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Books > Medicine > Pre-clinical medicine: basic sciences > Human reproduction, growth & development > Reproductive medicine > General
Il dolore cronico vulvare, o vulvodinia, e una patologia diffusa che puo avere un forte impatto sul benessere della donna. Nonostante sia frequentemente osservata nella pratica clinica quotidiana, resta un disturbo trascurato e puo richiedere anche molti anni per essere correttamente diagnosticato. Il volume offre un panorama conciso delle ultimissime acquisizioni sulla diagnosi e la cura della vulvodinia e delle sue numerose comorbilita, ha un formato facile da leggere, con molti consigli pratici, e aiuta ad affrontare rapidamente ed efficacemente tutte le complesse e delicate problematiche che sottendono il disturbo. Questo libro si rivolge ai medici motivati a migliorare la qualita di vita delle donne che soffrono di vulvodinia, e in particolare ai Ginecologi e ai Medici di Medicina Generale.
With contributions from: Eric Blyth, Ken Daniels, Julia Feast, Robert Lee, Nina Martin, Alexina McWhinnie, Derek Morgan, Clare Murray, Sharon Pettle, Claire Potter, Jim Richards and Francoise Shenfield The separation of procreation from conception has broadened notions of parenthood and created novel dilemmas. A woman may carry a foetus derived from gametes neither or only one of which came from her or her partner; or she may carry a foetus created using in vitro fertilisation (IVF) with the purpose of handing it to two other parents one, neither or both of whom may be genetically related to the prospective child. Parents may consist of single-sex couples, only one of them genetically related to the child; the prospective mother may be past her menopause; and genetic parenthood after death is now achievable. In a world increasingly reliant on medical science, how can the argument that equates traditional with natural and novel with unnatural/unethical be justified? Should there be legislation, which is notoriously slow to change, in a field driven by dazzling new possibilities at ever faster rate; particularly when restrictions differ from country to country, so that those who can afford it travel elsewhere for their treatment of choice? Whose rights are paramount - the adults hoping to build a family or the prospective child(ren)s future well being? On what basis can apparently competing rights be regulated or adjudicated and how and to what extent can these be enforced in practice?
Sexualfreundliche Sexualerziehung soll und muss sein, aber wem nutzt eine pro-aktiv sexualisierende Sexualerziehung und warum loest sie Widerstand aus? Ist die aktuell diskutierte Sexualpadagogik mit ihren Zielen und Methoden kindgerecht oder bedient sie Interessen von Erwachsenen? Diese Streitschrift bietet Interessierten und an Erziehung Beteiligten Informationen und Analysen, sowie persoenliche Einschatzungen der Autorin, die nachdenklich machen. Das Buch reflektiert alternative Herangehensweisen an das Thema Sexualitat in Kita und Schule und erklart, warum sich religioes begrundete und "moderne" sexual-padagogische Konzepte ahneln. Die Autorin nimmt die Leser mit in die Fragestellung und Besorgnis, ob die derzeit propagierte Sexualerziehung darauf hinauslauft, Kinder mit padagogischer Legitimation in die sexualisierte Erwachsenenwelt hineinzuziehen. Es oeffnet die Augen fur die Thematik und gibt Hinweise wie Kinder und Jugendliche motiviert werden koennen, sich vor dem Einfluss von Pornografie zu schutzen.
Cambridge Pocket Clinician Neonatology covers a wide variety of topics related to neonatal medicine, as well as clinical questions on maternal and neonatal conditions, symptoms, and procedures that will challenge providers in both the outpatient and inpatient settings. The topics are organized under headings on different diagnoses, evaluation, treatment, complications, and prognosis so that the user will find the desired information quickly and easily. More than 200 diseases and conditions are discussed in detail. Editors Richard A. Polin, M.D. John M. Lorenz, M.D. An electrionic version of this book can be purchased at http: //www.
Jahrlich werden in Deutschland ca. 1.000 kunstliche Befruchtungen durchgefuhrt (sog. heterologe kunstliche Befruchtung). Insbesondere der Samenspender, aber auch alle anderen beteiligten Personen gehen dabei ein rechtliches Risiko ein - haufig ohne es zu wissen. Die Autorin entwickelt Moglichkeiten der zivilrechtlichen Haftungsfreistellung des Samenspenders und stellt ihre Alternative vor: die "rechtsfolgenlose Vaterschaftsfeststellungsklage." "
A complete guide to the side-effects and treatments - both conventional and alternative - for endometriosis, from a respected name in the field who also suffers from endometriosis. Endometriosis is a debilitating reproductive and immunological disease that affects 7-10 million American women each year. The disease occurs when the same kind of tissue that lines the walls of the uterus grows outside the uterus in the pelvic cavity or some other area of the body, usually significantly affecting the woman's fertility and often causing pelvic pain. And as with any condition that affects fertility, the results are often emotional and psychological as well as physical. As someone who suffers from endometriosis, and who has connections to a wide network of healthcare professionals, Morris is the perfect person to guide sufferers through diagnosis, treatment and living well with the condition. Like the previous titles in our successful Living Well series, this book will offer a holistic approach to living with the disease. The author will offer strategies for coping with the psychological aspects of endometriosis, including how best to tell others about the condition; treatment options including alternative and complementary treatment plans; dealing with infertility; and weighing the hysterectomy option. The author will draw on her relationship with fellow sufferers as well as medical professionals to help readers, making this the most comprehensive guide to endometriosis available. Kerry-Ann Morris was diagnosed with endometriosis in 1999. Since then she has become one of the most active members of the endometriosis community, and has started an outreach website for the disease.She has relationships with many fellow sufferers and experts in the medical community, making her the perfect author for a book on holistic treatment.
Cosa si prova a non poter avere un figlio? Quanto e difficile comunicare alla coppia una diagnosi di sterilita? Come affrontare il 70% dei fallimenti delle tecniche di PMA? Come una legge puo' incidere sul futuro di un embrione? Il testo, nato dalla fusione multidisciplinare medica, psicologica e sociologica, vuole riflettere su queste domande e accompagnare il lettore in una nuova forma mentis sulle criticita nella fecondazione assistita. La trama scientifica si accompagna a un linguaggio diretto dove hanno un posto rilevante le emozioni, cosi' centrali in campi quali la ginecologia, la riproduzione e la psicologia dell'infertilita, che vanno al cuore del bisogno psico-sessuale piu forte e arcaico: quello riproduttivo. Al centro del volume e la relazione medico-paziente che, nel campo dell'infertilita, e caratterizzata dall'attivazione di forti echi emotivi da parte di entrambi. Il volume, a tale riguardo, propone il protocollo SAHARAI che comprende due metodi inediti (il questionario e il nurse-ring) capaci di intervenire, rispettivamente, nella fase diagnostica e in quella terapeutica della fecondazione. I metodi e le riflessioni proposti sono volti alla riduzione dei disagi psicologici delle coppie e al riequilibrio del rapporto medico-paziente. Dal testo emerge forte una nuova idea di formazione per gli operatori dei centri di fecondazione assistita e un percorso di qualificazione per le nuove figure professionali (gli psicologi addetti alla PMA) in accordo con le nuove direttive della legge."
Reproductive technology is typically discussed in the future tense. Yet doctors have always treated involuntary childlessness. This book looks at the recent history of infertility and the different ways medicine has treated it. It traces the reluctance to allow infertility a past to a new tension that has emerged between utopian and anti-utopian fears about the growth rate and composition of population. "The Stork and the Syringe" argues that although doctors' approach to infertility is formed in response to the exigencies of the political economy of medical practice, it also accommodates a persistent gender bias: the tendency to regard women's bodies as inviting intervention and men's as demanding caution. This bias is manifest in relation to gametes (eggs and sperm), sex hormones, in the form of medical investigations and treatment, and the frequency and enthusiasm with which the latter are carried out. Departures from this theme are rare and controversial, as the history of artificial insemination using donor semen demonstrates. This book is a major contribution to the history and sociology of reproduction, fertility, population and medicine.
This second edition has been extensively revised to bring clinicians fully up to date with the latest technologies and advances in the field of assisted reproductive techniques (ART). Each section is dedicated to a sub specialty, from polycystic ovary syndrome, ART procedures, and laboratory issues, to implantation, cryopreservation, endoscopy, ultrasound and more. A section entitled 'contemporary thoughts' examines the improvement of IVF outcome, ART and older women, and HIV and ART, and another discusses third party reproduction. Edited by internationally recognised experts in reproductive medicine, this comprehensive guide is highly illustrated with clinical photographs and diagrams to enhance learning. Previous edition (9781841844497) published in 2004. Key points Fully revised, second edition providing latest advances in ART Complete section dedicated to third party reproduction Highly experienced, internationally recognised editor and author team Previous edition (9781841844497) published in 2004
In addition to covering clinical topics and surgical procedures, this essential textbook provides detailed commentary on the contemporary social, psychological and economic issues that affect women's health. Acknowledged authorities in respective research fields have contributed specific sections to address the topics of women's mental health, genetics, prescribing for women, health promotion, hormones throughout the life cycle, psychological and behavioral issues.
'It is very hard to produce a timely book about a subject that changes as quickly as technologically assisted reproduction, but John Harris and Soren Holm have managed to do exactly that. The fourteen essays in this small volume provide an extremely useful and highly readable overview of the key moral, legal, and social themes raised by new ways of making babies. . . . The book is unique in that it offers perspectives on all these topics from a variety of disciplines and professions as well as from a broad range of national and cultural perspectives.' Arthur Caplan, British Medical Journal
Die moderne Reproduktionsmedizin wird oftmals als letzte Chance von Partnern ausgewahlt, um ihren starken, bisher unerfullten Wunsch nach einem eigenen Kind einzuloesen - ungeachtet dessen, dass sie oeffentlich sehr kontrovers diskutiert werden und haufig auf grosse Ablehnung stossen. Die Teilnahme an einer Reproduktionsbehandlung ist kostenintensiv: Zusatzlich zu den finanziellen Kosten der medizinischen Behandlung kommen noch weitere subjektive Kosten hinzu, so z.B. ein erheblicher Zeitaufwand wahrend der Fertilisierungstherapien oder aber auch das Ertragen koerperlicher und psychischer Belastungen. Die vorliegende Arbeit erforscht die Einstellung der Betroffenen zur Reproduktionsmedizin und was sie mit einem Kind verbinden. Daruber hinaus wird erforscht, wie die ungewollt kinderlosen Partner die koerperlichen, psychischen und finanziellen Belastungen erleben und bewerten.
This introductory textbook examines the issues of human reproduction common to a variety of advanced school and beginning university courses. It covers in detail the physiology of the human reproductive system, the production of gametes, fertilisation, pregnancy, birth, lactation and contraception. Sensitive issues such as infertility, abortion and embryo research are discussed with careful consideration of the moral and ethical issues involved.
This important new volume in the series Cambridge Reviews in Human Reproduction provides a wide-ranging and authoritative account of the uterus and its physiological role in fertility, normal pregnancy and delivery. Acknowledged authorities from around the world provide a detailed and timely account of uterine physiology. The volume encompasses a wealth of material including cell and developmental biology, structure, function, anatomy and endocrinology, and then goes on to cover clinically important issues such as the cervix during pregnancy, measurement of uterine contractions and initiation of labour. It will prove of particular value to those involved in the management of women with pre-term labour, as well as those concerned with the development of new procedures for the prevention or amelioration of this condition.
Clinical case studies have long been recognized as a useful adjunct to problem-based learning and continuing professional development. They emphasize the need for clinical reasoning, integrative thinking, problem-solving, communication, teamwork and self-directed learning - all desirable generic skills for health care professionals. This volume contains a selection of cases on assisted reproduction that will inform and challenge reproductive medicine practitioners at all stages in their careers. Both common and uncommon cases are included. The aim is to reinforce diagnostic skill through careful analysis of individual presenting patterns, and to guide treatment decisions. Each case consists of a clinical history, examination findings and special investigations, before a diagnosis is made. Clinical issues raised by each case are discussed and major teaching points emphasized. Selective references are provided. The book provides a useful complementary adjunct to existing textbooks of reproductive medicine, and an excellent resource for teaching and continuing professional development.
Die medizinische Behandlung der ungewollten Kinderlosigkeit wird hierzulande nach wie vor mit einer Mischung aus Interesse am medizinisch-technischen Fortschritt und Sorge uber die mogli- cherweise nicht mehr kalkulierbaren Risiken dieses Fortschrittes betrachtet. Die Reaktionen reichen dabei von der implizi ten Gleichsetzung konkreter Formen der Reproduktionsmedizin mit den fiktiven Verhaltnissen in der 'Schonen Neuen welt'1, bis hin zu Einschatzungen, wonach sich die Reproduktionsmedizin in naher Zukunft als ein unverzichtbares Instrument bei der Bekampfung eines langandauernden Bevolkerungsruckganges in der BRD erweisen 2 werde. Auch wenn sich in den letzten 5-10 Jahren das Interesse der Offentlichkeit verstarkt den verschiedenen Formen der medizini- 3 schen Behandlung ungewollter Kinderlosigkeit zugewandt hat, so scheint mit diesem verstarkten Interesse kein Anstieg der Anzahl Der Vergleich des heutigen Potentials der Reproduk- tionsmedizin mit den Schilderungen der industriellen Erzeugung von Menschen in A. Huxleys Roman "Schone Neue Welt" gehort zu den Standardbildern in weiten Teilen der Literatur uber die medizinische Behandlung der ungewollten Kinderlosigkeit. So z.B. auch bei: Hirsch, G. und Eberbach W. (1987): Auf dem Weg zum kunstlichen Leben - Retortenkinder, Leihmutter, pro- grammierte Gene Basel, Boston, Stuttgart. S.31ff. 2 So ein Reproduktionsmediziner in der Fernsehsendung 'Explosiv' (RTL 22.5.'91). 3 Man denke z. B. nur an die Kontroversen im Zuge der Erarbeitung des Embryonenschutzgesetzes, an die Richt- linien zur Durchfuhrung der In-vitro-Fertilisation der Bundesarztekammer, an die Initiativen auf dem 56. |
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