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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Materials science > Testing of materials > General
Premature cracking in asphalt pavements and overlays continues to shorten pavement lifecycles and creates significant economic and environmental burden. In response, RILEM Technical Committee TC 241-MCD on Mechanisms of Cracking and Debonding in Asphalt and Composite Pavements has conducted a State-of-the-Art Review (STAR), as detailed in this comprehensive book. Cutting-edge research performed by RILEM members and their international partners is presented, along with summaries of open research questions and recommendations for future research. This book is organized according to the theme areas of TC 241-MCD - i.e., fracture in the asphalt bulk material, interface debonding behaviour, and advanced measurement systems. This STAR is expected to serve as a long term reference for researchers and practitioners, as it contributes to a deeper fundamental understanding of the mechanisms behind cracking and debonding in asphalt concrete and composite pavement systems.
This book offers a comprehensive introduction to polymer rheology with a focus on the viscoelastic characterization of polymeric materials. It contains various numerical algorithms for the processing of viscoelastic data, from basic principles to advanced examples which are hard to find in the existing literature. The book takes a multidisciplinary approach to the study of the viscoelasticity of polymers, and is self-contained, including the essential mathematics, continuum mechanics, polymer science and statistical mechanics needed to understand the theories of polymer viscoelasticity. It covers recent achievements in polymer rheology, such as theoretical and experimental aspects of large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS), and numerical methods for linear viscoelasticity, as well as new insights into the interpretation of experimental data. Although the book is balanced between the theoretical and experimental aspects of polymer rheology, the author's particular interest in the theoretical side will not remain hidden. Aimed at readers familiar with the mathematics and physics of engineering at an undergraduate level, the multidisciplinary approach employed enables researchers with various scientific backgrounds to expand their knowledge of polymer rheology in a systematic way.
This book introduces the fundamental theory of electromagnetic ultrasonic guided waves, together with its applications. It includes the dispersion characteristics and matching theory of guided waves; the mechanism of production and theoretical model of electromagnetic ultrasonic guided waves; the effect mechanism between guided waves and defects; the simulation method for the entire process of electromagnetic ultrasonic guided wave propagation; electromagnetic ultrasonic thickness measurement; pipeline axial guided wave defect detection; and electromagnetic ultrasonic guided wave detection of gas pipeline cracks. This theory and findings on applications draw on the author's intensive research over the past eight years. The book can be used for nondestructive testing technology and as an engineering reference work. The specific implementation of the electromagnetic ultrasonic guided wave system presented here will also be of value for other nondestructive test developers.
This book addresses the properties of particles in colloidal suspensions. It has a focus on particle aggregates and the dependency of their physical behaviour on morphological parameters. For this purpose, relevant theories and methodological tools are reviewed and applied to selected examples. The book is divided into four main chapters. The first of them introduces important measurement techniques for the determination of particle size and interfacial properties in colloidal suspensions. A further chapter is devoted to the physico-chemical properties of colloidal particles-highlighting the interfacial phenomena and the corresponding interactions between particles. The book's central chapter examines the structure-property relations of colloidal aggregates. This comprises concepts to quantify size and structure of aggregates, models and numerical tools for calculating the (light) scattering and hydrodynamic properties of aggregates, and a discussion on van-der-Waals and double layer interactions between aggregates. It is illustrated how such knowledge may significantly enhance the characterisation of colloidal suspensions. The final part of the book refers to the information, ideas and concepts already presented in order to address technical aspects of the preparation of colloidal suspensions-in particular the performance of relevant dispersion techniques and the stability of colloidal suspensions.
This book gives Abaqus users who make use of finite-element models in academic or practitioner-based research the in-depth program knowledge that allows them to debug a structural analysis model. The book provides many methods and guidelines for different analysis types and modes, that will help readers to solve problems that can arise with Abaqus if a structural model fails to converge to a solution. The use of Abaqus affords a general checklist approach to debugging analysis models, which can also be applied to structural analysis. The author uses step-by-step methods and detailed explanations of special features in order to identify the solutions to a variety of problems with finite-element models. The book promotes: * a diagnostic mode of thinking concerning error messages; * better material definition and the writing of user material subroutines; * work with the Abaqus mesher and best practice in doing so; * the writing of user element subroutines and contact features with convergence issues; and * consideration of hardware and software issues and a Windows HPC cluster solution. The methods and information provided facilitate job diagnostics and help to obtain converged solutions for finite-element models regarding structural component assemblies in static or dynamic analysis. The troubleshooting advice ensures that these solutions are both high-quality and cost-effective according to practical experience. The book offers an in-depth guide for students learning about Abaqus, as each problem and solution are complemented by examples and straightforward explanations. It is also useful for academics and structural engineers wishing to debug Abaqus models on the basis of error and warning messages that arise during finite-element modelling processing.
Rapid growth of the mobile communication market has triggered extensive research on the bulk as well as surface acoustic wave devices in the last decade. Quite a few important results on the modeling and simulation of Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator (FBAR) and Layered SAW devices were reported recently. The other recent advance of acoustic waves in solids is the so-called phononic crystals or phononic band-gap materials. Analogous to the band-gap of light in photonic crystals, acoustic waves in periodic elastic structures also exhibit band-gap. Important applications of phononic band gap materials can potentially be found with creating a vibration free environment in microstructures, and design of advanced acoustic frequency filter, etc. In addition to the wave electronics and phononic crystals, to facilitate the emerging needs in the quantitative nondestructive evaluation of materials, waves in anisotropic solids and/or electro-, magneto- interaction problems also regained much attention recently. Topics treated include: Waves in piezoelectric crystals; Simulation of advanced BAW and SAW devices; Analysis of band gaps in phononic structures; Experimental investigation of phononic structures; Waves in multilayered media;Waves in anisotropic solids and/or electro-, magneto- interaction problems.
This collection presents papers from a symposium on extraction of rare metals as well as rare extraction processing techniques used in metal production. Topics include the extraction and processing of elements such as antimony, arsenic, gold, indium, palladium, platinum, rare earth metals including yttrium and neodymium, titanium, tungsten, and vanadium. Rare processing techniques are covered, including direct extraction processes for rare-earth recovery, biosorption of precious metals, fluorination behavior of uranium and zirconium mixture of fuel debris treatment, and recovery of valuable components of commodity metals such as zinc, nickel, and metals from slag.
The micro- and nano-modification of infrastructure materials and the associated multi-scale characterization and simulation has the potential to open up whole new uses and classes of materials, with wide-ranging implications for society. The use of multi-scale characterization and simulation brings the ability to target changes at the very small scale that predictably effect the bulk behavior of the material and thus allowing for the optimization of material behavior and performance. The International RILEM Symposium on Multi-Scale Modeling and Characterization of Infrastructure Materials (Stockholm, June 10-12, 2013) brought together key researchers from around the world to present their findings and ongoing research in this field in a focused environment with extended discussion times. From asphalt to concrete, from chemistry to mechanics, from nano- to macro-scale: the collection of topics covered by the Symposium represents the width and depth of the currently ongoing efforts of developing more sustainable infrastructure materials. Researchers, practitioners, undergraduates and graduate students engaged in infrastructure materials or multi-scale characterization and modeling efforts can use this book as a comprehensive reference, to learn about the currently ongoing research efforts in this field or as an inspiration for new research ideas to enhance the long-term performance of infrastructure materials from a fundamental perspective. The Symposium was held under the auspices of the RILEM Technical Committee on Nanotechnology-Based Bituminous Materials 231-NBM and the Transport Research Board (TRB) Technical Committee on Characteristics of Asphalt Materials AFK20.
"Real time" imaging techniques have assisted materials science studies especially for non-ambient environments. These techniques have never been collectively featured in a single venue. The book is an assembly of materials studies utilizing cutting edge real time imaging techniques, emphasizing the significance and impact of those techniques.
This book summarizes comprehensively many recent technical research accomplishments in the area of flame retardant research. It presents mainly flame retardant studies of polymer blends, composites and nano composites such as rubber, thermosets and thermoplastics. This book discusses different types of flame retardant using in polymers especially nano composites, as well as the role and chemistry. Leading researchers from industry, academy, government and private research institutions across the globe contribute to this book. Academics, researchers, scientists, engineers and students in research and development will benefit from an application-oriented book that helps them to find solutions to both fundamental and applied problems.
This textbook offers an introduction to modeling the mechanical behavior of solids within continuum mechanics and thermodynamics. To illustrate the fundamental principles, the book starts with an overview of the most important models in one dimension. Tensor calculus, which is called for in three-dimensional modeling, is concisely presented in the second part of the book. Once the reader is equipped with these essential mathematical tools, the third part of the book develops the foundations of continuum mechanics right from the beginning. Lastly, the book's fourth part focuses on modeling the mechanics of materials and in particular elasticity, viscoelasticity and plasticity. Intended as an introductory textbook for students and for professionals interested in self-study, it also features numerous worked-out examples to aid in understanding.
The fundamental properties of deep luminescence centres in Si associated with transition metals such as Cu, Ag, Au, and Pt have been a focus of interest for decades, both as markers for these deleterious contaminants, and also in the quest for efficient Si-based light emission. This dissertation presents the results of ultra-high resolution photoluminescence studies of these centres in specially prepared, highly enriched 28-Si samples. The greatly improved spectral resolution due to this enrichment led to the discovery of isotopic fingerprints. These fingerprints have revealed that the detailed constituents of all of the centres previously studied had been identified incorrectly. They also revealed the existence of several different families of impurity complexes containing either four or five atoms chosen from Li, Cu, Ag, Au, and Pt. These centres' constituents have been determined, together with no-phonon transition energies, no-phonon isotope shifts, local vibrational mode energies, and the isotope shifts of the local vibrational mode energies. The data presented here for these centres should prove useful for the currently sought theoretical explanations of their formation, stability, and properties.
The polycrystalline and nanocrystalline states play an increasingly important role in exploiting the properties of materials, encompassing applications as diverse as pharmaceuticals, catalysts, solar cells and energy storage. A knowledge of the three-dimensional atomic and molecular structure of materials is essential for understanding and controlling their properties, yet traditional single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods lose their power when only polycrystalline and nanocrystalline samples are available. It is here that powder diffraction and single-crystal electron diffraction techniques take over, substantially extending the range of applicability of the crystallographic principles of structure determination. This volume, a collection of teaching contributions presented at the Crystallographic Course in Erice in 2011, clearly describes the fundamentals and the state-of-the-art of powder diffraction and electron diffraction methods in materials characterisation, encompassing a diverse range of disciplines and materials stretching from archeometry to zeolites. As such, it is a comprehensive and valuable resource for those wishing to gain an understanding of the broad applicability of these two rapidly developing fields.
The reader will find here a timely update on new THz sources and detection schemes as well as concrete applications to the detection of Explosives and CBRN. Included is a method to identify hidden RDX-based explosives (pure and plastic ones) in the frequency domain study by Fourier Transformation, which has been complemented by the demonstration of improvement of the quality of the images captured commercially available THz passive cameras. The presented examples show large potential for the detection of small hidden objects at long distances (6-10 m). Complementing the results in the short-wavelength range, laser spectroscopy with a mid-infrared, room temperature, continuous wave, DFB laser diode and high performance DFB QCL have been demonstrated to offer excellent enabling sensor technologies for environmental monitoring, medical diagnostics, industrial and security applications. From the new source point of view a number of systems have been presented - From superconductors to semiconductors, e.g. Detection of Terahertz Waves from Superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ Intrinsic Josephson Junctions.The quest for a compact room temperature THz source and the recent advances in high power mid-IR QCLs lead to the development of a semiconductor THz source based on intracavity difference frequency generation. Furthermore, alternative electrically pumped THz sources based on the high emission efficiency predicted for polaritonic states in the ultra-strong coupling regime led to the demonstration of electroluminescent devices. Finally, antipolaritons in dispersive media were discussed and different aspects of the interaction of THz radiation with biomatter were presented."
This volume presents a collection of contributions on advanced approaches of continuum mechanics, which were written to celebrate the 60th birthday of Prof. Holm Altenbach. The contributions are on topics related to the theoretical foundations for the analysis of rods, shells and three-dimensional solids, formulation of constitutive models for advanced materials, as well as development of new approaches to the modeling of damage and fractures.
This book discusses the theoretical foundations of the structural modeling method applied to metamaterials. This method takes into account the parameters of the crystal lattice, the size of the medium particles, as well as their shape and constants of force interactions between them. It provides mathematical models of metamaterials that offer insights into the qualitative influence of the local structure on the effective elastic moduli of the considered medium and into performing theoretical estimations of these quantities. This book is useful for researchers working in the fields of solid mechanics, physical acoustics, and condensed matter physics, as well as for graduate and postgraduate students studying mathematical modeling methods.
This book investigates the stability and vibrations of conductive, perfectly conductive and superconductive thin bodies in electromagnetic fields. It introduces the main principles and derives basic equations and relations describing interconnected mechanical and electromagnetic processes in deformable electro conductive bodies placed in an external inhomogeneous magnetic field and under the influence of various types of force interactions. Basic equations and relations are addressed in the nonlinear formulation and special emphasis is placed on the mechanical interactions of superconducting thin-body plates with magnetic fields.
With the increasing complexity and dynamism in today's machine design and development, more precise, robust and practical approaches and systems are needed to support machine design. Existing design methods treat the targeted machine as stationery. Analysis and simulation are mostly performed at the component level. Although there are some computer-aided engineering tools capable of motion analysis and vibration simulation etc., the machine itself is in the dry-run state. For effective machine design, understanding its thermal behaviours is crucial in achieving the desired performance in real situation. Dynamic Thermal Analysis of Machines in Running State presents a set of innovative solutions to dynamic thermal analysis of machines when they are put under actual working conditions. The objective is to better understand the thermal behaviours of a machine in real situation while at the design stage. The book has two major sections, with the first section presenting a broad-based review of the key areas of research in dynamic thermal analysis and simulation, and the second section presents an in-depth treatment of relevant methodology and algorithms, leading to better understanding of a machine in real situation. The book is a collection of novel ideas, taking into account the need for presenting intellectual challenges while appealing to a broad readership, including academic researchers, practicing engineers and managers, and graduate students. Given the essential role of modern machines in factory automation and quality assurance, a book dedicated to the topic of dynamic thermal analysis, and its practical applications to machine design would be beneficial to readers of all design and manufacturing sectors, from machine design to automotive engineering, in better understanding the present challenges and solutions, as well as future research directions in this important area.
This book delivers a deep insight into thermal polymer degradation features and put a particular emphasis on blends, composites and nanocomposites. It examines the thermal stability and the mechanism of degrading for every class of polymer substances and studies the effect on reinforcement to all classes. The book further explores the thermal stability when nano particles are added and summarizes the latest studies and application relevant results. This book offers a valuable reference source to graduate and post graduate students, engineering students, research scholars and polymer engineers from industry.
This book compiles solutions of linear theory of elasticity problems for isotropic and anisotropic bodies with sharp and rounded notches. It contains an overview of established and recent achievements, and presents the authors' original solutions in the field considered with extensive discussion. The volume demonstrates through numerous, useful examples the effectiveness of singular integral equations for obtaining exact solutions of boundary problems of the theory of elasticity for bodies with cracks and notches. Incorporating analytical and numerical solutions of the problems of stress concentrations in solid bodies with crack-like defects, this volume is ideal for scientists and PhD students dealing with the problems of theory of elasticity and fracture mechanics.
This volume collects the papers from the World Conference on Acoustic Emission 2015 (WCAE-2015) in Hawaii. The latest research and applications of Acoustic Emission (AE) are explored, with particular emphasis on detecting and processing of AE signals, development of AE instrument and testing standards, AE of materials, engineering structures and systems, including the processing of collected data and analytical techniques as well as experimental case studies.
This book comprises select proceedings of the International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Materials and Manufacturing (ICFTMM) 2019. It covers latest findings and challenges in manufacturing processes and characterization of different advanced materials. Latest fabrication techniques of polymer based materials, biomaterials, and energy materials along with their practical applications are discussed. The contents also focus on cost-effective and energy-efficient sustainable and green manufacturing technologies. The contents of this book will be useful for students, researchers as well as industry professionals interested in characterization and fabrication of materials.
Within the last 30 years, electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) has become a standard analytical technique used in the transmission electron microscope to extract chemical and structural information down to the atomic level. In two previous editions, "Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy in the Electron Microscope" has become the standard reference guide to the instrumentation, physics and procedures involved, and the kind of results obtainable. Within the last few years, the commercial availability of lens-aberration correctors and electron-beam monochromators has further increased the spatial and energy resolution of EELS. This thoroughly updated and revised Third Edition incorporates these new developments, as well as advances in electron-scattering theory, spectral and image processing, and recent applications in fields such as nanotechnology. The appendices now contain a listing of inelastic mean free paths and a description of more than 20 MATLAB programs for calculating EELS data.
The book explores the two opposite natural trends of composite systems: (i) order and structure emerging from heterogeneity and randomness, and (ii) instability and chaos arising from simple nonlinear rules. Providing insights into the rapidly growing field of complexity sciences, the book focuses on the role of complexity in fracture mechanics. It firstly discusses the occurrence of self-similarity and fractal patterns in deformation, damage, fracture, and fragmentation of heterogeneous materials and the apparent scaling of the nominal mechanical properties of disordered materials, as well as of the time-to-failure after fatigue and creep loading. Then the book addresses criticality in the acoustic emissions from damaged structures and tectonic faults. Further, it examines the snap-back instability in the structural behavior of relatively large composite structures in the framework of catastrophe theory, and lastly describes the transition toward chaos in the dynamics of cracked elements.
Thisbookistalkingabouthowtousesupercriticalwater(SCW)torapidlyproduce micro- and nano-particles of metal oxides, inorganic salts, metals and organics. Itcoversbasicprinciples,experimentalmethodologiesandreactors,particlep- duction,characterizationsandapplicationsaswellastherecentadvancement. Fine particlescanbeproducedbybothchemicalandphysicalprecipitationofproducts from SCW. They can be used as catalysts, materials in ceramics and electronic devices andcompositematerials. Particlesareeasilyproduced continuouslyina owreactorinshortreactiontimes(0. 4s?2min)butcanalsobesynthesizedin batchreactorsforlongreactiontimes(e. g. ,12h). Theycanbeeasilystudiedin-situ microscopically(optical/IR/Raman/SR-XRD)inanopticalmicro-reactor,diamond anvilcell. Thesize,sizedistribution,crystalgrowth&structure,andmorphologyof particlescanbecontrolledbychangingtheconcentrationsofstatingmaterials,pH, pressures,temperatures,heating&coolingrates,organicmodi cations,reducingor oxidizingatmospheres, owratesandreactiontimes. Thisisthe rstbooktosystematicallyintroduceusingSCWforproductionof neparticles. Itisanidealreferencebookforengineers,researchersandgraduate studentsinmaterialscienceandengineering. vii Acknowledgments I would like to thank Drs. T. Ogi & T. Minowa (Biomass Technology Research Center,NationalInstituteofAdvancedIndustrialScienceandTechnology,Japan), and Profs. K. Arai, H. Inomata, R. L. Smith Jr. and T. Adschiri (Chemical Engineering,TohokuUniversity,Japan),whoinitiallyintroducedthehydrothermal andsupercritical uidsareastomewhenIworkedinJapanfrom1996to1999. Thanks are also due to Profs. J. A. Kozinski, R. I. L. Guthrie (Materials Engineering,McGillUniversity,Canada)andI. S. Butler(Chemistry,McGill)for theirguidanceinmyworkonhydrothermalprocessduringmyworkinCanadafrom 1999to2007. Profs. W. Bassett (Geological Sciences, Cornell University) and D. Baker (Earth&PlanetarySciences,McGill)forinstructionsregardingDAC,Dr. I-Ming Chou(U. S. GeologicalSurvey)forusefuldiscussionsofthepressurecalculation procedure. Drs. M. Watanabe and T. Sato (Research Center of Supercritical Fluid Technology, Tohoku University, Japan) for discussions about the experimental set-upofthebatchand owreactors. Drs. S. Xu,H. Assaaoudi,R. HashaikehandA. Sobhy,whoworkedwithmeat McGillinCanada. ix Contents 1 Introduction...1 1. 1 Background ...1 1. 2 RapidExpansionofSupercriticalSolution(RESS)Process ...4 1. 3 SupercriticalAntisolvent(SAS)Process ...4 1. 4 OtherPhysicalProcesses ...5 1. 5 SupercriticalWaterProcess ...5 References...8 2 Supercritical Water Process...11 2. 1 Introduction ...11 2. 2 BatchReactor ...15 2. 3 FlowReactor...18 2. 4 DiamondAnvilCell(DAC)...20 References...25 3 Metal Oxides Synthesis...29 3. 1 Introduction ...29 3. 2 Boehmite(AlOOH) ...30 3. 3 Ferrites...31 3. 4 Phosphor(YAG) ...32 3. 5 LiCoO /LiMn O ...33 2 2 4 3. 6 Ce Zr O (x =0?1)...33 1?x x 2 3. 7 PotassiumHexatitanate,PotassiumNiobateandTitania ...35 3. 8 ZincOxide...38 3. 9 Nickel,Nickel/CobaltOxide... |
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