Books > Science & Mathematics > Chemistry > Crystallography
This book consists of over 422 problems and their acceptable
answers on structural inorganic chemistry at the senior
undergraduate and beginning graduate level. The central theme
running through these questions is symmetry, bonding and structure:
molecular or crystalline. A wide variety of topics are covered,
including Electronic States and Configurations of Atoms and
Molecules, Introductory Quantum Chemistry, Atomic Orbitals, Hybrid
Orbitals, Molecular Symmetry, Molecular Geometry and Bonding,
Crystal Field Theory, Molecular Orbital Theory, Vibrational
Spectroscopy, Crystal Structure, Transition Metal Chemistry, Metal
Clusters: Bonding and Reactivity, and Bioinorganic Chemistry. The
questions collected here originate from the examination papers and
take-home assignments arising from the teaching of courses in
Chemical Bonding, Elementary Quantum Chemistry, Advanced Inorganic
Chemistry, and X-Ray Crystallography by the book's two senior
authors over the past five decades. The questions have been tested
by generations of students taking these courses. The questions in
this volume cover essentially all the topics in a typical course in
structural inorganic chemistry. The text may be used as a
supplement for a variety of inorganic chemistry courses at the
senior undergraduate level. It also serves as a problem text to
accompany the book Advanced Structural Inorganic Chemistry,
co-authored by W.-K. Li, G.-D. Zhou, and T. C. W. Mak (Oxford
University Press, 2008).
Small angle solution scattering (SAS) is increasingly being applied
to biological problems. It is a complementary technique that, when
applied in appropriate circumstances with carefully structured
questions, can provide unique information not available from other
techniques. While small angle solution scattering has been around
for some time, a confluence of recent developments has dramatically
enhanced its power. Intense third generation X-ray sources, low
noise detectors, development of new algorithms and the
computational power to take advantage of these have all matured,
and use of free-electron x-ray laser sources is on the horizon.
Whole new classes of experiments and analyses have been created as
a result. These include the generation of molecular envelopes, the
ability to do time-resolved studies, and the ability to account for
structural changes using modelling based on the SAS data. The
technical improvements have also reduced the amount of time and
material needed to carry out an experiment. Beamtime at synchrotron
sources is in demand, workshops on the subject are popular and
researchers adopting the technique as part of their repertoire are
growing. With these in mind, this book was written to guide
structural biologists who may wish to adopt the technique,
understand its strengths and weaknesses or just have a general
interest in its potential.
This new fourth edition of the standard text on atomic-resolution
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) retains previous material on
the fundamentals of electron optics and aberration correction,
linear imaging theory (including wave aberrations to fifth order)
with partial coherence, and multiple-scattering theory. Also
preserved are updated earlier sections on practical methods, with
detailed step-by-step accounts of the procedures needed to obtain
the highest quality images of atoms and molecules using a modern
TEM or STEM electron microscope. Applications sections have been
updated - these include the semiconductor industry, superconductor
research, solid state chemistry and nanoscience, and metallurgy,
mineralogy, condensed matter physics, materials science and
material on cryo-electron microscopy for structural biology. New or
expanded sections have been added on electron holography,
aberration correction, field-emission guns, imaging filters,
super-resolution methods, Ptychography, Ronchigrams, tomography,
image quantification and simulation, radiation damage, the
measurement of electron-optical parameters, and detectors (CCD
cameras, Image plates and direct-injection solid state detectors).
The theory of Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and
Z-contrast are treated comprehensively. Chapters are devoted to
associated techniques, such as energy-loss spectroscopy, Alchemi,
nanodiffraction, environmental TEM, twisty beams for magnetic
imaging, and cathodoluminescence. Sources of software for image
interpretation and electron-optical design are given.
The scanning tunneling microscope and the atomic force microscope,
both capable of imaging and manipulating individual atoms, were
crowned with the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986, and are the
cornerstones of nanotechnology today. The first edition of this
book has nurtured numerous beginners and experts since 1993. The
second edition is a thoroughly updated version of this 'bible' in
the field. The second edition includes a number of new developments
in the field. Non-contact atomic-force microscopy has demonstrated
true atomic resolution. It enables direct observation and mapping
of individual chemical bonds. A new chapter about the underlying
physics, atomic forces, is added. The chapter on atomic force
microscopy is substantially expanded. Spin-polarized STM has
enabled the observation of local magnetic phenomena down to atomic
scale. A pedagogical presentation of the basic concepts is
included. Inelastic scanning tunneling microscopy has shown the
capability of studying vibrational modes of individual molecules.
The underlying theory and new instrumentation are added. For
biological research, to increase the speed of scanning to observe
life phenomena in real time is a key. Advances in this direction
are presented as well. The capability of STM to manipulate
individual atoms is one of the cornerstones of nanotechnology. The
theoretical basis and in particular the relation between tunneling
and interaction energy are thoroughly presented, together with
experimental facts.
The year 2012 marked the centenary of one of the most significant
discoveries of the early twentieth century, the discovery of X-ray
diffraction (March 1912, by Laue, Friedrich and Knipping) and of
Bragg's law (November 1912). The discovery of X-ray diffraction
confirmed the wave nature of X-rays and the space-lattice
hypothesis. It had two major consequences: the analysis of the
structure of atoms, and the determination of the atomic structure
of materials. This had a momentous impact in chemistry, physics,
mineralogy, material science, biology and X-ray spectroscopy. The
book relates the discovery itself, the early days of X-ray
crystallography, and the way the news of the discovery spread round
the world. It explains how the first crystal structures were
determined by William Bragg and his son Lawrence, and recounts
which were the early applications of X-ray crystallography in
chemistry, mineralogy, materials science, physics, biological
sciences and X-ray spectroscopy. It also tells how the concept of
space lattice developed since ancient times up to the nineteenth
century, and how our conception of the nature of light has changed
over time. The contributions of the main actors of the story, prior
to the discovery, at the time of the discovery and immediately
afterwards, are described through their writings and are put into
the context of the time, accompanied by brief biographical details.
This thoroughly researched account on the multiple faces of a
scientific specialty, X-ray crystallography, is aimed both at the
scientists, who rarely subject the historical material of past
discoveries in their field to particular scrutiny with regard to
the historical details and at the historians of science who often
lack the required expert knowledge to scrutinize the involved
technical content in sufficient depth (M. Eckert - Metascience).
This book presents a physical approach to the diffraction
phenomenon and its applications in materials science.
An historical background to the discovery of X-ray diffraction is
first outlined. Next, Part 1 gives a description of the physical
phenomenon of X-ray diffraction on perfect and imperfect crystals.
Part 2 then provides a detailed analysis of the instruments used
for the characterization of powdered materials or thin films. The
description of the processing of measured signals and their results
is also covered, as are recent developments relating to
quantitative microstructural analysis of powders or epitaxial thin
films on the basis of X-ray diffraction.
Given the comprehensive coverage offered by this title, anyone
involved in the field of X-ray diffraction and its applications
will find this of great use.
A complete account of the theory of the diffraction of X-rays by
crystals, with particular reference to the processes of determining
the structures of protein molecules. This book is aimed primarily
at structural biologists and biochemists but will also be valuable
to those entering the field with a background in physical sciences
or chemistry. It may be used at any post-school level, and develops
from first principles all relevant mathematics, diffraction and
wave theory, assuming no mathematical knowledge beyond integral
calculus. The book covers a host of important topics in the area,
including: - The practical aspects of sample preparation and X-ray
data collection, using both laboratory and synchrotron sources -
Data analysis at both theoretical and practical levels - The
important role played by the Patterson function in structure
analysis, by both molecular replacement and experimental phasing
approaches - Methods for improving the resulting electron density
map - The theoretical basis of methods used in refinement of
protein crystal structures - In-depth explanation of the crucial
task of defining the binding sites of ligands and drug molecules -
The complementary roles of other diffraction methods: these reveal
further detail of great functional importance in a crystal
Dieses Buch fuhrt in die Mathematik der Kristallographie ein.
Reihenfolge und Inhalte entsprechen dabei den ublichen Basiskursen
in systematischer Mineralogie bzw. Kristallographie - im Gegensatz
zu diesen Kursen legt das Buch den Fokus aber konsequent auf die
mathematische Betrachtung, Erklarung und Begrundung. Das Buch
bildet somit eine Brucke zwischen rein kristallographischer und
rein mathematischer Literatur: Mathematiker finden hier
wirklichkeitsnahe Anwendungen von analytischer Geometrie und
linearer Algebra, Gruppentheorie und Projektionen.
Kristallographen, Chemiker, Geologen, Mineralogen und Physiker
erhalten mathematische Hintergrundinformationen und Erklarungen zu
den bekannten Regeln aus der Kristallographie und Mineralogie. Alle
Prinzipien werden durch konkrete Beispiele illustriert und das
Gelernte kann durch UEbungsaufgaben gefestigt werden. Die Inhalte
sind Studierenden schon in den ersten Studienjahren zuganglich. Der
Inhalt Geometrische Darstellung (spharische, stereografische,
gnomonische Projektion) Analytische Geometrie von
Kristallstrukturen (etwa direktes und reziprokes Gitter)
Kristallographische Gruppentheorie (etwa Punkt- und Raumgruppen)
In crystal chemistry and crystal physics, the relations between the
symmetry groups (space groups) of crystalline solids are of special
importance. Part 1 of this book presents the necessary mathematical
foundations and tools: the fundamentals of crystallography with
special emphasis on symmetry, the theory of the crystallographic
groups, and the formalisms of the needed crystallographic
computations. Part 2 gives an insight into applications to problems
in crystal chemistry. With the aid of numerous examples, it is
shown how crystallographic group theory can be used to make evident
relationships between crystal structures, to set up a systematic
order in the huge amount of known crystal structures, to predict
crystal structures, to analyse phase transitions and topotactic
reactions in the solid state, to understand the formation of
domains and twins in crystals, and to avoid errors in crystal
structure determinations. A broad range of end-of-chapter exercises
offers the possibility to apply the learned material. Worked-out
solutions to the exercises can be found at the end of the book.
In 1984 physicists discovered a monster in the world of
crystallography, a structure that appeared to contain five-fold
symmetry axes, which cannot exist in strictly periodic structures.
Such quasi-periodic structures became known as quasicrystals. A
previously formulated theory in terms of higher dimensional space
groups was applied to them and new alloy phases were prepared which
exhibited the properties expected from this model more closely.
Thus many of the early controversies were dissolved. In 2011, the
Nobel Prize for Chemistry was awarded to Dan Shechtman for the
discovery of quasicrystals. This primer provides a descriptive
approach to the subject for those coming to it for the first time.
The various practical, experimental, and theoretical topics are
dealt with in an accessible style. The book is completed by problem
sets and there is a computer program that generates a Penrose
Crystallography is an interdisciplinary science covering a wide
area, from biology to earth sciences, mathematics and materials
science. Its role is growing, owing to the contribution
crystallography can offer to the understanding of such diverse
fields as biological structures, high-temperature superconductors,
mineral properties, and phase transitions. The book describes both
the theoretical bases and applications of different areas
interacting with crystallography. As with the first and second
editions, it is organized as a collection of chapters written by
recognized specialists, with all contributions being harmonized
into a unified whole. The main text is devoted to the presentation
of basics; the appendices deal with specialist aspects. In this
third edition topics have been updated so as to document the
present state of the art: emphasis is placed upon areas of current
To facilitate learning and make teaching more effective, new
illustrations have been introduced. As with the second edition, a
software package is included via the book's OUP web site: modern
graphics will help users to better understand the basics of this
science via three-dimensional images, simulation of experiments,
and exercises.
X-Ray Crystallography is a well-balanced, thorough, and clearly
written introduction to the most important and widely practiced
technique to determine the arrangement of atoms in molecules and
solids. Featuring excellent illustrations and homework problems
throughout, the book is intended both for advanced undergraduate
and graduate students who are learning the subject for the first
time, as well as for those who have practical experience but seek a
text summarizing the theory of diffraction and X-ray
crystallography. It is organized into three parts: Part 1 deals
with symmetry and space groups, Part 2 explains the physics of X
rays and diffraction, and Part 3 examines the methods for solving
and refining crystal structures. The discussion proceeds in a
logical and clear fashion from the fundamentals through to advanced
topics such as disorder, twinning, microfocus sources, low energy
electron diffraction, charge flipping, protein crystallography, the
maximum likelihood method of refinement, and powder, neutron, and
electron diffraction. The author's clear writing style and
distinctive approach is well suited for chemists, biologists,
materials scientists, physicists, and scientists from related
disciplines. A detailed Instructor's Manual is available for
adopting professors.
This book aims to explain how and why the detailed
three-dimensional architecture of molecules can be determined by an
analysis of the diffraction patterns obtained when X rays or
neutrons are scattered by the atoms in single crystals. Part 1
deals with the nature of the crystalline state, diffraction
generally, and diffraction by crystals in particular, and, briefly,
the experimental procedures that are used. Part II examines the
problem of converting the experimentally obtained data into a model
of the atomic arrangement that scattered these beams. Part III is
concerned with the techniques for refining the approximate
structure to the degree warranted by the experimental data. It also
describes the many types of information that can be learned by
modern crystal structure analysis. There is a glossary of terms
used and several appendixes to which most of the mathematical
details have been relegated.
This text focuses on the practical aspects of crystal structure
analysis, and provides the necessary conceptual framework for
understanding and applying the technique. By choosing an approach
that does not put too much emphasis on the mathematics involved,
the book gives practical advice on topics such as growing crystals,
solving and refining structures, and understanding and using the
results. The technique described is a core experimental method in
modern structural chemistry, and plays an ever more important role
in the careers of graduate students, postdoctoral and academic
staff in chemistry, and final-year undergraduates.
Much of the material of the first edition has been significantly
updated and expanded, and some new topics have been added. The
approach to several of the topics has changed, reflecting the
book's new authorship, and recent developments in the subject.
Hydrogen bond (H-bond) effects are known: it makes sea water iquid,
joins cellulose microfibrils in trees, shapes DNA nto genes and
polypeptide chains into wool, hair, muscles or enzymes. Its true
nature is less known and we may still wonder why O-H...O bond
energies range from less than 1 to more than 30 kcal/mol without
apparent reason. This H-bond puzzle is re-examined here from its
very beginning and presented as an inclusive compilation of
experimental H-bond energies and geometries.
New concepts emerge from this analysis: new classes of
systematically strong H-bonds (CAHBs and RAHBs: charge- and
resonance-assisted H-bonds); full H-bond classification in six
classes (the six chemical leitmotifs); and assessment of the
covalent nature of strong H-bonds. This leads to three distinct but
inter-consistent models able to rationalize the H-bond and predict
its strength, based on classical VB theory, matching of
donor-acceptor acid-base parameters (PA or pKa), or shape of the
H-bond proton-transfer pathway.
Applications survey a number of systems where strong H-bonds play
an important functional role, namely drug-receptor binding,
enzymatic catalysis, ion-transport through cell membranes, crystal
design and molecular mechanisms of functional materials.
Polymorphism - the multiplicity of structures or forms - is a term
that is used in many disciplines. In chemistry it refers to the
existence of more than one crystal structure for a particular
chemical substance. The properties of a substance are determined by
its composition and by its structure. In the last two decades,
there has been a sharp rise in the interest in polymorphic systems,
as an intrinsically interesting phenomenon and as an increasingly
important component in the development and marketing of a variety
of materials based on organic molecules (e.g. pharmaceuticals, dyes
and pigments, explosives, etc.). This book summarizes and brings up
to date the current knowledge and understanding of polymorphism of
molecular crystals, and concentrates it in one comprehensive
source. The book will be an invaluable reference for students,
researchers, and professionals in the field.
This concise book is for chemists, material scientists, and
physicists who deal with description of crystalline matter and the
determination of its structure, and would like to gain more
understanding of the principles involved. The main purpose of the
book is to introduce the reader to principles of crystallographic
symmetry, to discuss some traditional, as well as modern,
experimental techniques, to formulate the phase problem of
crystallography, and present in some detail the methods for its
indirect and direct solution which are indispensable for further
work. The book also contains discussions of structure-factor
statistics, of value for resolving space-group ambiguities, and
atomic displacement parameters which form an inseparable part of
the structure. A discussion of the refinement of structural
parameters, conventional, constrained and restrained, concludes the
book. Derivations are, as far as possible, self contained and
wherever mathematical detail might disrupt the line of reasoning
the reader is referred to one of four appendices present in the
book. The book is of course valuable for students of
crystallography at a graduate and upper undergraduate level. No
previous course on crystallography is a prerequisite for graduates
in the above fields.
This book provides a comprehensive and unified account of the
structure and properties of crystalline binary adducts. Perhaps
better known as molecular complexes and compounds, these crystals
are currently estimated (from molecular recognition studies) to
make up one quarter of the world's crystals, providing evidence for
some sort of special attraction between the two components. DNA is
perhaps the most famous example but others (hydrates, solvates,
host-guest inclusion complexes, donor-acceptor compounds) pervade
the whole body of solid state chemistry. Although much research has
been published, there has never been a comprehensive and unified
treatment of the whole field. This book has been designed to fill
this gap, comparing and contrasting the various examples and the
different types of interaction (hydrogen bonding, inclusion and
localized or delocalized charge transfer). More than 600 figures,
200 tables and 3500 references are included in the book. Since most
'parent compounds' form a number of adducts, the fraction of
crystalline binary adducts is only going to grow making this
account just the 'tip of the iceberg.'
Peter Gross stellt die Synthesen und Kristallzucht der ersten teils
protonierten Alkalimetall-Borosulfate sowie
Erdalkalimetall-Borosulfate beispielhaft fur Kalium- und
Bariumverbindungen vor. Er erlautert praktische Aspekte der
anspruchsvollen Probenpraparation, Strukturaufklarung und
Bestimmung der Reinheit. Der Autor diskutiert anschliessend die
Ergebnisse, systematisiert und ordnet die Verbindungen in die
Systematik silicatanaloger Verbindungen ein, um die einzigartige
Stellung dieser neuen Materialklasse zu illustrieren. Eine
Machbarkeitsstudie zeigt als eine der vielfaltigen Anwendungsfelder
den Einsatz von Borosulfaten als Wirtsstruktur fur Leuchtstoffe.
This book describes how the arrangement and movement of atoms in a solid are related to the forces between atoms, and how they affect the behaviour and properties of materials. The book is intended for final year undergraduate students and graduate students in physics and materials science.
Much of the business of science is involved in developing and improving the properties of materials: from drugs to dyes, agrochemicals to adhesives, fibers to fuels, the variety is limitless. Key to understanding these materials is knowledge of the relationship between their structures and their properties. This book deals with polymorphism - the existence of different solid structures of the same chemical entity (for example graphite and diamond, both composed of carbon) which provide ideal systems for investigating the relationship between the structure and properties of a wide variety of materials.
Das Buch bietet zunachst eine analytische Beschreibung von
Grundwasserstroemungsprozessen in der gesattigten bzw.
ungesattigten Zone. Es folgt die numerische Behandlung von
Grundwasserstroemungen sowie die darauf aufbauende Entwicklung
beispielhafter Modelle. Ein zweiter Teil beinhaltet die
Stoffausbreitungsprozesse im Grundwasser. Hier steht zunachst die
analytische Beschreibung von Transport-, Sorptions-, Abbau- und
Produktionsprozessen im Vordergrund. Anschliessend erfolgt die
numerische Umsetzung der Prozesse und die Ableitung beispielhafter
Ausbreitungsmodelle. Die beiliegende CD-ROM bietet eine Auswahl an
Stroemungs- und Ausbreitungsmodellen zur Veranschaulichung u. zu
The weak or non-conventional hydrogen bond has been the subject of intense scrutiny over recent years. Now available in paperback, this highly acclaimed book provides a critical assessment on this interesting and occasionally controverstial interaction type.