Books > Medicine > Pre-clinical medicine: basic sciences > Anatomy > General
Get the best results from your HIIT workouts by understanding the
muscle action needed to perfect each exercise. Explore the
physiology of more than 90 essential HIIT exercises, to master each
movement with confidence and control. Recent scientific research
shows that HIIT is the most efficient form of exercise for raising
fitness levels, increasing cardio-respiratory health, and losing
weight. Science of HIIT reveals the facts, with annotated artworks
that show the mechanics, the angles, the key muscle and joint
actions working below the surface of each exercise, safe alignment,
and much more. Look no further to achieve technical excellence in
your practice and develop your own programme of varied workouts, to
optimize the benefits of HIIT to body and mind.
BMA Book Awards - Winner of Basic and Clinical Sciences category!
The perfect up-to-date imaging guide for a complete and
3-dimensional understanding of applied human anatomy Imaging is
ever more integral to anatomy education and throughout modern
medicine. Building on the success of previous editions, this fully
revised sixth edition provides a superb foundation for
understanding applied human anatomy, offering a complete view of
the structures and relationships within the whole body, using the
very latest imaging techniques. All relevant imaging modalities are
included, from plain radiographs to more advanced imaging of
ultrasound, CT, MRI, functional imaging and angiography. Coverage
is further enhanced by a carefully selected range of BONUS
electronic content, including clinical photos and cases, ultrasound
videos, labelled radiograph 'slidelines', cross-sectional imaging
stacks and test-yourself materials. Uniquely, key syllabus image
sets are now highlighted throughout to aid efficient study, as well
as the most common, clinically important anatomical variants that
you should be aware of. This superb package is ideally suited to
the needs of medical students, as well as radiologists,
radiographers and surgeons in training. It will also prove
invaluable to the range of other students and professionals who
require a clear, accurate, view of anatomy in current practice.
Fully revised legends and labels and new high-quality
images-featuring the latest imaging techniques and modalities as
seen in clinical practice Covers the full variety of relevant
modern imaging-including cross-sectional views in CT and MRI,
angiography, ultrasound, fetal anatomy, plain film anatomy, nuclear
medicine imaging and more - with better resolution to ensure the
clearest anatomical views Core syllabus image sets now highlighted
throughout-to help you focus on the most essential areas to excel
on your course and in examinations Unique summaries of the most
common, clinically important anatomical variants for each body
region-reflects the fact that around 20% of human bodies have at
least one clinically significant variant New orientation
drawings-to help you understand the different views and the 3D
anatomy of 2D images, as well as the conventions between
cross-sectional modalities Ideal as a stand-alone resource or in
conjunction with Abrahams' and McMinn's Clinical Atlas of Human
Anatomy-where new links help put imaging in the context of the
dissection room Now a more complete learning package than ever
before, with superb BONUS electronic enhancements embedded within
the accompanying eBook, including: Labelled image 'stacks'-that
allow you to review cross-sectional imaging as if using an imaging
workstation Labelled image 'slidelines'-showing features in a full
range of body radiographs to enhance understanding of anatomy in
this essential modality Self-test image 'slideshows' with
multi-tier labelling-to aid learning and cater for beginner to more
advanced experience levels Labelled ultrasound videos-bring images
to life, reflecting this increasingly clinically practiced
technique Questions and answers accompany each chapter-to test your
understanding and aid exam preparation 34 pathology tutorials-based
around nine key concepts and illustrated with hundreds of
additional pathology images, to further develop your memory of
anatomical structures and lead you through the essential
relationships between normal and abnormal anatomy High-yield USMLE
topics-clinical photos and cases for key topics, linked and
highlighted in chapters
und Handbuchern zu einer gesonderten Behandlung gefiihrt haben:
Einmal gibt es Veranderungen der Knochen und Gelenke, die fast nur
an der Wirbelsaule auftreten. Eine zweite, sehr groBe Gruppe von
Erkrankungen erhii.lt, wenn im Achsenskelet lokalisiert, ein ganz
besonderes pathologisches und klinisches Ge- prage. Und endlich
kennen wir drittens generalisierte Krankheiten, die an der
Wirbelsaule zuerst oder wenigstens friihzeitig auftreten und zudem
mit dem Rontgenverfahren leicht sichtbar gemacht werden konnen. lch
glaube kaum, daB es pathologische Prozesse gibt, die nicht in eine
dieser drei Gruppen fallen; selbst generalisierte Tumormetastasen
haben eine ganz besondere Bedeutung. Das sind die Griinde, die mich
bewogen, seit anderthalbem J ahrzehnt die einzelnen Bausteine zu
der vorliegenden Arbeit zusammenzutragen. Es sind auch die Griinde,
die ich zur Rechtfertigung vorzubringen habe, wenn ich mein Vor-
haben trotz dem Erscheinen des ausgezeichneten Buches von SIMONS
nicht auf- gegeben habe. Und es mogen zum Teil auch die Grunde ffir
den Verlag gewesen sein, wenn er vor den Anstrengungen zur
Herausgabe des Buches in ernstester Zeit nicht zurUckgeschreckt
Kathrin Stauffer—a biochemist and seasoned body
psychotherapist—takes a look at organ systems of the human body
to illuminate the connections between body and mind, exploring the
body as both the ground of our physical experience and as a
metaphor for our emotional life. Beginning with a discussion of the
basic building blocks of the body, cells and molecules, Stauffer
works through the body system by system, showing through clinical
case examples that an understanding of each system can greatly
enhance the art of psychotherapy: The Central Nervous System, The
Skeletal Musculature, The Respiratory System, The Skin, The
Digestive System, Fluids and Connective Tissue, The Endocrine
System, The Reproductive System, and The Respiratory System.
Throughout, Stauffer presents human anatomy and physiology in
clear, simple terms, with facts selected for interest and relevance
to psychotherapists. Many links are made between physical and
psychological function to give readers a taste of how body
psychotherapists work in clinical practice to integrate body and
mind, and thus help their clients become more whole. Anatomy &
Physiology for Psychotherapists invites psychotherapists,
complementary therapists, and anyone else interested in the
mind/body connection to engage with the physical body to bring more
depth into their therapeutic work.
Die Aufteilung der Rontgendiagnostik in Einzelgebiete ist nicht nUf
aus didaktischen Griinden eine Notwendigkeit. Praktisch weit
wichtiger ist die Unter teilung nach Gesichtspunkten der Methode
selbst. Von der Herstellung bis zur Registratur der Bilder steht
ein geometrisches Prinzip im Vordergrund, das schlieBlich
zwangslaufig in die Einteilung des rontgendiagnostischen Materials
in Korperregionen einmiindet. Dadurch wird eine anatomische
Einteilung, zum Beispiel nach Organsystemen, oder eine
pathologisch-anatomische Ordnung, zum Beispiel nach
Krankheitsgruppen, durchkreuzt. In jedem Einzelgebiet treten dann
die Prinzipien dieser Ordnungsstruktur in drei Richtungen -
pathologische, atiologische, topographisehe - in Wettstreit, und es
ist oft schwierig, die niitz lichste und iibersiehtliehste Ordnung
zu treffen. 1m allgemeinen dominiert ein Prinzip, das dem Vorgehen
der topographischen Anatomic entspricht. Dcr didaktische
Gesichtspunkt freilich verlangt meistens eine Abweichung von der
Topographie und eine Riickkehr zur systematisehen Einteilung naeh
Organ systemen. So wird das ganze Gebiet in zwei groBe Gruppen
gegliedert - Skelet system und innere Organe. Das Skelyt des
Stammes, die Wirbelsaule, weist als Objekt der Rontgen untersuchung
einige Besonderheiten auf. Die Wirbelsaule ist jener Teil des
Skelets, der am tiefsten in groBe Muskelmassen eingebettet ist. Die
Uber sehiehten sind derart machtig, daB die rontgenologische
Darstellung der Wirbel saule dadurch zu den sehwierigsten Problemen
des Rontgenverfahrens wird. Klinisch ist die Wirbelsaule aus den
gleiehen Griinden der sehleehtest zugang liehe Skeletteil."
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