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Books > Social sciences > Sociology, social studies > Social institutions > General

A History of the Polish Americans (Hardcover): John J. Bukowczyk A History of the Polish Americans (Hardcover)
John J. Bukowczyk
R4,823 Discovery Miles 48 230 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

In the last, rootless decade families, neighborhoods, and communities have disintegrated in the face of gripping social, economic, and technological changes. Th is process has had mixed results. On the positive side, it has produced a mobile, volatile, and dynamic society in the United States that is perhaps more open, just, and creative than ever before. On the negative side, it has dissolved the glue that bound our society together and has destroyed many of the myths, symbols, values, and beliefs that provided social direction and purpose. In A History of the Polish Americans, John J. Bukowczyk provides a thorough account of the Polish experience in America and how some cultural bonds loosened, as well as the ways in which others persisted.

Ghosts on the Roof - Selected Journalism (Hardcover): Whittaker Chambers, Terry Teachout, Milton Hindus Ghosts on the Roof - Selected Journalism (Hardcover)
Whittaker Chambers, Terry Teachout, Milton Hindus
R4,823 Discovery Miles 48 230 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Whittaker Chambers is one of the most controversial figures in modern American history a former Communist spy who left the party, testified against Alger Hiss before the House Un-American Activities Committee, and wrote a classic autobiography, Witness. Dismissed by some as a crank, reviled by others as a traitor, Chambers still looms as a Dostoevskian figure over three decades after his death in 1961. A man of profound pessimism, rare vision, and remarkable literary talents, his continuing importance was attested to when Ronald Reagan posthumously awarded him the Medal of Freedom in 1984. Ghosts on the Roof, originally published in 1989, brings together more than fifty short stories, essays, articles, and reviews that originally appeared in Time, Life, National Review, Commonweal, The American Mercury, and the New Masses. Included are essays on Karl Marx, Reinhold Niebuhr, James Joyce, Franz Kafka, George Santayana, Dame Rebecca West, Ayn Rand, and Greta Garbo. These show Chambers at his best, as a peerless historian of ideas.

A Geography of China (Hardcover): T.R. Tregear A Geography of China (Hardcover)
T.R. Tregear
R4,381 Discovery Miles 43 810 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book is intended primarily for serious students of geography but it will also appeal to the general reader. For this reason technical terms have been used as sparingly as is consistent with correct meaning. Wherever the subject matter permits, the author emphasizes geographical growth and shows the interaction of geographical environment and the human activity and institutions. When originally published in the 1960s China was beginning to change with breathtaking rapidity. These changes are presented here against geographical and historical background. Knowledge of the environmental facts is essential to an appreciation of the political, economic, and social problems that have faced the Chinese people.

Collective Violence (Hardcover): Marvin E. Wolfgang, James F., Jr. Short Collective Violence (Hardcover)
Marvin E. Wolfgang, James F., Jr. Short
R4,823 Discovery Miles 48 230 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Collective violence has played an important role throughout American history, though we have typically denied it. But it is not enough to repress violence or to suppress our knowledge of it. We must understand the phenomenon, and to do this, we must learn what violent groups are trying to say. Th at some choose violence tells us something about the perpetrators, inevitably, about ourselves and the society we have built.

Natural Hazards and Disaster Justice - Challenges for Australia and Its Neighbours (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2020): Anna Lukasiewicz,... Natural Hazards and Disaster Justice - Challenges for Australia and Its Neighbours (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2020)
Anna Lukasiewicz, Claudia Baldwin
R4,165 Discovery Miles 41 650 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book explores policy, legal, and practice implications regarding the emerging field of disaster justice, using case studies of floods, bushfires, heatwaves, and earthquakes in Australia and Southern and South-east Asia. It reveals geographic locational and social disadvantage and structural inequities that lead to increased risk and vulnerability to disaster, and which impact ability to recover post-disaster. Written by multidisciplinary disaster researchers, the book addresses all stages of the disaster management cycle, demonstrating or recommending just approaches to preparation, response and recovery. It notably reveals how procedural, distributional and interactional aspects of justice enhance resilience, and offers a cutting edge analysis of disaster justice for managers, policy makers, researchers in justice, climate change or emergency management.

Childhood and Schooling in (Post)Socialist Societies - Memories of Everyday Life (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2018): Iveta Silova, Nelli... Childhood and Schooling in (Post)Socialist Societies - Memories of Everyday Life (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2018)
Iveta Silova, Nelli Piattoeva, Zsuzsa Millei
R4,164 Discovery Miles 41 640 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book explores childhood and schooling in late socialist societies by bringing into dialogue public narratives and personal memories that move beyond imaginaries of Cold War divisions between the East and West. Written by cultural insiders who were brought up and educated on the eastern side of the Iron Curtain - spanning from Central Europe to mainland Asia - the book offers insights into the diverse spaces of socialist childhoods interweaving with broader political, economic, and social life. These evocative memories explore the experiences of children in navigating state expectations to embody "model socialist citizens" and their mixed feelings of attachment, optimism, dullness, and alienation associated with participation in "building" socialist futures. Drawing on the research traditions of autobiography, autoethnography, and collective biography, the authors challenge what is often considered 'normal' and 'natural' in the historical accounts of socialist childhoods, and engage in (re)writing histories that open space for new knowledges and vast webs of interconnections to emerge. This book will be compelling reading for students and researchers working in education, sociology and history, particularly those within the interdisciplinary fields of childhood and area studies. 'The authors of this beautiful book are professional academics and intellectuals who grew up in different socialist countries. Exploring "socialist childhoods" in myriad ways, they draw on memories, and collective history, emotional insider knowledge and the measured perspective of an analyst. What emerges is life that was caught between real optimism and dullness, ethical commitments and ideological absurdities, selfless devotion to children and their treatment as a political resource. Such attention to detail and examination of the paradoxical nature of this time makes this collective effort not only timely but remarkably genuine.' -Alexei Yurchak, University of California, USA

A Future of Polycentric Cities - How Urban Life, Land Supply, Smart Technologies and Sustainable Transport Are Reshaping Cities... A Future of Polycentric Cities - How Urban Life, Land Supply, Smart Technologies and Sustainable Transport Are Reshaping Cities (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2020)
Cole Hendrigan
R2,481 Discovery Miles 24 810 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

In this book, Dr Cole Hendrigan examines the options for sustainable transport and land-use planning based on building heights, mixes of land-use, transportation mode capacity and others to build the next generation of parks, housing, commercial and retail spaces along high-capacity rail corridors. Following the paradigm of 'Transit Oriented Development', Dr Hendrigan provides unique knowledge and insights on how to best make the transition towards more sustainable and livable cities, offering a practical method to better integrate transport and urban development to this end.

Charles Darwin - An Anthology (Hardcover): Marston Bates, Philip S. Humphrey, Lionel Tiger Charles Darwin - An Anthology (Hardcover)
Marston Bates, Philip S. Humphrey, Lionel Tiger
R4,381 Discovery Miles 43 810 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Although his name has become a household word after he published Th e Origin of Species, a one-volume edition of his writings that covers the full gamut of his theoretical as well as scientific writings has not been available for many years. Charles Darwin: An Anthology, covers the heart of the five books for which the author is best known. This readable volume includes The Autobiography, The Voyage of the Beagle, The Origin of Species, The Descent of Man, and The Expression of the Emotions.

Comparative Deviance - Perception and Law in Six Cultures (Hardcover): Graeme R. Newman, Marvin E. Wolfgang Comparative Deviance - Perception and Law in Six Cultures (Hardcover)
Graeme R. Newman, Marvin E. Wolfgang
R4,381 Discovery Miles 43 810 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

"Comparative Deviance" represents a systematic attempt to survey public perceptions of deviant behavior cross-culturally: in India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Yugoslavia and the United States. There is extensive diversity in both law and perception concerning such deviances as taking drugs, homosexuality, and abortion, yet there is evidence for a basically invariant structure in perception of deviance across all cultures. Within the countries studied in this volume, Geraeme Newman discovers that the strength of religious belief and urban rural background accounted for major differences in the perception of deviance - when differences were identified.Contrary to popular academic opinion in the United States, Newman finds that those countries with the most liberal laws on deviance (i.e., the least punitive sanctions) are also those highly economically developed and least totalitarian (United States and Italy). But when public opinion is considered, the public favors harsher punishments than the law provides. In contrast, in the developing countries of India, Iran and Indonesia, where penal sanctions are more severe, public opinion is much more liberal. The crucial question is the role criminal law plays in the process of modernization: whether law is a stable cultural influence, round which public opinion wavers in a startling fashion, depending on the stage of modernization.These findings challenge many assumptions of conflict theory in sociology, of cultural relativism in anthropology, and of ethical relativism in moral philosophy. All findings are examined in relation to research on modernization, social development, and the evolution of law. These fundamental issues are thus important to many different disciplines across the board.

Health and Suffering in America - The Context and Content of Mental Health Care (Hardcover): Robert T. Fancher Health and Suffering in America - The Context and Content of Mental Health Care (Hardcover)
Robert T. Fancher
R4,823 Discovery Miles 48 230 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Health and Suffering in America analyzes how we came to see various forms of suffering as "mental illness," and argues that social and historical dynamics, not scientific discovery, gave us this notion. Robert Fancher argues that the beliefs of mental health professionals have less to do with science than with the professions' own values and ideologies. The image we have of mental health care hides vast realms of unexamined assumptions. In effect, the author maintains that "mental health" consists of mental health professionals' ideas about how people ought to live and act, not discoveries about human nature. The body of the book consists of detailed analyses and critiques of four infl uential American cultures of therapy: psychoanalysis, behaviorism, cognitive therapy, and biological therapy. Fancher emphasizes how heavily their concepts and methods are determined by their cultures rather than by empirical data. Furthermore, our notions of mental health are not scientifi c discoveries, but moral ideals. Yet mental health workers often fail to understand this. As a result, they misunderstand their own authority and, worse, fail to subject their moral ideals to appropriate moral and cultural criticism. The new introduction by the author explores how the rise of managed health care coalesces with insistence on parity for mental health problems, supported by continuing claims that mental health care is science-based.

Mainstreaming Gender, Democratizing the State - Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women (Hardcover): Shirin Rai Mainstreaming Gender, Democratizing the State - Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women (Hardcover)
Shirin Rai
R4,381 Discovery Miles 43 810 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

"Mainstreaming Gender, Democratizing the State" reflects the commitment of the United Nations to promote mechanisms that aim to achieve equality between women and men. It identifies institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women including national machineries as one of twelve critical areas of concern. National machineries are the primary institutional mechanism entrusted with the implementation of the strategic objectives contained in the goals for equity set by the United Nations. The mandate of these national institutions has evolved from promoting women-specific projects to ensuring that equality concerns are integrated into all government legislation, policy, programs, and budgetary processes. National machineries face serious constraints in fulfilling their mandate including; inadequate financial and human resources, relatively powerless locations within government structures, and insufficient linkage with civil societies. This volume illustrates that the ability of UN-member states to subscribe to the agenda of equality between women and men has been significantly enhanced by the creation of these national-level institutions. National machineries for the advancement of women were initially conceived at the World Conference on the International Women's Year held in Mexico City in 1975 and since then have been considered systematically by world conferences on women in Copenhagen (1980), Nairobi (1985), and Beijing (1995), as well as the sessions of the Commission on the Status of Women. The twenty-third special session of the General Assembly in Beijing reiterated the significant role that national machineries play in promoting equality between women and men, gender mainstreaming, and monitoring of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action as well as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. There has been a long-standing need for a volume to bring together discussions on theory and practice as well as comparative analysis and in-depth case studies of national machineries; this book responds to that need.

Judicial Dictatorship (Hardcover): William J. Quirk, Randall Bridwell Judicial Dictatorship (Hardcover)
William J. Quirk, Randall Bridwell
R4,381 Discovery Miles 43 810 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

American society has undergone a revolution within a revolution. Until the 1960s, America was a liberal country in the traditional sense of legislative and executive checks and balances. Since then, the Supreme Court has taken on the role of the protector of individual rights against the will of the majority by creating, in a series of decisions, new rights for criminal defendants, atheists, homosexuals, illegal aliens, and others. Repeatedly, on a variety of cases, the Court has overturned the actions of local police or state laws under which local officials are acting. The result, according to Quirk and Birdwell, is freedom for the lawless and oppression for the law abiding. 'Judicial Dictatorship' challenges the status quo, arguing that in many respects the Supreme Court has assumed authority far beyond the original intent of the Founding Fathers. In order to avoid abuse of power, the three branches of the American government were designed to operate under a system of checks and balances. However, this balance has been upset. The Supreme Court has become the ultimate arbiter in the legal system through exercise of the doctrine of judicial review, which allows the court to invalidate any state or federal law it considers inconsistent with the constitution. Supporters of judicial review believe that there has to be a final arbiter of constitutional interpretation, and the Judiciary is the most suitable choice. Opponents, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln among them, believed that judicial review assumes the judicial branch is above the other branches, a result the Constitution did not intend. The democratic paradox is that the majority in America agreed to limit its own power. Jefferson believed that the will of the majority must always prevail. His faith in the common man led him to advocate a weak national government, one that derived its power from the people. Alexander Hamilton, often Jefferson's adversary, lacking such faith, feared "the amazing violence and turbulence of the democratic spirit." This led him to believe in a strong national government, a social and economic aristocracy, and finally, judicial review. This conflict has yet to be resolved. 'Judicial Dictatorship' discusses the issue of who will decide if government has gone beyond its proper powers. That issue, in turn, depends on whether the Jeffersonian or Hamiltonian view of the nature of the person prevails. In challenging customary ideological alignments of conservative and liberal doctrine, 'Judicial Dictatorship' will be of interest to students and professionals in law, political scientists, and those interested in U.S. history.

Books, Bricks and Bytes - Libraries in the Twenty-first Century (Hardcover): Stephen R. Graubard, Paul LeClerc Books, Bricks and Bytes - Libraries in the Twenty-first Century (Hardcover)
Stephen R. Graubard, Paul LeClerc
R4,381 Discovery Miles 43 810 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Libraries are experiencing a technological revolution that goes well beyond anything that has existed since the invention of printing. Not surprisingly, the digital library, with all that it portends for the future of the book and the periodical, but also with all that it implies for the kinds of information that will be collected and disseminated, will necessarily preoccupy those responsible for libraries in the new century. Everything from copyright, access, and cost to the nature of the reading public itself is now up for re-examination.'Books, Bricks, and Bytes' brings together an extraordinary array of authors at the cutting edge of these concerns, not only within the United States, but experts drawn from Germany, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, Brazil, and India. James H. Billington discusses the Library of Congress in the information age; Ann S. Okerson outlines two models for securing scholarly information; Donald S. Lamm discusses the shaky partnership of publishers and librarians hi this new environment; Klaus-Dieter Lehmann provides a framework for maintaining the intellectual heritage of the past in a digitized future. Each contributor shows hi concrete detail and vivid illustration that the library as a world of holdings is increasingly valued as an incomparable place to access information. In his preface to the book, Stephen Graubard reminds us that whether or not one believes in the reality of the information revolution that is said to be overtaking the world, it is obvious that the libraries being built today do not resemble those marble sanctuaries constructed hi the Victorian age or in the early twentieth entury. This is a work that shows how libraries have been transformed from "refuges" from the external world, to places that reflect the social and intellectual values of specific societies. The idea that the library is a public trust and public resource is at the center of this unusually fine collection at the cutting edge of professional and public life.

Intimacy in Later Life (Hardcover): Kate M. Davidson, Graham Fennell Intimacy in Later Life (Hardcover)
Kate M. Davidson, Graham Fennell
R4,381 Discovery Miles 43 810 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

To love and be loved is arguably one of the most powerful and fundamental driving forces sustaining self-esteem and self-identity throughout the life course. Need for reciprocal loving does not change as we grow older, despite failures of health, loss of a partner, late divorce, and alterations of personality due to the aging process. However, most studies of human sexuality have ignored the problems and developing patterns of older adults entering into new partnerships. To fill this gap, Intimacy in Later Life brings together a wide range of distinguished international scholars to address this neglected research area.

Politics, Literature and National Character (Hardcover): Madame De Stael, Morroe Berger Politics, Literature and National Character (Hardcover)
Madame De Stael, Morroe Berger
R4,381 Discovery Miles 43 810 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Madame Germaine de Stael is often regarded as the "mistress to an age", or (like England and Russia) one of the three great European "powers" of the 19th century. She was in some sense both, but she was also an important and influential writer whose works, astonishingly, have not, until this volume, been translated into English since the early 19th century. She absorbed the leading ideas of the Enlightenment on literature, politics, science and the social order; turned many of them to her own uses and then bequeathed them to the 19th century, which adopted much of the Enlightenment through her works. She had two related aims: by her writings on politics, to guide Europe as it entered the republican era and to help it maintain its cultural legacy and liberty; and to explain all literature by its relation to social institutions (which has had a profound effect on all subsequent studies of comparative literature). Here, in clear and flowing English prose that conveys both the personality and the style of the original - and that corrects the errors of earlier translations - are selections from Madame Germaine de Stael's major works, including "Considerations on the Principal Events of the French Revolution", "Literature Considered in its Relation to Social Institutions", "Essay on Fiction", "On Germany" and her reflections on Russian and English as well as German national character. They make plain both her amazing modern approach to such subjects as politics, literature, science, education and women, and the tremendous repercussions her work has had.

Poverty Policy - A Compendium of Cash Transfer Proposals (Hardcover): Theodore R. Marmor Poverty Policy - A Compendium of Cash Transfer Proposals (Hardcover)
Theodore R. Marmor
R4,381 Discovery Miles 43 810 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Cash transfers are but one form of income supplementation, and a fuller presentation of antipoverty proposals would include both transfers in-kind (such as food, housing, and medical care) and human investment programs aimed at increasing the earning capacity of individuals. Much discussion has centered on how to reduce poverty by getting more cash income in the hands of poor people. This collection brings together in one accessible volume the most widely discussed plans for reducing financial poverty in the United States through cash transfers.

Pacific Climate Cultures - Living Climate Change in Oceania (Hardcover): Tony Crook, Peter Rudiak-Gould Pacific Climate Cultures - Living Climate Change in Oceania (Hardcover)
Tony Crook, Peter Rudiak-Gould
R3,322 Discovery Miles 33 220 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Low-lying Pacific island nations are experiencing the frontline of sea-level rises and climate change and are responding creatively and making-sense in their own vernacular terms. Pacific Climate Cultures aims to bring Oceanic philosophies to the frontline of social science theorization. It explores the home-grown ways that 'climate change' becomes absorbed into the combined effects of globalization and into a living nexus of relations amongst human and non-humans, spirits and elements. Contributors to this edited volume explore diverse examples of living climate change-from floods and cyclones, through song and navigation, to new forms of art, community initiatives and cultural appropriations-and demonstrate their international relevance in understanding climate change. A Prelude by His Highness Tui Atua Efi and Afterword by Anne Salmond frame an Introduction by Tony Crook & Peter Rudiak-Gould and nine chapters by contributors including John Connell, Elfriede Hermann & Wolfgang Kempf and Cecilie Rubow. Endorsement from Professor Margaret Jolly, Australian National University: This exciting volume offers innovative insights on climate cultures across Oceania. It critically interrogates Western environmental sciences which fail to fully appreciate Oceanic knowledges and practices. It reveals how climate science can be both 'a weapon of the weak' and 'an act of symbolic violence of the powerful'. A compelling series of studies in the Cook islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea and Samoa suggest not diverse cultural constructions of 'natural facts' but processes of knowledge exchange and at best a respectful reciprocity in confronting present challenges and disturbing future scenarios. 'Home-grown' Pacific discourses and ways of living emphasise the interconnections of all life on earth and in our cosmos; they do not differentiate between the natural and the moral, between environmental and cultural transformations. These studies evoke the creative agency of Oceanic peoples, too often seen as on the vanguard of victimhood in global representations of climate change, and offer distinctive visions for all humanity in these troubling times.

Once More Unto the Breach, Dear Friends - Incomplete Theory and Complete Bibliography (Hardcover): Irving Louis Horowitz,... Once More Unto the Breach, Dear Friends - Incomplete Theory and Complete Bibliography (Hardcover)
Irving Louis Horowitz, Andrew McIntosh, Patrick Ivins, Deborah Berger
R4,381 Discovery Miles 43 810 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Candor, breadth, judiciousness-all these are attributes Irving Louis Horowitz possesses as a scholar. Under his leadership there is no academic publication from which I have learned as much as Transaction-Society."David Riesman, Harvard University "We are all happy benefi ciaries of Horowitz's acutely perceptive and (often) devas-tatingly plain-spoken self as sociologist and sage, broad-gauged scholar, dedicated teacher, tough-minded editor and publisher with an ingrained sense of fairness."Robert K. Merton, Columbia University.

Interactive Media for Sustainability (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2018): Roy Bendor Interactive Media for Sustainability (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2018)
Roy Bendor
R2,300 Discovery Miles 23 000 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Interactive Media for Sustainability presents a conceptually rich, critical account of the design and use of interactive technologies to engage the public with sustainability. Treating interactive technologies as forms of mediation, the book argues that these technologies advance multiple understandings of sustainability. At stake are the ways sustainability encodes the complexity of interrelated social and natural systems, and how it conveys the malleability of the future. The book's argument is anchored in a diverse set of theoretical resources that include contemporary work in human-computer interaction (HCI), social theory, media studies, and the philosophy of technology, and is animated by a variety of examples, including interactive simulations, persuasive apps, digital games, art installations, and decision-support tools.

The 100 (Hardcover): Clark D Stuart The 100 (Hardcover)
Clark D Stuart
R670 Discovery Miles 6 700 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

An absolute truth, sometimes called a universal truth, is an unalterable and permanent fact. It means that something is true no matter where you are and who says it, i.e., 2 +2 = 4, no matter where you go you get the same answer. A universal truth is something anyone can benefit from. They are simple lessons containing wisdom that often goes unnoticed or gets lost in the daily hustle and bustle of our over-stimulated lives. This book is a testament to the struggles that we all face every day in our lives that we must rise up to and overcome in order to be our best and to achieve the miracle that we want to see. These principles are used as a part of Clark's Executive Presentations Skills Training Course. Each has its own significance and each is able to stand alone. Although numbered for reference purposes, they are not presented in any particular order of importance. Clearly, there are far more than 100 principles of communications, but these are the ones most likely to resonate. Like all great truths, they have a timeless quality making them just as meaningful today as they were in the beginning of time and ensuring that they will maintain their significance far into the future.

Challenging Democracy in Early Childhood Education - Engagement in Changing Global Contexts (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2019): Valerie... Challenging Democracy in Early Childhood Education - Engagement in Changing Global Contexts (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2019)
Valerie Margrain, Annica Loefdahl Hultman
R4,162 Discovery Miles 41 620 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book explores how concepts and values of contemporary democracy are variously understood and applied in diverse cultural contexts, with a focus on children and childhood and diversity. Drawing on a range of methodological approaches relevant to early childhood education, it discusses young children's engagement and voice. The book identifies existing practices, strengths, theories and considerations in democracy in early childhood education and childhood, highlighting the democratic participation of children in cultural contexts. Further, it illustrates how democracy can be evident in early childhood practices and interactions across a range of curriculum contexts and perspectives, and considers ways of advancing and sustaining practices with positive transformational opportunities to benefit children and wider ecological systems. It offers readers insights into what democracy and citizenship look like in lived experience, and the issues affecting practice and encouraging reflection and advocacy.

Demanding Energy - Space, Time and Change (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2018): Allison Hui, Rosie Day, Gordon Walker Demanding Energy - Space, Time and Change (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2018)
Allison Hui, Rosie Day, Gordon Walker
R3,889 Discovery Miles 38 890 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This edited collection critically engages with an important but rarely-asked question: what is energy for? This starting point foregrounds the diverse social processes implicated in the making of energy demand and how these change over time to shape the past patterns, present dynamics and future trajectories of energy use. Through a series of innovative case studies, the book explores how energy demand is embedded in shared practices and activities within society, such as going to music festivals, cooking food, travelling for business or leisure and working in hospitals. Demanding Energy investigates the dynamics of energy demand in organisations and everyday life, and demonstrates how an understanding of spatiality and temporality is crucial for grasping the relationship between energy demand and everyday practices. This collection will be of interest to researchers and students in the fields of energy, climate change, transport, sustainability and sociologies and geographies of consumption and environment. Chapters 1 and 15 of this book are available open access under a CC BY 4.0 license at link.springer.com

Happy City - How to Plan and Create the Best Livable Area for the People (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2017): Anna Brdulak, Halina Brdulak Happy City - How to Plan and Create the Best Livable Area for the People (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2017)
Anna Brdulak, Halina Brdulak
R4,783 Discovery Miles 47 830 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book presents multi-sector practical cases based on the author's own research. It also includes the best practice, which could serve as a benchmark for the creation of smart cities. The global urbanisation index, i.e., the ratio of city dwellers to the total population, has been steadily increasing in recent years. It is highest in the Americas, followed by Europe, Asia and Africa. The city of the future will combine the intelligent use of IT systems with the potential of institutions, companies and committed, creative inhabitants. The administrative boundaries of today's cities put certain constraints on their further growth, but in the future these boundaries will no longer be as relevant. Cities in Europe face the challenge of reconciling sustainable urban development and competitiveness - a challenge that will likely influence issues of urban quality such as the economy, culture, social and environmental conditions, changing a given city's profile as well as urban quality in terms of its composition and characteristics.

Hopes N Hats - Tears Through Laughter and Laughter Through Tears (Hardcover): Cheryl O'Brien Huber Hopes N Hats - Tears Through Laughter and Laughter Through Tears (Hardcover)
Cheryl O'Brien Huber
R783 Discovery Miles 7 830 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

We had a culture of our own; rules that we lived by, using humor to get us through the tough times. We learned to laugh at ourselves in the face of terror, evil, danger, and to laugh at our misgivings. This book offers something for a broad range of people. Looking back over the sixties and seventies, I have to allow the truth to enter in on occasion. We lived in a simpler time, but still underwent massive changes in our culture. The eighties and nineties, we raised our children, using the faith and values bestowed upon us, by our parents, with a few modifications. Our children are now on their own; given all that we had to give, not monetarily, but from the head and heart to raise their children. Sharing tears is as important as sharing the good times. Our community coming together helped us through it all. We are never too young, too old, too crippled to make a difference in someone elses life.

Cultural, Social, and Political Perspectives in Science Education - A Nordic View (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2018): Kathrin... Cultural, Social, and Political Perspectives in Science Education - A Nordic View (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2018)
Kathrin Otrel-Cass, Martin Krabbe Sillasen, Auli Arvola Orlander
R3,728 R3,453 Discovery Miles 34 530 Save R275 (7%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book presents a collection of critical thinking that concern cultural, social and political issues for science education in the Nordic countries. The chapter authors describe specific scenarios to challenge persisting views, interrogate frameworks and trouble contemporary approaches to researching teaching and learning in science. Taking a point of departure in empirical examples from the Nordic countries the collection of work is taking a critical sideways glance at the Nordic education principles. Critical examinations target specifically those who are researching in the fields of science education research to question whether conventional research approaches, foci and theoretical approaches are sufficient in a world of science education that is neither politically neutral, nor free of cultural values. Attention is not only on the individual learner but on the cultural, social and political conditions and contexts in science education. The different chapters review debates and research in teacher education, school teaching and learning including when external stakeholders are involved. Even though the chapters are contextualized in Nordic settings there will be similarities and parallels that will be informative to the international science education research community.

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