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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Geometry
This book introduces the reader to important concepts in modern applied analysis, such as homogenization, gradient flows on metric spaces, geometric evolution, Gamma-convergence tools, applications of geometric measure theory, properties of interfacial energies, etc. This is done by tackling a prototypical problem of interfacial evolution in heterogeneous media, where these concepts are introduced and elaborated in a natural and constructive way. At the same time, the analysis introduces open issues of a general and fundamental nature, at the core of important applications. The focus on two-dimensional lattices as a prototype of heterogeneous media allows visual descriptions of concepts and methods through a large amount of illustrations.
This volume is the conference proceedings of the NATO ARW during August 2001 at Kananaskis Village, Canada on "New Techniques in Topological Quantum Field Theory." This conference brought together specialists from a number of different fields all related to Topological Quantum Field Theory. The theme of this conference was to attempt to find new methods in quantum topology from the interaction with specialists in these other fields. The featured articles include papers by V. Vassiliev on combinatorial formulas for cohomology of spaces of Knots, the computation of Ohtsuki series by N. Jacoby and R. Lawrence, and a paper by M. Asaeda and J. Przytycki on the torsion conjecture for Khovanov homology by Shumakovitch. Moreover, there are articles on more classical topics related to manifolds and braid groups by such well known authors as D. Rolfsen, H. Zieschang and F. Cohen.
The Bia owie a workshops on Geometric Methods in Physics are among the most important meetings in the field. Every year some 80 to 100 participants from both mathematics and physics join to discuss new developments and to interchange ideas. This volume contains contributions by selected speakers at the XXX meeting in 2011 as well as additional review articles and shows that the workshop remains at the cutting edge of ongoing research. The 2011 workshop focussed on the works of the late Felix A. Berezin (1931 1980) on the occasion of his 80th anniversary as well as on Bogdan Mielnik and Stanis aw Lech Woronowicz on their 75th and 70th birthday, respectively. The groundbreaking work of Berezin is discussed from today s perspective by presenting an overview of his ideas and their impact on further developments. He was, among other fields, active in representation theory, general concepts of quantization and coherent states, supersymmetry and supermanifolds. Another focus lies on the accomplishments of Bogdan Mielnik and Stanis aw Lech Woronowicz. Mielnik s geometricapproach to the description of quantum mixed states, the method of quantum state manipulation and their important implications for quantum computing and quantum entanglement are discussed as well as the intricacies of the quantum time operator. Woronowicz fruitful notion of a compact quantum group and related topics are also addressed."
This book is the result of many years of research in Non-Euclidean Geometries and Geometry of Lie groups, as well as teaching at Moscow State University (1947- 1949), Azerbaijan State University (Baku) (1950-1955), Kolomna Pedagogical Col lege (1955-1970), Moscow Pedagogical University (1971-1990), and Pennsylvania State University (1990-1995). My first books on Non-Euclidean Geometries and Geometry of Lie groups were written in Russian and published in Moscow: Non-Euclidean Geometries (1955) [Ro1] , Multidimensional Spaces (1966) [Ro2] , and Non-Euclidean Spaces (1969) [Ro3]. In [Ro1] I considered non-Euclidean geometries in the broad sense, as geometry of simple Lie groups, since classical non-Euclidean geometries, hyperbolic and elliptic, are geometries of simple Lie groups of classes Bn and D , and geometries of complex n and quaternionic Hermitian elliptic and hyperbolic spaces are geometries of simple Lie groups of classes An and en. [Ro1] contains an exposition of the geometry of classical real non-Euclidean spaces and their interpretations as hyperspheres with identified antipodal points in Euclidean or pseudo-Euclidean spaces, and in projective and conformal spaces. Numerous interpretations of various spaces different from our usual space allow us, like stereoscopic vision, to see many traits of these spaces absent in the usual space.
The Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA) conference covers a wide range of topics from Coding Theory to Differential Algebra to Quantam Computing, focusing on the interactions of these and other areas with the discipline of Computer Algebra. This volume provides the latest developments in the field as well as its applications in various domains, including communications, modelling, and theoretical physics. The book will appeal to researchers and professors of computer algebra, applied mathematics, and computer science, as well as to engineers and computer scientists engaged in research and development.
Like any books on a subject as vast as this, this book has to have a point-of-view to guide the selection of topics. Naber takes the view that the rekindled interest that mathematics and physics have shown in each other of late should be fostered, and that this is best accomplished by allowing them to cohabit. The book weaves together rudimentary notions from the classical gauge theory of physics with the topological and geometrical concepts that became the mathematical models of these notions. The reader is asked to join the author on some vague notion of what an electromagnetic field might be, to be willing to accept a few of the more elementary pronouncements of quantum mechanics, and to have a solid background in real analysis and linear algebra and some of the vocabulary of modern algebra. In return, the book offers an excursion that begins with the definition of a topological space and finds its way eventually to the moduli space of anti-self-dual SU(2) connections on S4 with instanton number -1.
The school, the book This book is based on lectures given by the authors of the various chapters in a three week long CIMPA summer school, held in Sophia-Antipolis (near Nice) in July 1992. The first week was devoted to the basics of symplectic and Riemannian geometry (Banyaga, Audin, Lafontaine, Gauduchon), the second was the technical one (Pansu, Muller, Duval, Lalonde and Sikorav). The final week saw the conclusion ofthe school (mainly McDuffand Polterovich, with complementary lectures by Lafontaine, Audin and Sikorav). Globally, the chapters here reflect what happened there. Locally, we have tried to reorganise some ofthe material to make the book more coherent. Hence, for instance, the collective (Audin, Lalonde, Polterovich) chapter on Lagrangian submanifolds and the appendices added to some of the chapters. Duval was not able to write up his lectures, so that genuine complex analysis will not appear in the book, although it is a very current tool in symplectic and contact geometry (and conversely). Hamiltonian systems and variational methods were the subject of some of Sikorav's talks, which he also was not able to write up. On the other hand, F. Labourie, who could not be at the school, wrote a chapter on pseudo-holomorphic curves in Riemannian geometry.
Written for mathematicians, engineers, and researchers in experimental science, as well as anyone interested in fractals, this book explains the geometrical and analytical properties of trajectories, aggregate contours, geographical coastlines, profiles of rough surfaces, and other curves of finite and fractal length. The approach is by way of precise definitions from which properties are deduced and applications and computational methods are derived. Written without the traditional heavy symbolism of mathematics texts, this book requires two years of calculus while also containing material appropriate for graduate coursework in curve analysis and/or fractal dimension.
This book provides an introduction to symplectic field theory, a new and important subject which is currently being developed. The starting point of this theory are compactness results for holomorphic curves established in the last decade. The author presents a systematic introduction providing a lot of background material, much of which is scattered throughout the literature. Since the content grew out of lectures given by the author, the main aim is to provide an entry point into symplectic field theory for non-specialists and for graduate students. Extensions of certain compactness results, which are believed to be true by the specialists but have not yet been published in the literature in detail, top off the scope of this monograph.
This volume brings together recent, original research and survey articles by leading experts in several fields that include singularity theory, algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. The motivation for this collection comes from the wide-ranging research of the distinguished mathematician, Antonio Campillo, in these and related fields. Besides his influence in the mathematical community stemming from his research, Campillo has also endeavored to promote mathematics and mathematicians' networking everywhere, especially in Spain, Latin America and Europe. Because of his impressive achievements throughout his career, we dedicate this book to Campillo in honor of his 65th birthday. Researchers and students from the world-wide, and in particular Latin American and European, communities in singularities, algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, coding theory, and other fields covered in the volume, will have interest in this book.
This monograph presents an introduction to some geometric and analytic aspects of the maximum principle. In doing so, it analyses with great detail the mathematical tools and geometric foundations needed to develop the various new forms that are presented in the first chapters of the book. In particular, a generalization of the Omori-Yau maximum principle to a wide class of differential operators is given, as well as a corresponding weak maximum principle and its equivalent open form and parabolicity as a special stronger formulation of the latter. In the second part, the attention focuses on a wide range of applications, mainly to geometric problems, but also on some analytic (especially PDEs) questions including: the geometry of submanifolds, hypersurfaces in Riemannian and Lorentzian targets, Ricci solitons, Liouville theorems, uniqueness of solutions of Lichnerowicz-type PDEs and so on. Maximum Principles and Geometric Applications is written in an easy style making it accessible to beginners. The reader is guided with a detailed presentation of some topics of Riemannian geometry that are usually not covered in textbooks. Furthermore, many of the results and even proofs of known results are new and lead to the frontiers of a contemporary and active field of research.
This marvelous book of pictures illustrates the fundamental concepts of geometric topology in a way that is very friendly to the reader. The first chapter discusses the meaning of surface and space and gives the classification of orientable surfaces. In the second chapter we are introduced to the Moebius band and surfaces that can be constructed from this non-orientable piece of fabric. In chapter 3, we see how curves can fit in surfaces and how surfaces can fit into spaces with these curves on their boundary. Basic applications to knot theory are discussed and four-dimensional space is introduced.In Chapter 4 we learn about some 3-dimensional spaces and surfaces that sit inside them. These surfaces help us imagine the structures of the larger space.Chapter 5 is completely new! It contains recent results of Cromwell, Izumiya and Marar. One of these results is a formula relating the rank of a surface to the number of triple points. The other major result is a collection of examples of surfaces in 3-space that have one triple point and 6 branch points. These are beautiful generalizations of the Steiner Roman surface.Chapter 6 reviews the movie technique for examining surfaces in 4-dimensional space. Various movies of the Klein bottle are presented, and the Carter-Saito movie move theorem is explained. The author shows us how to turn the 2-sphere inside out by means of these movie moves and this illustration alone is well worth the price of the book!In the last chapter higher dimensional spaces are examined from an elementary point of view.This is a guide book to a wide variety of topics. It will be of value to anyone who wants to understand the subject by way of examples. Undergraduates, beginning graduate students, and non-professionals will profit from reading the book and from just looking at the pictures.
The series is devoted to the publication of monographs and high-level textbooks in mathematics, mathematical methods and their applications. Apart from covering important areas of current interest, a major aim is to make topics of an interdisciplinary nature accessible to the non-specialist. The works in this series are addressed to advanced students and researchers in mathematics and theoretical physics. In addition, it can serve as a guide for lectures and seminars on a graduate level. The series de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics was founded ca. 35 years ago by the late Professor Heinz Bauer and Professor Peter Gabriel with the aim to establish a series of monographs and textbooks of high standard, written by scholars with an international reputation presenting current fields of research in pure and applied mathematics. While the editorial board of the Studies has changed with the years, the aspirations of the Studies are unchanged. In times of rapid growth of mathematical knowledge carefully written monographs and textbooks written by experts are needed more than ever, not least to pave the way for the next generation of mathematicians. In this sense the editorial board and the publisher of the Studies are devoted to continue the Studies as a service to the mathematical community. Please submit any book proposals to Niels Jacob. Titles in planning include Flavia Smarazzo and Alberto Tesei, Measure Theory: Radon Measures, Young Measures, and Applications to Parabolic Problems (2019) Elena Cordero and Luigi Rodino, Time-Frequency Analysis of Operators (2019) Mark M. Meerschaert, Alla Sikorskii, and Mohsen Zayernouri, Stochastic and Computational Models for Fractional Calculus, second edition (2020) Mariusz Lemanczyk, Ergodic Theory: Spectral Theory, Joinings, and Their Applications (2020) Marco Abate, Holomorphic Dynamics on Hyperbolic Complex Manifolds (2021) Miroslava Antic, Joeri Van der Veken, and Luc Vrancken, Differential Geometry of Submanifolds: Submanifolds of Almost Complex Spaces and Almost Product Spaces (2021) Kai Liu, Ilpo Laine, and Lianzhong Yang, Complex Differential-Difference Equations (2021) Rajendra Vasant Gurjar, Kayo Masuda, and Masayoshi Miyanishi, Affine Space Fibrations (2022)
This book offers an advanced course on "Computational Geometry for Ships". It takes into account the recent rapid progress in this field by adapting modern computational methodology to ship geometric applications. Preliminary curve and surface techniques are included to educate engineers in the use of mathematical methods to assist in CAD and other design areas. In addition, there is a comprehensive study of interpolation and approximation techniques, which is reinforced by direct application to ship curve design, ship curve fairing techniques and other related disciplines. The design, evaluation and production of ship surface geometries are further demonstrated by including current and evolving CAD modelling systems.
This up-to-date monograph, providing an up-to-date overview of the field of Hepatitis Prevention and Treatment, includes contributions from internationally recognized experts on viral hepatitis, and covers the current state of knowledge and practice regarding the molecular biology, immunology, biochemistry, pharmacology and clinical aspects of chronic HBV and HCV infection. The book provides the latest information, with sufficient background and discussion of the literature to benefit the newcomer to the field.
Expositions of quantitative methods and algorithms for biological data tend to be scattered through the technical literature, often across different fields, and are thus awkward to assimilate. This book documents one example of this: the relationship between the cell biology idea of metabolic networks and the mathematical idea of polyhedral cones. Such cones can be used to describe the set of steady-state admissible fluxes through metabolic networks, and consequently have become important constructs in the field of microbiology. Via convex cone concepts, fundamental objects called elementary flux modes (EFMs) can be described mathematically. The fundamental algorithm of this relationship is the double description method, which has an extended history in the field of computational geometry. This monograph addresses its relatively recent use in the context of cellular metabolism. Metabolic Networks, Elementary Flux Modes, and Polyhedral Cones: Addresses important topics in the mathematical description of metabolic activity that have not previously appeared in unified form. Introduces a central topic of mathematical systems biology in a manner accessible to nonmathematicians with some mathematical and computational experience. Presents a careful study of the double description method, a fundamental algorithm of computational geometry, in the context of metabolic analysis. The core audience for this book includes mathematicians, engineers, and biologists interested in cell metabolism. Computational geometers will also find it of interest.
This book focuses on complex geometry and covers highly active topics centered around geometric problems in several complex variables and complex dynamics, written by some of the world's leading experts in their respective fields. This book features research and expository contributions from the 2013 Abel Symposium, held at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim on July 2-5, 2013. The purpose of the symposium was to present the state of the art on the topics, and to discuss future research directions.
Thisseries is devoted to the publication of monographs, lecture resp. seminar notes, and other materials arising from programs of the OSU Mathemaical Research Institute. This includes proceedings of conferences or workshops held at the Institute, and other mathematical writings.
A new combinatorial foundation of the two concepts, based on a consideration of deep and classical results of homotopy theory, and an axiomatic characterization of the assumptions under which results in this field hold. Includes numerous explicit examples and applications in various fields of topology and algebra.
During the last couple of years, fractals have been shown to represent the common aspects of many complex processes occurring in an unusually diverse range of fields including biology, chemistry, earth sciences, physics and technology. Using fractal geometry as a language, it has become possible to get a deeper insight into previously intractable problems. Among many others, a better understanding of growth phenomena, turbulence, iteractive functions, colloidal aggregation, biological pattern formation and inhomogenous materials has emerged through the application of such concepts as scale invariance, self-affinity and multifractality.This volume contains a selection of high quality papers that discuss the latest developments in the research of fractals. It is divided into 5 sections and contains altogether 64 papers. Each paper is written by a well known author or authors in the field. Beginning each section is a short introduction, written by a prominent author, which gives a brief overview of the topics discussed in the respective sections.
Thisseries is devoted to the publication of monographs, lecture resp. seminar notes, and other materials arising from programs of the OSU Mathemaical Research Institute. This includes proceedings of conferences or workshops held at the Institute, and other mathematical writings.
Stochastic geometry deals with models for random geometric structures. Its early beginnings are found in playful geometric probability questions, and it has vigorously developed during recent decades, when an increasing number of real-world applications in various sciences required solid mathematical foundations. Integral geometry studies geometric mean values with respect to invariant measures and is, therefore, the appropriate tool for the investigation of random geometric structures that exhibit invariance under translations or motions. Stochastic and Integral Geometry provides the mathematically oriented reader with a rigorous and detailed introduction to the basic stationary models used in stochastic geometry random sets, point processes, random mosaics and to the integral geometry that is needed for their investigation. The interplay between both disciplines is demonstrated by various fundamental results. A chapter on selected problems about geometric probabilities and an outlook to non-stationary models are included, and much additional information is given in the section notes."
The central theme of this book is the study of self-dual connections on four-manifolds. The author's aim is to present a lucid introduction to moduli space techniques (for vector bundles with SO (3) as structure group) and to apply them to four-manifolds. The authors have adopted a topologists' perspective. For example, they have included some explicit calculations using the Atiyah-Singer index theorem as well as methods from equivariant topology in the study of the topology of the moduli space. Results covered include Donaldson's Theorem that the only positive definite form which occurs as an intersection form of a smooth four-manifold is the standard positive definite form, as well as those of Fintushel and Stern which show that the integral homology cobordism group of integral homology three-spheres has elements of infinite order. Little previous knowledge of differential geometry is assumed and so postgraduate students and research workers will find this both an accessible and complete introduction to currently one of the most active areas of mathematical research.
An impressive collection of original research papers in discrete and computational geometry, contributed by many leading researchers in these fields, as a tribute to Jacob E. Goodman and Richard Pollack, two of the ‘founding fathers’ of the area, on the occasion of their 2/3 x 100 birthdays. The topics covered by the 41 papers provide professionals and graduate students with a comprehensive presentation of the state of the art in most aspects of discrete and computational geometry, including geometric algorithms, study of arrangements, geometric graph theory, quantitative and algorithmic real algebraic geometry, with important connections to algebraic geometry, convexity, polyhedral combinatorics, the theory of packing, covering, and tiling. The book serves as an invaluable source of reference in this discipline. |
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