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Books > Science & Mathematics > Chemistry > Crystallography
The question of what is matter has fascinated the human race for thousands of years, and continues to fascinate us today: what is it made of, and how does it behave? Early in our history, the character of natural materials was of critical importance to us, and it is no accident that we date the prehistory of humanity by the materials with which our predecessors made their tools. Tools are one of the more enduring creations of our prehistoric ancestors, and are of particular historical significance as they document the increasing technological sophistication of the human race. From the Stone Age to the Bronze Age to the Iron Age, there was an increasing awareness of the diversity of natural materials, how they could be used, and eventually, how they could be processed in order to provide even more technologically effective materials for our use. This increasing reliance on rocks and minerals required that more and more people be conversant with these materials and their properties. The atomistic theory of the Greeks was a solely philosophical construct, and further development had to await a more sophisticated approach to Science. The first steps in this direction were taken by who else but Isaac Newton (1643-1727 AD). Although his ideas on action at a distance initially referred to planets, he also considered them as applying to atoms, and concluded from physical evidence involving surface tension and viscosity that there must be strong attractions between atoms. In what must be considered as insight of legendary proportions, Roger Joseph Boscovich (1711-1787), a Jesuit mathematician from Croatia, proposed that at very short distances, atoms repulse each other, the repulsion increasing indefinitely as the particles become closer together, whereas at longer distances apart, atoms oscillate between attraction and repulsion. Frank Hawthorne uses the republication of this set of landmark papers as a vehicle to focus on the development of key issues concerning structural connectivity in inorganic solids, of which minerals are a key component, and to look at where we are today in our understanding of crystal structure.
Plaiting and braiding have a long history. They encompass decorating hair, weaving and basket-making as well as making knots. So it is surprising that John Gorham seems to have been the first person to have looked at the subject systematically. The main part of this book is a reprint of his 1888 work on plaiting crystal models has been an inspiration to many others working in this field, notably Robert Pargeter and Jean Pedersen. Along with Robert Pargeter and James Brunton's articles in the Mathematical Gazette Gorham's work is here reproduced. The ideas were extensively covered in Mathematical Models by Cundy and Rollett, also reprinted by Tarquin. It is through this book and Pargeter's article that Gorham's techniques have been kept alive. The book itself has been rare and most references to it are only as a result of Pargeter having quoted it as his source. Through this reprint the work can be more widely read and admired by mathematicians, plaiters and crystallographers, as well as historians of science and mathematics.
This book brings together new leading-edge research on bosons, ferromagnetism and crystal growth.
Experimental and theoretical aspects of crystal growth and its applications, e.g. in devices, are within the scope of these new books . Experimental and theoretical contributions are included in the following fields: theory of nucleation and growth, molecular kinetics and transport phenomena, crystallisation in viscous media such as polymers and glasses; crystal growth of metals, minerals, semiconductors, superconductors, magnetics, inorganic, organic and biological substances in bulk or as thin films; molecular beam epitaxy, chemical vapour deposition, growth of III-V and II-VI and other semiconductors; characterisation of single crystals by physical and chemical methods; apparatus, instrumentation and techniques for crystal growth, and purification methods; multi-layer heterostructures and their characterisation with an emphasis on crystal growth and epitaxial aspects of electronic materials.
Experimental and theoretical aspects of crystal growth and its applications, e.g. in devices, are within the scope of these new books. Experimental and theoretical contributions are included in the following fields: theory of nucleation and growth, molecular kinetics and transport phenomena, crystallisation in viscous media such as polymers and glasses; crystal growth of metals, minerals, semiconductors, superconductors, magnetics, inorganic, organic and biological substances in bulk or as thin films; molecular beam epitaxy, chemical vapour deposition, growth of III-V and II-VI and other semiconductors; characterisation of single crystals by physical and chemical methods; apparatus, instrumentation and techniques for crystal growth, and purification methods; and multilayer heterostructures and their characterisation with an emphasis on crystal growth and epitaxial aspects of electronic materials.
This volume deals with the technologies of crystal fabrication, of crystal machining, and of epilayer production and is the first book on industrial and scientific aspects of crystal and layer production. Highest-quality crystals and epitaxical layers form the base for many of industries technological advances, including telecommunication, computer and electric energy technology, and those technologies based on lasers and nonlinear-optic crystals. Furthermore, automobile electronics, audiovisual equipment and infrared night-vision all depend on high-quality crystals and epilayers, as do novel technologies currently in development and planned for the future. This book contains 29 contributions of leading crystal technologists covering the following topics: General aspects of crystal growth technology Silicon Compound semiconductors Oxides and halides Crystal machining Epitaxy and layer deposition Scientific and technological problems of production and machining of industrial crystals are discussed by top experts, most of the m from the major growth industries and crystal growth centres. It is anticipated that this volume will serve all scientists and engineers involved in crystal and epilayer fabrication. In addition, it will be useful for the users of crystals, for teachers and graduate students in materials sciences, in electronic and other functional materials, chemical and metallurgical engineering, micro-and optoelectronics including nanotechnology, mechanical engineering and precision-machining, microtechnology, and in solid-state sciences. Also consultants and specialists will profit from this book, as will those interested in crystals, epilayers, and their productionfor saving energy (GaN- and SiC-based high-power electronics and light-emitting diodes for illumination) and for renewable energy sources (economic high-efficiency solar cells and forthcoming laser-fusion energy).
Superb study begins with fundamentals of x-ray diffraction theory using Fourier transforms, then applies general results to various atomic structures, amorphous bodies, crystals and imperfect crystals. Elementary laws of X-ray diffraction on crystals follow as special case. Highly useful for solid-state physicists, metallographers, chemists and biologists. 1963 edition. 154 illustrations. Appendixes. Index.
The notion of a "quantum group" was introduced by V.G. Dinfeld and M. Jimbo, independently, in their study of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation arising from 2-dimensional solvable lattice models. Quantum groups are certain families of Hopf algebras that are deformations of universal enveloping algebras of Kac-Moody algebras. And over the last 20 years of the 20th century, they have turned out to be the fundamental algebraic structure behind many branches of mathematics and mathematical physics, such as solvable lattice models in statistical mechanics, topological invariant theory of links and knots, representation theory of Kac-Moody algebras, representation theory of algebraic structures, topological quantum field theory, geometric representation theory, and $C $-algebras In particular, the theory of "crystal bases" or "canonical bases" developed independently by M. Kashiwara and G. Lusztig provides a powerful combinatorial and geometric tool to study the representations of quantum groups. The purpose of this book is to provide an elementary introduction to the theory of quantum groups and crystal bases, focusing on the combinatorial aspects of the theory The authors start with t
This book is designed to help those with little or no background in the field of defect chemistry to apply its principles and to interpret the related behaviour of materials. It is the product of a course for advanced undergraduates and graduate students that the author taught at Lehigh University for over twenty years. The course is highly interdisciplinary and has been attended by students from the departments of chemical engineering, chemistry, electrical engineering, computer science, geology, materials science and engineering, and physics. The book is intended for use either as a text on such a course, or as a reference work that covers the major principles of defect chemistry.
Crystallographic & Structural Alalysis of Iron Carbonyls
This book walks you through the fundamental deformation and damage mechanisms. It lends the reader the key to open the doors into the maze of deformation/fracture phenomena under various loading conditions. Furthermore it provides the solution method to material engineering design and analysis problems, for those working in the aerospace, automotive or energy industries. The book introduces the integrated creep-fatigue theory (ICFT) that considers holistic damage evolution from surface/subsurface crack nucleation to propagation in coalescence with internally-distributed damage/discontinuities.
This classic text of elementary dislocation theory has been reprinted to fulfil persistent demand. Yet because it approaches elementary dislocation theory from its most basic level, the material contained in the volume is as up-to-date as when first published. The text addresses topics which are fundamental to the theory of dislocation behaviour, such as Burgers vectors and internal stresses of dislocations.
Most people are familiar with the fact that diamond and graphite are both composed only of carbon; yet they have very different properties which result from the very different structures of the two solids - they are polymorphs of carbon. Understanding the relationship between the structures and the properties of materials is of fundamental importance in developing and producing new materials with improved or new properties. The existence of polymorphic systems allows the direct study of the connection between structures and properties. This book provides grounding on the fundamental structural and energetic basis for polymorphism, the preparation and characterization of polymorphic substances and its importance in the specific areas of pharmaceuticals, pigments and high energy (explosive) materials. The closing chapter describes the intellectual property implications and some of the precedent patent litigations in which polymorphism has played a central role. The book contains over 2500 references to provide a ready entry into the relevant literature.
Concise, logical, and mathematically rigorous, this introduction to the theory of dislocations is addressed primarily to students and researchers in the general areas of mechanics and applied mathematics. Its scope encompasses those aspects of dislocation theory which are closely related to the theories of elasticity and macroscopic plasticity, to modern continuum mechanics, and to the theory of cracks and fracture. The volume incorporates several new and original pieces of work, including a development of the theory of dislocation motion and plastic strain for non-linear materials, a new discussion of the line tension model, revised calculations of the Peierls resistance, and a new development of the van der Merwe theory of crystal interfaces.
Chemical crystallography is the study of the principles of chemistry behind crystals and their use in describing structure-property relations in solids. The principles that govern the assembly of crystal and glass structures are described, models of many of the technologically important crystal structures are studied, and the effect of crystal structure on the various fundamental mechanisms responsible for many physical properties are discussed. This new book presents and reviews data on the co-ordination chemistry of several metal complexes with dipicolinic acid and the crystal structure of some anti-malarial metal complexes.
Die modernen Konzepte der physikalischen Metallkunde sind gleichermassen grundlegend fur das Verstandnis auch aller nichtmetallischen Werkstoffe. Deswegen liegt es nahe, die klassisch nach den Werkstoffen Metall, Keramik, Glas und Kunststoff differenzierten Wissensgebiete unter der verbindenden Bezeichnung Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik gemeinsam abzuhandeln. Von dieser Feststellung ausgehend fuhrt dieses Lehrbuch zwar zunachst in die Allgemeine Metallkunde ein, daruber hinaus legt es aber auch die Grundlagen fur die gesamte Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei der naturwissenschaftliche Aspekt der Materialkunde, ohne dass ihr ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Anteil vernachlassigt wurde. Dieses Konzept wird auch in der aktuellen4. Auflage erfolgreich umgesetzt. Modernen Entwicklungen wurde vor allem durch Erweiterungen uber neue Werkstoffe, wie z.B. dunne Filme, metallische Glaser oder Nanorohrchen Rechnung getragen. Ausserdem wurde jedes Kapitel durch Ubungsaufgaben mit Losungen erweitert."
The study of solids is one of the richest, most exciting, and most successful branches of physics. While the subject of solid state physics is often viewed as dry and tedious this new book presents the topic instead as an exciting exposition of fundamental principles and great intellectual breakthroughs. Beginning with a discussion of how the study of heat capacity of solids ushered in the quantum revolution, the author presents the key ideas of the field while emphasizing the deep underlying concepts. The book begins with a discussion of the Einstein/Debye model of specific heat, and the Drude/Sommerfeld theories of electrons in solids, which can all be understood without reference to any underlying crystal structure. The failures of these theories force a more serious investigation of microscopics. Many of the key ideas about waves in solids are then introduced using one dimensional models in order to convey concepts without getting bogged down with details. Only then does the book turn to consider real materials. Chemical bonding is introduced and then atoms can be bonded together to crystal structures and reciprocal space results. Diffraction experiments, as the central application of these ideas, are discussed in great detail. From there, the connection is made to electron wave diffraction in solids and how it results in electronic band structure. The natural culmination of this thread is the triumph of semiconductor physics and devices. The final section of the book considers magnetism in order to discuss a range of deeper concepts. The failures of band theory due to electron interaction, spontaneous magnetic orders, and mean field theories are presented well. Finally, the book gives a brief exposition of the Hubbard model that undergraduates can understand. The book presents all of this material in a clear fashion, dense with explanatory or just plain entertaining footnotes. This may be the best introductory book for learning solid state physics. It is certainly the most fun to read.
X-ray scattering is a well-established technique in materials science. Several excellent textbooks exist in this field, but these texts are typically written by physicists who use mathematics to make things clear. Consequently these books appeal less to students and scientists in the field of soft matter (polymers, liquid crystals, colloids, self-assembled organic systems) who usually have a more chemical-oriented background with limited mathematics. Moreover, they need to know about the technique of x-ray scattering, but do not intend to become an expert. The aim of this book is to explain basic principles and applications of x-ray scattering in a simple way using many practical examples followed by more elaborate case studies. The book contains a separate chapter on the different types of order/disorder in soft matter that play such an important role in modern self-assembling systems. Finally the last chapter treats soft matter surfaces and thin film that are increasingly used in coatings and in many technological applications, such as liquid crystal displays and nanostructured block copolymer films. This book has been written for the large community of soft matter students and scientists.
The pharmaceutical industry has become acutely aware of the importance of the solid state, but pharmaceutical scientists often lack specific training in topics related to solid-state structure and crystallography. This book provides needed support in this topical area. Taking an intuitive and informal approach to solid-state structure and crystallographic concepts, this book is written for anyone who needs a clear understanding of modern crystallography, with specific reference to small-molecule pharmaceutical solids. The author describes molecular crystals and crystal structures, symmetry, space groups, single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction techniques and the analysis and interpretation of crystallographic data. Useful technical details are presented where necessary and case studies from the pharmaceutical literature put theory into a practical context. Written by an internationally leading figure and with its focus on molecular crystals, this book is equally applicable to chemists with a need to understand and apply X-ray crystal-structure determination.
Clear, concise explanation of the logical development of basic crystallographic concepts. Extensive discussion of crystals and lattices, symmetry, crystal systems and geometry, x-ray diffraction, determination of atomic positions and more. Well-chosen selection of problems, with answers. Ideal for a course in crystallography or as a supplement to physical chemistry courses. "This is truly a delightful monograph"-Canadian Chemical Education. 1969 edition. 114 illustrations.
The three-dimensional aspects of molecular shape can be crucial to both properties and reactions. The Third Dimension explores the arrangements of atoms in molecules and in different types of solids. Initial chapters describe the common crystal structures and how they are related to close-packed arrangements of ions. Metallic, ionic, molecular and extended covalent crystals are covered; major types of crystal defects are also discussed. The book then introduces isomerism, and explores the stereochemical consequences of the tetrahedral carbon atom. Chirality is also investigated. The book concludes with a Case Study on Liquid Crystals, which describes structures, properties and applications. As visualisation in 3D is an important part of this book, the accompanying CD-ROMs provide video material, interactive questions and exercises using models to aid understanding of crystals, organic molecules and stereochemistry. All necessary programs are provided. The Molecular World series provides an integrated introduction to all branches of chemistry for both students wishing to specialise and those wishing to gain a broad understanding of chemistry and its relevance to the everyday world and to other areas of science. The books, with their Case Studies and accompanying multi-media interactive CD-ROMs, will also provide valuable resource material for teachers and lecturers. (The CD-ROMs are designed for use on a PC running Windows 95, 98, ME or 2000.)
The study of solids is one of the richest, most exciting, and most successful branches of physics. While the subject of solid state physics is often viewed as dry and tedious this new book presents the topic instead as an exciting exposition of fundamental principles and great intellectual breakthroughs. Beginning with a discussion of how the study of heat capacity of solids ushered in the quantum revolution, the author presents the key ideas of the field while emphasizing the deep underlying concepts. The book begins with a discussion of the Einstein/Debye model of specific heat, and the Drude/Sommerfeld theories of electrons in solids, which can all be understood without reference to any underlying crystal structure. The failures of these theories force a more serious investigation of microscopics. Many of the key ideas about waves in solids are then introduced using one dimensional models in order to convey concepts without getting bogged down with details. Only then does the book turn to consider real materials. Chemical bonding is introduced and then atoms can be bonded together to crystal structures and reciprocal space results. Diffraction experiments, as the central application of these ideas, are discussed in great detail. From there, the connection is made to electron wave diffraction in solids and how it results in electronic band structure. The natural culmination of this thread is the triumph of semiconductor physics and devices. The final section of the book considers magnetism in order to discuss a range of deeper concepts. The failures of band theory due to electron interaction, spontaneous magnetic orders, and mean field theories are presented well. Finally, the book gives a brief exposition of the Hubbard model that undergraduates can understand. The book presents all of this material in a clear fashion, dense with explanatory or just plain entertaining footnotes. This may be the best introductory book for learning solid state physics. It is certainly the most fun to read.
The last ten years have seen a revolution in our understanding of the mechanisms of biological crystal growth. While it had long been assumed that crystallisation would occur by the same classical mechanisms which form the basis for most descriptions of crystallisation processes, it is now becoming apparent that this is not the case. There are a number of key observations which have changed our view of crystallisation mechanisms. While it had long been assumed that crystalline biominerals typically form by ion-by-ion growth, it is now recognised that they often precipitate via amorphous precursor phases. This is well established for calcium carbonate and there is growing evidence that biogenic crystalline calcium phosphate phases may form via an analogous route. Recent re-examination of the structure of many calcium carbonate biominerals is also suggesting that "non-classical" crystallisation pathways, where crystals grow from the assembly of precursor particles, may also be widespread. Significantly, these mechanisms are not unique to the biological world. Possibly partly inspired by the identification of these biogenic mineralisation strategies, there is currently great interest from the general crystal growth community in these new and controversial ideas. A number of studies on crystal nucleation have recently re-examined classical nucleation theory, and the observation of pre-nucleation clusters is a recurrent theme of great interest. This controversial result apparently contradicts classical nucleation theory which leads the subject of crystal nucleation and growth via assembly to demand attention. The Scientific Committee warmly invites you to take part in this thought-provoking Discussion and looks forward to welcoming you to Leeds. |
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