need morality, but which moral values should we teach them? Moreover, how can we implement benevolent AI? These are just some of the questions carefully examined in the book, which offers a comprehensive account of ethical issues concerning AI, on the one hand, and a timely snapshot of the power and potential benefits of this technology on the other. Starting with an introduction to common-sense ethical principles, the book then guides the reader, helping them develop and understand more complex ethical concerns and placing them in a larger, technological context. The book makes these topics accessible to a non-expert audience, while also offering alternative reading pathways to inspire more specialized readers.
This book includes papers presented at the International Conference "Educational Robotics in the Maker Era - EDUROBOTICS 2020", Online, February 2021. The contributions cover a variety of topics useful for teacher education and for designing learning by making activities for children and youth, with an emphasis on modern low-cost technologies (including block-based programming environments, Do-It-Yourself electronics, 3D printed artifacts, the use of intelligent distributed systems, the IoT technology, and gamification) in formal and informal education settings. This collection of contributions (17 chapters and 2 short papers) provides researchers and practitioners the latest advances in educational robotics in a broader sense focusing on science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) education. Teachers and educators at any school level can find insights and inspirations into how educational robotics can promote technological interest and 21st-century skills: creativity, critical thinking, team working, and problem-solving with special emphasis on new emerging making technologies.
This monograph is devoted to the theory and development of autonomous navigation of mobile robots using computer vision based sensing mechanism. The conventional robot navigation systems, utilizing traditional sensors like ultrasonic, IR, GPS, laser sensors etc., suffer several drawbacks related to either the physical limitations of the sensor or incur high cost. Vision sensing has emerged as a popular alternative where cameras can be used to reduce the overall cost, maintaining high degree of intelligence, flexibility and robustness. This book includes a detailed description of several new approaches for real life vision based autonomous navigation algorithms and SLAM. It presents the concept of how subgoal based goal-driven navigation can be carried out using vision sensing. The development concept of vision based robots for path/line tracking using fuzzy logic is presented, as well as how a low-cost robot can be indigenously developed in the laboratory with microcontroller based sensor systems. The book describes successful implementation of integration of low-cost, external peripherals, with off-the-shelf procured robots. An important highlight of the book is that it presents a detailed, step-by-step sample demonstration of how vision-based navigation modules can be actually implemented in real life, under 32-bit Windows environment. The book also discusses the concept of implementing vision based SLAM employing a two camera based system. "
Optimization is an integral part to science and engineering. Most real-world applications involve complex optimization processes, which are di?cult to solve without advanced computational tools. With the increasing challenges of ful?lling optimization goals of current applications there is a strong drive to advancethe developmentofe?cientoptimizers. The challengesintroduced by emerging problems include: * objective functions which are prohibitively expensive to evaluate, so ty- callysoonlyasmallnumber ofobjectivefunctionevaluationscanbemade during the entire search, * objective functions which are highly multimodal or discontinuous, and * non-stationary problems which may change in time (dynamic). Classical optimizers may perform poorly or even may fail to produce any improvement over the starting vector in the face of such challenges. This has motivated researchers to explore the use computational intelligence (CI) to augment classical methods in tackling such challenging problems. Such methods include population-based search methods such as: a) evolutionary algorithms and particle swarm optimization and b) non-linear mapping and knowledgeembedding approachessuchasarti?cialneuralnetworksandfuzzy logic, to name a few. Such approaches have been shown to perform well in challenging settings. Speci?cally, CI are powerful tools which o?er several potential bene?ts such as: a) robustness (impose little or no requirements on the objective function) b) versatility (handle highly non-linear mappings) c) self-adaptionto improveperformance and d) operationin parallel(making it easy to decompose complex tasks). However, the successful application of CI methods to real-world problems is not straightforward and requires both expert knowledge and trial-and-error experiments.
This book aims at addressing the challenges of contemporary manufacturing in Industry 4.0 environment and future manufacturing (aka Industry 5.0), by implementing soft computing as one of the major sub-fields of artificial intelligence. It contributes to development and application of the soft computing systems, including links to hardware, software and enterprise systems, in resolving modern manufacturing issues in complex, highly dynamic and globalized industrial circumstances. It embraces heterogeneous complementary aspects, such as control, monitoring and modeling of different manufacturing tasks, including intelligent robotic systems and processes, addressed by various machine learning and fuzzy techniques; modeling and parametric optimization of advanced conventional and non-conventional, eco-friendly manufacturing processes by using machine learning and evolutionary computing techniques; cybersecurity framework for Internet of Things-based systems addressing trustworthiness and resilience in machine-to-machine and human-machine collaboration; static and dynamic digital twins integration and synchronization in a smart factory environment; STEP-NC technology for a smart machine vision system, and integration of Open CNC with Service-Oriented Architecture for STEP-NC monitoring system in a smart manufacturing. Areas of interest include but are not limited to applications of soft computing to address the following: dynamic process/system modeling and simulation, dynamic process/system parametric optimization, dynamic planning and scheduling, smart, predictive maintenance, intelligent and autonomous systems, improved machine cognition, effective digital twins integration, human-machine collaboration, robots, and cobots.
This book examines the paradigm of the engineering design process. The author discusses agile systems and engineering design. The book captures the entire design process (function bases), context, and requirements to affect real reuse. It provides a methodology for an engineering design process foundation for modern and future systems design. Captures design patterns with context for actual Systems Engineering Design Reuse and contains a new paradigm in Design Knowledge Management.
1 Grundlagen der Dynamik regelungstechnischer Systeme.- 1.1 Allgemeine Zielsetzung der Regelungstechnik.- 1.2 Regelkreis.- 1.3 Voraussetzungen fur Blockorientierung und Regelkreisbildung.- 1.4 Aufgaben der Regelungstechnik.- 1.5 UEbertragungsfunktion und Regelungssystemtheorie.- 1.6 Anfangsbedingungen und Nullstellen der UEbertragungsfunktion.- 1.7 Ausgangssignal Xa(s) bei x a(k)(0?)=0.- 1.8 Nichtverschwindende Vorgeschichte xa(k)(0?)?0.- 1.9 Analyse im Spektralbereich. Verknupfung mehrerer Elemente.- 1.10 Regelstrecke und Stoergroessen.- 1.11 Einschleifiger Standardregelkreis.- 1.12 Sensitivitat.- 1.13 Differentielle Sensitivitat fur den Standardregelkreis.- 1.14 Linearisierung.- 1.15 Regelkreis im Signalflussdiagramm.- 1.16 Spezielle Elemente regelungstechnischer Systeme.- 1.16.1 Rationale UEbertragungselemente.- 1.16.2 Totzeit-Elemente.- 1.16.3 Allpass-Elemente.- 1.16.4 Laufzeitelemente.- 2 Regelkreisanalyse im Zeitbereich.- 2.1 Regelkreis-Reaktion auf einfache Signale.- 2.2 Mehrfache Polstellen von Xa(s).- 2.3 Naherung fur kleine Zeitwerte.- 2.4 Naherung fur grosse Zeitwerte.- 2.5 Faltungsintegral und Naherung durch Faltungssumme.- 2.6 Regelungen mit Totzeitelementen.- 3 Formulierung kontinuierlicher Regelungssysteme im Zustandsraum.- 3.1 Grundlagen.- 3.2 Transitionsmatrix (Fundamentalmatrix).- 3.3 Potenzreihenentwicklung der Transitionsmatrix.- 3.4 Zustandsregler. Fuhrungs- und Stoerungsverhalten.- 3.5 Vorfilterbemessung.- 4 Analyseverfahren im Frequenzbereich.- 4.1 Frequenzgang.- 4.2 Ortskurven des Frequenzgangs.- 4.3 Ortskurven von typischen stabilen Regelkreis-Element en.- 4.4 Ortskurven instabiler Regelkreiselemente.- 4.5 Frequenzgangsortskurve des Regelkreises.- 4.6 Ermittlung von Zeitbereichssignalen aus dem Frequenzbereich.- 4.7 Ermittlung des Frequenzganges aus der gemessenen Systemantwort.- 4.8 Bode-Diagramm.- 4.9 Phasenminimum-Beziehungen.- 4.10 Knickstellen der Regelschleife und des Regelkreises.- 4.11 H?-Norm einer UEbertragungsfunktion.- 5 Regelstrecken im Regelkreis.- 5.1 Antriebe. Allgemeines.- 5.2 Stromrichtergespeiste Gleichstromantriebe.- 5.3 Stromleitverfahren.- 5.4 Begrenzungsregelung.- 5.5 Kupplungselastizitat.- 5.6 Umrichtergespeiste Asynchronmaschine.- 5.7 Thermische Regelstrecken.- 5.7.1 Durchlauferhitzer, Warmetauscher.- 5.7.2 Kessel und Turbine.- 5.8 Hydraulische Regelstrecken.- 5.9 Pneumatische Regelstrecke.- 5.10 Mechanische Positionsregelstrecken.- 5.10.1 Einfache Fahrzeuglenkung.- 5.10.2 Balancierung.- 5.10.3 Passagierflugzeug.- 5.10.4 Raketenantrieb.- 5.11 Verfahrenstechnische Regelstrecken.- 5.12 Elektronische und nachrichtentechnische Regelstrecken.- 5.12.1 Verstarkungsausgleich.- 5.12.2 Scharfabstimmung.- 5.12.3 Zeilensynchronisierung.- 5.12.4 Rauschunterdruckung.- 5.13 Phase-Locked Loops (PLL).- 5.13.1 Phase-Locked Loop in analoger Ersatzrechnung.- 5.13.2 Regelungen an einem CD-Player.- 5.14 Schaltzeichen (Sinnbilder) fur technische Regelstrecken.- 5.15 Volkswirtschaftliche Regelungen.- 5.16 Physiologische und psychische Regelkreise.- 5.17 Soziologische Regelungen.- 6 Stellglieder und Verstarker.- 6.1 Stromrichterstellglieder.- 6.2 Umrichter fur Drehfeldmaschinen.- 6.3 Stellmotoren fur mechanische Positionierung.- 6.4 Stellglieder fur Flussigkeits-, Gasstroeme u. koernige Stoffe.- 6.5 Schaltzeichen fur Stellglieder und Verstarker.- 7 Regelungstechnischer Einsatz von Sensoren und Messumformern.- 7.1 Anforderungen.- 7.2 Messrauschen.- 7.3 Leistung eines Rauschsignales.- 8 Identifikationsverfahren.- 8.1 Auswertung der Sprungantwort von PDT1-Elementen.- 8.2 Auswertung der Sprungantwort von PT2-Elementen.- 8.3 Wendetangentenmethode bei PT2-Elementen.- 8.4 Auswertung der Sprungantwort von IT1-Elementen.- 8.5 Momentenmethode an der Gewichtsfunktion.- 8.6 Identifikation mit Hilfsregler.- 8.7 Identifikation mit fiktivem Serienelement.- 8.8 Regressionsanalyse. Quadratische Ausgleichsrechnung.- 9 Regler. Ausfuhrung und Dimensionierung.- 9.1 Operationsverstarker.- 9.2 Elektr
Grasping in Robotics contains original contributions in the field of grasping in robotics with a broad multidisciplinary approach. This gives the possibility of addressing all the major issues related to robotized grasping, including milestones in grasping through the centuries, mechanical design issues, control issues, modelling achievements and issues, formulations and software for simulation purposes, sensors and vision integration, applications in industrial field and non-conventional applications (including service robotics and agriculture). The contributors to this book are experts in their own diverse and wide ranging fields. This multidisciplinary approach can help make Grasping in Robotics of interest to a very wide audience. In particular, it can be a useful reference book for researchers, students and users in the wide field of grasping in robotics from many different disciplines including mechanical design, hardware design, control design, user interfaces, modelling, simulation, sensors and humanoid robotics. It could even be adopted as a reference textbook in specific PhD courses.
Robotic Sailing 2017. This book contains the peer-reviewed papers presented at the 10th International Robotic Sailing Conference which was organized in conjunction with the 10th World Robotic Sailing Championship held in Horten, Norway the 4th-9th of September 2017. The seven papers cover topics of interest for autonomous robotic sailing which represents some of the most challenging research and development areas. The book is divided into two parts. The first part contains papers which focus on the design of sails and software for the assessment and predication of sailboat performance as well as software platforms and middleware for sailboat competition and research. The second part includes algorithms and strategies for navigation and collision avoidance on local, mid- and long range. The differences in approach in the included papers show that robotic sailing is still an emerging cross-disciplinary science. The multitude of suggestions to the specific problems of prediction and simulation of sailboats as well as the challenges of route planning, anti-grounding and collision avoidance are good indicators of science in its infancy. Hence, we may expect the future to hold great advances for robotic sailing.
Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) now provide mature optimization tools that have successfully been applied to many problems, from designing antennas to complete robots, and provided many human-competitive results. In robotics, the integration of EAs within the engineer's toolbox made tremendous progress in the last 20 years and proposes new methods to address challenging problems in various setups: modular robotics, swarm robotics, robotics with non-conventional mechanics (e.g. high redundancy, dynamic motion, multi-modality), etc. This book takes its roots in the workshop on "New Horizons in Evolutionary Design of Robots" that brought together researchers from Computer Science and Robotics during the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-2009) in Saint Louis (USA). This book features extended contributions from the workshop, thus providing various examples of current problems and applications, with a special emphasis on the link between Computer Science and Robotics. It also provides a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to Evolutionary Robotics after 20 years of maturation as well as thoughts and considerations from several major actors in the field. This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the current trends and challenges in Evolutionary Robotics for the next decade.
This proceedings book helps bring insights from this array of technical sub-topics together, as advanced robot algorithms draw on the combined expertise of many fields-including control theory, computational geometry and topology, geometrical and physical modeling, reasoning under uncertainty, probabilistic algorithms, game theory, and theoretical computer science. Intelligent robots and autonomous systems depend on algorithms that efficiently realize functionalities ranging from perception to decision making, from motion planning to control. The works collected in this SPAR book represent the state of the art in algorithmic robotics. They originate from papers accepted to the 14th International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), traditionally a biannual, single-track meeting of leading researchers in the field of robotics. WAFR has always served as a premiere venue for the publication of some of robotics' most important, fundamental, and lasting algorithmic contributions, ensuring the rapid circulation of new ideas. Though an in-person meeting was planned for June 15-17, 2020, in Oulu, Finland, the event ended up being canceled owing to the infeasibility of international travel during the global COVID-19 crisis.
Mechanics and Control of Soft-fingered Manipulation introduces a new approach to the modeling of fingertips that have a soft pad and a hard back plate, similar to human fingers. Starting from the observation of soft-fingered grasping and manipulation, the book provides a parallel distributed model that takes into account tangential deformation of the fingertips. The model is supported with many experimental verifications and simulation results. Statics and dynamics in soft-fingered grasping and manipulation are also formulated based on this new model. The book uniquely investigates how soft fingertips with hard back plates enhance dexterity in grasping and manipulation, theoretically and experimentally, revealing the differences between soft-fingered and rigid-fingered manipulation. Researchers involved in object manipulation by robotic hands, as well as in human dexterity in object manipulation, will find this text enlightening.
Medical and Healthcare Robotics: New Paradigms and Recent Advances provides an overview and exclusive insights into current trends, the most recent innovations, and concerns in medical robotics. The book covers the major areas of medical robotics, including rehabilitation devices, artificial organs, assistive technologies, service robotics, and robotic devices for surgery, exploration, diagnosis, therapy, and training. It highlights the limitations and the importance of robotics and artificial intelligence for medical and healthcare applications. The book is a timely and comprehensive reference guide for undergraduate-level students, graduate students, and researchers in the fields of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, mechatronics, control systems engineering, and biomedical engineering. It can be useful for master’s programs, leading consultants, and industrial companies. The book can be of high interest for physicians and physiotherapists and all technical people in the medical and biomedical fields.
This textbook offers a comprehensive introduction to the control of marine vehicles, from fundamental to advanced concepts, including robust control techniques for handling model uncertainty, environmental disturbances, and actuator limitations. Starting with an introductory chapter that extensively reviews automatic control and dynamic modeling techniques for ocean vehicles, the first part of the book presents in-depth information on the analysis and control of linear time invariant systems. The concepts discussed are developed progressively, providing a basis for understanding more complex techniques and stimulating readers' intuition. In addition, selected examples illustrating the main concepts, the corresponding MATLAB (R) code, and problems are included in each chapter. In turn, the second part of the book offers comprehensive coverage on the stability and control of nonlinear systems. Following the same intuitive approach, it guides readers from the fundamentals to more advanced techniques, which culminate in integrator backstepping, adaptive and sliding mode control. Leveraging the author's considerable teaching and research experience, the book offers a good balance of theory and stimulating questions. Not only does it provide a valuable resource for undergraduate and graduate students; it will also benefit practitioners who want to review the foundational concepts underpinning some of the latest advanced marine vehicle control techniques, for use in their own applications.
This book focuses on the basic control and filtering synthesis problems for discrete-time switched linear systems under time-dependent switching signals. Chapter 1, as an introduction of the book, gives the backgrounds and motivations of switched systems, the definitions of the typical time-dependent switching signals, the differences and links to other types of systems with hybrid characteristics and a literature review mainly on the control and filtering for the underlying systems. By summarizing the multiple Lyapunov-like functions (MLFs) approach in which different requirements on comparisons of Lyapunov function values at switching instants, a series of methodologies are developed for the issues on stability and stabilization, and l2-gain performance or tube-based robustness for l disturbance, respectively, in Chapters 2 and 3. Chapters 4 and 5 are devoted to the control and filtering problems for the time-dependent switched linear systems with either polytopic uncertainties or measurable time-varying parameters in different sense of disturbances. The asynchronous switching problem, where there is time lag between the switching of the currently activated system mode and the controller/filter to be designed, is investigated in Chapter 6. The systems with various time delays under typical time-dependent switching signals are addressed in Chapter 7.
Over the next few decades, millions of people, with varying backgrounds and levels of technical expertise, will have to effectively interact with robotic technologies on a daily basis. This means it will have to be possible to modify robot behavior without explicitly writing code, but instead via a small number of wearable devices or visual demonstrations. At the same time, robots will need to infer and predict humans' intentions and internal objectives on the basis of past interactions in order to provide assistance before it is explicitly requested; this is the basis of imitation learning for robotics. This book introduces readers to robotic imitation learning based on human demonstration with wearable devices. It presents an advanced calibration method for wearable sensors and fusion approaches under the Kalman filter framework, as well as a novel wearable device for capturing gestures and other motions. Furthermore it describes the wearable-device-based and vision-based imitation learning method for robotic manipulation, making it a valuable reference guide for graduate students with a basic knowledge of machine learning, and for researchers interested in wearable computing and robotic learning.
This book presents the latest information on the intelligent CNC machine tool spindle system, which integrates various disciplines such as mechanical engineering, control engineering, computer science and information technology. It describes a prediction method and model for temperature rise and thermal deformation in motorized spindles and proposes an intelligent stator resistance identification method to reduce the torque ripple of motorized spindles under direct torque control. Further, it discusses the on-line dynamic balance method for NC machine tool spindles. The biogeographic optimization algorithm and hybrid intelligent algorithm presented here were first applied in the field of motorized spindle performance control. In turn, the book presents extensive motorized spindle performance test data and includes detailed examples of how intelligent algorithms can be applied to motor spindle stator resistance identification, temperature field prediction and on-line dynamic balance. In summary, the book provides readers with the latest tools for designing, testing and implementing intelligent motorized spindle systems in terms of the basic theory, technological applications and future prospects, and offers a wealth of practical information for researchers in mechanical engineering, especially in the area of control systems.
Switched linear systems have a long history in the control literature but-along with hybrid systems more generally-they have enjoyed a particular growth in interest since the 1990s. The large amount of data and ideas thus generated have, until now, lacked a co-ordinating framework to focus them effectively on some of the fundamental issues such as the problems of robust stabilizing switching design, feedback stabilization and optimal switching. This deficiency is resolved by Switched Linear Systems which features: a [ nucleus of constructive design approaches based on canonical decomposition and forming a sound basis for the systematic treatment of secondary results; a [ theoretical exploration and logical association of several independent but pivotal concerns in control design as they pertain to switched linear systems: controllability and observability, feedback stabilization, optimization and periodic switching; a [ a reliable foundation for further theoretical research as well as design guidance for real life engineering applications through the integration of novel ideas, fresh insights and rigorous results. Primarily intended for researchers and engineers in the systems and control community, postgraduate students will also discover that this is perfect complementary reading especially for those studying intelligent, adaptive or robust control.
A proceedings volume from teh 1st IFAC Symposium, Expo, Finland, 21-23 June 2004
This book presents a selection of conference contributions from CARO'13 (Conference on Aerospace Robotics), which was held in Warsaw from July 1 to 3, 2013. It presents the most important and crucial problems of space automation in context of future exploration programs. These programs could involve such issues as space situational awareness program, planetary protection, exploitation of minerals, assembly, manufacturing, and search for new habitable location for next human generations. The future exploration of Space and related activities will involve robots. In particular, new autonomous robots need to be developed with high degree of intelligence. Such robots would make space exploration possible but also they would make space automation an important factor in variety of activities related to Space.
Mechatronics is a core subject for engineers, combining elements of
mechanical and electronic engineering into the development of
computer-controlled mechanical devices such as DVD players or
anti-lock braking systems. This book is the most comprehensive text
available for both mechanical and electrical engineering students
and will enable them to engage fully with all stages of mechatronic
system design. It offers broader and more integrated coverage than
other books in the field with practical examples, case studies and
exercises throughout and an Instructor's Manual. A further key
feature of the book is its integrated coverage of programming the
PIC microcontroller, and the use of MATLAB and Simulink programming
and modelling, along with code files for downloading from the
accompanying website.
The relay feedback test (RFT) has become a popular and efficient in process identification and automatic controller tuning. "Non-parametric Tuning of PID Controllers" couples new modifications of classical RFT with application-specific optimal tuning rules to form a non-parametric method of test-and-tuning. Test and tuning are coordinated through a set of common parameters so that a PID controller can obtain the desired gain or phase margins in a system exactly, even with unknown process dynamics. The concept of process-specific optimal tuning rules in the nonparametric setup, with corresponding tuning rules for flow, level pressure, and temperature control loops is presented in the text. Common problems of tuning accuracy based on parametric and non-parametric approaches are addressed. In addition, the text treats the parametric approach to tuning based on the modified RFT approach and the exact model of oscillations in the system under test using the locus of a perturbedrelay system (LPRS) method. Industrial loop tuning for distributed control systems using modified RFT is also described. Many of the problems of tuning rules optimization and identification with modified RFT are accompanied by MATLAB(r) code, downloadable from http: //extras.springer.com/978-1-4471-4464-9 to allow the reader to duplicate the results. "Non-parametric Tuning of PID Controllers" is written for readers with previous knowledge of linear control and will be of interest to academic control researchers and graduate students and to practitioners working in a variety of chemical- mechanical- and process-engineering-related industries. |
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