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Books > Medicine > Clinical & internal medicine > Diseases & disorders > General
Fever has long been recognized as a symptom of disease. Until the past century it was considered a healthy sign; since then this view has changed and the use of drugs to reduce fever has grown quite common. Acting on the revival of interest as to whether the effects of fever are beneficial or harmful, Matthew Kluger and other physiologists began a series of experiments designed to resolve this question. This book synthesizes their research, making a case not only for the beneficial function of fever but also for the re-evaluation of current clinical practices regarding fever. Originally published in 1979. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
A Proven Plan To Stop Painful Kidney Stones Dr. John Rodman, an internationally renowned expert in the field of kidney stone disease, offers you a plan that can eliminate this painful disease from your life forever. With Dr. Rodman’s proven plan, you’ll discover all you need to know about:
A Proven Plan to Prevent Painful Kidney Stones
This book addresses the ever increasing problem of obesity in children and adolescents, the long-term health and social problems that arise from this, and approaches to prevention and management. Aimed at doctors, and all health-care professionals, it will be of interest to all those concerned with the increasing prevalence of obesity in both the developed and developing world. It covers all aspects of obesity from epidemiology and prevention to recent developments in biochemistry and genetics, and to the varied approaches to management which are influenced by social and clinical need. A foreword by William Dietz and a forward-looking 'future perspectives' conclusion by Philip James embrace an international team of authors, all with first-hand experience of the issues posed by obesity in the young. This comprehensive survey of an important and growing medical problem will help inform, influence and educate those charged with tackling this crisis.
A complete guide to the side-effects and treatments - both conventional and alternative - for endometriosis, from a respected name in the field who also suffers from endometriosis. Endometriosis is a debilitating reproductive and immunological disease that affects 7-10 million American women each year. The disease occurs when the same kind of tissue that lines the walls of the uterus grows outside the uterus in the pelvic cavity or some other area of the body, usually significantly affecting the woman's fertility and often causing pelvic pain. And as with any condition that affects fertility, the results are often emotional and psychological as well as physical. As someone who suffers from endometriosis, and who has connections to a wide network of healthcare professionals, Morris is the perfect person to guide sufferers through diagnosis, treatment and living well with the condition. Like the previous titles in our successful Living Well series, this book will offer a holistic approach to living with the disease. The author will offer strategies for coping with the psychological aspects of endometriosis, including how best to tell others about the condition; treatment options including alternative and complementary treatment plans; dealing with infertility; and weighing the hysterectomy option. The author will draw on her relationship with fellow sufferers as well as medical professionals to help readers, making this the most comprehensive guide to endometriosis available. Kerry-Ann Morris was diagnosed with endometriosis in 1999. Since then she has become one of the most active members of the endometriosis community, and has started an outreach website for the disease.She has relationships with many fellow sufferers and experts in the medical community, making her the perfect author for a book on holistic treatment.
Psychologische Tests verstehen und anwenden - keine
Written by a distinguished pioneer in the history and development of coronary angioscopic techniques, "Coronary Angioscopy" is the first and only book to systematically describe the present status of percutaneous coronary angioscopy and cardioscopy. Cardiologists and other interested physicians will value its clear explanations of the pathophysiology of coronary artery diseases, as well as the author's advice and instruction on the mastering of cutting-edge coronary angioscopic and cardioscopic techniques. The book's scope includes a review of the dramatic developments that have brought so much change in such a short time. From the introduction of the flexible endoscope in the late 1940s to the creation of the fiberscope by the author in the late 1990s, the tools and techniques described within are presented with well-earned authority. Composed of three parts (addressing the topics of coronary angioscopy, cardioscopy, and a discussion of possible future applications of both techniques), the book's large, well-designed, atlas-style format and extensive use of color illustrations (160 of 250 figures are in color) make it a particularly effective resource. In addition, it provides information on new findings, techniques and devices, such as the cardioscopic observation of coronary microvessels from the cardiac chambers themselves, many of which are not previously reported.
This book contains 43 lectures and poster communications presented in the international conference on the 'Cellular and Molecular Bases of Liver Cirrhosis' held in Rennes on 3 to 5 July 1991.
Halten Sie Ihr Fachwissen up-to-date! 11 Beitr ge aktueller Themen aus der Facharztzeitschrift DER ANAESTHESIST stellen die Grundlage f r Ihre Fort- und Weiterbildung dar, u.a.: Plexusan sthesie, Analgesie zur Geburtshilfe, Medikamenteninteraktionen f r den An sthesisten. Mit diesen didaktisch hervorragend aufbereiteten Beitr gen k nnen Sie sich optimal auf die Facharztpr fung vorbereiten: Pr fer wie Gepr fte. Ein Werk, das Ihre Fachkompetenz als An sthesist in der t glichen Arbeit unterst tzt.
Der Patient mit chronischem Muskelschmerz stellt fur Arzte
verschiedener Fachrichtungen immer noch ein Problem dar.
Halten Sie Ihr Fachwissen up-to-date 12 BeitrAge aktueller Themen aus der Facharztzeitschrift DER ANAESTHESIST stellen die Grundlage fA1/4r Ihre Fort- und Weiterbildung dar, u.a.: Maligne Hyperthermie, Postoperatives Shivering, ErnAhrung in der Intensivmedizin. Mit diesen didaktisch hervorragend aufbereiteten BeitrAgen kAnnen Sie sich optimal auf die FacharztprA1/4fung vorbereiten: PrA1/4fer wie GeprA1/4fte. Ein Werk, das Ihre Fachkompetenz als AnAsthesist in der tAglichen Arbeit unterstA1/4tzt.
The Cambridge World History of Human Disease (CWHHD) was first published by Cambridge in 1993. The basis of this Dictionary is Part VIII, the last section of the work, that comprises a history and description of the world's major diseases of yesterday and today in chapters organized alphabetically from "Acquired Immune Deficient Syndrome (AIDS)" to "Yellow Fever." The last section of CWHHD has been fully revised and the essays have been condensed into shorter entries, with up-to-date information on AIDS, Alzheimer's disease, Ebola, and Tuberculosis. The Dictionary also includes three chapters from other parts of the CWHHD on "Heart-Related Diseases," "Cancer," and Genetic Disease." Including contributions from over 100 medical and social scientists worldwide, the Dictionary is a truly interdisciplinary history of medicine and human disease. Kenneth Kiple is a distinguished professor of history at Bowling Green State University. His research and teaching interests include Latin America and the history of medicine, disease, and nutrition. His work has been supported by grants and fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Fulbright Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies, the American Philosophical Society, and the National Institutes of Health. He is the editor of The Cambridge History of World Disease (Cambridge, 1993) and with Kriemhild Coneé Ornelas, the award-winning Cambridge World History of Food (Cambridge, 2000).
Halten Sie Ihr Fachwissen up-to-date 12 Beitrage aktueller Themen
aus der Facharztzeitschrift DER ANAESTHESIST stellen die Grundlage
fur Ihre Fort- und Weiterbildung dar, u.a.:
R. KLOSE Selten wurde ein Pharmakon in der Anasthesiologie und Intensivrnedi zin so auBerordentlich kontrovers beurteilt wie Ketamin. Seit den ersten Publikationen von GUnther Corssen und Edward Domino zu Beginn der sechziger Jahre diskutieren BefUrworter und Gegner oft leidenschaftlich Uber die Substanz und ihren klinischen Stellenwert: schroffe Ablehnung auf der einen Seite, enthusiastisches Lob auf der anderen. Zweifelsohne nimmt Ketamin einen besonderen Platz unter den Anasthetika ein, sein Wirkprofil ist einzigartig und lasst sich mit dem anderer Anasthetika nicht vergleichen. Der von Domino und Mitarbeitern 1965 neu geschaf fene Begriff "Dissoziative Anasthesie" sollte den eigenartigen Zustand des Patienten charakterisieren: Bei hervorragender Analgesie ist das Bewusstsein zwar abgeschaltet, die hypnotische Wirkung hingegen ist unzureichend. Der anasthesierte Patient erscheint in merkwUrdiger Weise von seiner Umwelt entkoppelt. Damit verbunden sind Traumer lebnisse, die haufig, aber nicht gesetzmaBig, als unangenehm beschrie ben werden, Halluzinationen vor aHem visueHer Art, Out-of-body-Pha nomene sowie unruhige, delirante Aufwachreaktionen ("post anesthetic emergence reactions"). Hinzu kommt ganz im Gegensatz zu allen ande ren Anasthetika eine stimulierende sympathikoadrenerge Wirkung auf das Herz-Kreislauf-System, die je nach Situation erwUnscht oder uner wUnscht ist. So musste bereits sehr frUh nach EinfUhrung des Ketamins der Traum, ein ide ales Mononarkotikum gefunden zu haben, begraben werden. Dennoch haben sich das Mannheimer Institut fUr Anasthesio logie und Reanimation unter seinem damaligen Direktor Prof. Dr. Horst Lutz und die Anasthesieabteilung der Berufsgenossenschaftlichen Un faHklinik Ludwigshafen intensivst mit dieser faszinierenden Substanz Ketamin befasst."
Die Spezialgebiete Anasthesiologie, Intensivtherapie, Schmerztherapie und Notfallmedizin haben in den letzten Jahren eine rasante Entwicklung und eine dementsprechend rasche Zunahme an neuen Erkenntnissen erfahren. Es ist daher besonders wichtig, dieses Wissen so schnell und so weit wie moglich zu optimieren. Der vorliegende 27. Refresher Course der Deutschen Akademie fur Anasthesiologische Fortbildung mit 18 verschiedenen Themen aus dem komplexen Gebiet der Akutmedizin vermittelt Facharzten und Arzten in der Weiterbildung mit seinen didaktisch gut aufbereiteten Texten den aktuellen Wissensstand der jeweiligen Thematik."
Bisphosphonate sind zwar keine neue Substanzklasse in der Therapie von Knochenerkrankungen, die Indikationen fur Ihren Einsatz werden aber durch neue Forschungsergebnisse standig erweitert. Bisphosphonate besitzen eine hohe Affinitat zum Knochen und vermindern durch Inhibition der Osteoklasten die Knochenresorption. Dadurch konnen Bisphosphonate erfolgreich in der Behandlung verschiedener Knochenerkrankungen eingesetzt werden, wobei die primare und sekundare Osteoporose bei weitem die haufigste Indikation darstellt." |
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