Books > Health, Home & Family > Self-help & practical interests > Popular psychology > General
"If it ain't one thing it's another" was a catchy phrase I often
heard growing up. At the time, I didn't give it much thought,
except that I heard it a lot. But fast forward a few decades, and I
get it; in life, there's always going to be something I recently
heard a pastor say as he delivered the eulogy for a young man who
had battled addiction most of his life: "We all have issues. And if
you are sitting out there in your pew thinking that you don't have
any, then maybe that's your issue-you think you don't have any."
Man, was he on target. There's always something It's your health.
Disease is robbing you of your joy. Free your mind It's your
finances. You just lost your job and bills are piling up. Free your
mind It's your addiction. Your life is spiraling out of control.
Free your mind It's your weight. You know you need to do better but
can't seem to get a grip. Free your mind It's your run-ins with the
law. You're an ex-convict, stuck in the penal system's revolving
door. Free your mind It's your childhood. Abuse and rape have left
you with wounds so deep that they have festered into a sore that
just won't heal. Free your mind It's your relationships. You've
been beaten and battered by your spouse and you don't know where to
turn. Free your mind It's your gender identity. You are gay and you
feel trapped. Free your mind Free Your Mind and the Best Will
Follow is a guide to letting go of your issues and living your
dreams. It is a book of stories, spiritual truths, and activities
that will help you realize that you are so much more than your
circumstances and conditions. Now is the time to reconnect with
your inner power. It's time to let go of your past.
For more than two decades, internationally renowned pioneer in
energy medicine Caroline Myss has been studying how people use
their personal power. Through her special brand of spiritual
insight and intuition, her popular workshops, and her bestselling
books, Myss has helped hundreds of thousands of people meet the
lifelong challenge of managing their spiritual energy and improving
their lives.
Now, in this inspiring new book, Myss expands her message about
power in an entirely new spiritual direction. With characteristic
originality, she explains how we become channels for divine grace
and a conduit for miracles through kind, compassionate, generous
actions, or, as she calls them, invisible acts of power. When we
act compassionately, without a private agenda or expectation of
credit or reward, God works invisibly, anonymously through us. And
as we move from visible acts, such as giving a friend a helping
hand, to invisible acts, such as prayer and healing, we undergo a
profound journey of personal empowerment.
The myriad simple but profound ways that people connect to create
small miracles, gain a greater sense of spirituality, and transform
their own -- and others' -- lives in an instant will inspire you to
your own invisible acts of power...and attract them to you.
Luego de completar sus estudios Universitarios en 1996, Angel Moran
se ha desempenado como ejecutivo en distintos Paises de
Latinoamerica en el sector energetico. A lo largo de su carrera ha
realizado varias especialidades en el area de las Finanzas y
Negocios en paises como Venezuela y Argentina. En los ultimos anos
ha querido explorar de cerca los conceptos relacionados con el
Liderazgo y el Coaching en las organizaciones. Esta inquietud lo
llevo a encontrarse con la Logoterapia inspirada y fundada por el
Doctor Viktor Frankl. Radicado en Mexico, decide comenzar a
escribir una serie de relatos basados en experiencias reales donde
plantea refl exiones sobre la busqueda del exito y el proposito en
nuestra vida diaria bajo el aire renovado del Liderazgo y Coaching.
Un libro lleno de signifi cado y motivacion para todo aquel que
busque superarse a si mismo e inspirar a otros al cambio y el pleno
manejo de situaciones dificiles.
In this self-help guidebook, Martin Skeer, Ph.D., provides a unique
conceptual framework that enables others to increase awareness and
progress toward realizing personal aspirations, ultimately
enhancing the quality of their lives. Skeer presents principles and
a series of quantitative scales that allow measurement of one's
fulfillment and happiness, challenging others to view their lives
more realistically and gain a heightened awareness of the
importance of daily gratitude. While sharing ideas cultivated from
extensive discussions with Dr. Margie Skeer, an expert in social
sciences, Skeer also provides hypothetical examples, guiding you
through a journey of self-improvement. Learn how to: Understand
actual versus potential Construct a value system Enhance
relationships through interpersonal communication Recognize
successes, no matter how small Differentiate between negative
perceptions and constructive advice Take risks to improve potential
Ultimately, there is nothing that matters more than fulfillment and
happiness. Skeer's framework challenges you to consider the options
to achieving success and inner joy and find a new way to view the
Factfulness: The stress-reducing habit of only carrying opinions for which you have strong supporting facts. When asked simple questions about global trends - why the world's population is increasing; how many young women go to school; how many of us live in poverty - we systematically get the answers wrong. So wrong that a chimpanzee choosing answers at random will consistently outguess journalists, Nobel laureates, and investment bankers.
In Factfulness, Professor of International Health and a man who can make data sing, Hans Rosling, together with his two long-time collaborators Anna and Ola, offers a radical new explanation of why this happens, and reveals the ten instincts that distort our perspective. It turns out that the world, for all its imperfections, is in a much better state than we might think. But when we worry about everything all the time instead of embracing a worldview based on facts, we can lose our ability to focus on the things that threaten us most.
Inspiring and revelatory, filled with lively anecdotes and moving stories, Factfulness is an urgent and essential book that will change the way you see the world.
Do you: Meet unquantifiable resistance in merely hinting it's time
your headstrong parents leave their decades-old residence? Battle
belligerently at daring to suggest household caregivers to your
defiant folks, given their progressive inability to perform basic
daily tasks? Serve up your total human capacity to your
unappreciative relatives without coming close to filling their
bottomless pit? Enter resident expert Carol-Ann Hamilton. Her
unique term-"un-cope-able"-perfectly describes her own intractable
duo. Through painful personal experience across decades, Carol-Ann
has discovered and tested twelve innovative Keys to Coping. Eureka
Success Engage with the Impossible Parents Questionnaire and
overcome 10 hair-yanking eldercare challenges Apply 6 LOVING
attitudes and stay centered during crazy- making exchanges Gain 6
down-to-earth ACTION strategies that guarantee your targeted
efforts will achieve headway Be inspired by others' illuminating
stories, knowing you're not alone anymore Benefit from Carol-Ann's
hard-won lessons. Share her poignant yet hilarious journey. Get the
support you need-NOW. Say good-bye to feeling victimized and
over-burdened. Say hello to relief and hope in Coping with
Un-cope-able Parents
"This leads to my definition of life. In many ways, it is quite
simple: It is using your talents to, in some small way, make a
difference in this world. Whether it's working with the
environment, or our educational system, or those with physical or
mental challenges, or those in the dawn or twilight of their lives,
meaning is achieved by working towards and leaving behind something
of value to the next generation. It matters little whether your
aspiration or dream was realized: we'll never have world peace, or
feed the hungry, or avoid catastrophic diseases or illnesses. What
matters is that you tried, that you worked to make the world a
better place. What matters is that, when you look back over your
life, you can say that you fought the good fight, that you did what
was right, and that you made a difference in this world. "
In "The Meaning of Life," author Dean Gualco tackles an
assortment of questions that many of us have asked at one point or
other: Why are we here? What is our purpose? How does one lead a
decent and honorable life? Divided into five sections, "The Meaning
of Life" seeks to provide the answers. With discussions that
include determining what you stand for, doing the best with what
you have, and living life with the knowledge that it goes by in a
blink, Gualco provides a thought-provoking study of an issue that
has perplexed man for centuries.
trabajo sea cual sea, si estas en una fabrica o en un restaurante
de comida r pida. Si dibujas tu rea de trabajo siempre vas a saber
en donde estas, siempre vas a saber lo que tienes, si tienes diez o
cincuenta empleados. Dibuja cada posici n de cada persona y califi
ca si es un buen empleado o no lo es. Califi ca empleado por
empleado hasta que tengas un buen equipo. Y un buen equipo te va a
llevar a dar muy buenos resultados, porque los buenos resultados
son siempre los que todas las empresas quieren. Este libro es para
supervisores y empleados, para saber que tipo de supervisor eres o
para saber qu tipo de empleado eres, identif cate con el mejor,
recuerda que siempre tienes que ser el mejor, no para competir con
los dem s ni para que sientas que eres mejor que otro, sino para
que sepas que como persona puedes conseguir las metas que t