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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Geometry
This book presents contributions from two workshops in algebraic and analytic microlocal analysis that took place in 2012 and 2013 at Northwestern University. Featured papers expand on mini-courses and talks ranging from foundational material to advanced research-level papers, and new applications in symplectic geometry, mathematical physics, partial differential equations, and complex analysis are discussed in detail. Topics include Procesi bundles and symplectic reflection algebras, microlocal condition for non-displaceability, polarized complex manifolds, nodal sets of Laplace eigenfunctions, geodesics in the space of K hler metrics, and partial Bergman kernels. This volume is a valuable resource for graduate students and researchers in mathematics interested in understanding microlocal analysis and learning about recent research in the area.
The main reason I write this book was just to fullfil my long time dream to be able to tutor students. Most students do not bring their text books at home from school. This makes it difficult to help them. This book may help such students as this can be used as a reference in understanding Algebra and Geometry.
If you enjoy beautiful geometry and relish the challenge and excitement of something new, the mathematical art of hinged dissections is for you. Using this book, you can explore ways to create hinged collections of pieces that swing together to form a figure. Swing them another way and then, like magic, they form another figure! The profuse illustrations and lively text will show you how to find a wealth of hinged dissections for all kinds of polygons, stars and crosses, curved and even three-dimensional figures. The author includes careful explanation of ingenious new techniques, as well as puzzles and solutions for readers of all mathematical levels. These novel and original dissections will be a gold mine for math puzzle enthusiasts, for math educators in search of enrichment topics, and for anyone who loves to see beautiful objects in motion.
Trigonometry, Tenth Edition, by Lial, Hornsby, Schneider, and Daniels, engages and supports students in the learning process by developing both the conceptual understanding and the analytical skills necessary for success in mathematics. With the Tenth Edition, the authors recognize that students are learning in new ways, and that the classroom is evolving. The Lial team is now offering a new suite of resources to support today's instructors and students. New co-author Callie Daniels has experience in all classroom types including traditional, hybrid and online courses, which has driven the new MyMathLab features. For example, MyNotes provide structure for student note-taking, and Interactive Chapter Summaries allow students to quiz themselves in interactive examples on key vocabulary, symbols and concepts. Daniels' experience, coupled with the long-time successful approach of the Lial series, has helped to more tightly integrate the text with online learning than ever before.
The geometry of power exponents includes the Newton polyhedron,
normal cones of its faces, power and logarithmic transformations.
On the basis of the geometry universal algorithms for
simplifications of systems of nonlinear equations (algebraic,
ordinary differential and partial differential) were developed.
This volume consists of ten articles which provide an in-depth and reader-friendly survey of some of the foundational aspects of singularity theory. Authored by world experts, the various contributions deal with both classical material and modern developments, covering a wide range of topics which are linked to each other in fundamental ways. Singularities are ubiquitous in mathematics and science in general. Singularity theory interacts energetically with the rest of mathematics, acting as a crucible where different types of mathematical problems interact, surprising connections are born and simple questions lead to ideas which resonate in other parts of the subject. This is the first volume in a series which aims to provide an accessible account of the state-of-the-art of the subject, its frontiers, and its interactions with other areas of research. The book is addressed to graduate students and newcomers to the theory, as well as to specialists who can use it as a guidebook.
This book focuses on important mathematical considerations in describing the synthesis of original mechanisms for generating curves. The synthesis is manual and not based on the use of computer tools. Kinematics is applied to confirm the drawing of the curves, and the closed loop method, and in some cases the distances method, is applied in this phase. The book provides all the notions of structure and kinematics that are necessary to calculate the mechanisms and also analyzes other kinematic possibilities of the created mechanisms. Offering a concise, yet self-contained guide to the mathematical fundamentals for mechanisms of curve generation, together with a useful collection of mechanisms exercises, the book is intended for students learning about mechanism kinematics, as well as engineers dealing with mechanism design and analysis. It is based on the authors' many years of research, which has been published in different books and journals, mainly, but not exclusively, in Romanian.
The main topic of the book is amenable groups, i.e., groups on which there exist invariant finitely additive measures. It was discovered that the existence or non-existence of amenability is responsible for many interesting phenomena such as, e.g., the Banach-Tarski Paradox about breaking a sphere into two spheres of the same radius. Since then, amenability has been actively studied and a number of different approaches resulted in many examples of amenable and non-amenable groups. In the book, the author puts together main approaches to study amenability. A novel feature of the book is that the exposition of the material starts with examples which introduce a method rather than illustrating it. This allows the reader to quickly move on to meaningful material without learning and remembering a lot of additional definitions and preparatory results; those are presented after analyzing the main examples. The techniques that are used for proving amenability in this book are mainly a combination of analytic and probabilistic tools with geometric group theory.
This book is a self-contained account of the method based on Carleman estimates for inverse problems of determining spatially varying functions of differential equations of the hyperbolic type by non-overdetermining data of solutions. The formulation is different from that of Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps and can often prove the global uniqueness and Lipschitz stability even with a single measurement. These types of inverse problems include coefficient inverse problems of determining physical parameters in inhomogeneous media that appear in many applications related to electromagnetism, elasticity, and related phenomena. Although the methodology was created in 1981 by Bukhgeim and Klibanov, its comprehensive development has been accomplished only recently. In spite of the wide applicability of the method, there are few monographs focusing on combined accounts of Carleman estimates and applications to inverse problems. The aim in this book is to fill that gap. The basic tool is Carleman estimates, the theory of which has been established within a very general framework, so that the method using Carleman estimates for inverse problems is misunderstood as being very difficult. The main purpose of the book is to provide an accessible approach to the methodology. To accomplish that goal, the authors include a direct derivation of Carleman estimates, the derivation being based essentially on elementary calculus working flexibly for various equations. Because the inverse problem depends heavily on respective equations, too general and abstract an approach may not be balanced. Thus a direct and concrete means was chosen not only because it is friendly to readers but also is much more relevant. By practical necessity, there is surely a wide range of inverse problems and the method delineated here can solve them. The intention is for readers to learn that method and then apply it to solving new inverse problems.
This book covers methods of Mathematical Morphology to model and simulate random sets and functions (scalar and multivariate). The introduced models concern many physical situations in heterogeneous media, where a probabilistic approach is required, like fracture statistics of materials, scaling up of permeability in porous media, electron microscopy images (including multispectral images), rough surfaces, multi-component composites, biological tissues, textures for image coding and synthesis. The common feature of these random structures is their domain of definition in n dimensions, requiring more general models than standard Stochastic Processes.The main topics of the book cover an introduction to the theory of random sets, random space tessellations, Boolean random sets and functions, space-time random sets and functions (Dead Leaves, Sequential Alternate models, Reaction-Diffusion), prediction of effective properties of random media, and probabilistic fracture theories.
Offering a concise collection of MatLab programs and exercises to
accompany a third semester course in multivariable calculus, "A
MatLab Companion for Multivariable Calculus" introduces simple
numerical procedures such as numerical differentiation, numerical
integration and Newton's method in several variables, thereby
allowing students to tackle realistic problems. The many examples
show students how to use MatLab effectively and easily in many
contexts. Numerous exercises in mathematics and applications areas
are presented, graded from routine to more demanding projects
requiring some programming. Matlab M-files are provided on the
Harcourt/Academic Press web site at http:
This volume contains the proceedings of the workshop Crossing the Walls in Enumerative Geometry, held in May 2018 at Snowbird, Utah. It features a collection of both expository and research articles about mirror symmetry, quantized singularity theory (FJRW theory), and the gauged linear sigma model. Most of the expository works are based on introductory lecture series given at the workshop and provide an approachable introduction for graduate students to some fundamental topics in mirror symmetry and singularity theory, including quasimaps, localization, the gauged linear sigma model (GLSM), virtual classes, cosection localization, $p$-fields, and Saito's primitive forms. These articles help readers bridge the gap from the standard graduate curriculum in algebraic geometry to exciting cutting-edge research in the field. The volume also contains several research articles by leading researchers, showcasing new developments in the field.
This book features a selection of articles based on the XXXV Bialowieza Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, 2016. The series of Bialowieza workshops, attended by a community of experts at the crossroads of mathematics and physics, is a major annual event in the field. The works in this book, based on presentations given at the workshop, are previously unpublished, at the cutting edge of current research, typically grounded in geometry and analysis, and with applications to classical and quantum physics. In 2016 the special session "Integrability and Geometry" in particular attracted pioneers and leading specialists in the field. Traditionally, the Bialowieza Workshop is followed by a School on Geometry and Physics, for advanced graduate students and early-career researchers, and the book also includes extended abstracts of the lecture series.
This monograph focuses on the geometric theory of motivic integration, which takes its values in the Grothendieck ring of varieties. This theory is rooted in a groundbreaking idea of Kontsevich and was further developed by Denef & Loeser and Sebag. It is presented in the context of formal schemes over a discrete valuation ring, without any restriction on the residue characteristic. The text first discusses the main features of the Grothendieck ring of varieties, arc schemes, and Greenberg schemes. It then moves on to motivic integration and its applications to birational geometry and non-Archimedean geometry. Also included in the work is a prologue on p-adic analytic manifolds, which served as a model for motivic integration. With its extensive discussion of preliminaries and applications, this book is an ideal resource for graduate students of algebraic geometry and researchers of motivic integration. It will also serve as a motivation for more recent and sophisticated theories that have been developed since.
This self-contained book is an exposition of the fundamental ideas of model theory. It presents the necessary background from logic, set theory and other topics of mathematics. Only some degree of mathematical maturity and willingness to assimilate ideas from diverse areas are required. The book can be used for both teaching and self-study, ideally over two semesters. It is primarily aimed at graduate students in mathematical logic who want to specialise in model theory. However, the first two chapters constitute the first introduction to the subject and can be covered in one-semester course to senior undergraduate students in mathematical logic. The book is also suitable for researchers who wish to use model theory in their work.
This elegant little book discusses a famous problem that helped to define the field now known as topology: What is the minimum number of colors required to print a map such that no two adjoining countries have the same color, no matter how convoluted their boundaries. Many famous mathematicians have worked on the problem, but the proof eluded fomulation until the 1950s, when it was finally cracked with a brute-force approach using a computer. The book begins by discussing the history of the problem, and then goes into the mathematics, both pleasantly enough that anyone with an elementary knowledge of geometry can follow it, and still with enough rigor that a mathematician can also read it with pleasure. The authors discuss the mathematics as well as the philosophical debate that ensued when the proof was announced: Just what is a mathematical proof, if it takes a computer to provide one -- and is such a thing a proof at all?
0 Basic Facts.- 1 Hey's Theorem and Consequences.- 2 Siegel-Weyl Reduction Theory.- 3 The Tamagawa Number and the Volume of G(?)/G(?).- 3.1 Statement of the main result.- 3.2 Proof of 3.1.- 3.3 The volume of G(?)/G(?).- 4 The Size of ?.- 4.1 Statement of results.- 4.2 Proofs.- 5 Margulis' Finiteness Theorem.- 5.1 The Result.- 5.2 Amenable groups.- 5.3 Kazhdan's property (T).- 5.4 Proof of 5.1; beginning.- 5.5 Interlude: parabolics and their opposites.- 5.6 Continuation of the proof.- 5.7 Contracting automorphisms and the Moore Ergodicity theorem.- 5.8 End of proof.- 5.9 Appendix on measure theory.- 6 A Zariski Dense and a Free Subgroup of ?.- 7 An Example.- 8 Problems.- 8.1 Generators.- 8.2 The congruence problem.- 8.3 Betti numbers.- References.
This volume contains a collection of research papers and useful surveys by experts in the field which provide a representative picture of the current status of this fascinating area. Based on contributions from the VIII International Meeting on Lorentzian Geometry, held at the University of Malaga, Spain, this volume covers topics such as distinguished (maximal, trapped, null, spacelike, constant mean curvature, umbilical...) submanifolds, causal completion of spacetimes, stationary regions and horizons in spacetimes, solitons in semi-Riemannian manifolds, relation between Lorentzian and Finslerian geometries and the oscillator spacetime. In the last decades Lorentzian geometry has experienced a significant impulse, which has transformed it from just a mathematical tool for general relativity to a consolidated branch of differential geometry, interesting in and of itself. Nowadays, this field provides a framework where many different mathematical techniques arise with applications to multiple parts of mathematics and physics. This book is addressed to differential geometers, mathematical physicists and relativists, and graduate students interested in the field.
This book is a collection of articles written in memory of Boris Dubrovin (1950-2019). The authors express their admiration for his remarkable personality and for the contributions he made to mathematical physics. For many of the authors, Dubrovin was a friend, colleague, inspiring mentor, and teacher. The contributions to this collection of papers are split into two parts: ``Integrable Systems'' and ``Quantum Theories and Algebraic Geometry'', reflecting the areas of main scientific interests of Dubrovin. Chronologically, these interests may be divided into several parts: integrable systems, integrable systems of hydrodynamic type, WDVV equations (Frobenius manifolds), isomonodromy equations (flat connections), and quantum cohomology. The articles included in the first part are more or less directly devoted to these areas (primarily with the first three listed above). The second part contains articles on quantum theories and algebraic geometry and is less directly connected with Dubrovin's early interests.
While it is well known that the Delian problems are impossible to solve with a straightedge and compass - for example, it is impossible to construct a segment whose length is cube root of 2 with these instruments - the discovery of the Italian mathematician Margherita Beloch Piazzolla in 1934 that one can in fact construct a segment of length cube root of 2 with a single paper fold was completely ignored (till the end of the 1980s). This comes as no surprise, since with few exceptions paper folding was seldom considered as a mathematical practice, let alone as a mathematical procedure of inference or proof that could prompt novel mathematical discoveries. A few questions immediately arise: Why did paper folding become a non-instrument? What caused the marginalisation of this technique? And how was the mathematical knowledge, which was nevertheless transmitted and prompted by paper folding, later treated and conceptualised? Aiming to answer these questions, this volume provides, for the first time, an extensive historical study on the history of folding in mathematics, spanning from the 16th century to the 20th century, and offers a general study on the ways mathematical knowledge is marginalised, disappears, is ignored or becomes obsolete. In doing so, it makes a valuable contribution to the field of history and philosophy of science, particularly the history and philosophy of mathematics and is highly recommended for anyone interested in these topics.
This book is a collection of articles written in memory of Boris Dubrovin (1950-2019). The authors express their admiration for his remarkable personality and for the contributions he made to mathematical physics. For many of the authors, Dubrovin was a friend, colleague, inspiring mentor, and teacher. The contributions to this collection of papers are split into two parts: ``Integrable Systems'' and ``Quantum Theories and Algebraic Geometry'', reflecting the areas of main scientific interests of Dubrovin. Chronologically, these interests may be divided into several parts: integrable systems, integrable systems of hydrodynamic type, WDVV equations (Frobenius manifolds), isomonodromy equations (flat connections), and quantum cohomology. The articles included in the first part are more or less directly devoted to these areas (primarily with the first three listed above). The second part contains articles on quantum theories and algebraic geometry and is less directly connected with Dubrovin's early interests.
The book provides an introduction of very recent results about the tensors and mainly focuses on the authors' work and perspective. A systematic description about how to extend the numerical linear algebra to the numerical multi-linear algebra is also delivered in this book. The authors design the neural network model for the computation of the rank-one approximation of real tensors, a normalization algorithm to convert some nonnegative tensors to plane stochastic tensors and a probabilistic algorithm for locating a positive diagonal in a nonnegative tensors, adaptive randomized algorithms for computing the approximate tensor decompositions, and the QR type method for computing U-eigenpairs of complex tensors. This book could be used for the Graduate course, such as Introduction to Tensor. Researchers may also find it helpful as a reference in tensor research.
This volume contains proceedings of two conferences held in Toronto (Canada) and Kozhikode (India) in 2016 in honor of the 60th birthday of Professor Kumar Murty. The meetings were focused on several aspects of number theory: The theory of automorphic forms and their associated L-functions Arithmetic geometry, with special emphasis on algebraic cycles, Shimura varieties, and explicit methods in the theory of abelian varieties The emerging applications of number theory in information technology Kumar Murty has been a substantial influence in these topics, and the two conferences were aimed at honoring his many contributions to number theory, arithmetic geometry, and information technology. |
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