Books > Children's & Educational > Technology & applied sciences > Computing & information technology
Tincwadzi tekufundza takaKagiso: Tincwadzi tekufundza takaKagiso
tihlelwe ngendlela lesezingeni leliphakeme yelipulani lokufundza
laseNingizimu Afrika kumabanga laphasi (Mabanga R-3). Titfolakala
ngaletilwimi letilandzelako: English, Afrikaans, siSwati, Xitsonga,
Tshiven.a, isiZulu, Sesotho isiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi naSindebele.
Tigcamiswe ngemibala lemihle nalekhangako. Tifundzisa likhono
lokufundza kubafundzi. Kagiso Readers is a South African graded
reading scheme for the Foundation Phase (Grades R-3). It is
available in the following languages: English, Afrikaans, siSwati,
Xitsonga, Tshivenda, IsiZulu, Sesotho, IsiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi
and IsiNdebele.
The Kagiso readers series is an illustrated graded reading scheme
for the foundation phase, which presents a range of situations and
contexts authentically and realistically. These readers will enable
learners to develop literacy skills incrementally and with
confidence to motivate them to read further. Reading is integrated
with other aspects of language, thus developing listening,
speaking, writing, thinking and reasoning skills, as well as
language structure and usage. Available in the following languages:
English, Afrikaans, Siswati, Sesotho, Xitsonga, Tshivenda, IsiZulu,
IsiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi, IsiNdebele.
Oxford International Primary Computing is a complete six year
primary computing course that takes a real-life, project based
approach to teaching young learners the vital computing skills they
will need for the digital world. Each unit builds a series of
skills towards the creation of a final project, with topics ranging
from designing your own robot to programming simple games. Within
each stage, six key concepts are covered to give learners not only
the skills they need to use technology effectively, but also the
knowledge in how to do so creatively, safely and collaboratively:
Control the computer - exploring the vital skills of logic and
programming Working with text -from editing simple text to creating
engaging outputs Handling Data - turning numbers in to useful and
easy to understand data The Internet - how can we use the internet
safely, and how can we trust what we read? Multimedia - harnessing
technology creatively for graphics, animations, movies and more
Computing in society - asking big questions about real life
applications of technology, from social media safety to the history
of the world wide web For the teacher, the Teacher's Guides provide
step-by-step guidance for each lesson, as well as comprehensive
information on the knowledge, software and skills required to
provide reassurance for specialist and non-specialist teachers
Impumelelo Kwilitheresi is a home language course developed
especially for the Literacy learning programme in the Revised
National Curriculum Statement (NCS). This pioneering course was
developed by the Molteno Project and has achieved remarkable
results in both South Africa and other sub-Saharan African
counties. The programme not only helps children to read fluently
and write easily and accurately in their home language, but also to
acquire the essential Literacy skills that will enable them to
become proficient in additional languages - specifically English,
when it is to become the language of learning and teaching.
Although Impumelelo Kwilitheresi is already well kwonwn for its
success in literacy education, this new edition has been designed
and written specifically around the critical outcomes, learning
outcomes and assessment standard of the Revised National Curriculum
Statement. Another new and exciting development is that the course
has now been extended Grades 2 and 3. Here is a list of resources
for all three Grades: Teacher's Guide Classroom set of four
conversation poster Classroom set of phonic posters Teacher's
sentence maker and word cards Teacher's sentence holder or plastic
stand Learner's Book for each learner Learner's sentence makers and
word cards for each learner Learners' sentence holders or plastic
stands Impumelelo Kwilitheresi Readers 1 to 10.
The Kagiso readers series is an illustrated graded reading scheme
for the foundation phase, which presents a range of situations and
contexts authentically and realistically. These readers will enable
learners to develop literacy skills incrementally and with
confidence to motivate them to read further. Reading is integrated
with other aspects of language, thus developing listening,
speaking, writing, thinking and reasoning skills, as well as
language structure and usage. Available in the following languages:
English, Afrikaans, Siswati, Sesotho, Xitsonga, Tshivenda, IsiZulu,
IsiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi, IsiNdebele.
Dikwalwa tsa Kagiso ke tsa Aforika Borwa tse di lebesitsweng go
Kgato ya Motheo (Kereiti R-3). Di fitlhelwa ka dipuo tse di
latelang: English, Afrikaans, Siswati, Xitsonga, Tshivenda,
IsiZulu, Sesotho, IsiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi le IsiNdebele. Ka
ditshwantsho tse di mebalabala e e bogegang, baithuti ba kgona go
godisa kitso ya go bala le go kwala. Kagiso readers is a South
African graded reading scheme for the foundation phase (Grades
R-3). It is available in the following languages: English,
Afrikaans, siSwati, Xitsonga, Tshivenda, isiZulu, Sesotho,
isiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi and isiNdebele. Colourful and
beautifully illustrated, the Kagiso readers enable learners to
develop literacy incrementally.
Tincwadzi tekufundza takaKagiso: Tincwadzi tekufundza takaKagiso
tihlelwe ngendlela lesezingeni leliphakeme yelipulani lokufundza
laseNingizimu Afrika kumabanga laphasi (Mabanga R-3). Titfolakala
ngaletilwimi letilandzelako: English, Afrikaans, siSwati, Xitsonga,
Tshiven.a, isiZulu, Sesotho isiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi naSindebele.
Tigcamiswe ngemibala lemihle nalekhangako. Tifundzisa likhono
lokufundza kubafundzi. Kagiso Readers is a South African graded
reading scheme for the Foundation Phase (Grades R-3). It is
available in the following languages: English, Afrikaans, siSwati,
Xitsonga, Tshivenda, IsiZulu, Sesotho, IsiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi
and IsiNdebele.
The Students' Books are in full-colour and designed for ease of use
whilst working at a PC. It include find-it-out sections to
encourage students to investigate and consider things from
different angles. The text also have explanations of key words.
There are full of step-by-step activities designed specifically for
children of this age to help them put theory into practice.
Letoto la padiso tsa Kagiso ke la dingolwa tsa Aforika Borwa tse
hlophiseditsweng mohato wa mathomo (Kereiti R-3). Le fumaneha ka
dipuo tse latelang: English, Afrikaans, Siswati, Xitsonga,
Tshivenda, IsiZulu, Sesotho, IsiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi le
IsiNdebele. Ditshwantsho tse takilweng ka bokgabane le ka
mebalabala di thusa baithuti tswelopeleng ya ho ruteha ha bona.
Kagiso readers is a South African graded reading scheme for the
foundation phase (Grades R-3). It is available in the following
languages: English, Afrikaans, Siswati, Xitsonga, Tshivenda,
IsiZulu, Sesotho, IsiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi and IsiNdebele.
Colourful and beautifully illustrated, the Kagiso readers enable
learners to develop literacy incrementally.
WHAT'S IN YOUR LOADOUT? From boogie bombs to grenades, traps to
grapplers, shotguns to assault rifles, Fortnite features a
formidable array of weapons to help you rule the roost at Battle
Royale. This collectors' edition features all the key items you
will have seen in Seasons 1 to 9, in a user-friendly format
designed to showcase the best firepower Fortnite has to offer.
Which guns will YOU be running with? PLAY TO YOUR STRENGTHS Which
weapons to keep an eye out for to suit your personal play style -
and how to use them effectively RIDERS ON THE STORM How to combine
the right weapons with the right vehicles to stay one step ahead of
the pack UNLOCK THE VAULT Travel back in time and remind yourself
of fan favourites from seasons past An official handbook from Epic
Games, creators of FORTNITE, the BIGGEST gaming brand in the world.
The Champion's Guide to Apex Legends contains everything that
players need to dominate in Apex, from detailed profiles of every
legend and their unique abilities, to advanced combat tips and
survival strategies that will give you the edge in a close-fought
battle. Written with insight and humour, and fully illustrated
throughout with artworks and screenshots from the game, with
breakdowns of each legend character, weapon, area and item in the
game, this is the first truly comprehensive guide to the game in
The Kagiso readers series is an illustrated graded reading scheme
for the foundation phase, which presents a range of situations and
contexts authentically and realistically. These readers will enable
learners to develop literacy skills incrementally and with
confidence to motivate them to read further. Reading is integrated
with other aspects of language, thus developing listening,
speaking, writing, thinking and reasoning skills, as well as
language structure and usage. Available in the following languages:
English, Afrikaans, Siswati, Sesotho, Xitsonga, Tshivenda, IsiZulu,
IsiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi, IsiNdebele.
Letoto la padiso tsa Kagiso ke la dingolwa tsa Aforika Borwa tse
hlophiseditsweng mohato wa mathomo (Kereiti R-3). Le fumaneha ka
dipuo tse latelang: English, Afrikaans, Siswati, Xitsonga,
Tshivenda, IsiZulu, Sesotho, IsiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi le
IsiNdebele. Ditshwantsho tse takilweng ka bokgabane le ka
mebalabala di thusa baithuti tswelopeleng ya ho ruteha ha bona.
Kagiso readers is a South African graded reading scheme for the
foundation phase (Grades R-3). It is available in the following
languages: English, Afrikaans, Siswati, Xitsonga, Tshivenda,
IsiZulu, Sesotho, IsiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi and IsiNdebele.
Colourful and beautifully illustrated, the Kagiso readers enable
learners to develop literacy incrementally.
This Handbook describes the extent and shape of computing education
research today. Over fifty leading researchers from academia and
industry (including Google and Microsoft) have contributed chapters
that together define and expand the evidence base. The foundational
chapters set the field in context, articulate expertise from key
disciplines, and form a practical guide for new researchers. They
address what can be learned empirically, methodologically and
theoretically from each area. The topic chapters explore issues
that are of current interest, why they matter, and what is already
known. They include discussion of motivational context,
implications for practice, and open questions which might suggest
future research. The authors provide an authoritative introduction
to the field which is essential reading for policy makers, as well
as both new and established researchers.
Letoto la padiso tsa Kagiso ke la dingolwa tsa Aforika Borwa tse
hlophiseditsweng mohato wa mathomo (Kereiti R-3). Le fumaneha ka
dipuo tse latelang: English, Afrikaans, Siswati, Xitsonga,
Tshivenda, IsiZulu, Sesotho, IsiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi le
IsiNdebele. Ditshwantsho tse takilweng ka bokgabane le ka
mebalabala di thusa baithuti tswelopeleng ya ho ruteha ha bona.
Kagiso readers is a South African graded reading scheme for the
foundation phase (Grades R-3). It is available in the following
languages: English, Afrikaans, Siswati, Xitsonga, Tshivenda,
IsiZulu, Sesotho, IsiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi and IsiNdebele.
Colourful and beautifully illustrated, the Kagiso readers enable
learners to develop literacy incrementally.
The Kagiso readers series is an illustrated graded reading scheme
for the foundation phase, which presents a range of situations and
contexts authentically and realistically. These readers will enable
learners to develop literacy skills incrementally and with
confidence to motivate them to read further. Reading is integrated
with other aspects of language, thus developing listening,
speaking, writing, thinking and reasoning skills, as well as
language structure and usage. Available in the following languages:
English, Afrikaans, Siswati, Sesotho, Xitsonga, Tshivenda, IsiZulu,
IsiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi, IsiNdebele.
Tincwadzi tekufundza takaKagiso: Tincwadzi tekufundza takaKagiso
tihlelwe ngendlela lesezingeni leliphakeme yelipulani lokufundza
laseNingizimu Afrika kumabanga laphasi (Mabanga R-3). Titfolakala
ngaletilwimi letilandzelako: English, Afrikaans, siSwati, Xitsonga,
Tshivenda, isiZulu, Sesotho isiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi naSindebele.
Tigcamiswe ngemibala lemihle nalekhangako. Tifundzisa likhono
lokufundza kubafundzi. Kagiso Readers is a South African graded
reading scheme for the Foundation Phase (Grades R-3). It is
available in the following languages: English, Afrikaans, siSwati,
Xitsonga, Tshivenda, IsiZulu, Sesotho, IsiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi
and IsiNdebele.
The Kagiso readers series is an illustrated graded reading scheme
for the foundation phase, which presents a range of situations and
contexts authentically and realistically. These readers will enable
learners to develop literacy skills incrementally and with
confidence to motivate them to read further. Reading is integrated
with other aspects of language, thus developing listening,
speaking, writing, thinking and reasoning skills, as well as
language structure and usage. Available in the following languages:
English, Afrikaans, Siswati, Sesotho, Xitsonga, Tshivenda, IsiZulu,
IsiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi, IsiNdebele.
Tincwadzi tekufundza takaKagiso: Tincwadzi tekufundza takaKagiso
tihlelwe ngendlela lesezingeni leliphakeme yelipulani lokufundza
laseNingizimu Afrika kumabanga laphasi (Mabanga R-3). Titfolakala
ngaletilwimi letilandzelako: English, Afrikaans, siSwati, Xitsonga,
Tshiven.a, isiZulu, Sesotho isiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi naSindebele.
Tigcamiswe ngemibala lemihle nalekhangako. Tifundzisa likhono
lokufundza kubafundzi. Kagiso Readers is a South African graded
reading scheme for the Foundation Phase (Grades R-3). It is
available in the following languages: English, Afrikaans, siSwati,
Xitsonga, Tshivenda, IsiZulu, Sesotho, IsiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi
and IsiNdebele.
Discover how your everyday tech works while developing your coding
skills! Sound and video are everywhere! You can watch and listen on
your phone, on your tablet, but can you create them with code and
how are they added to websites? Let's take a look inside how these
work and learn to code our own in Create the Code: Sound and Video.
Using Scratch and HTML, you'll create a simple music sequencer,
code some sound effects and even embed videos into web pages. Each
book in the Create the Code series explains the key computer code
and systems that are used to create and control the tech you use
everyday such as the Internet, your smartphone, music and films and
your apps. Step-by-step activities teach you how to create your own
versions on screen with code The series uses Scratch, HTML and
JavaScript as the coding languages Author Max Wainewright is a
leading authority on teaching kids to code. Perfect for coders aged
9 and up.
The Kagiso readers series is an illustrated graded reading scheme
for the foundation phase, which presents a range of situations and
contexts authentically and realistically. These readers will enable
learners to develop literacy skills incrementally and with
confidence to motivate them to read further. Reading is integrated
with other aspects of language, thus developing listening,
speaking, writing, thinking and reasoning skills, as well as
language structure and usage. Available in the following languages:
English, Afrikaans, Siswati, Sesotho, Xitsonga, Tshivenda, IsiZulu,
IsiXhosa, Setswana, Sepedi, IsiNdebele.