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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Geometry
This book is an introduction to the mathematical theory of design for articulated mechanical systems known as linkages. The focus is on sizing mechanical constraints that guide the movement of a work piece, or end-effector, of the system. The function of the device is prescribed as a set of positions to be reachable by the end-effector; and the mechanical constraints are formed by joints that limit relative movement. The goal is to find all the devices that can achieve a specific task. Formulated in this way the design problem is purely geometric in character. Robot manipulators, walking machines, and mechanical hands are examples of articulated mechanical systems that rely on simple mechanical constraints to provide a complex workspace for the end- effector. The principles presented in this book form the foundation for a design theory for these devices. The emphasis, however, is on articulated systems with fewer degrees of freedom than that of the typical robotic system, and therefore, less complexity. This book will be useful to mathematics, engineering and computer science departments teaching courses on mathematical modeling of robotics and other articulated mechanical systems. This new edition includes research results of the past decade on the synthesis of multi loop planar and spherical linkages, and the use of homotopy methods and Clifford algebras in the synthesis of spatial serial chains. One new chapter on the synthesis of spatial serial chains introduces numerical homotopy and the linear product decomposition of polynomial systems. The second new chapter introduces the Clifford algebra formulation of the kinematics equations of serial chain robots. Examples are use throughout to demonstrate the theory."
This proceedings volume gathers selected, peer-reviewed works presented at the Polynomial Rings and Affine Algebraic Geometry Conference, which was held at Tokyo Metropolitan University on February 12-16, 2018. Readers will find some of the latest research conducted by an international group of experts on affine and projective algebraic geometry. The topics covered include group actions and linearization, automorphism groups and their structure as infinite-dimensional varieties, invariant theory, the Cancellation Problem, the Embedding Problem, Mathieu spaces and the Jacobian Conjecture, the Dolgachev-Weisfeiler Conjecture, classification of curves and surfaces, real forms of complex varieties, and questions of rationality, unirationality, and birationality. These papers will be of interest to all researchers and graduate students working in the fields of affine and projective algebraic geometry, as well as on certain aspects of commutative algebra, Lie theory, symplectic geometry and Stein manifolds.
A basic problem in geometry is to ?nd canonical metrics on smooth manifolds. Such metrics can be speci?ed, for instance, by curvature conditions or extremality properties, and are expected to contain basic information on the topology of the underlying manifold. Constant curvature metrics on surfaces are such canonical metrics. Their distinguished role is emphasized by classical uniformization theory. Amorerecentcharacterizationofthesemetrics describes them ascriticalpoints of the determinant functional for the Laplacian.The key tool here is Polyakov'sva- ationalformula for the determinant. In higher dimensions, however,it is necessary to further restrict the problem, for instance, to the search for canonical metrics in conformal classes. Here two metrics are considered to belong to the same conf- mal class if they di?er by a nowhere vanishing factor. A typical question in that direction is the Yamabe problem ([165]), which asks for constant scalar curvature metrics in conformal classes. In connection with the problem of understanding the structure of Polyakov type formulas for the determinants of conformally covariant di?erential operators in higher dimensions, Branson ([31]) discovered a remarkable curvature quantity which now is called Branson's Q-curvature. It is one of the main objects in this book.
This introductory textbook for a graduate course in pure mathematics provides a gateway into the two difficult fields of algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. Algebraic geometry, supported fundamentally by commutative algebra, is a cornerstone of pure mathematics. Along the lines developed by Grothendieck, this book delves into the rich interplay between algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. A selection is made from the wealth of material in the discipline, along with concise yet clear definitions and synopses.
In the series of volumes which together will constitute the
"Handbook of Differential Geometry" we try to give a rather
complete survey of the field of differential geometry. The
different chapters will both deal with the basic material of
differential geometry and with research results (old and recent).
This 3. edition is an introduction to classical knot theory. It contains many figures and some tables of invariants of knots. This comprehensive account is an indispensable reference source for anyone interested in both classical and modern knot theory. Most of the topics considered in the book are developed in detail; only the main properties of fundamental groups and some basic results of combinatorial group theory are assumed to be known.
The second volume of the Geometry of Algebraic Curves is devoted to the foundations of the theory of moduli of algebraic curves. Its authors are research mathematicians who have actively participated in the development of the Geometry of Algebraic Curves. The subject is an extremely fertile and active one, both within the mathematical community and at the interface with the theoretical physics community. The approach is unique in its blending of algebro-geometric, complex analytic and topological/combinatorial methods. It treats important topics such as Teichm ller theory, the cellular decomposition of moduli and its consequences and the Witten conjecture. The careful and comprehensive presentation of the material is of value to students who wish to learn the subject and to experts as a reference source. The first volume appeared 1985 as vol. 267 of the same series.
This book contains the Proceedings of the Ninth Mathematics of Surfaces Conference organised by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, and held in Cambridge, UK, on 4th - 6th September 2000. The papers describe the mathematical construction, representation, approximation, recognition, and manipulation of surfaces, with an emphasis on computational methods. Highlights include invited papers from M. Floater (SNTEF, Norway), O. Faugeras (INRIA, France), P. Giblin (Liverpool University, UK), M.-S. Kim (Seoul National University, Korea), J. Koenderink (University of Utrecht, Netherlands), N. Patrikalakis (MIT, USA), H. Pottmann (Technical University of Vienna, Austria) and R. Schaback (University of GAttingen, Germany).
This monograph presents the basic concepts of hyperbolic Lobachevsky geometry and their possible applications to modern nonlinear applied problems in mathematics and physics, summarizing the findings of roughly the last hundred years. The central sections cover the classical building blocks of hyperbolic Lobachevsky geometry, pseudo spherical surfaces theory, net geometrical investigative techniques of nonlinear differential equations in partial derivatives, and their applications to the analysis of the physical models. As the sine-Gordon equation appears to have profound "geometrical roots" and numerous applications to modern nonlinear problems, it is treated as a universal "object" of investigation, connecting many of the problems discussed. The aim of this book is to form a general geometrical view on the different problems of modern mathematics, physics and natural science in general in the context of non-Euclidean hyperbolic geometry.
Commutative algebra is a rapidly growing subject that is developing in many different directions. This volume presents several of the most recent results from various areas related to both Noetherian and non-Noetherian commutative algebra. This volume contains a collection of invited survey articles by some of the leading experts in the field. The authors of these chapters have been carefully selected for their important contributions to an area of commutative-algebraic research. Some topics presented in the volume include: generalizations of cyclic modules, zero divisor graphs, class semigroups, forcing algebras, syzygy bundles, tight closure, Gorenstein dimensions, tensor products of algebras over fields, as well as many others. This book is intended for researchers and graduate students interested in studying the many topics related to commutative algebra.
Periodic differential equations appear in many contexts such as in the theory of nonlinear oscillators, in celestial mechanics, or in population dynamics with seasonal effects. The most traditional approach to study these equations is based on the introduction of small parameters, but the search of nonlocal results leads to the application of several topological tools. Examples are fixed point theorems, degree theory, or bifurcation theory. These well-known methods are valid for equations of arbitrary dimension and they are mainly employed to prove the existence of periodic solutions. Following the approach initiated by Massera, this book presents some more delicate techniques whose validity is restricted to two dimensions. These typically produce additional dynamical information such as the instability of periodic solutions, the convergence of all solutions to periodic solutions, or connections between the number of harmonic and subharmonic solutions. The qualitative study of periodic planar equations leads naturally to a class of discrete dynamical systems generated by homeomorphisms or embeddings of the plane. To study these maps, Brouwer introduced the notion of a translation arc, somehow mimicking the notion of an orbit in continuous dynamical systems. The study of the properties of these translation arcs is full of intuition and often leads to "non-rigorous proofs". In the book, complete proofs following ideas developed by Brown are presented and the final conclusion is the Arc Translation Lemma, a counterpart of the Poincare-Bendixson theorem for discrete dynamical systems. Applications to differential equations and discussions on the topology of the plane are the two themes that alternate throughout the five chapters of the book.
This volume contains the papers presented at a symposium on differential geometry at Shinshu University in July of 1988. Carefully reviewed by a panel of experts, the papers pertain to the following areas of research: dynamical systems, geometry of submanifolds and tensor geometry, lie sphere geometry, Riemannian geometry, Yang-Mills Connections, and geometry of the Laplace operator.
This book provides an overview of the latest developments concerning the moduli of K3 surfaces. It is aimed at algebraic geometers, but is also of interest to number theorists and theoretical physicists, and continues the tradition of related volumes like "The Moduli Space of Curves" and "Moduli of Abelian Varieties," which originated from conferences on the islands Texel and Schiermonnikoog and which have become classics. K3 surfaces and their moduli form a central topic in algebraic geometry and arithmetic geometry, and have recently attracted a lot of attention from both mathematicians and theoretical physicists. Advances in this field often result from mixing sophisticated techniques from algebraic geometry, lattice theory, number theory, and dynamical systems. The topic has received significant impetus due to recent breakthroughs on the Tate conjecture, the study of stability conditions and derived categories, and links with mirror symmetry and string theory. At the same time, the theory of irreducible holomorphic symplectic varieties, the higher dimensional analogues of K3 surfaces, has become a mainstream topic in algebraic geometry. Contributors: S. Boissiere, A. Cattaneo, I. Dolgachev, V. Gritsenko, B. Hassett, G. Heckman, K. Hulek, S. Katz, A. Klemm, S. Kondo, C. Liedtke, D. Matsushita, M. Nieper-Wisskirchen, G. Oberdieck, K. Oguiso, R. Pandharipande, S. Rieken, A. Sarti, I. Shimada, R. P. Thomas, Y. Tschinkel, A. Verra, C. Voisin.
Featuring a blend of original research papers and comprehensive surveys from an international team of leading researchers in the thriving fields of foliation theory, holomorphic foliations, and birational geometry, this book presents the proceedings of the conference "Foliation Theory in Algebraic Geometry," hosted by the Simons Foundation in New York City in September 2013. Topics covered include: Fano and del Pezzo foliations; the cone theorem and rank one foliations; the structure of symmetric differentials on a smooth complex surface and a local structure theorem for closed symmetric differentials of rank two; an overview of lifting symmetric differentials from varieties with canonical singularities and the applications to the classification of AT bundles on singular varieties; an overview of the powerful theory of the variety of minimal rational tangents introduced by Hwang and Mok; recent examples of varieties which are hyperbolic and yet the Green-Griffiths locus is the whole of X; and a classification of psuedoeffective codimension one distributions. Foliations play a fundamental role in algebraic geometry, for example in the proof of abundance for threefolds and to a solution of the Green-Griffiths conjecture for surfaces of general type with positive Segre class. The purpose of this volume is to foster communication and enable interactions between experts who work on holomorphic foliations and birational geometry, and to bring together leading researchers to demonstrate the powerful connection of ideas, methods, and goals shared by these two areas of study.
This book features a selection of articles based on the XXXIV Bialowieza Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, 2015. The articles presented are mathematically rigorous, include important physical implications and address the application of geometry in classical and quantum physics. Special attention deserves the session devoted to discussions of Gerard Emch's most important and lasting achievements in mathematical physics. The Bialowieza workshops are among the most important meetings in the field and gather participants from mathematics and physics alike. Despite their long tradition, the Workshops remain at the cutting edge of ongoing research. For the past several years, the Bialowieza Workshop has been followed by a School on Geometry and Physics, where advanced lectures for graduate students and young researchers are presented. The unique atmosphere of the Workshop and School is enhanced by the venue, framed by the natural beauty of the Bialowieza forest in eastern Poland.
The aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive account of higher dimensional Nevanlinna theory and its relations with Diophantine approximation theory for graduate students and interested researchers. This book with nine chapters systematically describes Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic maps between algebraic varieties or complex spaces, building up from the classical theory of meromorphic functions on the complex plane with full proofs in Chap. 1 to the current state of research. Chapter 2 presents the First Main Theorem for coherent ideal sheaves in a very general form. With the preparation of plurisubharmonic functions, how the theory to be generalized in a higher dimension is described. In Chap. 3 the Second Main Theorem for differentiably non-degenerate meromorphic maps by Griffiths and others is proved as a prototype of higher dimensional Nevanlinna theory. Establishing such a Second Main Theorem for entire curves in general complex algebraic varieties is a wide-open problem. In Chap. 4, the Cartan-Nochka Second Main Theorem in the linear projective case and the Logarithmic Bloch-Ochiai Theorem in the case of general algebraic varieties are proved. Then the theory of entire curves in semi-abelian varieties, including the Second Main Theorem of Noguchi-Winkelmann-Yamanoi, is dealt with in full details in Chap. 6. For that purpose Chap. 5 is devoted to the notion of semi-abelian varieties. The result leads to a number of applications. With these results, the Kobayashi hyperbolicity problems are discussed in Chap. 7. In the last two chapters Diophantine approximation theory is dealt with from the viewpoint of higher dimensional Nevanlinna theory, and the Lang-Vojta conjecture is confirmed in some cases. In Chap. 8 the theory over function fields is discussed. Finally, in Chap. 9, the theorems of Roth, Schmidt, Faltings, and Vojta over number fields are presented and formulated in view of Nevanlinna theory with results motivated by those in Chaps. 4, 6, and 7.
This first complete English language edition of "Euclides vindicatus" presents a corrected and revised edition of the classical English translation of Saccheri's text by G.B. Halsted. It is complemented with a historical introduction on the geometrical environment of the time and a detailed commentary that helps to understand the aims and subtleties of the work."" "Euclides vindicatus, " written by the Jesuit mathematician Gerolamo Saccheri, was published in Milan in 1733. In it, Saccheri attempted to reform elementary geometry in two important directions: a demonstration of the famous Parallel Postulate and the theory of proportions. Both topics were of pivotal importance in the mathematics of the time. In particular, the Parallel Postulate had escaped demonstration since the first attempts at it in the Classical Age, and several books on the topic were published in the Early Modern Age. At the same time, the theory of proportion was the most important mathematical tool of the Galilean School in its pursuit of the mathematization of nature. Saccheri's attempt to prove the Parallel Postulate is today considered the most important breakthrough in geometry in the 18th century, as he was able to develop for hundreds of pages and dozens of theorems a system in geometry that denied the truth of the postulate (in the attempt to find a contradiction). This can be regarded as the first system of non-Euclidean geometry. Its later developments by Lambert, Bolyai, Lobachevsky and Gauss eventually opened the way to contemporary geometry.Occupying a unique position in the literature of mathematical history, "Euclid Vindicated from Every Blemish" will be of high interest to historians of mathematics as well as historians of philosophy interested in the development of non-Euclidean geometries.
The aim of this monograph is to present a self-contained introduction to some geometric and analytic aspects of the Yamabe problem. The book also describes a wide range of methods and techniques that can be successfully applied to nonlinear differential equations in particularly challenging situations. Such situations occur where the lack of compactness, symmetry and homogeneity prevents the use of more standard tools typically used in compact situations or for the Euclidean setting. The work is written in an easy style that makes it accessible even to non-specialists. After a self-contained treatment of the geometric tools used in the book, readers are introduced to the main subject by means of a concise but clear study of some aspects of the Yamabe problem on compact manifolds. This study provides the motivation and geometrical feeling for the subsequent part of the work. In the main body of the book, it is shown how the geometry and the analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations blend together to give up-to-date results on existence, nonexistence, uniqueness and a priori estimates for solutions of general Yamabe-type equations and inequalities on complete, non-compact Riemannian manifolds.
Spatial data analysis is a fast growing area and Voronoi diagrams provide a means of naturally partitioning space into subregions to facilitate spatial data manipulation, modelling of spatial structures, pattern recognition and locational optimization. With such versatility, the Voronoi diagram and its relative, the Delaunay triangulation, provide valuable tools for the analysis of spatial data. This is a rapidly growing research area and in this fully updated second edition the authors provide an up-to-date and comprehensive unification of all the previous literature on the subject of Voronoi diagrams. Features:&UL; &LI; Expands on the highly acclaimed first edition&LI; Provides an up-to-date and comprehensive survey of the existing literature on Voronoi diagrams&LI; Includes a useful compendium of applications&LI; Contains an extensive bibliography&/UL; The authors guide the reader through all the necessary mathematical background, before introducing a number of generalizations of Voronoi diagrams in Chapter 3. The subsequent chapters cover algorithms, random Voronoi diagrams, spatial interpolation, multivariate data manipulation, spatial process models, point pattern analysis and locational optimization. Emphasis of a particular perspective is deliberately avoided in order to provide a comprehensive and balanced treatment of the topic. A wide range of applications are discussed, enabling this book to serve as an important reference volume on the topic. The text will appeal to students and researchers studying spatial data in a number of areas, in particular applied probability, computational geometry and Geographic Information Science (GIS). This book will appeal equally to those whose interests in Voronoi diagrams are theoretical, practical or both.
By virtue of their special algebraic structures, Pythagorean-hodograph (PH) curves offer unique advantages for computer-aided design and manufacturing, robotics, motion control, path planning, computer graphics, animation, and related fields. This book offers a comprehensive and self-contained treatment of the mathematical theory of PH curves, including algorithms for their construction and examples of their practical applications. Special features include an emphasis on the interplay of ideas from algebra and geometry and their historical origins, detailed algorithm descriptions, and many figures and worked examples. The book may appeal, in whole or in part, to mathematicians, computer scientists, and engineers.
This book consists of both expository and research articles solicited from speakers at the conference entitled "Arithmetic and Ideal Theory of Rings and Semigroups," held September 22-26, 2014 at the University of Graz, Graz, Austria. It reflects recent trends in multiplicative ideal theory and factorization theory, and brings together for the first time in one volume both commutative and non-commutative perspectives on these areas, which have their roots in number theory, commutative algebra, and algebraic geometry. Topics discussed include topological aspects in ring theory, Prufer domains of integer-valued polynomials and their monadic submonoids, and semigroup algebras. It will be of interest to practitioners of mathematics and computer science, and researchers in multiplicative ideal theory, factorization theory, number theory, and algebraic geometry.
The book demonstrates the development of integral geometry on domains of homogeneous spaces since 1990. It covers a wide range of topics, including analysis on multidimensional Euclidean domains and Riemannian symmetric spaces of arbitrary ranks as well as recent work on phase space and the Heisenberg group. The book includes many significant recent results, some of them hitherto unpublished, among which can be pointed out uniqueness theorems for various classes of functions, far-reaching generalizations of the two-radii problem, the modern versions of the Pompeiu problem, and explicit reconstruction formulae in problems of integral geometry. These results are intriguing and useful in various fields of contemporary mathematics. The proofs given are "minimal" in the sense that they involve only those concepts and facts which are indispensable for the essence of the subject. Each chapter provides a historical perspective on the results presented and includes many interesting open problems. Readers will find this book relevant to harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces, invariant spaces theory, integral transforms on symmetric spaces and the Heisenberg group, integral equations, special functions, and transmutation operators theory.
This book consists of 16 surveys on Thurston's work and its later development. The authors are mathematicians who were strongly influenced by Thurston's publications and ideas. The subjects discussed include, among others, knot theory, the topology of 3-manifolds, circle packings, complex projective structures, hyperbolic geometry, Kleinian groups, foliations, mapping class groups, Teichmuller theory, anti-de Sitter geometry, and co-Minkowski geometry. The book is addressed to researchers and students who want to learn about Thurston's wide-ranging mathematical ideas and their impact. At the same time, it is a tribute to Thurston, one of the greatest geometers of all time, whose work extended over many fields in mathematics and who had a unique way of perceiving forms and patterns, and of communicating and writing mathematics.
This book examines holomorphic Morse inequalities and the asymptotic expansion of the Bergman kernel on manifolds by using the heat kernel. It opens perspectives on several active areas of research in complex, Kahler and symplectic geometry. A large number of applications are also included, such as an analytic proof of Kodaira's embedding theorem, a solution of the Grauert-Riemenschneider and Shiffman conjectures, compactification of complete Kahler manifolds of pinched negative curvature, Berezin-Toeplitz quantization, weak Lefschetz theorems, and asymptotics of the Ray-Singer analytic torsion.
It is impossible to trisect angles with straightedge and compass alone, but many people try and think they have succeeded. This book is about angle trisections and the people who attempt them. Its purposes are to collect many trisections in one place, inform about trisectors, to amuse the reader, and, perhaps most importantly, to reduce the number of trisectors. This book includes detailed information about the personalities of trisectors and their constructions. It can be read by anyone who has taken a high school geometry course. |
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