Books > Medicine > Other branches of medicine > Anaesthetics > General
The Pediatric Procedural Sedation Handbook provides a comprehensive
but concise review of the essential information needed to allow for
the safe practice of pediatric procedural sedation. Written by a
group of multidisciplinary authors, this text explores the
fundamentals of sedation, procedural sedation, special patient
considerations, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and more.
Each chapter offers a starting point and suggestions for further
in-depth study of all aspects of providing safe, effective,
multidisciplinary-team based sedation care for children undergoing
testing and procedures outside of an operating room setting.
Appendices providing medication dosing and delivery route
suggestions complement the text and can be used for quick
reference. This book is a must-read for any clinician involved in
modern, team-based patient-centered care, including physicians,
nurses, dentists, and child life specialists. Editors and authors
are members of the Society of Pediatric Sedation, a
multidisciplinary society dedicated to the advance of pediatric
sedation by promoting safe, high quality care, innovative research,
and quality professional education.
Access to acute and emergency care is essential when we are ill or
injured, but the costs are significant. How can we make services
more efficient and effective? This thought-provoking text provides
twenty case studies detailing successful innovations to enhance
value, including telehealth, observation medicine, high utilizer
programs, and the use of informatics to improve clinical decision
support. A detailed history of system developments over the last
fifty years in the US and internationally is provided, and subjects
including measurement and quality improvement, volume versus value
based care, and emergency department crowding are discussed. This
book is an ideal way for emergency physicians and healthcare
managers to explore new ideas and enhance the quality of care in
their area.
Six general anesthetics! Yes six! That is the astonishing number of
anesthetics the average American will experience in a lifetime. Yet
most people are blissfully unaware of its consequences - lulled
into a false sense of security - believing that sleep rather than
chemically-induced coma is the outcome. Inherently dangerous,
anesthesia has matured into an essentially safe practice. It was
not always so. Nor in every instance - things can still go terribly
wrong. Before the advent of general anesthesia in 1846, very few
surgeries were performed. When done at all, operations were limited
in scope, and often as a last resort - with death as a common
outcome. Since then, the evolution of anesthetic practice has
allowed increasingly complex surgery to be performed on ever-sicker
patients. This anesthesiologist's record tells the story. Drawing
on personal experience, while tracing historical and scientific
developments, Dr. Berend Mets chronicles the stories of innumerable
notable individuals such as Drs. William Morton, Virginia Apgar and
Christiaan Barnard in the past, and Drs. Archie Brain, Atul Gawande
and Mehmet Oz in the present, illustrating the practice of
anesthesiology along the way. Tapping parallels with aviation to
reveal how anesthesia has been engineered to become ever-safer,
this book will not put you to sleep. Rather it will wake you up!
Wake you up to the magic and mystery of anesthesia and its
Preparing for the Primary FRCA? Wondering what to expect of the new
SBA questions? Help is at hand. This practical book contains 60
single best answer and 120 multiple true/false questions to help
you revise for the Primary FRCA MCQ exam. Each question is
accompanied by detailed explanations, giving additional information
on each topic to enhance revision. SBA and MTF MCQs for the Primary
FRCA may be used both for examination practice and as a source of
knowledge on many of the key topics in the syllabus. A helpful
introductory section gives practical advice on how to approach
revision and sitting the exam. From the writing team behind the
FRCAQ website (www.frcaq.com), SAQs for the Final FRCA and SBAs for
the Final FRCA, this book provides challenging questions and well
researched explanations to help you through the Primary FRCA MCQ
paper. An invaluable tool for your MCQ exam preparation.
Acute Care Casebook provides a case-based approach to the broad
practice of acute care medicine, covering a variety of common
patient presentations and clinical environments. This book features
over 70 illustrated cases, including presentations of trauma and
medical illness in wilderness medicine, military and prehospital
environments, pediatrics, emergency medicine, and intensive care
unit and floor emergencies. Designed for students and trainees in
medicine, nursing, EMS, and other acute care specialties, this text
guides readers through not only symptom evaluation and treatment,
but also the thought process and priorities of experienced
clinicians. Each chapter features key diagnoses and management
pearls from leading experts that will help prepare readers for any
event, from stabilizing and transporting a trauma patient in the
field, to managing post-operative complications in the ICU.
OSCE Questions for the Primary FRCA is a key resource for
candidates preparing for this unique exam. Containing over 100
Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) style questions
directly mapped to the syllabus set by the Royal College of
Anaesthetists, this resource is the perfect revision tool. Each
chapter contains key questions on the main FRCA subject areas, such
as 'Anatomy', 'Hazards' and 'Equipment' to ensure candidates can
revise commonly tested knowledge. All questions are supported by
detailed answers and further reading for efficient and
comprehensive revision. The 'Mock OSCE' chapter at the end of the
book presents the reader with 10 OSCE style questions followed by
all answers, ensuring the reader has, not only the knowledge to the
pass the exam, but can practice the technique and approach required
for success in this exam. Written by successful candidates, OSCE
Questions for the Primary FRCA is the perfect revision aid for
candidates facing this difficult exam.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are
not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or
access to any online entitlements included with the product. The
best way to prepare for the American Board of Anesthesiology's new
ADVANCED Examination Anesthesiology Core Review: Part Two-ADVANCED
Exam prepares you for the second of two new staged anesthesiology
board certification exams. This is the first board review book
tailored for the new ADVANCED examination.The book is divided into
sections that match the blueprint provided by the American Board of
Anesthesiology: Basic Science, Clinical Sciences, Organ-Based
Sciences,Clinical Subspecialties, and Special Problems or Issues in
Anesthesiology. Anesthesiology Core Review: Part Two-ADVANCED Exam
is the single best way to take the stress out of this make-or-break
exam. Short 2-4 page chapters provide critical information in an
easily digestible and memorable format. Each chapter succinctly
summarizes key concepts, covering the nearly 200 must-know topics
found on the board exam outline. The pages are heavily illustrated
to help you visualize key concepts, with space conveniently
provided throughout the book to add notes from other study
resources. Together with the first volume (Anesthesiology Core
Review Part One-BASIC), this book provides an excellent,
comprehensive resource for initial board certification.
Part of the World Clinics: Anesthesia, Critical Care & Pain -
Pediatric Anesthesia series, this book presents evidence-based
reviews on topics in paediatric anaesthesia, to provide
practitioners and trainees with an up to date understanding of the
subject. Beginning with articles on anaesthesia used for different
surgical procedures, the following sections discuss challenges in
anaesthesia for thoracic surgery in infants and perioperative care
for neonatal emergencies. Further topics include perioperative
complications of anaesthesia in children, neurotoxicity of
anaesthesia on the developing brain, and ethical issues. Each
article is supplemented by editors' comments highlighting their own
personal, clinical experience. Key points Part of the World
Clinics: Anesthesia, Critical Care & Pain - Pediatric
Anesthesia series Presents evidence-based reviews of latest
advances and thinking in the field Each article supplemented by
editors' comments based on clinical experience
Physics for the Anaesthetic Viva is a succinct and practical text
that comprehensively covers all aspects of the physics and clinical
measurement curriculum for the FRCA examinations. Each section
begins by explaining the basic science concepts, which are then
expanded and related to everyday practice. Illustrations are used
to enhance understanding of the concepts, and are presented in such
a way as to be easy to reproduce in the exam setting. In addition,
sample viva questions are provided at the end of each chapter to
test learning, or for use in a mock viva session. Written by
trainees for trainees, this book provides exactly what you need to
pass the exam.