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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Geometry
Digital geometry emerged as an independent discipline in the second half of the last century. It deals with geometric properties of digital objects and is developed with the unambiguous goal to provide rigorous theoretical foundations for devising new advanced approaches and algorithms for various problems of visual computing. Different aspects of digital geometry have been addressed in the literature. This book is the first one that explicitly focuses on the presentation of the most important digital geometry algorithms. Each chapter provides a brief survey on a major research area related to the general volume theme, description and analysis of related fundamental algorithms, as well as new original contributions by the authors. Every chapter contains a section in which interesting open problems are addressed.
The textbook provides both beginner and experienced CAD users with the math behind the CAD. The geometry tools introduced here help the reader exploit commercial CAD software to its fullest extent. In fact, the book enables the reader to go beyond what CAD software packages offer in their menus. Chapter 1 summarizes the basic Linear and Vector Algebra pertinent to vectors in 3D, with some novelties: the 2D form of the vector product and the manipulation of "larger" matrices and vectors by means of block-partitioning of larger arrays. In chapter 2 the relations among points, lines and curves in the plane are revised accordingly; the difference between curves representing functions and their geometric counterparts is emphasized. Geometric objects in 3D, namely, points, planes, lines and surfaces are the subject of chapter 3; of the latter, only quadrics are studied, to keep the discussion at an elementary level, but the interested reader is guided to the literature on splines. The concept of affine transformations, at the core of CAD software, is introduced in chapter 4, which includes applications of these transformations to the synthesis of curves and surfaces that would be extremely cumbersome to produce otherwise. The book, catering to various disciplines such as engineering, graphic design, animation and architecture, is kept discipline-independent, while including examples of interest to the various disciplines. Furthermore, the book can be an invaluable complement to undergraduate lectures on CAD.
The central object of this book is the measure of geometric quantities describing N a subset of the Euclidean space (E ,), endowed with its standard scalar product. Let us state precisely what we mean by a geometric quantity. Consider a subset N S of points of the N-dimensional Euclidean space E , endowed with its standard N scalar product. LetG be the group of rigid motions of E . We say that a 0 quantity Q(S) associated toS is geometric with respect toG if the corresponding 0 quantity Q[g(S)] associated to g(S) equals Q(S), for all g?G . For instance, the 0 diameter ofS and the area of the convex hull ofS are quantities geometric with respect toG . But the distance from the origin O to the closest point ofS is not, 0 since it is not invariant under translations ofS. It is important to point out that the property of being geometric depends on the chosen group. For instance, ifG is the 1 N group of projective transformations of E , then the property ofS being a circle is geometric forG but not forG , while the property of being a conic or a straight 0 1 line is geometric for bothG andG . This point of view may be generalized to any 0 1 subsetS of any vector space E endowed with a groupG acting on it.
This book explores the geometric and kinematic design of the various types of gears most commonly used in practical applications, also considering the problems concerning their cutting processes. The cylindrical spur and helical gears are first considered, determining their main geometric quantities in the light of interference and undercut problems, as well as the related kinematic parameters. Particular attention is paid to the profile shift of these types of gears either generated by rack-type cutter or by pinion-rack cutter. Among other things, profile-shifted toothing allows to obtain teeth shapes capable of greater strength and more balanced specific sliding, as well as to reduce the number of teeth below the minimum one to avoid the operating interference or undercut. These very important aspects of geometric-kinematic design of cylindrical spur and helical gears are then generalized and extended to the other examined types of gears most commonly used in practical applications, such as straight bevel gears; crossed helical gears; worm gears; spiral bevel and hypoid gears. Finally, ordinary gear trains, planetary gear trains and face gear drives are discussed. This is the most advanced reference guide to the state of the art in gear engineering. Topics are addressed from a theoretical standpoint, but in such a way as not to lose sight of the physical phenomena that characterize the various types of gears which are examined. The analytical and numerical solutions are formulated so as to be of interest not only to academics, but also to designers who deal with actual engineering problems concerning the gears
This book presents the most up-to-date and sophisticated account of the theory of Euclidean lattices and sequences of Euclidean lattices, in the framework of Arakelov geometry, where Euclidean lattices are considered as vector bundles over arithmetic curves. It contains a complete description of the theta invariants which give rise to a closer parallel with the geometric case. The author then unfolds his theory of infinite Hermitian vector bundles over arithmetic curves and their theta invariants, which provides a conceptual framework to deal with the sequences of lattices occurring in many diophantine constructions. The book contains many interesting original insights and ties to other theories. It is written with extreme care, with a clear and pleasant style, and never sacrifices accessibility to sophistication.
This is the first graduate textbook on the algorithmic aspects of real algebraic geometry. The main ideas and techniques presented form a coherent and rich body of knowledge. Mathematicians will find relevant information about the algorithmic aspects. Researchers in computer science and engineering will find the required mathematical background. Being self-contained the book is accessible to graduate students and even, for invaluable parts of it, to undergraduate students. This second edition contains several recent results on discriminants of symmetric matrices and other relevant topics.
This unique book's subject is meanders (connected, oriented, non-self-intersecting planar curves intersecting the horizontal line transversely) in the context of dynamical systems. By interpreting the transverse intersection points as vertices and the arches arising from these curves as directed edges, meanders are introduced from the graphtheoretical perspective. Supplementing the rigorous results, mathematical methods, constructions, and examples of meanders with a large number of insightful figures, issues such as connectivity and the number of connected components of meanders are studied in detail with the aid of collapse and multiple collapse, forks, and chambers. Moreover, the author introduces a large class of Morse meanders by utilizing the right and left one-shift maps, and presents connections to Sturm global attractors, seaweed and Frobenius Lie algebras, and the classical Yang-Baxter equation. Contents Seaweed Meanders Meanders Morse Meanders and Sturm Global Attractors Right and Left One-Shifts Connection Graphs of Type I, II, III and IV Meanders and the Temperley-Lieb Algebra Representations of Seaweed Lie Algebras CYBE and Seaweed Meanders
This heavily class-tested book is an exposition of the theoretical foundations of hyperbolic manifolds. It is a both a textbook and a reference. A basic knowledge of algebra and topology at the first year graduate level of an American university is assumed. The first part is concerned with hyperbolic geometry and discrete groups. The second part is devoted to the theory of hyperbolic manifolds. The third part integrates the first two parts in a development of the theory of hyperbolic orbifolds. Each chapter contains exercises and a section of historical remarks. A solutions manual is available separately.
The most ubiquitous, and perhaps the most intriguing, number pattern in mathematics is the Fibonacci sequence. In this simple pattern beginning with two ones, each succeeding number is the sum of the two numbers immediately preceding it (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ad infinitum). Far from being just a curiosity, this sequence recurs in structures found throughout nature - from the arrangement of whorls on a pinecone to the branches of certain plant stems. All of which is astounding evidence for the deep mathematical basis of the natural world. With admirable clarity, two veteran math educators take us on a fascinating tour of the many ramifications of the Fibonacci numbers. They begin with a brief history of a distinguished Italian discoverer, who, among other accomplishments, was responsible for popularizing the use of Arabic numerals in the West. Turning to botany, the authors demonstrate, through illustrative diagrams, the unbelievable connections between Fibonacci numbers and natural forms (pineapples, sunflowers, and daisies are just a few examples). In art, architecture, the stock market, and other areas of society and culture, they point out numerous examples of the Fibonacci sequence as well as its derivative, the "golden ratio." And of course in mathematics, as the authors amply demonstrate, there are almost boundless applications in probability, number theory, geometry, algebra, and Pascal's triangle, to name a few.Accessible and appealing to even the most math-phobic individual, this fun and enlightening book allows the reader to appreciate the elegance of mathematics and its amazing applications in both natural and cultural settings.
From the reviews: "This volume... consists of two papers. The
first, written by V.V. Shokurov, is devoted to the theory of
Riemann surfaces and algebraic curves. It is an excellent overview
of the theory of relations between Riemann surfaces and their
models - complex algebraic curves in complex projective spaces. ...
The second paper, written by V.I. Danilov, discusses algebraic
varieties and schemes. ... I can recommend the book as a very good
introduction to the basic algebraic geometry." "European
Mathematical Society" "Newsletter, 1996"
This book aims at gathering roboticists, control theorists, neuroscientists, and mathematicians, in order to promote a multidisciplinary research on movement analysis. It follows the workshop " Geometric and Numerical Foundations of Movements " held at LAAS-CNRS in Toulouse in November 2015[1]. Its objective is to lay the foundations for a mutual understanding that is essential for synergetic development in motion research. In particular, the book promotes applications to robotics --and control in general-- of new optimization techniques based on recent results from real algebraic geometry.
This book provides an overview of the latest progress on rationality questions in algebraic geometry. It discusses new developments such as universal triviality of the Chow group of zero cycles, various aspects of stable birationality, cubic and Fano fourfolds, rationality of moduli spaces and birational invariants of group actions on varieties, contributed by the foremost experts in their fields. The question of whether an algebraic variety can be parametrized by rational functions of as many variables as its dimension has a long history and played an important role in the history of algebraic geometry. Recent developments in algebraic geometry have made this question again a focal point of research and formed the impetus to organize a conference in the series of conferences on the island of Schiermonnikoog. The book follows in the tradition of earlier volumes, which originated from conferences on the islands Texel and Schiermonnikoog.
This book collects the proceedings of the Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics Conference, held at the University of Haute Alsace, France, October 2011. Organized in the four areas of algebra, geometry, dynamical symmetries and conservation laws and mathematical physics and applications, the book covers deformation theory and quantization; Hom-algebras and n-ary algebraic structures; Hopf algebra, integrable systems and related math structures; jet theory and Weil bundles; Lie theory and applications; non-commutative and Lie algebra and more. The papers explore the interplay between research in contemporary mathematics and physics concerned with generalizations of the main structures of Lie theory aimed at quantization and discrete and non-commutative extensions of differential calculus and geometry, non-associative structures, actions of groups and semi-groups, non-commutative dynamics, non-commutative geometry and applications in physics and beyond. The book benefits a broad audience of researchers and advanced students.
Mathematical algorithms are a fundamental component of Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems. This book provides a bridge between algebraic geometry and geometric modelling algorithms, formulated within a computer science framework. Apart from the algebraic geometry topics covered, the entire book is based on the unifying concept of using algebraic techniques - properly specialized to solve geometric problems - to seriously improve accuracy, robustness and efficiency of CAD-systems. It provides new approaches as well as industrial applications to deform surfaces when animating virtual characters, to automatically compare images of handwritten signatures and to improve control of NC machines. This book further introduces a noteworthy representation based on 2D contours, which is essential to model the metal sheet in industrial processes. It additionally reviews applications of numerical algebraic geometry to differential equations systems with multiple solutions and bifurcations. Future Vision and Trends on Shapes, Geometry and Algebra is aimed specialists in the area of mathematics and computer science on the one hand and on the other hand at those who want to become familiar with the practical application of algebraic geometry and geometric modelling such as students, researchers and doctorates.
This second edition is a corrected and extended version of the first. It is a textbook for students, as well as a reference book for the working mathematician, on cohomological topics in number theory. In all it is a virtually complete treatment of a vast array of central topics in algebraic number theory. New material is introduced here on duality theorems for unramified and tamely ramified extensions as well as a careful analysis of 2-extensions of real number fields.
Recent advances in both the theory and implementation of computational algebraic geometry have led to new, striking applications to a variety of fields of research. The articles in this volume highlight a range of these applications and provide introductory material for topics covered in the IMA workshops on "Optimization and Control" and "Applications in Biology, Dynamics, and Statistics" held during the IMA year on Applications of Algebraic Geometry. The articles related to optimization and control focus on burgeoning use of semidefinite programming and moment matrix techniques in computational real algebraic geometry. The new direction towards a systematic study of non-commutative real algebraic geometry is well represented in the volume. Other articles provide an overview of the way computational algebra is useful for analysis of contingency tables, reconstruction of phylogenetic trees, and in systems biology. The contributions collected in this volume are accessible to non-experts, self-contained and informative; they quickly move towards cutting edge research in these areas, and provide a wealth of open problems for future research.
MATRIX is Australia's international and residential mathematical research institute. It facilitates new collaborations and mathematical advances through intensive residential research programs, each 1-4 weeks in duration. This book is a scientific record of the eight programs held at MATRIX in 2018: - Non-Equilibrium Systems and Special Functions - Algebraic Geometry, Approximation and Optimisation - On the Frontiers of High Dimensional Computation - Month of Mathematical Biology - Dynamics, Foliations, and Geometry In Dimension 3 - Recent Trends on Nonlinear PDEs of Elliptic and Parabolic Type - Functional Data Analysis and Beyond - Geometric and Categorical Representation Theory The articles are grouped into peer-reviewed contributions and other contributions. The peer-reviewed articles present original results or reviews on a topic related to the MATRIX program; the remaining contributions are predominantly lecture notes or short articles based on talks or activities at MATRIX.
This collection of 18 research papers, dedicated to Pierre Lelong, describes the state of the art on representative problems of complex analysis and geometry. The book opens with an exposition of the achievements of Pierre Lelong on plurisubharmonic functions, closed positive currents, and their further study by other mathematicians. Moreover, a list of eleven open problems is given. All other contributions contain new results related, for example, to the following items: - Capacities, product of positive currents, L2 extension theorems, Bergman kernels and metrics, new properties of convex domains of finite type - Non-compact boundaries of Levi-flat hypersurfaces of C2, compact boundary problems as application of compactly supported measures orthogonal to polynomials, Hartogs' theorem on some open subsets of a projective manifold, Malgrange vanishing theorem with support conditions - Embeddings for 3-dimensional CR-manifolds, geometrization of hypoellipticity, stationary complex curves and complete integrability - Regular polynomial mappings of Ck in complex dynamics, a direct proof of the density of repulsive cycles in the Julia set. The book is aimed at researchers and advanced graduate students in complex and real analysis, algebraic geometry and number theory.
This text on geometry is devoted to various central geometrical topics including: graphs of functions, transformations, (non-)Euclidean geometries, curves and surfaces as well as their applications in a variety of disciplines. This book presents elementary methods for analytical modeling and demonstrates the potential for symbolic computational tools to support the development of analytical solutions. The author systematically examines several powerful tools of MATLAB (R) including 2D and 3D animation of geometric images with shadows and colors and transformations using matrices. With over 150 stimulating exercises and problems, this text integrates traditional differential and non-Euclidean geometries with more current computer systems in a practical and user-friendly format. This text is an excellent classroom resource or self-study reference for undergraduate students in a variety of disciplines.
Manifolds fall naturally into two classes depending on whether they can be fitted with a distance measuring function or not. The former, metrisable manifolds, and especially compact manifolds, have been intensively studied by topologists for over a century, whereas the latter, non-metrisable manifolds, are much more abundant but have a more modest history, having become of increasing interest only over the past 40 years or so. The first book on this topic, this book ranges from criteria for metrisability, dynamics on non-metrisable manifolds, Nyikos's Bagpipe Theorem and whether perfectly normal manifolds are metrisable to structures on manifolds, especially the abundance of exotic differential structures and the dearth of foliations on the long plane. A rigid foliation of the Euclidean plane is described. This book is intended for graduate students and mathematicians who are curious about manifolds beyond the metrisability wall, and especially the use of Set Theory as a tool.
Meyer's Geometry and Its Applications, Second Edition, combines
traditional geometry with current ideas to present a modern
approach that is grounded in real-world applications. It balances
the deductive approach with discovery learning, and introduces
axiomatic, Euclidean geometry, non-Euclidean geometry, and
transformational geometry. The text integrates applications and
examples throughout and includes historical notes in many chapters.
This volume contains selected papers authored by speakers and participants of the 2013 Arbeitstagung, held at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn, Germany, from May 22-28. The 2013 meeting (and this resulting proceedings) was dedicated to the memory of Friedrich Hirzebruch, who passed away on May 27, 2012. Hirzebruch organized the first Arbeitstagung in 1957 with a unique concept that would become its most distinctive feature: the program was not determined beforehand by the organizers, but during the meeting by all participants in an open discussion. This ensured that the talks would be on the latest developments in mathematics and that many important results were presented at the conference for the first time. Written by leading mathematicians, the papers in this volume cover various topics from algebraic geometry, topology, analysis, operator theory, and representation theory and display the breadth and depth of pure mathematics that has always been characteristic of the Arbeitstagung.
This book provides a quick access to computational tools for algebraic geometry, the mathematical discipline which handles solution sets of polynomial equations. Originating from a number of intense one week schools taught by the authors, the text is designed so as to provide a step by step introduction which enables the reader to get started with his own computational experiments right away. The authors present the basic concepts and ideas in a compact way. |
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